Would you consider dating/marrying a man who use to sleep with men but found "God"..

Re: Would you consider dating/marrying a man who use to sleep with men but found "God

I believe this as well. In my opinion, there is nothing that God can't do. So although I wouldn't feel comfortable being with an ex-homosexual/bisexual....I believe that people can change and be changed thru Christ.

No, I wouldn't necassarily be with someone who has been out of the lifestyle for two years. I mean, this is a sin along with fornication that is very, very hard to deal with and you can't without the power of the holy spirit. Sexual sins are very deep and I personally know from my own experience that you have to constantly crucify your flesh and be guided by the holy spirit. I'm talking about fasting, praying, reading God's word, remembering scripture, casting down high imaginations in the name of Jesus, applying the scripture when the enemy tries to come and take you back. It isn't easy but if you do your part, then God will lead you in the right direction. I was at a point in my life where I was trying to live for God but also make things in the world right to, like saying, "Well, if you love the person, it's okay" and "it's really not....x, y, z" but then one day I came humbly to God and asked him and he told me. Well, I fell asleep after praying and in a dream, Romans 12:1-2 was giving to me. Mind you I never heard of the scripture before, so I woke up and opened my bible. I was astonished and said, "okay, this is my answer right here. I have no more excuses to make."
Re: Would you consider dating/marrying a man who use to sleep with men but found "God

So lemme ask you guys this.. (the people who believe in God. I'm gonna do a Mitt Romney and leave the atheists out)

Are you saying that you don't trust God cuz God can't change anybody or that God's life changing abilities just not good enough for you?

Cuz you can't in one breath say you adhere to X-belief and then do Y.
I firmly believe that God can change lives but how does that mean I have to deal romantically with the changed life? Loving my neighbor doesn't mean I have to date him.
Re: Would you consider dating/marrying a man who use to sleep with men but found "God

And let the church say, amen. I wouldn't do it. :nono:

Actually, God can, but I completely feel you. This is a very tough one, I would up and leave dude if dating, if this came out after the marraige, I am not sure, but I know it would cause too much tension, relationships are hard enough and then this mess? And oh my Lord, if we have kids, thats even worse. I would feel trapped and thats a dangerous emotion to feel in a marraige, but thank the Lord I am not in this predicament. I do have a friend who's aunt married a man who was dubbin on the side though. She is a bit in denial and still tries to hold that masquerade together.
Re: Would you consider dating/marrying a man who use to sleep with men but found "God

I wouldn't because to me that is high risk behavior. Just like I would not knowingly be intimate with someone that I knew injected drugs. Those are both risky behaviors for the transmission of stds.
Re: Would you consider dating/marrying a man who use to sleep with men but found "God

Absolutely not.

There was this guy I almost ended up dating, I really like him, but he wasn't over his ex gf. I got back with my ex bf instead. I always still liked this other guy a little though. Then...my sister's friend saw his personals ad on Craigslist. He said he was either bisexual or bi-curious, I forgot which. My sister even had her friend send her the picture from the ad to make sure it was the same guy I knew. I didn't confront him, and I didn't tell any body else. I just kept it to myself. I still think he's sexy, but I lost interest in him after that.
Re: Would you consider dating/marrying a man who use to sleep with men but found "God

Ahaha wow I feel like the odd one out, but... yeah, I'd do it.


The past is the past and everyone deserves a chance. Of course I'm going to be a lot more cautious to make sure his old habit really did die, but I'd do it. I'd much rather someone who got over their bisexual or homosexual phase than someone who ONLY got over it because they found God. It sort of suggests a dependency on religion or just something else in general to keep them straight, not something they can maintain themselves.

But would I date a guy who used to get sexual with men, sure. People do things, people make mistakes, whatever. I'd be wrong to judge by just that.