Would you guys date a fat guy?

Would you date a fat guy?

  • Yes..who cares

    Votes: 61 22.5%
  • No..if I take care of myself I accept you to do the same

    Votes: 144 53.1%
  • Maybe...elaborated

    Votes: 66 24.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Oh heeeeall naw eww :nono:. I just had an image of getting down and caressing his man boobs Ewww! Ewwww! Ewwww! I can't be with someone with bigger boobs than me (where's that puking smiley).

Girl I'm a 36DD and he gives me a run for my money. And they just kind of lay there and spread out into his armpits. I just can't imagine what he looks like under his shirt. OK Just STOP IT. That's nasty.
Ok so here's the situation, my bff has a friend that likes me, he is everything I would want in a guy but he is fat. He's handsome, goes to church, goal oriented, loves his family and knows how to treat a lady but I cant get over the fat thing, what should I do?

That would be a "no" I wouldn't date a fat guy! I like a little pressure but geez louise!:look: How fat are we talking??! Ice Cube Boyz in the Hood fat or Jazzy Pha fat??:eek:
I sorta have a crush on (well used to until he started flirting with me) one of my heavier guy friends. We're still cool and all but that crush kinda of disappeared but I had once considered dating him and he's on the heavier side. But he is the one exception. I dont want no guy with a stomach bigger than mine and I dont want his all over mine :look: So I guess the answer is maybe. Now Jazzy Pha "big" hayle nah, everytime I see him I wish he would get on that Timbaland diet because he just doesnt look healthy and he getting bigger and bigger everytime I see him. I truly worry about his health looking at him.
trufax: I had a male bff become super in love with me. I adored him and valued his friendship greatly... and he truly and genuinely loved me for who I was and accepted me unequivocally. And I did not take that lightly in my consideration... I even tried for awhile... I felt like he "deserved" me... but my feelings for him were not romantic whatsoever and I was not physically attracted to him at all... it was just wrong for me to pretend that I could feel the same way about him that he did about me when I knew I was never going to... it wasn't fair... and nothing I could do could seem to push him away so eventually I had to stop taking his calls...

ETA: in case it needs stating, he was pretty overweight. lol

fun little nosy tidbits: the personality was all there and if i met a thinner guy i was attracted to with a similar personality, id be all over that :-/ (im a horrible person, clearly)

regardless of the fact that he would have been a "good" man or "one with everything a woman looks for" like the op stated, it just cannot be done if the physical attraction isn't there... you know why... because YOU WILL CHEAT!

i had sex with him twice and then i could not do it again... i believe that fat men will generally all have smaller penises... not that im a size queen or anything... but ironically enough, *POSSIBLE TMI* i actually had an orgasm from the penetration because it was so small i just started contracting my muscles around on it for fun and well there you go.
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If you don't like all of him, how he is, than you don't like him and there is nothing more you need to worry about. Although, he is handsome his size appears to be a deal-breaker for you.

Not to be mean but people get heavier as they age. If he is fat now, will he get skinnier over time? Plus, if he does lose weight will he drop you to pursue all the chicks he couldn't get when he was fat?
One of my exes were fat but he lost weight. He was mad that I gained weight. Basically the roles reversed, I accepted him at his largest and he couldn't except that I wasn't his trophy girlfriend because I had gained weight.

My last boyfriend was large with a big ole stomach. He lost weight in the relationship and I gained 30 pounds.:ohwell: We were constantly eating out all the time.
Being a fairly active girl would likes adventures, I need a guy who could keep up with me. I sincerely doubt I would date an obese man, but I wouldn't mind if he were a little overweight.

I might make an exception for James Avery-- for some reason, I find him to be very attractive. :perplexed
I said maybe since I am not sure if I would be attracted to a fat guy. I can't say no. But I do have to say that I lost 30-40 pounds last year and not from hard core working out but from a lifestyle change that encompassed both a fitness regimen AND eating well. To be honest, I'd be afraid that someone like that would pass bad habits along to me and would not fit into my lifestyle at all. So the answer is probably no...
If it was the rapper Fat Joe!


