Wife School - I Know Ya'll Saw This Yesterday...

Are you doing the mentoring?
I really really really want to. Even just to be in the group for a minute and just write down tidbits and experiences I think are important.

But it’s like $550 now. I can’t afford it with me being a new stay at home mother. That’s a lot to ask for.
My mentoring has not started. I have not been assigned a mentor. I be.ieve because they are concentrating on the Black and Wealthy meeting happening in Atlanta today. So I hope to get start on Monday.

What I hope to gain from mentoring is monthly plans with accountability as I incorporate the principles.

From wife school my marriage has taken a positive turn. It was hanging on our son who is about to go to college next year and I was questioning its survival. Now I am equipped to allow my marriage to flourish.

Thank you for the heads up @SimplyWhole. Could you share a bit about what you gained from mentoring?
What's Ro's reasoning about why you should cater to your husband when he's sick? I was trying to find her post on that but I don't see it.
When I tell you EVERYONE has a hustle on this Ro train. Now the Alyssa girl (who is a photographer) has a special going on on how to redo your profile to rebrand yourself and make yourself attractive for your future husband/yourself. These are some tidbits I came across:

1. Delete pictures of exes. They don’t belong in your life anymore…friend or not. They didn't make the cut so delete them. Going forward, don't post pictures of boyfriends. Pictures on your profile should be reserved for your husband or soon to be husband AKA Fiance. Delete your past.

2. Edit or delete any statuses in which you are cursing. (You can search your timeline for curse words by doing Your Name posts insertcurseword. All posts with the curse words will pop up. Delete each one or edit your status to delete the curse words.

3. Delete pictures where you are at work or you are driving a car. You worth is not defined by this and driving a car implies you like to drive and do not like to be driven around. Refrain from pics like this.

4. Delete mentions and pictures of degrees (especially if single). Again your worth is not your degree. Men are not usually looking for this unless they want a woman who will pay bills. You're not seeking for this lifestyle.

5. Have pictures of your male vouchers to let others know you are well protected and well taken care of. Examples is Happy Birthday to my dad who always makes sure I am safe and well taken care of! Love you daddy! (Or give a specific example of how they protect or care for you). This makes other men know they have to do the same. You are highly treasured.

6. Try to keep pictures of your children off of social media. If you have more than TWO children, don’t let potential husbands know this. This is something they can find out once they get to know you. They're on a need to know basis.

7. Don’t post too many pictures of you in a club setting. Really don't post any pics of you at the club.

8. Delete unclear pictures including your profile pictures.

9. Natural hair and feminine clothing is very nurturing. Focus on wearing clothing that the opposite sex could not wear. No slouchy sweat pants, short masculine hairdo’s, all black clothes, and etc. Strive to be very feminine in your attire. If it doesn’t meet the criteria…delete it. They can only see what you let them see.

10. Always post pictures of you in a nice background. If your house is not nice or not in a nice area, don't post the picture. ONLY post pictures in nice backgrounds. Think flowers, parks, zoo's, lights, modern,and beautiful. Just like you.

11. Refrain from clothing that screams sex and not wife. (This goes back to the club pictures). Twerking, overly sexy pictures, and etc. scream gf or person setting up to get used and not wife.

12. Post pictures of you to attract a man: You cleaning, your skin glowing and you looking natural, pictures of you cooking, nice feminine dresses in heels,

13. