Would You Reject a Man based on looks only?

Would You Reject a Man Based on Looks?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 273 81.7%
  • No!

    Votes: 61 18.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Men do it all the time, so why should I be stuck with someone I am not fully attracted to because they have a nice personality ? We could be friends, but nothing more than that.
if the guy was very ugly, yes. He needs to look decent for me to be with him no matter how good a person he is.

Guys dont feel any guilt when going for better looking females do they? :look:
True. In those teen movies, there is always some nerdy unattractive guy in love with a hottie, and at the end, it's supposed to be a "happy ending" when she stops being "superficial" and gives him a chance. But I'm thinking, heck, you liked her because she was pretty! So why is she not given the same privilege?

Anyway, I would definitely reject a man if *I* found him repulsive. I do however have my own quirky tastes. There are a lot of supposedly handsome men that other women swoon over, that I don't think are handsome at all. And even the men that I DO think are handsome, I still don't find some of them *attractive*. (To me, there is a difference).
True. In those teen movies, there is always some nerdy unattractive guy in love with a hottie, and at the end, it's supposed to be a "happy ending" when she stops being "superficial" and gives him a chance. But I'm thinking, heck, you liked her because she was pretty! So why is she not given the same privilege?

Anyway, I would definitely reject a man if *I* found him repulsive. I do however have my own quirky tastes. There are a lot of supposedly handsome men that other women swoon over, that I don't think are handsome at all. And even the men that I DO think are handsome, I still don't find some of them *attractive*. (To me, there is a difference).

The bolded is soooooooooooo true. But the funny thing about those teen movies is that (sometimes) they'll take a really handsome guy (i.e. Dean Cain looking guy) and put glasses on him and make him look "nerdy," but then the popular girl will give him a "makeover" and then he's a hunk!
Yup. And considering how hard men are on women when it comes to physical appearance, I don't feel the least bit bad about it.
i'm literally gagging at the thought of having to tolerate a physically repulsive man no matter how much of whatever he has.
but if donald trump's wife can do it...
Ok are we talking bout, teeth? hygiene? Height? Voice quality? get up and go? cause if their teeth are busted thats my first test, keeping your grill clean:grin: clean finger nails unless they are a mechanic, clean cropped hair thats what Im talkin bout, then maybe they will get an interview:lachen:
Yes, I would. If I can't see myself kissing this person and the thought of it makes me nauseous, there is no chance. The sad part is most of these astheticaly challenged men always want beautiful and fine women, go figure.
Yep. Men do it all the time. So why can't women have certain physical preferences? I don't like fat men so I won't date one. We could be friends and maybe something might develop but he would have to slim down...
Yes. If I cant stand the look of you then I cant see myself romantically with you. And I find that to be an important part of a relationship.:yep:

Came back to add. If its a matter of things you can change then absolutely not. I feel like you cant help your looks but hygiene and dressing in clean shoes and clothes, thats important to me. Obesity is also something Ima add to the list. You should respect yourself enough to take care of yourself. I do it and I expect the same.

While I agree with what you're saying, sometimes this has to do with exposure (the dressing part) and time. Obesity can happen to anyone, especially women. I totally agree that we need to take care of ourselves, but honestly that's cosmetic and can be changed with love and support and lifestyle changes. But I understand that there are different deal breakers with everyone.

There are too many factors to consider for me to say 'Yes' definitively.

I agree with the above....too many outlyers to say definitely yeah or nay.

BTW being beautiful and having a handsome man does not guarantee beautiful kids. And the church said....AMEN! There are plenty of beautiful people with not-so-beautiful kids. Plus inevitably we all go through some kind of ugly phase.

I know physical attraction is important in a relationship but I have also realized that it does not relate only to looks. There are other things usually a bit intangible, that actually make a person attractive. I am sure you would agree that sometimes you meet a really handsome guy and yet there is no attraction, you can appreciate him aesthetically but you wouldn't necessarily swoon over him. So I wouldn't reduce attractiveness to looks. For me its also in someone's manner of being, of carrying themselves etc...I'm so with you there. A man with swagger does it for me. A man who looks good in his clothes. That's why I love JAY-Z (a.k.a. Joe Camel), he has swagger.