I think he's a sexy big boi.

I don't like ripped muscles or bony, lanky men. Stocky w/a bit of fluff is nice..obese just isn't healthy.
I will date anyone I am attracted to...

However, I am not attracted to fat men...So I dont date them...

If you already know youre not into fat men, I dont see the reason to date one...Its nothing wrong with being platonic friends if he can handle it...

Unless you feel you may be able to look past that after getting to know him better...
I wonder if any of the ladies who've read this have 'fat' boyfriends/husbands.:look:

Hee hee hee... my husband is a little "thick around the middle" ;) Part of the reason why it's not an issue is that his extra weight is concentrated in one part of his body. My husband lifts weights on a regular basis and has a well-developed torso, arms, and legs. If he were all/mostly fat with minimal muscle tone, I wouldn't have been as physically attracted to him. It might sound shallow, but I'm being 100% honest.
I wouldn't. I'm in shape and I have the right to a guy that is as well. I'm 5 feet and 100 lbs and I want (I HAVE, actually) someone who is in the right shape for his hgeight. It's part of attraction.
grossly obese? hell no. Football fat? yeah we can do something. I was never attracted to overly muscular sculpted guys anyway..i mean its nice but its not required.
What's weird is that I have been overweight most of my life and only in the last 3 years have I actively worked to change that. I've lost 45lbs over the last year with 25lbs more to go till I'm satisfied. I work out, I watch what I eat, I don't pig out, and I try to have healthy life habits. I'm in the medical profession and it's important for me to be able to tell my patients something and not seem like a hypocrite. Anyway, I digress. Despite having been overweight most of my life I have always ended up with men thinner than myself. I love a thin man and I love a thin me - I strive to be healthy in all that I do. I don't want a partner that drags me down to his depths either, i.e. in a relationship we both go down together. Now if he were willing to work out with me and better his lifestyle and habits different story...
Obese?? No. I probably wouldn't be attracted. Thick? :yep: Now one of the most attractive men I have ever met was what some would call a lil' plump. But damn was he fine!!!
I wonder if any of the ladies who've read this have 'fat' boyfriends/husbands.:look:

Or if someone would be upset if the roles were reversed. :look:

Sometimes we miss out on our blessings when we're too overly critical about what package it comes in. Who knows if what's on the inside is what we've been looking and praying for if you never give it a chance? You just gonna say no on GP? Even then, that's a personal choice.

I say this having struggled with my weight my entire life and feeling like I've been consistently passed over or not given a chance because I didn't look like someone's 120-pound "dream girl."

I struggle with this as well. I have mixed feelings on the issue. I'm going to leave it at that. I will say this: I'm more open to it than I have ever been in my life after running into more than a couple of bad apples (not physically, but spiritually and emotionally).
I used to say I didn't care, until I started dating a chubby man. His body turns me off. He doesn't have a clean shave either and that turns me off even more. It's like he's sloppy fat. Now if he was fat and he wore Polo and nice jeans and khakis and knew how to present himself I wouldn't have a problem. But eww I just hate it when he takes off his shirt and I see man titties.....but he claims he works out everday :rolleyes:....yup he runs in Wendy's everyday after work....

But anyway, if his personality is BANGIN and I love being around him, I don't mind being with a fat guy, because he makes me happy
I said I was not gonna post in this thread....but what the hell, It's Friday!:laugh: I am married to a big guy. I don't call him fat( unless he makes me mad :blush3: ) but my hubby has not always been big. When I met him, 22yrs in Dec. he weigh 150lbs. I was bigger than him, always have been until about a year ago. It seems like everytime I got pregnant, he would gain pounds and eat right along with me. We got big together, well I got bigger:laugh: But my hubby is still cute and sexy as hell to me.

Saying all of that to say, if when I met my hubby he was fat...we would not have hit it off. I would not have been attracted to him. Just like if I was not thick when he met me, he would not have been attracted to me...he likes BBW:grin: People like what they like :yep: