Having a DEGREE=LOVE???

I was in a relationship with some one who did not have an education and eventually it became quite an issue. his insercurites got the best of him, he bacame very resentful, and thus disrespectful of me. we had many problems, but every time we arugued my education was brought up (i thought i was smart, i was a bourgie b****, i thought i was better than him, etc...).

looking forward, this is why it is important for me to be with someone who values education.

The exact samething happened to me in my lst relationship. I was dating my ex while I was pursuing my Bachelors degree; needless to say, he was very unsupportive and caused alot of undue stress in my life. My grades almost suffered because of him. My ex would try to find ways to demean me or switch things around where I would appear the dumb one.

That's when an older woman told me to date a guy who has nothing less than a bachelors degree. This is the best advice I ever received and its a requirement for me to date a guy. I will date a guy an 1 or 2 taller than men with a bachelor's degree (or better); than date a 6 ft guy with nothing.