Would you date a man with no college education?

Most of the ones I knew of were so proud and felt too good to talk to anyone. SO I would like to have an intelligent Godly man who was loyal and a good provider.
Yes. I've actually dated more men with less education than men with as much education as I have. I need a man who compliments me and has street swag.
I have dated a man without a degree before but he was a web designer/IT person and made more money than me. Plus he was super intelligent so conversations were always interesting. Other than him everyone else I've seriously dated has had a degree. I just think it says something about your level of commitment to follow through on things. Besides, I didnt bust my a$$ to get through school to pair up with someone who was chilling and twiddling their thumbs in the meantime.

So yes I would date a man without a degree, but he would have to be smart and successful and imo thats bit hard to find. I'll take a man with a degree for $600...
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I have a B.A. and a professional degree from a very prestigious university, so I never thought I would date a man without a college degree until I met my husband. When we first met, he was so intelligent, thoughtful and polished that I just assumed that he had one. By the time I learned he didn't have a college degree a few days later, it really didn't matter that much to me.

My hubby had a much harder life than I did. He was the youngest of seven boys and had to live in the projects. His mom and dad divorced when he was a baby and didn't provide them with any support. He actually dropped out of high school when he was 15 and went to live on his own. He got a job and worked his way up into middle management at his company--a position that is mostly only reserved for college grads. He makes a lot more money than I do and is shocked at the amount of student loan debt I am still paying off. He's now looking to get a B.A. and a M.B.A, which will be paid for totally by his company.

He definitely is talented at anything related to business and finance and had started a very lucrative part time business on the side before he had to sell it during his divorce. He handles all of the bills in our household and helps me out with managing my money. There are some talents that you just can't learn.

Even though my hubby was able to be successful without a college degree, he recognizes that most people won't be able to do what he did and so he encourages his children to stay in school and get their degrees. We both took very different paths to get to where we are, but I think we are on the same page about this issue.

I think the bottom line is that it is fine to have a checklist when you are looking for a husband, but also don't forget to look at people as individuals as well. If I were dating again, I would probably still focus on guys with degrees, but if I came across someone who was exceptional in every way, I wouldn't dismiss them just because they didn't have the degree.
I would prefer it, but it's not a necessity. Look at Bill Gates, he didn't finish college and ended up pretty damn well! Like many other people said, there are plenty of stupid, jobless, broke men out there with degrees and many men out there who barely finished high school who are successful and great men. At the end of the day, as long as your motivated and have a career/job that can bring in a respectable salary, that's all that matters to me.
Depends. Personally, my FH only has an associates degree but he is currently working on his BS. His job that he has now pays VERY well, he went back to school because he wants to not because he needs to. I think alot depends on the man and his goals/aspirations PLUS what he is doing to reach those goals. There are alot of factors that go along with giving a definite answer.
Why do people keep using Bill Gates as an excuse

How many Bill Gates are walking around?

As for the OP's question


Most people obviously will not have his success but I'm sick of people assuming just because you don't graduate college you are destined to be in the poorhouse. There are plenty of respectable, successful non college educated men around. People need to also realize it's not always an issue of not wanting to go to college, but not being able to.
Some of the biggest assholes I have been with went to graduate schools so not having a degree is not a deal breaker for me. Having no ambition is though.....................
Nope. My ideal mate would be an intellectual and love learning so no.

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I would and am but actually just from me being interested/being active about returning to school to get my BSN (just have my ADN now) he has shown interest in getting a degree and is making steps/enrolling to do so online.

I take it on a case by case basis but of course I'd prefer a well educated mate and mentally stimulating as a general rule.
No! My father graduated from Morehouse College in the 60's. If my father could go to college in the 60's, then the man that I date today needs to have taken his behind to college and preferably have graduated from that school.

I will add that I will work with a man who is just going back to school and working on a Bachelor's degree.
Any man that I would date would need a bachelors degree that came from an accredited institution & also not from an online program...

Im just saying. IMHO
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Most people obviously will not have his success but I'm sick of people assuming just because you don't graduate college you are destined to be in the poorhouse. There are plenty of respectable, successful non college educated men around. People need to also realize it's not always an issue of not wanting to go to college, but not being able to.

No one said anything about poorhouse. A college education goes beyond "money" and not being able to is an excuse IMO esp with all the programs around that one can take advantage of in this country. Hasnt stopped immigrants who have to pay even MORE for visas and the like.
No one said anything about poorhouse. A college education goes beyond "money" and not being able to is an excuse IMO esp with all the programs around that one can take advantage of in this country. Hasnt stopped immigrants who have to pay even MORE for visas and the like.

