Wife School - I Know Ya'll Saw This Yesterday...

Another article:


As a black woman, I have a deep-seated anger for people who attempt to emphasize the qualities that all black women should have to be more desirable on social circles. Those who criticize their poise, their grace, their idea of elegance use blatant misogynoirto disprove the humanity of black women. This dissatisfaction of black women comes from many people, including black men and black women.

One black woman who is gaining momentum for her views on black women, equality and sexual and reproductive freedom: Ro Elori Cutno. Ro Elori Cutno is the author of Man Leads, Woman Follows, Everyone Wins that claims to be a manifesto for black woman to keep a man. While Cutno claims to be an expert and professional consultant of culture and language, her rhetoric invokes the sense that she doesn’t know what she is talking about. She uses stereotypes to make women feel insecure about their own identities and berate black women who seek out opportunities outside of the home.

Across many posts on Cutno’s social media sites, she offers advice and wife school. Wife school is set up to prey on black women and critique their idea of femininity. This idea of femininity was created to alienate black women from white women during captivity. Cutno reinforces negative stereotypes to make black women, specifically, change their behavior to attract a suitor.

Her rhetoric blames black women for the failure of the black family and the faults of black men.
On many of her posts, she quotes lines from her book that focuses on an appreciation of traditional marriage, which isn’t a bad thing. However, going so far as to say that women should mop the floor on their hands and knees is should be the standard of black femininity. She also critiques masculinity. As Cutno states on her website Roots of Royals, masculinity should be protected and that women shouldn’t bring men who have lost their masculinity, since the husband’s masculinity should be safeguarded. On the same note, she constantly calls black women manly and berates black feminists who believe that women shouldn’t be obligated to only household duties. Black feminists also criticize the idea where some people will post selfies and Cutno criticizes their image. This type of rhetoric damages the idea of black womanhood and preys on their insecurities and/or vulnerabilities.

In addition, Cutno has unbelievable, probably borderline dangerous, ideas on how a woman can avoid rape.

"Even if a man is a potential rapist & killer, following you in a stairwell, respecting him, while looking him straight in the eye, will most likely keep you alive, than disrespect. Believe me." o_O

Basically, she is saying that in order to avoid rape, you should give the potential rapist respect.
However, we have seen how this has happened in the past. Sometimes, when men see that a woman is being respectful and showing them attention, they make you feel a sense of obligation to them. However, turning down their advances can get you killed since this type of domestic violence is rooted in misogynoir and fragile masculinity. This horrible sexual violence prevention technique reinforces the idea of victim blaming and that the victim is responsible for the acts of the perpetrator. The rationality that femininity protects women from unhealthy men will never prevent rape or murder.

Another idea that Cutno advocates for is that a woman should always be in the company of a man because men lead and women follow. As stated earlier, the idea of traditional values aren’t necessarily wrong, but it is the way Cutno uses these conservative standards to contribute to the oppression of black women. One of the most awful things she has stated is her opinion on Sandra Bland’s murder.


Similar to all leaders, I am more disappointed in the followers of this doctrine. Cutno’s insistence that violence is a direct reflection of black women and their problems is one of the factors that preys on black women’s insecurities. Her reinforcement of negative stereotypes about black women contribute to the daily oppressions that black women face.

Cutno’s critiques of black women’s grace, elegance, and femininity as it relates to their effect on the black community contributes to the oppression of black women. Having a protector doesn’t stop sexual violence nor does it stop police brutality against black women. Even though Cutno’s horrendous logic has no value, it is a symbol that many misogynist black men and black women still blame black women for the problems of black men, the community and society.

I quietly believe in Sandra has a husband NONE of this would have happened. One call that's all. First if all I would never have to stay ONE NIGHT in jail. Second of all, my husband is most of the time driving so I don't have much time to get into it and argue with police. People know I am protected. My husband is 6'3 and bout 275. Who the heck gonna bomb rush that dude? Nobody. Same thing with my father and brothers. No one could bother me because they were very present. If I had a little girl I would make sure my husband was very present in her class. No one could/should bother her EVER. She got a whole daddy ready to shoot somebody.

That rape talk is just sickening. This is an example how I take some of it and chuck the rest.
@PrissiSippi The family went Apple picking last week and I tried baking my first Apple Pie ever yesterday. I need a better recipe and more practice. May I borrow your recipe??? Yours looks fantastic!
@PrissiSippi The family went Apple picking last week and I tried baking my first Apple Pie ever yesterday. I need a better recipe and more practice. May I borrow your recipe??? Yours looks fantastic!
Of course! Take what you need! I adapted it from one I got off of Pinterest. The difference is that I let the apples sit in the caramel filling for a few hours. AND after it cooked, I let it sit for about 1-2 hours so it wouldn't be so juicy and watery. It was perfect when I sliced it. However, I need to slice my apples thinner so learn from my mistake. It's good but I think I want the apples smaller. The recipe is on my blog! You want me to send it to you too?
@PrissiSippi what do you and your friend see as the difference between Ro's tactics with an alpha vs beta man?
My husband naturally does not want to lead. He is used to a woman bossing him around and telling him exactly what to do. Ro's method works perfectly on him. Once I started not doing stuff around the house and falling back....he stopped being a follower and started leading. My friend's husband was already leading.

The other day I got upset that it was not any gas in my car after DH had been riding in my car. I know how he was thinking. Shoot, her car was on E when I got in the car. I'm not gonna put any gas in it. Where does she go all day while I'm at work anyway. She can't have THAT much to do right? I addressed this with him and let it known to keep me and our child safe, he needs to have the common courtesy to let me know my car needs gas or fill it up for me when it gets low and he was riding in it. He said to me, "But who's going to look out for me?" This was very irritating to me. No I won't put gas in your car but I reciprocate in other ways. I pack your lunch each day, Iron your clothes, clean your house, make you look good, graceful representation for your family, bring your family together with family gatherings. I bring A LOT to the table. An alpha male would not say this.

