Would You Reject a Man based on looks only?

Would You Reject a Man Based on Looks?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 273 81.7%
  • No!

    Votes: 61 18.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Like they said in Grease, "tell me more, tell me more...":lachen:

True Story:

Black Man... Bangin body...Professional in his chosen field...200k range...No kids...owned property...zero debt...straight...nice dresser...BUT

#1 He had the underbite from hell :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::Devil:

It's a trip because we used talk via IM quite often. We had a large amount of common interests. Our educational backgrounds are similar. We lived in the same city and often attended the same social events. It would get to a point where I'd go for weeks on end without seeing him but I'd talk to him almost every day. He was a great conversationalist. I'd ask myself "Browndi, why don't you go out with him more often?" Then I'd remember why when I saw him again. :nono:

I know this sounds terribly shallow but I just couldn't bare to look at his face for too long. :( I couldn't picture myself kissing someone with an underbite that huge. I couldn't imagine him going downtown either... tryinig lick the goods but always winding up in my ***. :blush: Just bein real. I tried many times to talk myself into dating this guy but the physical attraction for me simply wasn't there...and I couldn't do it. I was too much of a punk to tell him why I really didn't want to kick it with him too. I could never come up with the right words to say "I just don't like your monster face." :covereyes

#2 His voice was INCREDIBLY nasal (think Steve Urkel)

That's why we were always in IM... I couldn't stand his poindexter voice. :look:

#3 Had man boobs, got them lypoed... and told me about it.


#4 He was cheap/stingy

During the times we were together, I noticed how he treated his tenants and I peeped how he tipped waiters & valet. Cheapness (is that a word?) is a huge turn off for me.

When I added all of those things up on top of my main reason #1 - I just couldn't do it. I recently saw him at a jazz festival and he called me out as I was walking by. Introduced me to his fiance... she was ugly too. :ohwell: I think he was taken aback by the smile on my face when he told me he was engaged.
lmaooooooo at this posttttttttt--omg this is too funyyy--gurrrllll--clutches pearlsssssssssss---u broke it down

True Story:

Black Man... Bangin body...Professional in his chosen field...200k range...No kids...owned property...zero debt...straight...nice dresser...BUT

#1 He had the underbite from hell :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::Devil:

It's a trip because we used talk via IM quite often. We had a large amount of common interests. Our educational backgrounds are similar. We lived in the same city and often attended the same social events. It would get to a point where I'd go for weeks on end without seeing him but I'd talk to him almost every day. He was a great conversationalist. I'd ask myself "Browndi, why don't you go out with him more often?" Then I'd remember why when I saw him again. :nono:

I know this sounds terribly shallow but I just couldn't bare to look at his face for too long. :( I couldn't picture myself kissing someone with an underbite that huge. I couldn't imagine him going downtown either... tryinig lick the goods but always winding up in my ***. :blush: Just bein real. I tried many times to talk myself into dating this guy but the physical attraction for me simply wasn't there...and I couldn't do it. I was too much of a punk to tell him why I really didn't want to kick it with him too. I could never come up with the right words to say "I just don't like your monster face." :covereyes

#2 His voice was INCREDIBLY nasal (think Steve Urkel)

That's why we were always in IM... I couldn't stand his poindexter voice. :look:

#3 Had man boobs, got them lypoed... and told me about it.


#4 He was cheap/stingy

During the times we were together, I noticed how he treated his tenants and I peeped how he tipped waiters & valet. Cheapness (is that a word?) is a huge turn off for me.

When I added all of those things up on top of my main reason #1 - I just couldn't do it. I recently saw him at a jazz festival and he called me out as I was walking by. Introduced me to his fiance... she was ugly too. :ohwell: I think he was taken aback by the smile on my face when he told me he was engaged.
Yes I would.

I used to feel bad about it, but the times I didn't listen to myself, I ended up worse off than when I started.

Life is too short for an ugly man you just can't see yourself with.
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lachen::grin: But maybe if he got his teefus:lol: fixed, he wouldn't have been so unappealing??? Not sure!

True Story:

Black Man... Bangin body...Professional in his chosen field...200k range...No kids...owned property...zero debt...straight...nice dresser...BUT

#1 He had the underbite from hell :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::Devil:

It's a trip because we used talk via IM quite often. We had a large amount of common interests. Our educational backgrounds are similar. We lived in the same city and often attended the same social events. It would get to a point where I'd go for weeks on end without seeing him but I'd talk to him almost every day. He was a great conversationalist. I'd ask myself "Browndi, why don't you go out with him more often?" Then I'd remember why when I saw him again. :nono:

I know this sounds terribly shallow but I just couldn't bare to look at his face for too long. :( I couldn't picture myself kissing someone with an underbite that huge. I couldn't imagine him going downtown either... tryinig lick the goods but always winding up in my ***. :blush: Just bein real. I tried many times to talk myself into dating this guy but the physical attraction for me simply wasn't there...and I couldn't do it. I was too much of a punk to tell him why I really didn't want to kick it with him too. I could never come up with the right words to say "I just don't like your monster face." :covereyes

#2 His voice was INCREDIBLY nasal (think Steve Urkel)

That's why we were always in IM... I couldn't stand his poindexter voice. :look:

#3 Had man boobs, got them lypoed... and told me about it.


