Would you guys date a fat guy?

Would you date a fat guy?

  • Yes..who cares

    Votes: 61 22.5%
  • No..if I take care of myself I accept you to do the same

    Votes: 144 53.1%
  • Maybe...elaborated

    Votes: 66 24.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Been there, done that, won't do it again! I tried, but I just couldn't. He was nice, but since I'm in the gym 6 days a week, and take care of myself, I couldn't see myself with him in a long term relationship. He breathed heavy, complained about his knees, hands were always sweaty, and always wanted to know what I was cooking. He would sweat all the time. I mean buckets of it, even in COLD weather.

I sat there one day and drifted off imagining what it would be like to be in a relationship with him. Here is what I came up with:

a. we would have to get larger bed - one with steel beams for support. (we had sex one time, and it was on my living room floor. Clearly, I didn't want him to break my bed down! Since he complained about his knees, he couldn't get it like I wanted it - I know it's TMI, but I'm being honest.) Plus he had boobs, and this really deep naval *Sighs*

b. we would definitely have to get a larger vehicle - he drove one of those huge pick up trucks...I imagined that we would have to get one of those Caravans.

c. Our grocery bill would skyrocket!

d. Our laundry bill would skyrocket! (More detergent to wash his big clothes!

e. Our energy bill would skyrocket! (see c & d).

Bottom line, everything would increase. Eventually, I just faded to black and stop taking his calls.
Been there, done that, won't do it again! I tried, but I just couldn't. He was nice, but since I'm in the gym 6 days a week, and take care of myself, I couldn't see myself with him in a long term relationship. He breathed heavy, complained about his knees, hands were always sweaty, and always wanted to know what I was cooking. He would sweat all the time. I mean buckets of it, even in COLD weather.

I sat there one day and drifted off imagining what it would be like to be in a relationship with him. Here is what I came up with:

a. we would have to get larger bed - one with steel beams for support. (we had sex one time, and it was on my living room floor. Clearly, I didn't want him to break my bed down! Since he complained about his knees, he couldn't get it like I wanted it - I know it's TMI, but I'm being honest.) Plus he had boobs, and this really deep naval *Sighs*

b. we would definitely have to get a larger vehicle - he drove one of those huge pick up trucks...I imagined that we would have to get one of those Caravans.

c. Our grocery bill would skyrocket!

d. Our laundry bill would skyrocket! (More detergent to wash his big clothes!

e. Our energy bill would skyrocket! (see c & d).

Bottom line, everything would increase. Eventually, I just faded to black and stop taking his calls.

Been there, done that, won't do it again! I tried, but I just couldn't. He was nice, but since I'm in the gym 6 days a week, and take care of myself, I couldn't see myself with him in a long term relationship. He breathed heavy, complained about his knees, hands were always sweaty, and always wanted to know what I was cooking. He would sweat all the time. I mean buckets of it, even in COLD weather.

I sat there one day and drifted off imagining what it would be like to be in a relationship with him. Here is what I came up with:

a. we would have to get larger bed - one with steel beams for support. (we had sex one time, and it was on my living room floor. Clearly, I didn't want him to break my bed down! Since he complained about his knees, he couldn't get it like I wanted it - I know it's TMI, but I'm being honest.) Plus he had boobs, and this really deep naval *Sighs*

b. we would definitely have to get a larger vehicle - he drove one of those huge pick up trucks...I imagined that we would have to get one of those Caravans.

c. Our grocery bill would skyrocket!

d. Our laundry bill would skyrocket! (More detergent to wash his big clothes!

e. Our energy bill would skyrocket! (see c & d).

Bottom line, everything would increase. Eventually, I just faded to black and stop taking his calls.

.... :funny:
I have but he was so damn arrogant!!! And you cannot throw "with your fat ***" into an arguement, because he was cute enough to be with...
to be honest, I don't think I would mind being with someone who is overweight- BUT--- (and this is a seriously big but- no pun intended! :ohwell: lol) because i'm trying to make a lifestyle change for myself- losing weight, changing my eating and living habits, and trying to improve my overall well-being, I don't think it would be conducive to my lifestyle at this point.

I think its a hell of a different thing when you both can get down on some funyuns and some reese's cups together, lol, but when one of you can and it PAINS you to watch (only cos you want to snatch the damned bag out of his hands..) i'll pass right now.

