Would you guys date a fat guy?

Would you date a fat guy?

  • Yes..who cares

    Votes: 61 22.5%
  • No..if I take care of myself I accept you to do the same

    Votes: 144 53.1%
  • Maybe...elaborated

    Votes: 66 24.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I tend to like thin men. Very thin. But when Dh gained 40 pounds I could not stay off him, so maybe I could date a larger man.
no. it has nothing to do with taking care of myself and expecting my man to do the same. i have about 15-20lbs to lose so it may seem "hypocritical". however, i can't really control my attraction to certain kinds of men; i have nothing against fat men. i just don't date them :look:. some may say since i need to lose weight, i haven't the "right" to refuse men who are 15-20lb overweight too but i don't care. they can refuse girls like me as well, imo. people like who they like.
Alright, I'mma jus' say it. I like big guys:yep:. SO is a big guy with wonderful

self-esteem:drunk:. 6'1" 300+, no health problems, good in bed, very eager to

please :grin:. We do plan on getting on the right track w/ our weight. I am 5'1

1/2", 138lbs:nono:. Love, it, love it, love it. And no when we fight, I don't have

the urge to call him a fat ****:lachen:.
If he has everything I want but is fat (and willing to get in better shape), I'd date him. Fat isn't permanent.
He sounds like a good man! If you are truly interested in him, go out with him. Help him eat right and go to the gym. Let me tell you...in college there was this guy and he was overweight. He came back one summer as a number one stunna! He lost so much weight after three months. All the girls were like "heeeeeyyyy" and before no one would even look at him.

give him a chance!

Ok so here's the situation, my bff has a friend that likes me, he is everything I would want in a guy but he is fat. He's handsome, goes to church, goal oriented, loves his family and knows how to treat a lady but I cant get over the fat thing, what should I do?
No thanks. I just can't see myself being attracted to someone overweight. I'm glad you are giving him a good chance though.
well honestly if you are having a problem with this weight in the beginning and it is an issue then I don't think you should even consider it. He deserves some one that will like his love handles. (no offense) :spinning:
I couldnt date someone who was obese. But yes I do like big guys. Im 6ft, 180 pounds so I couldnt see myself dating someone who was smaller than me. I need someone who is taller and bigger than me; because Im not a small girl. My current SO is 6'4 250 and I love it. So I would say give it a try and if you go out on a couple of dates and it doesnt work atleast you gave him a chance.
I think this is a classic example of lowering our standards for a man. Men go after exactly what they want. Men don't settle. If she is not exactly what he wants, he hangs out with her until what he really wants comes along. Hence the stories of he wouldn't marry me after 3 years and broke up with me and married a chick he's known for three months.

I hope things work out for you.
ArmyQt that's a nice picture.:yep:

I couldn't date a fat guy. I feel bad for saying that because my male bff is very overweight and I KNOW he is a reallly good guy. The good man that most of us say we want. Being friends with him gives me hope that there are good men out there. And believe it or not, he complains, even cries sometimes :look: about not being able to find "the one" just like a lot of us do.
ArmyQt that's a nice picture.:yep:

I couldn't date a fat guy. I feel bad for saying that because my male bff is very overweight and I KNOW he is a reallly good guy. The good man that most of us say we want. Being friends with him gives me hope that there are good men out there. And believe it or not, he complains, even cries sometimes :look: about not being able to find "the one" just like a lot of us do.

Thank you. :yep:

See that right there :nono:. When someone is not on their "A" game, that comes along with insecurities. Insecure men are not a good look. Eventually, they will start to turn those insecurities on to you.

Now don't get me wrong, I have nothing against big people. But the fact that the OP had reservations sends the signal that she is not totally comfortable with it.
Ok maybe im not going to talk to him, I shouldnt lower my standards. Hmmm....i dunno, whatever let me focus on school, I dunno what I wanna do.:ohwell:
Ok maybe im not going to talk to him, I shouldnt lower my standards. Hmmm....i dunno, whatever let me focus on school, I dunno what I wanna do.:ohwell:

I don't think this would be considered lowering your standards. I think you should give him a try. Weight can be lost or gained. If he has a beautiful inside it will definitely out weigh the weight issue.
NinasLong, an exercise buddy may be just what the guy needs...Help him reinvent.

