Would you consider dating/marrying a man who use to sleep with men but found "God"..

Re: Would you consider dating/marrying a man who use to sleep with men but found "God

Nope, I don't believe that religion can really change something like that, only be used to mask it.
Re: Would you consider dating/marrying a man who use to sleep with men but found "God

I thought there was supposed to be blind faith in God? 100% trust in God.

Is there a form of Christianity that says "Believe and live in the walk when it suits your own feelings"?

This thread is cracking me up.
Re: Would you consider dating/marrying a man who use to sleep with men but found "God

Dated someone with an issue before who "found God" but also found himself dramatically responding to the altar call every few months when he found that issue again. The routine got tired. Good for him that he was moving forward, but

no, I wouldn't do it.
Re: Would you consider dating/marrying a man who use to sleep with men but found "God

Yes. I will date a bisexual man. I've dated 2 bisexual men. I don't have a problem with it at all. A woman can date a man who is supposed to be strait and not know that hes been with a man. When I get to know a man and the subject of sexuality gay/strait comes up I make it very clear that I'm OK with dating a man that has had sex with another man. I've had men tell me that thats, disgusting to date a bi man and I've had men come out and tell me that they messed around before. But I just don't care. I personally feel like you should be safe having sex with a man period. You don't know who has what. A man can get a disease through heterosexual sex anyway. But I can understand why most woman would get turned off by just knowing that he had sexual intercourse with another man. But like I said I personally don't care.
Re: Would you consider dating/marrying a man who use to sleep with men but found "God

Yes. I will date a bisexual man. I've dated 2 bisexual men. I don't have a problem with it at all. A woman can date a man who is supposed to be strait and not know that hes been with a man. When I get to know a man and the subject of sexuality gay/strait comes up I make it very clear that I'm OK with dating a man that has had sex with another man. I've had men tell me that thats, disgusting to date a bi man and I've had men come out and tell me that they messed around before. But I just don't care. I personally feel like you should be safe having sex with a man period. You don't know who has what. A man can get a disease through heterosexual sex anyway. But I can understand why most woman would get turned off by just knowing that he had sexual intercourse with another man. But like I said I personally don't care.

this thread isn't about would you date a bi man, imo. this is about if you would date a man who claims to have been turned straight by "finding god". :rolleyes:

a repressed homosexual (not bisexual) who claims to now be straight due to religion and a man who is openly bi (such as the men you have dated) are two totally different things. a bi man can be sexually attracted to a woman; a gay man is ultimately not sexually attracted to a woman, hence him being homosexual :look:. big difference. as it goes, i also believe there is a crucial difference between a man who is an unashamed bisexual and one that says he is "100% straight" due to "finding god" and being "cured" of his sexuality. the latter is in deep, deep denial. i could be with an openly bi man but not the repressed one. at the end of the day, he is not only deceiving himself but you also.

one that claims he is no longer gay due to god is fooling himself really hard and so is the woman who chooses to be with him.
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Re: Would you consider dating/marrying a man who use to sleep with men but found "God

When I get to know a man and the subject of sexuality gay/strait comes up I make it very clear that I'm OK with dating a man that has had sex with another man.
I say the same thing so that the man can feel comfortable coming out to me if he has any tendencies and I can run like the devil is after me. :lachen::perplexed
Re: Would you consider dating/marrying a man who use to sleep with men but found "God

Yes. I will date a bisexual man. I've dated 2 bisexual men. I don't have a problem with it at all. A woman can date a man who is supposed to be strait and not know that hes been with a man. When I get to know a man and the subject of sexuality gay/strait comes up I make it very clear that I'm OK with dating a man that has had sex with another man. I've had men tell me that thats, disgusting to date a bi man and I've had men come out and tell me that they messed around before. But I just don't care. I personally feel like you should be safe having sex with a man period. You don't know who has what. A man can get a disease through heterosexual sex anyway. But I can understand why most woman would get turned off by just knowing that he had sexual intercourse with another man. But like I said I personally don't care.

thanks for your honesty! :yep:
Re: Would you consider dating/marrying a man who use to sleep with men but found "God

I say the same thing so that the man can feel comfortable coming out to me if he has any tendencies and I can run like the devil is after me. :lachen::perplexed

Re: Would you consider dating/marrying a man who use to sleep with men but found "God

I say the same thing so that the man can feel comfortable coming out to me if he has any tendencies and I can run like the devil is after me. :lachen::perplexed

that's funny :lachen::lachen::lachen:
Re: Would you consider dating/marrying a man who use to sleep with men but found "God

Uh no I'd be too tempted to stick my finger, a weiner, a pipe, a stick etc up his *** whenever he pissed me off:lachen::lachen::lachen:

Uh I know I ain't ****!:spinning:

You sooo dam stoopid!!! :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: I spit out my drink cuz yoos a fool! :lachen:
Re: Would you consider dating/marrying a man who use to sleep with men but found "God

First off...NO I would not knowingly date/marry a man that was/is gay or bisexual. Just my preference because I'm a visual person and I'll leave it at that.:look:

But if you were a habitual liar and learned about the Lord, opened your heart to him, decided to change your ways and asked him to cleanse your heart....and he did....would you still be a liar if you didn't lie anymore?

Why would a man having sex with another man be any different especially if all sins are equal (and he no longer had those thoughts and desires about other men)?

