Would U date a guy, just cause he's hott?

Would you date him, hook up, or 1-night stand?

  • Date him openly, I'm grown I have needs & don't care what people think.

    Votes: 33 51.6%
  • Date him on the DL, I'm grown I have needs but I don't want people all up in my biz.

    Votes: 10 15.6%
  • Hook-up openly, I'm grown I have needs & don't care what people think.

    Votes: 7 10.9%
  • Hook-up on the DL, I'm grown I have needs but I don't want people all up in my biz.

    Votes: 11 17.2%
  • 1-night stand openly, I'm grown I have needs & don't care what people think.

    Votes: 7 10.9%
  • 1-night stand on the DL, I'm grown I have needs but I don't want people all up in my biz.

    Votes: 8 12.5%

  • Total voters
I totally did this and it was a complete waste of time in the long run! He was ridiculously cute but we just didn't click (nothing really wrong with him). I just figured I would date him and look at his face as much as I wanted! I should have just tried to be friends with him so I could still stare at him but enjoy his company without any false pretenses. Too late now...
Nope I couldnt' do it. "Hotness" is not enough. If I can't even have a conversation with you and we don't share similiar interests, I tend to get bored and irritated, and probably wouldn't even want to be around him.
I did it once in my younger days. Footballer at my undergrad. We didnt really date more than we had "fun". It got tiring very fast. I started dodging him around school and phone calls.
Oh, I voted yes before reading the OP.

I have before.. the man was BEAUTIFUL! An Adonis even. FOINE as all heck. Sculpted face, green eyes, body was BANGIN.....

.........but he was mad dull. Not an a-hole (he was very nice, actually), just dull. Meh...he looked bright on my arm for those 6 months though! I even had men hatin... We went to Blockbuster once and this guy said "Girl, you are lucky because he is GORGEOUS!!" :look: But it didn't work out..our personalities didn't mesh too well
lol none of those choices fit me anymore

I used to date guys based on their looks

that is stupid, though
No. A man like that is not marriage material and that's what I'm looking for.

Even 10 years ago when I was just having fun and dating just to be dating, I never dated arrogant jerks no matter how good looking they were.:nono:
When I was younger I dated a guy because he was hot. He was a complete jerk but hey he looked good. He was an Aries and behaved like a two year old. I'm married now so the situation is mute. However, if for some reason I were not married I would never do it again. I chalk that experience up to a lack of maturity on my part.
I couldn't even be physically attracted to him if he was a jerk or really full of himself.I don't know-it's just a huge turn off nowadays.
way back in that time warp called the '90's i dated this guy for this reason. I expected nothing from him and when he thought I was wanting more I had to let him know don't think I keep you around because I find your conversation stimulating. Right at the same time i met the man who would become my DH.

But that was my 1 time and it was a ego thing because this guy was fione and all my friends were sweating him and I barely knew who he was for a while. If we saw him when we were out they would be sweating him and I would be off to the side checking messages and generally not paying him any attention. It was kinda fun for the 2 months I let it last.
:scratchch Should I reply with what back in the day single unsaved Kass would have done/has done? Wouldn't ya'll like to know:sekret:
No, I couldn't do it :lol:

I had a guy like that once...a long time ago. He had the body of a Greek god. He's the only person I actually gasped when he took off his clothes. Pure beauty.

But his IQ was on the level of a 10 year old, or no...I'm harsh. Maybe a 15 year old. I just couldn't do it. :nono:
The old me would have hit it and quit it for bragging rights. Now that I'm older, I try not to have meaningless sex. It's not okay to treat men like disposable penis.
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i would date him if i was in high school. i turned down a couple FINE brothers because they were known players/jerks. i should have just dated them, they would have dumped me quick enough because i wouldn't put out :look:

now i dont have the patience for that BS.
Dang...if it was just based on the OP's opening title. Sure why not! Looks are the first thing we assess about a person the majority of the time. And maybe he would bring something to the table you didnt expect. But lol...i digress you seem like you already know what hes all about so you cant even play that I didnt know card. So ya...definite waste of time. But hey...I would never turned down a great, expensive, FREE DINNER. Maybe b/c I am college student. :)
Naw. I have bad nerves. That great-looking guy would slowly become the ugliest creature on this corner of the Earth before my eyes as soon as he opens his mouth and ruin it ALL for me.