#4 He was cheap/stingy

During the times we were together, I noticed how he treated his tenants and I peeped how he tipped waiters & valet. Cheapness (is that a word?) is a huge turn off for me.

When I added all of those things up on top of my main reason #1 - I just couldn't do it. I recently saw him at a jazz festival and he called me out as I was walking by. Introduced me to his fiance... she was ugly too. :ohwell: I think he was taken aback by the smile on my face when he told me he was engaged.
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Yes I would. I don't want a man that has to grow on me. And also I've dated an unattractive man but I guess he didn't know he was ugly b/c he treated me like crap.
Yes. In college this short dude, with huge pimples all over his face used to stalk me non-stop. He was sooo unattractive and thought of kissing him makes me gag. Couldn't and wouldn't do it. I have however fallen for guys who are somewhat unattractive after we've been friends for a while.
No. I have dated some men that were not attractive but they had some nice features. If he is 100% ugly, no can do buddy.

Same here, but for me, if I am not attracted to them the first few times we're together I don't count the person out. Over time, when you find out their personality and how much of a great person they are, they begin to look attractive, at least this is the case for me. But 100% ugly...repulsive....hmm...i dunno about that one....
Just wondering. If a man had all the other qualities you wanted, but he was truly unattractive to you (I'm talking almost repulsive looking), would you reject dating/marrying him?

My cousing just ended things with a guy b/c she said there was no physical attraction. I'm not as caught up in looks myself, but I will admit, he wasn't a handsome guy. However, I think he was a wonderful person, and would have been good for her. But, obviously, I can't make decisions for anyone but myself!:yep:

If she didnt find the person attractive, there is no point in being with him. It spells desperation if she did. Like whats the point?
Not all the time.

I have dated plenty of men, even had a long term relationship, who are not considered handsome or good looking. One was quite ugly, but there were other beautiful things about him that attracted me.

Looks are not everything, but unfortunately it is the first thing we see/notice about a person and it's that quality that helps us decide whether or not to give them the time of day.
This made me laugh.
...ugly guys never seem happy to date within their leagues! Its funny how pretty women would somehow justify dating oogly men but same guys wont give women that are well in their own leaugue the time of the day!

I know, right!
Yes. If I cant stand the look of you then I cant see myself romantically with you. And I find that to be an important part of a relationship.:yep:

Came back to add. If its a matter of things you can change then absolutely not. I feel like you cant help your looks but hygiene and dressing in clean shoes and clothes, thats important to me. Obesity is also something Ima add to the list. You should respect yourself enough to take care of yourself. I do it and I expect the same.
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This made me laugh.
...ugly guys never seem happy to date within their leagues! Its funny how pretty women would somehow justify dating oogly men but same guys wont give women that are well in their own leaugue the time of the day!

Preach! I struggle to understand this myself.
Yes...my last...um....friend was not high up in the looks dept even though he thought so. I told ya'll about him before, I was slipping on the alcoholic slopes when I was seeing him. I had to get my drink on before we got physical. It was the longest 3 months of my life. I can overlook some small things..but other small things are too big to ignore if you know what I mean :grin: He didn't even have that going on. One time I was looking at Mr&Mrs Smith over his shoulder, those 5 mins passed quickly. :lachen: If the attraction isn't there, it's just too much work to force it.

Yes...my last...um....friend was not high up in the looks dept even though he thought so. I told ya'll about him before, I was slipping on the alcoholic slopes when I was seeing him. I had to get my drink on before we got physical. It was the longest 3 months of my life. I can overlook some small things..but other small things are too big to ignore if you know what I mean :grin: He didn't even have that going on. One time I was looking at Mr&Mrs Smith over his shoulder, those 5 mins passed quickly. :lachen: If the attraction isn't there, it's just too much work to force it.

:lachen::lachen::lachen: A girl after my own heart. This is too funny.

My answer is - yes i would reject a man. Imagine being with someone for the rest of your life that you found unattrative. I want to walk down the road and be proud of my man (i like having arm candy :look:)
Yes.. I'm sorry, but I would, and I have more than a few times. :look:

If there's NO physical attraction there whatsoever then no, I wouldn't date him. Even if he had the kindness and goodwill of Ghandi. I'm sorry... First of all, it wouldn't be fair to him. I also wouldn't want a guy to be with me and NOT be physically attracted to me. That wouldn't be fair to ME either.

Plus, part of the husband/wife duty is to have an intimate relationship with each other. But if there's no physical attraction, being with him would feel like death every time. :barf: Not only that, but I may refuse to fulfill my "duties" due to my lack of attraction for him, and that wouldn't be fair or loving to him either.

So, bottom line....if you're not attracted to a guy physically at ALL, then I don't see the point in making him a romantic partner. It's not fair to you OR him IMO. :ohwell:

That's just my two cents! :lol:
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Yes I would but not in all cases. It really just depends. With some you can overlook it but with others, it's just not going to happen, sorry. Q
Yes. In most cases, you don't notice someone's good personality from across the room. It just ain't happening. I'm very particular in all aspects of my life. I always want things to be "just so." Although I can be very indecisive, most times, I know what I like when I see it. That being said, no one's perfect. I have flaws and insecurities like the next person, but if I'm not attracted to you from the get-go, then there is no way that I'm going to change my feelings. It's okay to have standards, but of course there is a limit. As with most things, "everything in moderation."