I have a friend who I would say has been given a gift by God to be an intercessor and a leader in Christ. He struggles with homosexual desires. He said that he believes that it comes from the fact that he was molested by an uncle and because his father kinda denied him. The uncle that molested him was also molested. They seem to be continuing a pattern. But this friend believes that his homosexuality is actually a spirit (demon) within him...not that he was born that way. So if his logic were true....couldn't that demon be prayed or cast out of you. Would you still be a homosexual/bisexual person then?
Re: Would you consider dating/marrying a man who use to sleep with men but found "God

that's funny :lachen::lachen::lachen:
Might seem like a dirty trick but a woman's game has to be airtight and foolproof nowadays. My bag of tricks is full of all sorts of tactics and I use them all. So far, feigning acceptance has resulted in two potential dates coming out to me as having "fooled around" (one admitted to kissing a guy "for attention" - um, whatever, dude!). I handed them their pink slip and I got the f--k outta there with a song in my heart. I know those two goons would have denied to their graves if I had batted even so much as an eyelash when the bi/gay/maybe topic came up (and I always make sure it comes up "spontaneously" somehow b/c ignorance is not bliss in this circumstance!).
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Re: Would you consider dating/marrying a man who use to sleep with men but found "God

If he's the last man on earth and all the vibrators are broken then maybe. Otherwise no.
Re: Would you consider dating/marrying a man who use to sleep with men but found "God

I would never deal with a man who was bi or gay. There's too many straight men out there for me to be with a gay one.
Also I don't think religion can change people from being gay/bi. They might chose not to act on their desires if they are strongly religious but they will still feel the desire in their hearts.
Re: Would you consider dating/marrying a man who use to sleep with men but found "God

Nope. He'd need to have found a Goddess rather than God.
Re: Would you consider dating/marrying a man who use to sleep with men but found "God

Gay is gay. You don't stop being gay. A gay man can try to suppress it all he wants and date a woman and maybe even marry her, but he's still gay and once he realizes this and knows that he cant continue pretending, he's gonna break that woman's heart.

Most women in this situation didn't KNOW beforehand that their partner is gay. So for a man to tell you straight up. "Yeah I used to be gay, but I magically changed" and you're like, "Ok!" and marry him....it's like, You iz stoopid and good luck with your divorce.
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Re: Would you consider dating/marrying a man who use to sleep with men but found "God

NOT happening. Whether or not he's been redeemed by God, I just couldn't get it out of my head. I wouldn't date a bisexual man either. It's hard for me to see how that urge could be gone completely. And even if it is, the the thought of my man with another man :nono: Not a turn on...I don't want to think about my man with an ex girl, let alone an ex boyfriend!
Re: Would you consider dating/marrying a man who use to sleep with men but found "God

no no and NO!! you can't change your sexuality just cause you found God. He's gay and will remain so forever.
Re: Would you consider dating/marrying a man who use to sleep with men but found "God

I would if I know that God has really taken those desires/spirits away from him and he has really changed. If he is out of the struggling stage, then yes, I would.:yep:
Re: Would you consider dating/marrying a man who use to sleep with men but found "God

First off...NO I would not knowingly date/marry a man that was/is gay or bisexual. Just my preference because I'm a visual person and I'll leave it at that.:look:

But if you were a habitual liar and learned about the Lord, opened your heart to him, decided to change your ways and asked him to cleanse your heart....and he did....would you still be a liar if you didn't lie anymore?

Why would a man having sex with another man be any different especially if all sins are equal (and he no longer had those thoughts and desires about other men)?

I have a friend who I would say has been given a gift by God to be an intercessor and a leader in Christ. He struggles with homosexual desires. He said that he believes that it comes from the fact that he was molested by an uncle and because his father kinda denied him. The uncle that molested him was also molested. They seem to be continuing a pattern. But this friend believes that his homosexuality is actually a spirit (demon) within him...not that he was born that way. So if his logic were true....couldn't that demon be prayed or cast out of you. Would you still be a homosexual/bisexual person then?

Uh-uh. I for a fact know from things I've witnessed over the years that these spirits can be transferred and definitely have to be cast out in the name of Jesus.

I've personally known former bisexual and homosexual friends/acquaintances that were living that lifestyle and have told me some things that would blow your mind. Yes, it is a spiritual thing that sometimes these evil spirits attach themselves to people more susceptible for the reasons stated above by your friend and other reasons.
Re: Would you consider dating/marrying a man who use to sleep with men but found "God

NO. I have never heard of a case where a man who was out of the closet went back.
Re: Would you consider dating/marrying a man who use to sleep with men but found "God

Uh-uh. I for a fact know from things I've witnessed over the years that these spirits can be transferred and definitely have to be cast out in the name of Jesus.

I've personally known former bisexual and homosexual friends/acquaintances that were living that lifestyle and have told me some things that would blow your mind. Yes, it is a spiritual thing that sometimes these evil spirits attach themselves to people more susceptible for the reasons stated above by your friend and other reasons.
I believe this as well. In my opinion, there is nothing that God can't do. So although I wouldn't feel comfortable being with an ex-homosexual/bisexual....I believe that people can change and be changed thru Christ.
Re: Would you consider dating/marrying a man who use to sleep with men but found "God

NO! Good for him if he has "found God" but I would not deal with him!
Re: Would you consider dating/marrying a man who use to sleep with men but found "God

So lemme ask you guys this.. (the people who believe in God. I'm gonna do a Mitt Romney and leave the atheists out)

Are you saying that you don't trust God cuz God can't change anybody or that God's life changing abilities just not good enough for you?

Cuz you can't in one breath say you adhere to X-belief and then do Y.