I will say I DON'T think weight has an effect on the ability of love and the personality of an individual but I will say when I was much, much, much larger, I was far more jealous and insecure. I couldn't be with someone that was similar to how I used to be, especially since all i'm looking for right now is my life partner. It just wouldn't be especially helpful. :nono: Just my opinion. ;)
I have but he was so damn arrogant!!! And you cannot throw "with your fat ***" into an arguement, because he was cute enough to be with...

lol, to be honest....
Most of the overweight men i've tried to be with ARE ALWAYS arrogant. I think honestly, its a defense mechanism. To overcome (and, of course, to overcompensate) for low self-esteem and to make it seem like they are more desirable, i've noticed a lot of overweight guys WILL do this. Screw that- I CAN'T TAKE A DAMN SKINNY MAN WHO'S ARROGANT (even if he IS fine!). Just ain't worth it! :grin:
Just how fat are we talking?

I've dated overweight guys- MisterMan is in shape from the waist down and the stomach up. :grin: I don't mind the tummy.

My ex was the same way. I like bigger guys more than skinny guys- those dudes give me a complex. :perplexed
Depends on the level of fat and how he handled it emotionally. He'd have to be fit enough that we could be physically active without it causing problems. Also, if it affected his self-esteem too much, it would have to be a no go. :nono:
OMG I'm in the EXACT same situation as the OP. This guy is awesome except... the fat thing. Now I don't mind my men a little fluffy. I'll take a fluffy man over a rail thin one anyday. But he's EXTRA fluffy. I mean man boobs are just NOT acceptable and not a good look. Damn he even has that fat roll on the back of his neck :nono:

However, when I met him he seemed cool so I said give him a chance, don't be shallow you never know, he could have just lost 100 pds and be on his way to getting in shape. I'm celibate anyway so it's not like I gotta see him naked or have him on top of me. Sure enough he's lost 75 pds since last June and wants to lose 60 more. He works out every single day faithfully and seems really motivated and determined. So I told him to call me in 6 months (just kidding).

We've been out twice and I'll continue to date him and how it goes. If it works out I'll be thinking about what I almost passed up because of his weight. HOWEVER if he wasnt already on the path he's on and had no intentions of losing weight, naw I couldnt/wouldnt do it.

Ok I lied. I had to kick his fat *** to the curb. He had other issues too but his weight, :nono: he was just disgusting. I couldn't get past it. Carry on.
see the thing with fat dudes is that heavy breathing.

i knew this fat dude and i could hear him breathing all the time.

so one time i did not and started thinking SIDS! i freaked out, but he would just do that from time to time and breathe regular. i don't think he had any control over it.

see, that there would mess with my blood pressure.

he sweat alllll the freaking time and his knees rubbed together.

his shoes had this gangsta lean thing going on and it was a mess.

he was just someone i know but i would never date anyone that fat. i don't care how cute his face is.

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see the thing with fat dudes is that heavy breathing.

i knew this fat dude and i could hear him breathing all the time.

so one time i did not and started thinking SIDS! i freaked out, but would just do that from time to time and breathe regular. i don't think he had any control over it.

see, that there would mess with my blood pressure.

he sweat alllll the freaking time and his knees rubbed together.

his shoes had this gangsta lean thing going on and it was a mess.

he was just someone i know but i would never date anyone that fat. i don't care how cute his face is.


LOL! Sudden Infant Death Syndrome? Must have been real serious!!
Ok so here's the situation, my bff has a friend that likes me, he is everything I would want in a guy but he is fat. He's handsome, goes to church, goal oriented, loves his family and knows how to treat a lady but I cant get over the fat thing, what should I do?

I would get to know him, and see how much you really like him. Then try to motivate him to workout with you. :grin:
Good black men are in low supply. Chubby is OK if everything else is good. A lot of it has to do with how the man carries himself and if he is confident. If he is tall, he can be big without being sloppy. And, weight can come off.

Get him a treadmill and a lowcarb diet or jenny craig, and then walk around with your fiiiiiiiine, smart brother in a few months :grin:
Good black men are in low supply. Chubby is OK if everything else is good. A lot of it has to do with how the man carries himself and if he is confident. If he is tall, he can be big without being sloppy. And, weight can come off.

Get him a treadmill and a lowcarb diet or jenny craig, and then walk around with your fiiiiiiiine, smart brother in a few months :grin:

I know this is off topic, but I don't necessarily agree with that...

If a woman is cool with a chubby guy, then go for it... but don't get with one because you feel that good black men are in short supply. Plus, for anyone who's trying to lose weight, man or woman, it's not that simple to just get on a treadmill and start eating low carb. If it was, he woulda done it already and approached as a slim brotha...

I don't believe in taking on a man as a project. If you get with him and you like him, and you two decide to work on a weight-loss program together later on, great. But don't go into it thinking that you'll change him and this is what you have to do to get a decent black man... nuh uh. :nono:

As for me, no, I wouldn't date a fat guy.