Do You Have A Higher Degree Than Your So?

Do you have a higher degree than your SO?

  • Yes

    Votes: 42 70.0%
  • No

    Votes: 18 30.0%

  • Total voters
FYI.......all military officers are required to have degrees. No degree, no rank, so you're good. They're are some of the best people I know.

I need to find some of those in DC. Good idea/place to meet educated men.
High ranking officers must at least have Masters or a professional degree (JD or MD/PhD).
But I am with you on the sentiment. I wouldn't date someone unless he were senior enlisted or officer AD.

I forgot all about the degree thing to be an officer :lol: So there is that.

It's not that I'm opposed to dating someone without a degree, it's more of where I would meet said individual. I just don't see it.
I've dated men without even a BA. The last one was a state police officer.
The only thing about him was that he remained a state police officer for over 20 years!
He has never moved up. To do so, he needed to take an exam and to earn more money could have completed a BA or and for even more money, completed a master's program. Career wise he showed no ambition. However, he was very financially ambitious and took financial risk with RE and owns several properties. one hand, not impressive but on the other....ok.
I've personally never dated anyone with less degrees than I had at the time mostly due to the circles I moved in. What I hear from my single friends (masters, PhDs) the issue is with the guy feeling insecure about it.
In my current situation I went to top schools for undergrad and law school and he went to number 1 or 2 ranked undergrad and law.

His resume is better than mine, but what's important is that he makes me laugh, he loves me unconditionally, and we could talk all day and night.

If we broke up I'm not looking for someone with his exact credentials, but my boyfriend challenges my way of thinking at least three times a week. He pushes me and has faith in me and never lets me settle. Some of that is just his personality, but some of that is also his formal education and the opportunities he's had. So I would want the same from my next relationship.
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I need to find some of those in DC. Good idea/place to meet educated men.
High ranking officers must at least have Masters or a professional degree (JD or MD/PhD).
But I am with you on the sentiment. I wouldn't date someone unless he were senior enlisted or officer AD.

I have never met a man in DC without at least a bachelors, most have advance degrees. This area is very educated and affluent. Join some professional networks or go to their events.
I have never met a man in DC without at least a bachelors, most have advance degrees. This area is very educated and affluent. Join some professional networks or go to their events.
So I joined Common Truce (a professional mixer type) - any suggestions on others? I don't know anyone here beyond my coworkers- so I come on forums like these to figure out my social life.
Holiday party season is here. Look for chapters of NPHC alumnae/alumni groups in your area you should find flyers for any upcoming public fundraisers/events. Also hit up NAACP, Urban League, Black Bar Association, Museum (pick one) basically look for chapters of black organization for various professionals they are all over DC. This is prime time and you're behind on your research. You won't get chose sitting at home.

Edited to add 100 Black Men and NSBE.

So I joined Common Truce (a professional mixer type) - any suggestions on others? I don't know anyone here beyond my coworkers- so I come on forums like these to figure out my social life.
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Yes I have a higher degree and he makes way more money than me. I wish I was computer savvy like him.