ITA. If you can't afford to go to college. Take out a loan, major in something like computer science, nursing or even associates degree programs like: surgical tech, CNA and you will be able to pay it off in a few years.

Honestly I really want to know what does a person, with only a HS diploma do for a living? I dont think that many people with a HS diploma have successful careers (at least majority of them.)

I could be wrong though simply because I am not aware.
At one point, I didn't care about a man having a college education. But now that I'm in college, I can look back and see all the men who didn't go to college and they are NOT working on careers -- although this doesn't include EVERY man in the world, it's an observation -- so NOW, I would prefer if he had a college education. At least a bachelor's degree. I plan on going to graduate school and limiting my dating pool to just men with graduate degrees would exclude too many possible suitors.
On a side note, I would like to have a college education in common so we could have something to talk about. I don't want a man who feels like I'm low-key berating him or "acting bougie" when I want to bring up a college experience or have mostly college-educated friends.
I tried it but it just does not work out. I need to be with someone that understands the struggle and sacrifices that you make to get that degree.
Well a degree does not make the man I know many that are living proof of that. I also know many college educated men that are book smart but dumb as hell otherwise so it's up to you. My current is getting his bachelors degree because he wants to and that's fine with me because his current position requires a degree BUT he's been in it for two years with out one and is moving up in the company despite having never set foot in a college before now so........As for someone being on my "Level" I think I did ok with him lol.
I prefer a degree, but he has to hae completed some post high school education that's relevant to his career. If he wants to be a mechanic, then I see how he wouldn't go to college, but I'd expect him to have gone to trade school (or whatever is required for that)
Yep. Most of the most successful men I know don't. They're entrepreneurs and own their own businesses. AND they are intelligent and worldly. I've found a lot degree'd guys really have nothing else going for them but their degree and if they ever lost their job, they'd be SOL and fall apart. lol
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This is true, so do you agree that if every degreed AA black woman wanted a degreed AA black man that couldn't happen?

Yes, this is very true, we as african american women are earning bachelors and graduate degrees by almost double the amount of black men. This is only for starters. Then you have to take away the men who choose to marry non black women. Statistics show that the majority of black men married to non black women make more money than black men who are married to black women. Because the black men married to non black women earn more money, Im guessing that they many of them have college educations. Therefore, this deducts even more educated black men from the pool of men for black women to choose from.
This is true, so do you agree that if every degreed AA black woman wanted a degreed AA black man that couldn't happen?
:yep::yep: black men make up only a fraction of black degree holders and the gap gets wider as you go up into graduate and professional degrees, so erm if women are holding on to degrees as firm criteria, then good luck:look:. The numbers are just not there and that is degree only. Once you start filtering for compatibility and men who actually WANT black women, the pool gets even smaller.
Yes, this is very true, we as african american women are earning bachelors and graduate degrees by almost double the amount of black men. This is only for starters. Then you have to take away the men who choose to marry non black women. Statistics show that the majority of black men married to non black women make more money than black men who are married to black women. Because the black men married to non black women earn more money, Im guessing that they many of them have college educations. Therefore, this deducts even more educated black men from the pool of men for black women to choose from.

:yep::yep: black men make up only a fraction of black degree holders and the gap gets wider as you go up into graduate and professional degrees, so erm if women are holding on to degrees as firm criteria, then good luck:look:. The numbers are just not there and that is degree only. Once you start filtering for compatibility and men who actually WANT black women, the pool gets even smaller.

This is all true :yep:

However, the good news is that there are quite a few black women who don't consider the lack of a college degree as a deal breaker in a man so maybe it balances out somewhat...

A woman can have drastically different earning potential depending on the type of degree she has. I know a lot of women who are, say, social workers and school counselors who are dating or happily married to men without college degrees. Their men tend to earn similar salaries or more than them depending. Makes sense that a woman who is a lawyer or doctor with high earning potential and a certain quality of schooling will have a different perspective on this than a woman who has a criminal justice degree.

Please know that I am not trying to assign values to people's chosen vocations and degrees, but rather shifting the convo to a realistic perspective rather than just ranking a man's value by his education. All black women with degrees can't be put in the same box as far as relationship needs, worldviews, or even their attitude towards learning