Also, her husband does not mind leading. He is very macho so it's like I want you to do this. I expect you to look like this. I want you to do this. He gets used to how she caters to him quickly and expects it. She doesn't mind this at all but it can be unnerving sometimes. She just has to reiterate the fact if you want to lead...you have to pay the cost to be the boss. You want me to look like this...you need to buy the clothes. You want me to cook fresh all the times and only buy xyz, you need to buy the groceries.

And some of the stuff that Ro says like the dude should never be allowed to talk to the baby mama ever or whatever else is expected for the man, I would believe she would receive back talk. I would not. I would receive hesitation, not backtalk.

But I do believe that work on all men. The difference is sometimes she really has to put her foot down and step outside of Ro tactics and check him because an alpha male will try you.

My husband does not try me. Well he does...but he does it in a playing dumb way. For the most part he goes along with my flow.
The purpose of date night is to let him keep a level of romance and see how you look/behave in comparison to other women and see other men admiring you to keep him in that "hunter" role. He needs to chase even if it's in a low level. Date nights, you should dress up, wear dangling earrings, wear heels, talk to a nice tone, let him open the door for you, wear light makeup and a nice dress. Basically, you need to be a trophy wife when you step out. <---- I'm for this ish. I'ma start this asap. I make the excuse because I have DS, but we have people who will keep him. We will start back doing date night.

On a date:
Look Good: Dress, pearls, dangling earrings,
Smile a lot
Maintain lots of Eye Contact
Touch him a lot non-sexually
Touch your face, your breasts, your lips (anywhere he could see himself touching)
Ro brags about every certified wife should be able to bake a pie from scratch with the lattice top to match. But then she said don't use measurements. A woman should be able to use her feminine instinct to cook. Girl bye. I'll be done burned this whole house down. And I dunno how skrong that house insurance policy is. Baby I'll just measure. But for my first pie ever, I did good. If y'all wanna know the recipe is used and see more pics check out https://kashmereandpearls.blogspot.com/2017/10/this-apple-pie-is-unbeweaveable.html?m=1

I must say it did make me feel accomolished. DH was pretty surprised too. I don't think he has seen a pie other than for thanksgiving and Christmas lol. Somebody really just gave me some apples so this was perfect for trying this recipe out.

Why did I LOL at this??? Yeah, I definitely still use recipes but I don't tell anyone else that. I find that is the main thing about Ro's teaching. She incorporates "feminine mystic" into everything. Like, you tell people you did it from memory, but you actually use a recipe. I've seen this behavior from women in my grandmother's and great-grandmother's generation.

I do the same with my recipes. While I do season to taste, it's based on a recipe I found somewhere.
My husband naturally does not want to lead. He is used to a woman bossing him around and telling him exactly what to do. Ro's method works perfectly on him. Once I started not doing stuff around the house and falling back....he stopped being a follower and started leading. My friend's husband was already leading.

The other day I got upset that it was not any gas in my car after DH had been riding in my car. I know how he was thinking. Shoot, her car was on E when I got in the car. I'm not gonna put any gas in it. Where does she go all day while I'm at work anyway. She can't have THAT much to do right? I addressed this with him and let it known to keep me and our child safe, he needs to have the common courtesy to let me know my car needs gas or fill it up for me when it gets low and he was riding in it. He said to me, "But who's going to look out for me?" This was very irritating to me. No I won't put gas in your car but I reciprocate in other ways. I pack your lunch each day, Iron your clothes, clean your house, make you look good, graceful representation for your family, bring your family together with family gatherings. I bring A LOT to the table. An alpha male would not say this.

Also, her husband does not mind leading. He is very macho so it's like I want you to do this. I expect you to look like this. I want you to do this. He gets used to how she caters to him quickly and expects it. She doesn't mind this at all but it can be unnerving sometimes. She just has to reiterate the fact if you want to lead...you have to pay the cost to be the boss. You want me to look like this...you need to buy the clothes. You want me to cook fresh all the times and only buy xyz, you need to buy the groceries.

And some of the stuff that Ro says like the dude should never be allowed to talk to the baby mama ever or whatever else is expected for the man, I would believe she would receive back talk. I would not. I would receive hesitation, not backtalk.

But I do believe that work on all men. The difference is sometimes she really has to put her foot down and step outside of Ro tactics and check him because an alpha male will try you.

My husband does not try me. Well he does...but he does it in a playing dumb way. For the most part he goes along with my flow.

Did we marry the same man????

I SWEAR this sounds like my husband. Yeah- I've found that if he even THINKS I'm going to back down, he tries to slack up. Fussing doesn't work either- only staying in my feminine lane does.
Why did I LOL at this??? Yeah, I definitely still use recipes but I don't tell anyone else that. I find that is the main thing about Ro's teaching. She incorporates "feminine mystic" into everything. Like, you tell people you did it from memory, but you actually use a recipe. I've seen this behavior from women in my grandmother's and great-grandmother's generation.

I do the same with my recipes. While I do season to taste, it's based on a recipe I found somewhere.
I got such a bad memory. That feminine mystique would taste like trash lol.
I'm going to start compiling a list of people to follow on social media that inspire me to perfect my craft of being completely in my feminine nature. This includes food presentation and plating, dressing classy, and keeping a clean home. Please feel free to add to this list and I will continue to update this post

@Supervixen @GoGoChik @Kanky @Zuleika @Meridian1944 @BEAUTYU2U


- @FromJacquesWithLove
-@PlatedPerfection (owned by @Mia_shawntay)
-@jackiehillperry or search @jhpkitchen

Dressing Feminine and Classy

@BGKIOnline (Black Girls Killing It)
-@heatherlove I don't like her Christian Vibes but Girl can dress

Cleaning and Organization

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I used to remind my husband to pay the water bill. Then I felt like he couldn't do it so I manned up and paid it up for 6 months. 6 months is up and he knew it. I see he paid it. Without me saying a word. :toocool: It's the little things that tell me this stuff is working.
.....He said to me, "But who's going to look out for me?" This was very irritating to me. No I won't put gas in your car but I reciprocate in other ways. I pack your lunch each day, Iron your clothes, clean your house, make you look good, graceful representation for your family, bring your family together with family gatherings. I bring A LOT to the table.
Have you ever thought that maybe your way of showing love or care to your husband doesn't resonate with him? I.e., that's not his love language so while you're doing everything that YOU think a wife "should" do, that's not meeting his actual needs?

Dh and I went through the love language thing a while before we got engaged. I was doing certain things because to me they represented love and care as a (feminine) partner. Then he expressed that he felt like I don't love/care for him as much as he does for me, all while I was thinking how amazing of a job I was doing loving on this man lol. And it hit me that the way I love him isn't the way that he needs to be loved or perceives being loved. Once we discussed what the other actually needs to truly, deeply feel loved, life got way better and we both feel more equally yoked.

Just a thought. I know every marriage dynamic is truly unique. From a few brief glances, I think this Ro lady has a few solid principles but some of her stuff is really, really skewed and definitely won't work for every audience(husband).
You didn't aim this towards me but I can say as for me it is life changing.

Aight I will personally say that I think Ro's tactics work BEST with beta males such as my husband. I have a friend that also does Ro's methods with me and they DO work but for very masculine men I have to have an art to stepping up and setting boundaries but staying feminine.

Ways it has changed

1. I quit my job. I realize now the fuss I was making about cleaning and cooking was this. Both of us were working. He works this bull crap easy carefree job that pays him really really well. I worked a on my feet all day teaching job that was very stressful. I felt it was very unfair that my husband is naturally a slob (he had a SAHM as well that did not teach him to be tidy). So it felt like I was overworked. I had to go to work, cook, clean, sex, and nurture you. I was exhausted.
2. I feel I'm living my best life now. I put myself first. I take a naps a lot. I didn't follow Ro to the tee. My child still goes to daycare. 8 hours a day I can REST, clean, cook (I limit it to abojt 2 hours a day) and work on my passive income.
3. I do not rush anymore. I use to rush to go to the grocery store after work so I could cook when I got home. No longer my problem. I grocery shop in the middle of the day when everyone else is at work. It's a different caliber of people out during these times too. They are more relaxed. There are more food sales.
4. I eat healthier. I posted a picture of some food on here some years ago and asked why did my coworkers think I couldn't cook. Well it was because everything was from the box. Jiffy. Pre-breaded chicken tenders, some vegetable that I cooked fresh but boiled the heck out of it. I don't do that anymore. I ONLY cook fresh veggies. If I am lazy, I cook frozen vegetables but I steam them. I know what goes into our food. I pack my husbands lunch because I have time to cook 4 times a week because I am not tired.
5. I am more feminine. I gave up pants. I very rarely wear pants and if I do I pair is with a girly blouse and lots of jewelry. With a dress on, no one asks u to man up. You might break a nail or get dirty. Even when I go to these rental houses I have a dress on. No one expects me to do dirty work because I am a girly girl and they respect that. I get a lot more attention from men.
6. My husband has more respect. They asked him today what is going on. Does your wife like to try out a new country everyday? One day it's Mexican and the next it is Chinese and it all looks restaurant quality. I pack him snacks, drinks, and food with his money lol and the office has noticed. I care for him so they care for him too. They let him off early cuz they know Friday is Family day for us.
7. Protect the peace. I learned how to cut off a lot of people to protect the peace of my nuclear family. I have cut off the gay dude that kicked at my garage, my sister in law, and even my daddy. All of them don't bring me peace. I was holding on talking about that's just them or doing things I don't want to do for them. No more. Ro taught me YOUR family comes first. It's not my fault my SIL doesn't have a real hands on husband and I do. Bruh not my monkey not my circus. I can't keep your kid and u never keep mine just because u need a break. Call a babysitter. I can't do things for my dad just because he doesn't have a real wife. THEN you talk to me crazy? Naw son. I feel like if I can cut him off, anyone can get it. Block History Month all 2017.
8. I stopped making excuses for no side hustle. I'm on the verge of making about 2k just from passive income. I just started this process in May.
9. My food and my kid look good and in turn it changed the perception of me. Sorry not sorry. They think I'm mom of the year at daycare. I bring snacks for every holiday and he has holiday outfits a costume for Halloween I go the nines. I just have a lot of time to make sure my kid looks graceful and my food looks like it's been cooked with love. I mean who has time to cook an apple pie from SCRATCH with the lattice weaving to match? This girl that's who. Lol.
I have been relaxing at home with childcare (not 8 hours because I don't think that's healthy for young children) and a cleaning lady for over a decade. Yes, I can cook from scratch, it isn't hard. Maybe I should've charged folks hundreds of dollars to tell them that life is easier without a 9 to 5 and that if you don't jump in everytime something needs to be done then a man will handle it. :lol:
I have been relaxing at home with childcare (not 8 hours because I don't think that's healthy for young children) and a cleaning lady for over a decade. Yes, I can cook from scratch, it isn't hard. Maybe I should've charged folks hundreds of dollars to tell them that life is easier without a 9 to 5 and that if you don't jump in everytime something needs to be done then a man will handle it. :lol:

Yup! You should!
Have you ever thought that maybe your way of showing love or care to your husband doesn't resonate with him? I.e., that's not his love language so while you're doing everything that YOU think a wife "should" do, that's not meeting his actual needs?

Dh and I went through the love language thing a while before we got engaged. I was doing certain things because to me they represented love and care as a (feminine) partner. Then he expressed that he felt like I don't love/care for him as much as he does for me, all while I was thinking how amazing of a job I was doing loving on this man lol. And it hit me that the way I love him isn't the way that he needs to be loved or perceives being loved. Once we discussed what the other actually needs to truly, deeply feel loved, life got way better and we both feel more equally yoked.

Just a thought. I know every marriage dynamic is truly unique. From a few brief glances, I think this Ro lady has a few solid principles but some of her stuff is really, really skewed and definitely won't work for every audience(husband).
I thought about that.
His love language is time and acts of service. All of the things are acts of service.


I started to cook enough food for me and DS and when he looked for the food ask who was gonna look out for me. Or I would wash our clothes and when he got all dirty clothes ask quietly....who's going to wash my clothes? But I'm Petty at times.

I am working on increasing my time though. I had to change leaps and bounds to meet that love language.
I have been relaxing at home with childcare (not 8 hours because I don't think that's healthy for young children) and a cleaning lady for over a decade. Yes, I can cook from scratch, it isn't hard. Maybe I should've charged folks hundreds of dollars to tell them that life is easier without a 9 to 5 and that if you don't jump in everytime something needs to be done then a man will handle it. :lol:
I would've bought it too. I NEEDED this.
Hi ladies. I just decide to embark on the Wife School journey as well. I have been working at this for years and have seen much improvement but I have not yet looked at any resources focusing on the black family. I just recently completed a Fascinating Woman course and I am really interested to see what Ro prescribes for our demographic.
Is being patient in one of Ro's thoughts about letting your husband grow? Any posts on this?

I had something that needed to be done in the house for months. It was a hole that was in the ceiling. I brought it up again. Annoyingly I put on my sing-song voice and used my man charming to say, "Baby...are you going to fix the hole today? Please? *bats eyelashes*

He played dumb on me talking about huh? What time is it? Negro you know what time it is. You've been chilling all day. You finna leave and go bowl and have fun after chilling all day. That's fine too. We all need an outlet. You can fix this hole though.

He wasted another two hours working slow. Acting like he might hurt himself. I stayed out of the way and made sure the baby stayed out of the way. Took forever but he actually did it!

But I'm personally annoyed it takes him so long to do it. I just need to suck it up and be grateful he did it? It's annoying having to be so sweet to get him to do stuff he should already do. But I must admit the most important thing is that it is done. And it's done now. Any advice?
I thought about that.
His love language is time and acts of service. All of the things are acts of service.


I started to cook enough food for me and DS and when he looked for the food ask who was gonna look out for me. Or I would wash our clothes and when he got all dirty clothes ask quietly....who's going to wash my clothes? But I'm Petty at times.

I am working on increasing my time though. I had to change leaps and bounds to meet that love language.
To the bolded, my point was - does HE see them as acts of service? YOU obviously see them as such, but is that how HE views it.

But like I said, every situation/marriage dynamic is different.
Let's talk about rites of passages and family traditions for your family. Any insight?

Currently we try to go on two family trips a year. One is in November and one is in the summer. We usually go to Gatlinburg and then make it to the beach in the summer.
Every Friday we go out for Family Night. We go to a restaurant and we talk with the phones.
Every Saturday we either lounge around and have a big breakfast at home or go out to a nice breakfast restaurant to eat there. Basically we make sure Saturday is special with like red velvet pancakes, omelets, frosted sugar every where on waffles, lol sprinkles, just over the top.

Rites of Passage
- I thought of some special event if I had a girl. When her period starts I will take her out and spend an entire day with her letting her get her nails and hair done, doing something she enjoys, and really talking to her about becoming a young lady.
-I would love it if DH took DS on a man trip once a year or something even if it's just a one day trip.

To the bolded, my point was - does HE see them as acts of service? YOU obviously see them as such, but is that how HE views it.

But like I said, every situation/marriage dynamic is different.
I don't know. I hope he does since it's his love language, but maybe he doesn't. He DID say that he was happy I laid his clothes out for him this morning because it made his life easier getting to work on time.
This is what I took in from the Royal Parenting/Graceful Mothering conference call I was in on. Some of these are coupled in with ideas from @PeaceLover as I believe she does a great job as an ex teacher in assigning rewards and consequences and necessary. Her baby is a pampered, compassionate, UE princess at an early age hahaha. Some of these notes are not exactly from Ro but have come from conversations when discussing ideas from Ro. Feel free to correct and add to it as you see fit.

FIRST OF ALL THE MAIN THING IS TO NEVER SPANK YOUR CHILD lol. Royal kids are not spanked and why should yours. She believes it's heavily rooted in slavery times. We make fun of yt people never spanking their child, but this is possibly a reason. However, they don't discipline very well. YOU HAVE to discipline your child. And this may have to occur once every five minutes. It's very necessary and once you start, you won't have to do as much.

1. Let’s say your child steals someone’s toys. Use your sing song voice. You say, “Hunny, can you bring me your favorite toys?” Put them in a bag and put them in the car. With your child, donate the toys to the less fortunate (Salvation Army or Gateway). Tell your child that we are giving away toys because they DECIDED to take someone else’s toys and they need to understand how it feels to take away a toy that someone else loves. This is a logical consequence backed up with an explanation. They don’t want their toys given away in the future? Well they can CHOOSE not to steal others toys.

2. Same thing with cleaning up. You explain to them that toys belong in the correct spot. If they are left on the floor, this tells mommy and daddy that the child has too many toys. Therefore, they will be thrown away or donated to others. Remind them, explain, and give a logical consequence.

3. Let’s say your child is acting ungrateful and does not like the toys someone gave her/him for a birthday party. Don’t allow her to have any toys during that time. Take them all away. Let her earn them back by saying thank you to the people who gave them the presents. Stay firm on this.

4. Let’s say you’re going trick or treating. One child refuses to say thank you each time they receive candy. Make the kids have compassion and say thank you. If that child doesn’t say thank you…they don’t get the candy. Simple. Explain to them they can earn the candy back by saying thank you to each person that gave them candy. If not, they earn the logical consequence of having no candy.

5. Let’s say your child breaks a lamp. Let’s say you give them $2 a week to buy a dollar toy at Dollar Tree or Dollar General. Tell them they don’t get their weekly toy because you have to use that money to buy a lamp. Let them see you buy a new lamp. They will be more careful the next time. Explain why you are doing this and assign a logical consequence.

6. Let’s say your child is a baby and is into something they shouldn’t play with. Explain to them why you don’t want them to play with it. Redirect them and give them a toy that they CAN play with. Focus on what you want them to do not what you don’t want them to do.

7. Let’s say your child cannot stay awake at school. They can lose their late bedtime and have it dialed back 30 minutes or more until they can learn to stay awake during school. Explain why their bedtime is being modified and assign a logical consequence.

8. Have a set system. If they get in trouble at school let’s say (yellow light)….no TV and No Ipad. If they get in BIG trouble (let’s say red light) no tv, ipad, dessert, and etc. They can earn it back by having good behavior the next day.

9. Let’s say they keep eating food in their room. Take away their privilege to eat snacks in their room/house. Lol Be petty. Eat YOUR snacks in your room/house. If they look sad, explain to them that you have earned the privilege to eat wherever because you know to clean up behind yourself. When they decide to do the same, they may have the privilege back. (Ro’s point is to let them earn privileges back. They want their toys? Be appreciative. They don’t want their toys thrown away? Put them away and don’t steal. They want to eat in their room? Put the food wrappers away. Let them earn their rewards. Everything, all of their niceties in life are rewards.

10. Don’t make girls man up or boys woman up. Have feminine chores and masculine chores. When boys have a dirty room…don’t make them clean up. This is feminine. Instead don’t get mad…get sad. Tell them they make mommy really really sad when she has to clean up after them. Take away toys (many of us have too much stuff anyway) or do whatever, but make life easy for you. Don’t make the boy clean though.

11. Feminine chores for little girls: organization, cooking, cleaning, nurturing, adding playfulness to the family.

12. Masculine Chores: Cut the grass/trim hedges, take trash out, checking all smoke detectors for dead batteries (protection), Killing spiders or bugs, Changing light bulbs, Plunging if capable, basically anything that teaches them to protect and provide for their future wife.

13. Ignore or redirect Bad Behavior. Focus ONLY on good behavior.

14. Have a naughty chair. Let’s say the toddler hits mommy. The child must sit in the chair until they apologize and agree to not continue to do what put them in the chair. Every time they get up from the chair, you HAVE to be consistent as a wife and put them back in the chair. This is why it is important to decide in Marriage Negotiations who will be the house manager. The house manager usually tends to discipline and in early years this will probably be the wife because she is around the kids more.

15. Children need to be redirected or corrected about once every five minutes. Accept this.

16. Give them choices that really are guided by you. Let’s say u have two outfits you don’t mind them wearing to school. “Would you like to wear Outfit A or Outfit B?” They think they are in control but they are not. Both outfits are picked by you.

17. Another example of this: Baby, this restaurant has kids meals of chicken tenders or hamburgers. Which would you like? Then urge him to tell the waiter what he would like. This trains him to make up his own mind and hopefully gets him out of the habit of saying, “I don’t know. What do you want to do?” when on a date. LOL

18. Teach them how to think on their own. Son, you have to go to school tomorrow. What do you need to do to ensure you are ready for school tomorrow? Give him time to think and tell you. (This may take an extensive amount of time at first.)

19. Make them listen the first time you told them to.

20. Make them keep you unstressed and look after your needs instead of thinking of themselves and their needs all day. (Example: telling your boy child that they make you sad when they don’t clean up their room. Telling your girl that it makes you sad when she hits mommy).

21. Boys: Let them pay with their own money. Let them earn money for something and let them pay for their own toys starting at 4.

22. Be firm and consistent and start disciplining early.

23. Explain why we do things often. It’s important to EXPLAIN. It is very slavery embedded to think it is disrespectful when a child asks why. Explain to them so they don’t blindly obey just any adult that may not have the same values as you. Make sure they do this politely though.

24. Create family heirlooms, traditions, and rites of passages to be passed down: cookbooks, land, and etc.

25. Don’t encourage kids to get student loans. The debt traps them in poverty. If they go to college they should be able to go for free or not at all. They are going for the experience not just to say they went to college and make a bill to pay for years to come. Keep them free! If they go to college, it should be for free with grants, scholarships, and etc. NO LOANS.

26. Be Available- Play with your kids and don’t neglect their need for you.

27. Help develop your boy so they have multiple streams of income: mowing grass, fixing houses, flipping cars, stock investments, plumbing, electrical work, and etc.

28. Let boys have a truck as first car. This first mode of transportation being a truck ensures that a) A truck only has two seats so no moochers will live off of him trying to catch a ride. b) It is a status symbol and an unspoken symbol of masculinity c) It will allow him to always have a means to make money. He can carry a lawn mower, tools, and more in his truck. He can also charge for hauling materials.

29. Taking things from a child is NOT emotional cruelty! Wow, how materialistic you've shown yourselves to be, if you believe this.

30. No gift or money spent is more valuable than the proper upbringing of your child as a stellar adult, with compassion for people NOT higher value of things.

31. If you tell your child in advance that certain bad behavior will cause you to throw away gifts, and they do that behavior, there's absolutely nothing wrong with throwing away those gifts. They were warned and they have DECIDED to accept the natural consequence.

32. Material items are NOT needed to make your child feel loved.

33. If you spend 1 million dollars on a gift & taking it back or throwing it out, will teach your child a valuable lesson, choosing to give them the gift is BAD PARENTING.

34. Tell your child in advance that if they don't show genuine appreciation for a gift, you're taking it back, and not giving gifts the next event...THEN DO EXACTLY THAT!

35. In the wise words of my father, "It takes balls to be a good parent."

36. Brats or ill mannered children do NOT deserve or need ONE SINGLE GIFT! Give them one thing, and you deserve a bratty, disrespectful year.

37. Example: When at your child’s birthday party, let’s say your child says I don’t like this gift. I really wanted xyz and their grandmother gave them this gift. You should say, “In this family we are appreciative of our gifts. Because of this, we say Thank You and MEAN IT for every gift we receive. However, saying thank you is a CHOICE. If you CHOOSE not to say thank you this is your CHOICE but you have CHOSEN not to receive ANY gifts.”

38. Imagine your child's life at 5, 10, 15, 30, 40 and etc. they stay a child for 18 years but an adult for the rest of their lives. How do you plan their lives to be? Are you taking steps to get them towards this point.

39. As it relates to boys and letting them struggle by making them figure it out… REMEMBER doing NOTHING is doing SOMETHING. You must give him room to figure it out on his own.

40. Set boundaries, non-negotiables, and routines and stick to them. Mine for my house include: Bedtime at 8:30. 30 Minutes of TV/Ipad time a day. Dinner/Breakfast at the table and not all around the house. Manners are essential (Say please, thank you, No Mam and Yes mam). Laundry/Ironing is done on Sunday. I cook on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. The other days are freebie days. Fridays we have family night where we go out to eat. I pack my child’s bookbag/diaper bag every night so we are ready for the next morning with ease. Routines are predictable for the family and give them some sense of comfort.

41. Pressure makes diamonds. Don’t give your boy money. Instead, give them opportunities to make money and give them the choice to do it or not. He needs $100? Well the guy down the street needs his lawn cut. You can use our lawn mower and make the money this way. Don’t GIVE him the money for things other than needs. Pressure makes him grow into a man by developing his leadership. Think of all the lessons here: perseverance, talking to people correctly, entrepreneurship, meeting goals.

42. Remember your voice is essential too. Talk in a sing-song voice with your children.
I feel like cooking is an art that was lost in our community. Everything that the older generations was taught in home economics...my generation is at a losss which causes us to be constant consumers AGAIN because we don’t know how to do anything.

Of course I recently upped it with my cooking and food presentation skills. I post a few of the pics online and some of my friends are so amazed. They can’t cook at all. And they’re 30. And I get it you don’t have to know how to cook to get or keep a man but it is simply a nice skill to have that also causes us to keep money in our pocket by not eating out. Just Saturday DH and I were debating going to burgers and blues. Well a burger and fries are $14.50 a piece. So we would have spent $30 at the restaurant. Man I had to talk myself up because I was being lazy but I got up and made the exactly same burger he wanted (a burger with spinach, onions, cheese, and a fried egg on top) with fries, strawberry shortcake cups (that I could make because I had some left over from thanksgiving) and pineapple, lemon, fruit punch with likkahol. It was an alcoholic family night...and it was free...and it looked restaurant quality. I’m just amazed by this.

Of course it takes time compassion and attention to detail to build this skill but cooking from scratch and cooking well is truly a skill that keeps wealth in the house. I probably spent $10 at best on the stuff needed to make a burger but I could make 6 burgers vs 2.

It’s truly a skill to cook and Cook well. Looking back my mother was stressed. She had a lot on her. She was raising my brother and I, going to work, dealing with a child with a disability, and just trying to keep it all together. I feel like her constant rushing is why I didn’t learn how to do a lot of things: cook, clean, not spend money when I don’t feel well emotionally, understand men, explain why to various questions. I feel like I got spankings because it’s easier to do that than to redirect a smart-aleck child and explain why. I feel because of said spankings I learned to lie and lie well to my parents. I feel that lying well led to some unstable relationships with women and men that my mother could have helped me understand better if she had time to explain and not instead control my life. I

THIS ALL is why Ro’s movement is important. I have made my life very very simple. I cook (and perfect my craft), clean, have a side business, go out to eat with my friend girls, nap, and because of less money...learn to be thrifty. It’s not so complex as my life before and because of that I can zone in on my marriage, child and family’s needs.

My dad always said....you can’t have it all. You kinda have to choose. Balance is key. I feel like I have that balance now.
I feel like cooking is an art that was lost in our community. Everything that the older generations was taught in home economics...my generation is at a losss which causes us to be constant consumers AGAIN because we don’t know how to do anything.

Of course I recently upped it with my cooking and food presentation skills. I post a few of the pics online and some of my friends are so amazed. They can’t cook at all. And they’re 30. And I get it you don’t have to know how to cook to get or keep a man but it is simply a nice skill to have that also causes us to keep money in our pocket by not eating out. Just Saturday DH and I were debating going to burgers and blues. Well a burger and fries are $14.50 a piece. So we would have spent $30 at the restaurant. Man I had to talk myself up because I was being lazy but I got up and made the exactly same burger he wanted (a burger with spinach, onions, cheese, and a fried egg on top) with fries, strawberry shortcake cups (that I could make because I had some left over from thanksgiving) and pineapple, lemon, fruit punch with likkahol. It was an alcoholic family night...and it was free...and it looked restaurant quality. I’m just amazed by this.

Of course it takes time compassion and attention to detail to build this skill but cooking from scratch and cooking well is truly a skill that keeps wealth in the house. I probably spent $10 at best on the stuff needed to make a burger but I could make 6 burgers vs 2.

It’s truly a skill to cook and Cook well. Looking back my mother was stressed. She had a lot on her. She was raising my brother and I, going to work, dealing with a child with a disability, and just trying to keep it all together. I feel like her constant rushing is why I didn’t learn how to do a lot of things: cook, clean, not spend money when I don’t feel well emotionally, understand men, explain why to various questions. I feel like I got spankings because it’s easier to do that than to redirect a smart-aleck child and explain why. I feel because of said spankings I learned to lie and lie well to my parents. I feel that lying well led to some unstable relationships with women and men that my mother could have helped me understand better if she had time to explain and not instead control my life. I

THIS ALL is why Ro’s movement is important. I have made my life very very simple. I cook (and perfect my craft), clean, have a side business, go out to eat with my friend girls, nap, and because of less money...learn to be thrifty. It’s not so complex as my life before and because of that I can zone in on my marriage, child and family’s needs.

My dad always said....you can’t have it all. You kinda have to choose. Balance is key. I feel like I have that balance now.

I agree with all of this, especially the bolded. The only difference was I wasn't spanked much at all, but hated disappointing my hard working mother, so I learned to lie for that reason. I also didn't ask for much because I didn't want to burden with ridiculousness, but I've seen now that stuff wasnt frivolous. I needed to learn some life skills that are important. I don't think she knew some of these things either. My aunt taught me some stuff too as a stay at home wife, but she's a prude and so we would never talk about understanding men and how to talk to them. My step dad and uncle did ok in that area.

I do appreciate what women like Ro is trying to get us back to. I am.always aware when I'm leading with masculine energy in a way I wasnt before I started paying attention a few years ago.
So for the past few months I’ve been reconciling my thoughts on being a wife, the modern day wife vs the traditional wife and what that truly means in practice. Ive leaned a lot from watching my mom but the reality of it is that my mom is from a different era and I think my version of running my enterprise will be a bit different, I’ll be delegating more than she did.

Sadly enough, I’ve been watching this SAHM vlogger who does nothing and her home is a mess, doesn’t cook, the kids are a mess and developmentally behind due to neglect ALL she cares about is herself and it’s quite jarring to see. The husband helps out a lot and just doesn’t get much tlc. I try not to judge people’s marriages cause hey, they may have their own agreements but umm yeah that lady is a mess. It made me question a few things though, Is the art of being a wife an antiquated, sexist belief and are we putting too much on ourselves as women?
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Is the art of being a wife an antiquated, sexist belief and are we putting too much on ourselves as women?
That's an interesting question. I like that.

I did some googling and I found this article. I'm not religious, but it makes some great points and what I like most about the article is that it mentions nothing about traditional gender roles that get brought up with this topic. By that I mean it doesn't say "These specific jobs are for the wife, and these other jobs are for the husband."


What Should Be the Wife's 'Role' in Marriage?
The confusion in today’s culture about “roles” in marriage compels us to understand what the Bible says about the unique responsibilities God assigns to a wife.
By Barbara Rainey

Perhaps more than at any other time in history, women today need a clear understanding of how they should relate to their husbands. In fact, the significant social changes brought about by the women's liberation movement over the last few decades have led to such confusion that the very idea of "roles" is repugnant to some. They feel as if somehow they lose their identity and their freedom if they adhere to some type of "outdated standard."

It's important for us to look clearly at what the Bible says on this subject. And while the Bible doesn't apply our modern word "role" to marriage, the Scriptures are clear about the unique responsibilities God assigns to a wife.

Special note: I suggest that you also read Dennis's answer to the question, "What should be the husband's role in marriage?" before you continue this section. A wife's responsibilities can be properly understood only in the context of loving, servant leadership by her husband.

#1: Be a helper to your husband. While all of us are called to be helpers to others, the Bible places a special emphasis on this responsibility for wives. Genesis tells us that God realized it wasn't good for man to be alone, and that He decided to make a "helper suitable for him" (Gen. 2:18). It is interesting to note that the Hebrew meaning of the word helper in this passage is found hereafter in the Bible to refer only to God as He helps us. The fact that this same word is applied to a wife signifies that we women have been given tremendous power for good in our husbands' lives. God has designed wives to help their husbands become all that God intends for them to be.

#2: Respect your husband. In Ephesians 5:33, Paul says, " … the wife must respect her husband." When you respect your husband you reverence him, notice him, regard him, honor him, prefer him, and esteem him. It means valuing his opinion, admiring his wisdom and character, appreciating his commitment to you, and considering his needs and values.

Our husbands have many needs. The macho man who is self-contained, independent, and invulnerable is a myth. One day Dennis gave me a list of what he considered to be some of the primary needs most men have:

  • Self-confidence in his personhood as a man
  • To be listened to
  • Companionship
  • To be needed
To me, meeting these needs is what respecting your husband is all about. To bolster Dennis's confidence, for example, I try to encourage him by being his number one fan. Every husband wants his wife to be on his team, to coach him when necessary, but most of all to be his cheerleader. A husband needs a wife who is behind him, believing in him, appreciating him, and cheering him on as he goes out into the world every day.

#3: Love your husband. Titus 2:4 calls for wives "to love their husbands." A good description of the kind of love your husband needs is "unconditional acceptance." In other words, accept your husband just as he is—an imperfect person.

Love also means being committed to a mutually fulfilling sexual relationship. I realize there is a whole lot more to love than sex, but we are looking at how to fulfill God's command to love our husbands. Therefore, we must look at love from their perspective, not just our own.

Surveys show that sex is one of a man's most important needs—if not the most important. When a wife resists intimacy, is uninterested, or is only passively interested, her husband may feel rejection. It will cut at his self-image, tear at him to the very center of his being, and create isolation.

My husband's sexual needs should be more important and higher on my priority list than menus, housework, projects, activities, and even the children. It does not mean that I should think about sex all day and every day, but it does mean that I find ways to remember my husband and his needs. It means I save some of my energy for him. It keeps me from being selfish and living only for my own needs and wants. Maintaining that focus helps me defeat isolation in our marriage.

#4: Submit to the leadership of your husband. Just mention the word "submission," and many women immediately become angry and even hostile. This controversial concept has been highly debated and misunderstood.

Some husbands and wives actually believe submission indicates that women are inferior to men in some way. I have known women who think that if they submit they will lose their identity and become non-persons. Others fear (some with good reason) that submission leads to being used or abused.

Another misconception is that submission means blind obedience on the part of the woman. She can give no input to her husband, question nothing, and only stay obediently barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.

What does God have in mind? Here are two passages from Scripture:

Wives, be subject to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives and do not be embittered against them. —Colossians 3:18-19

Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body. But as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives ought to be to their husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her, so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless. So husbands ought also to love their own wives as their own bodies. He who loves his own wife loves himself; for no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ also does the church, because we are members of His body. —Ephesians 5:22-30

These Scriptures make it clear that a wife should submit voluntarily to her husband's sensitive and loving leadership. Therefore, as I voluntarily submit to my husband, I am completing him. I am helping him fulfill his responsibilities, and I am helping him become the man, the husband, and the leader God intended him to be.

Building oneness in marriage works best when both spouses choose to fulfill their responsibilities voluntarily, with no pressure or coercion. To become the servant-leader God has commanded him to be, Dennis needs my gracious respect and submission. And when Dennis loves me the way he is commanded to, I can more easily submit myself to that leadership.

I do this with an attitude of entrusting myself to God. In one of his letters, Peter told us that even though Jesus suffered terrible pain and insults, He did not retaliate "but kept entrusting Himself to Him who judges righteously" (1 Peter 2:23). When you entrust your life to the Father, it's much easier to be the wife of an imperfect man, particularly when you may have disagreements.

A special note: Some of you may live with abuse or in excessively unhealthy and destructive conditions in your marriage. At times, it may be inappropriate or even life-threatening for you to apply unquestioningly the principles of submission. For example, if you are being physically or verbally abused, you need to take steps to protect yourself and your children. If you are in that situation, please discerningly seek out your pastor or someone wise who has been trained to help with your specific issue.

Loving, forgiving, and submitting do not mean that you become a doormat or indefinitely tolerate significantly destructive behavior.

How it all fits together

If you have ever sewn a dress, or attempted to sew one, you know how a pattern works. The pattern is made of many pieces, some large and some small, none of which accurately resemble the finished product.

When you lay out the pattern and cut the cloth, you do not have a garment but only some scraps of cloth. When it is properly assembled and made usable with buttons, snaps, or a zipper, these pieces make a complete dress.

Every pattern has pairs of parts: two sleeves, two bodice pieces, a front and back skirt, and even the collar and facing pieces are usually in twos. A marriage is very similar. God has designed a master pattern for husbands and wives that, when followed, will create a whole, usable, beautiful marriage.

In the same way a dress can be made in a variety of sizes and colors with numerous differences in detail from one pattern, so my marriage may look different from yours. As we acknowledge Christ as Lord of our lives, we must work out our marriages according to God's plan. The key is for each wife to follow God's plan, know her part, and work to fit in with her husband's responsibilities.
So for the past few months I’ve been reconciling my thoughts on being a wife, the modern day wife vs the traditional wife and what that truly means in practice. Ive leaned a lot from watching my mom but the reality of it is that my mom is from a different era and I think my version of running my enterprise will be a bit different, I’ll be delegating more than she did.

Sadly enough, I’ve been watching this SAHM vlogger who does nothing and her home is a mess, doesn’t cook, the kids are a mess and developmentally behind due to neglect ALL she cares about is herself and it’s quite jarring to see. The husband helps out a lot and just doesn’t get much tlc. I try not to judge people’s marriages cause hey, they may have their own agreements but umm yeah that lady is a mess. It made me question a few things though, Is the art of being a wife an antiquated, sexist belief and are we putting too much on ourselves as women?

That's how I feel reading this thread. There are a few traditional things that I like, but a lot of it to me doesn't jive with how I want to raise a family -- particularly when it comes to delegating gender specific jobs to my children. However, on a larger scale, I think that a lot of what would make a happy home is further discovery and practice of the three C's as they were taught to me in grade school: Caring, courtesy, and consideration. I think that if both parties approached many home situations with this in mind then much of the headache would be eliminated... I shouldn't have to make dinner because I'm the wife, I should make dinner because I'm considerate of my spouce's time (maybe I'm home first) or his ability (maybe he sucks at cooking), curious (putting out his food and the family's because I'm the one who made the meal), make something delicious and nutritious because I care about their and my health....that sort of thing. Likewise, if I'm sick I shouldn't expect the house to go to hell in a handbasket because his momma never taught him or expected him to cook and clean or to take care of his wife or family in that way. Same for clothing the family, taking care of the kids, etc. etc. etc.