Right-if he is willing to work on his weight then I would go for it, if in fact everything else falls in line with what you want. If he thought he didn't need to loose then that would be a deal breaker for me.
imho, unless you just want sex - and that comes with a whole list of rules, regulations, and timelines etc..., you should not date someone for a long period of time you have reservations about. It get so complicated. I met this guy at a halloween party last year. I was not attacted to him at all. I didn't like anything physically about him including his hair. He had such an awesome personality. We had so much chemistry it was crazy. To make a long story short I looked into his eyes one to many times, spent way too much time on the phone with him and could have easily fallen in love because of all the intimate moments we shared. luckliy, for me he ended up f***** up big time and I had a real good excuse to break it off with me because the reality is I was no attracted to him and I would never have taken him to meet my parents or my friends.

so, only date people you are really feeling. Accept nothing less!:yep::yep:
I don't think this would be considered lowering your standards. I think you should give him a try. Weight can be lost or gained. If he has a beautiful inside it will definitely out weigh the weight issue.

I agree. Like I said, my Boo is a big dude and I don't see it as lowering my

standards. What attracted me was the way that he presented his self. He

treats me like a Princess. I would rather be with a man that treats me well

and has some weight to him than to be with a "stud" that's just eye candy

and stuck on the way he looks.
I think that if it is going to distract you from being physically attracted to him then you should just be friends with him because if you guys do date then the relationship wont work because you wouldnt be able to get over him being on the bigger side. I think you have to be attracted to someone on the outside as well as the inside and if one is lacking then it will not work out. He sounds like good friend material though
It depends.

I don't mind a man being a little on the fat side. What I would mind is if he ate extremely too much - I'm talking if we order a large pizza he eats it all himself, drinks a gallon of milk a day and other weird habits.

Also, (and I'm not saying this to be mean) when someone gets to a certain size certain personal hygiene is different and extremely important. This is due to extra folds of skin and sweat etc. So he would need to be meticulous about it.

However, I've met guys who are little on the fat side who eat a lot, but not unreasonably, are strong (size is not always and indicator of fitness) and sufficiently active.

A good man is a good man, whatever the package. Everyone has personal preferences and I respect that.
OMG I'm in the EXACT same situation as the OP. This guy is awesome except... the fat thing. Now I don't mind my men a little fluffy. I'll take a fluffy man over a rail thin one anyday. But he's EXTRA fluffy. I mean man boobs are just NOT acceptable and not a good look. Damn he even has that fat roll on the back of his neck :nono:

However, when I met him he seemed cool so I said give him a chance, don't be shallow you never know, he could have just lost 100 pds and be on his way to getting in shape. I'm celibate anyway so it's not like I gotta see him naked or have him on top of me. Sure enough he's lost 75 pds since last June and wants to lose 60 more. He works out every single day faithfully and seems really motivated and determined. So I told him to call me in 6 months (just kidding).

We've been out twice and I'll continue to date him and how it goes. If it works out I'll be thinking about what I almost passed up because of his weight. HOWEVER if he wasnt already on the path he's on and had no intentions of losing weight, naw I couldnt/wouldnt do it.
OMG I'm in the EXACT same situation as the OP. This guy is awesome except... the fat thing. Now I don't mind my men a little fluffy. I'll take a fluffy man over a rail thin one anyday. But he's EXTRA fluffy. I mean man boobs are just NOT acceptable and not a good look. Damn he even has that fat roll on the back of his neck :nono:

However, when I met him he seemed cool so I said give him a chance, don't be shallow you never know, he could have just lost 100 pds and be on his way to getting in shape. I'm celibate anyway so it's not like I gotta see him naked or have him on top of me. Sure enough he's lost 75 pds since last June and wants to lose 60 more. He works out every single day faithfully and seems really motivated and determined. So I told him to call me in 6 months (just kidding).

We've been out twice and I'll continue to date him and how it goes. If it works out I'll be thinking about what I almost passed up because of his weight. HOWEVER if he wasnt already on the path he's on and had no intentions of losing weight, naw I couldnt/wouldnt do it.

Oh heeeeall naw eww :nono:. I just had an image of getting down and caressing his man boobs Ewww! Ewwww! Ewwww! I can't be with someone with bigger boobs than me (where's that puking smiley).