AND.... we all know beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so all those supposedly "ugly" men being passed up... well, someone will see their beauty.:yep:

AND.... I hope those so bent on a guys looks are at least equally beautiful/attractive...:look: because it would be unfair not to use the same measuring stick (that we use on the guys) on ourselves. HELLO!!!!!

So to answer the OPs original question, I wouldn't outright reject someone based on looks. At least I hope not. First of all I have never been approached by what some people here are describing as 100% ugly - is there such a thing?? And even when someone isn't the whole package when it come to looks, I listen to what they have to say and try to get to know them if I am so inclined. If not, then I hope its not based on looks alone.

Just my two cents worth.

As long as the guy is attractive to ME, then that's all that really matters. I really couldn't care less what other people thought about him. I'm the one who would have to go home with him every night. :look: So if I find him appealing, then that's all that really matters to me. And the church said again...AMEN!!!!! This is where other folk need to say out of other people's relationships. Listening to others could make you lose out on someone who could make you happy for the rest of your life, rather than a temporal piece of eye candy.

Attractiveness is also MORE than just "good looks". It could be the person's demeanor, body/physical type, eyes, smile, the way they carry themselves, etc. So, it's not just a "pretty/handsome face". Sometimes a guy will not be the most nice-looking guy in the room, but he has a nice engaging personality, and something about his eyes or smile just draw you in.

So, I'm not saying my guy has to look like a GQ model or anything. :lol: Just someone I can stand to look at and won't be disgusted by.

This post is really timely for me as I've just embarked on a relationship with someone who typically is not my type. He's not ugly by any means, but he is overweight. But his swagger is over the top. He's hyper intelligent, super sweet, sensitive, kind, caring and totally devoted to me. We just spent time together this weekend and I couldn't have been more pleased. I acted like (and I meant it) he was the most attractive man in the world. He's losing weight, working out twice a day, changing his eating habits, etc. In the car last night he said that he now has extra motivation to take better care of himself and lose weight. He cares for me flaws and all....and I him.

He treats me like a queen and I treat him like a king. I've dated cut, buff super fine men before and was treated horribly. So if I have the choice between looking into the eyes of heartbreak or looking into the eyes of love, I'll take love for $1000 Alex...LOL

Just my .10,

I would not date a guy I was not attracted to and we would not be friends if he was that ugly.

There is this guy I work with who used to ask me out all the time last year. I constantly had to tell him no - he thought I was playing hard to get:rolleyes: but I wasn't - my skin crawled everytime I see him. He's always trying to speak to me in a low voice and touch my hands. His hands are so rough, dry and cracked it makes me sick - I used to use purell and lotion after he would touch me (no lie).

I have never seen a man so ugle in my entire life. I used to think that most people were better looking when they smile. :nono::nono::nono: I know now that is a wrong assumption. This man gets uglier when he smiles. :ohwell: He looks a cross between Flava Flav and a gremlin.:look:
yes i would reject him
Not to be cruel or bad but it would never work.....
Do u think a guy would be with a ugly girl cos she had a nice personality???

i think not
yes i would reject him
Not to be cruel or bad but it would never work.....
Do u think a guy would be with a ugly girl cos she had a nice personality???

i think not

I already responded to this post, but I agree..very few men..(I mean can count on on hand) would date a woman he wasnt physically attracted to because she has a nice personality. We already know that men a visual learners, so that would be a hard sell. Again I didnt say all men, but a very small portion could overlook LOOKS!!
I think there are exceptions, some guys can just be cute in their own unique way.
i've broken up with some guys over looks. Nothing personal. I just wasn't attracted to them. Or I thought I was and somewhere along the way, it died.
Yep and have rejected some "great personalities" because of same. :yep: :yep: No guilt whatsoever. If I can't look at you...how could I date you? :nono: :nono: