Would you guys date a fat guy?

Would you date a fat guy?

  • Yes..who cares

    Votes: 61 22.5%
  • No..if I take care of myself I accept you to do the same

    Votes: 144 53.1%
  • Maybe...elaborated

    Votes: 66 24.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Ok so here's the situation, my bff has a friend that likes me, he is everything I would want in a guy but he is fat. He's handsome, goes to church, goal oriented, loves his family and knows how to treat a lady but I cant get over the fat thing, what should I do?
How fat are you talking? A little pudgy, morbidly obese? I'm not trying to get with a morbidly obese guy but I used to have fantasies of getting it on with sumo wrestlers. My best friend thought I was crazy:lachen:I only wanted to try it once to see what it was like but other than that nah I can't do sloppy fat. I did date a guy who used to be really big but he lost a lot of weight before I dated him. He was tall and solid but not sloppy. I'm only 5'3 and 100 lbs so I don't think I can handle too much.
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He aint morbidly obese, but he is fat like you look @ him and u see he is fat. u get what im saying.. oh and i meant except in my poll questions i dunno how to edit it
err... i couldnt do it. esp if he had no interest in losing weight. excess fat is so disgusting to me. i couldnt imagine him touching me w. his pudgy hands and caressing my face w. his inflated fingers... eww..gross :perplexed
He aint morbidly obese, but he is fat like you look @ him and u see he is fat. u get what im saying.. oh and i meant except in my poll questions i dunno how to edit it

Is he trying to lose weigh? If he's trying to lose it I can do that but if he's fat and happy I don't know about that. I like jello but I don't want it every day. I'd go on a date with him and see what he's like. I don't pass up a free meal. :lachen:
yea i couldnt do it. I like i guess what you call muscular or thick type guys. I dont really care for the boney/slender types. But i tried it and met him online and he was one of my Frat brothers. And talk about Fat oh my God. And it would just disgust me how he would say he would go and only do 30 minutes on the treadmill and then go to Mcdonalds and order fries like it was nothing to it.

Unless i knew that he was trying to lose weight then it maybe something different but other than that all we could be is just friends.

Yea i would go on a date with him and see what he is talking about. But i dont care for fat and sloppy either.
err... i couldnt do it. esp if he had no interest in losing weight. excess fat is so disgusting to me. i couldnt imagine him touching me w. his pudgy hands and caressing my face w. his inflated fingers... eww..gross :perplexed

:dighole: :lachen:...i prefer a skinny man than a fat dude....
Ok so here's the situation, my bff has a friend that likes me,he is everything I would want in a guy but he is fat. He's handsome, goes to church, goal oriented, loves his family and knows how to treat a lady but I cant get over the fat thing, what should I do?

NinasLong, an exercise buddy may be just what the guy needs...Help him reinvent.
no, but not because he was fat. i'd like to be with somebody who is somewhat like me physically. i don't mean, he has a set of boobies that rival mine, but if i'm not overweight, i don't want someone who is.

i'm about 10 - 15 pounds overweight for my height, and so is SO. so we get along fine.

if he were, say, 100 lbs heavier than me, it would put a strain on the relationship. i love long walks, and don't get out of breath climbing up stairs. i wouldn't be compatible with someone who wasn't like me in that sense.

if i were 400 lbs, and he was too, then we'd still be alright. what's important is on the inside, after all. :grin:
IMO No....never! That is the ONLY standard I have looks wise. I work my ass off to stay fit and I'm not going to lower my standards.

I'll take an unattractive fit guy before a fat guy in a second!:ohwell:

** Edit, I didn't read the post cause I'm triflin** If he has all those great qualities then I'd at least get to know him more....but I personally would think long and hard about it.
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My ex-dh was 6'1", 350# when I left him. I didn't leave him because of his weight. He was a solid 240# football player when we met in college. I still desired him through his weight gain because he was my husband and I loved him.

If the man had everything else that I was looking for, I'd at least go out on a few dates to see if there was anything there. I say a few because, the first date could have first date jitters, you know? I'd give it at least three unless I saw or heard something within the first two that turned me all the way off about the guy.

I'd like to add that there were times I was able to help my ex-dh to lose weight by encouraging him to do things with me and the children (like we took family tennis lessons) and by watching the foods I brought into the house and what I prepared for us. His weight ballooned back up when he started going through the fast-food drive-thrus in the mornings for breakfast, decided he wouldn't take his lunch and would either go out everyday or get somethign out of the vending machines, then he'd go through the drive-thru and eat on his way home and then eat dinner again with us :nono: :wallbash: He had NO INTEREST in doing what he needed to do to get his weight down and keep it down. But I digress. It was the ATTITUDE that was the problem.

If this man has a good attitude, you may be able to get him closer to the range where you would find him closer to desirable physically.
No :nono:.
I was intimate with a fat guy years ago -He had man boobs, he sweated too much and I was worried about him falling on me. So no fun there which was a shame.
He was cute too - he looked like a fat LL Cool J.

I'd also be concerned about his over all health (diabetes, blood pressure etc.)
Ok so here's the situation, my bff has a friend that likes me, he is everything I would want in a guy but he is fat. He's handsome, goes to church, goal oriented, loves his family and knows how to treat a lady but I cant get over the fat thing, what should I do?

Weight can be changed IMO. If he were willing to get in shape, then would you consider him? If so, I say consider him.

It's not like you are saying he's just completely unattractive to you. In a situation like that, I could understand. Maybe you could workout together. If he was unwilling to do that, then I could understand you not wanting to be with him. See what happens, you might be taking sunset strolls on the beach for your "cooldown"
My ex-F was fat, but so was I so in that regard we were perfect for one another..LOL!

Would I date a fat guy now or in the future? Nope.
Like obese fat? Nah.... I prefer my men tall and slim. I'll take some meat on the bones if he's fine, but nah I can't do fat. :nono:
....my last BF was over 6'5" when i first met him he didnt look fat cause he was so tall, then the clothes came off i was turned off his stomach was rubbing all over me ....yuck!!!! and his breastasis was bigger than mine :nono:, i couldnt do it...im not saying to be super fit but if i can hide loose change underneath your belly--there's a problem.
I said maybe. If he is 20-50 overweight, I would. As long as he carried himself well I wouldn't have a problem. If he were close to 100 pounds overweight, I would not.
How fat are you talking? A little pudgy, morbidly obese? I'm not trying to get with a morbidly obese guy but I used to have fantasies of getting it on with sumo wrestlers. My best friend thought I was crazy:lachen:I only wanted to try it once to see what it was like but other than that nah I can't do sloppy fat. I did date a guy who used to be really big but he lost a lot of weight before I dated him. He was tall and solid but not sloppy. I'm only 5'3 and 100 lbs so I don't think I can handle too much.

Exactly. There's a little chubby and then there's fat.

Although come to think of it, even chubby has it's limits.

I'd love to spin it and say that I'm active and if you're fat you're probably not going to want to do the same things that I like to do (the PC way of saying it), but honestly, I just don't find it attractive. :ohwell: I'm just being honest.
No. :nono: I work hard to keep myself healthy and in shape... I'm totally not attracted to big guts...YUCK. :look:

Now if I was overweight myself then I wouldn't discriminate... :laugh:
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I don't find extra padding attractive at all.

You don't have to have rock hard abs, but even pudgy isn't okay with me.

I work very hard to stay healthy and stay in good shape. I not only expect the same from a partner, but I expect him to support me in doing so. It's not likely that you're going to do that if you're not taking care of yourself.
I did.

It didn't work out. He had a really huge gut that made it difficult for me to be physically affectionate towards him, even though I was actually attracted to him. He took that to mean I wasn't attracted to him at all, because of his weight. Things just went downhill from there.

You have to really gauge whether their self esteem is up to par. His wasn't, and it got really old. He played victim alot. He liked to see himself as a "nice guy", you know the fat jolly one, even when he wasn't being nice. So irritating. He is also likely to be the kind of guy that looses a bunch of weight only to act ass-y to all the people he decided didn't like him b/c of his weight.
err... i couldnt do it. esp if he had no interest in losing weight. excess fat is so disgusting to me. i couldnt imagine him touching me w. his pudgy hands and caressing my face w. his inflated fingers... eww..gross :perplexed

:lachen::lachen:Too funny!!

I think it's all about preference. Personally, I am not attracted to fat guys. I don't mind a little belly, but if it's getting in the way when we're close, then that can't work for me.
....my last BF was over 6'5" when i first met him he didnt look fat cause he was so tall, then the clothes came off i was turned off his stomach was rubbing all over me ....yuck!!!! and his breastasis was bigger than mine :nono:, i couldnt do it...im not saying to be super fit but if i can hide loose change underneath your belly--there's a problem.

No. I've never been attracted to fat men, pudgy men or a little bit of belly, none of that for me.:nono:
You have to really gauge whether their self esteem is up to par. His wasn't, and it got really old. He played victim alot. He liked to see himself as a "nice guy", you know the fat jolly one, even when he wasn't being nice. So irritating. He is also likely to be the kind of guy that looses a bunch of weight only to act ass-y to all the people he decided didn't like him b/c of his weight.

THAT is really the issue to me. My daddy, whom I love to bits and pieces, is fat and so I've always found myself attracted to teddy-bear types who have a similar physical build. Also, because of my own weight issues and insecurities, I think I would feel more "secure" being with a heavier person. (Although I hate the idea of looking like two rolly-polly beach balls walking hand in hand down the street :perplexed) BUT, because I have ambitions to lose weight and be healthier, I know that he would also have to have that same goal. Otherwise it wouldn't work - there'd be too much sabotage. And I definitely don't want a situation where one of us would get in shape and then the other one would then be all insecure.

I really don't have to worry about this because no one is trying to date me right now. Reading these responses, I can only imagine the male perspective on the issue. Good thing I'm going to the gym tonight!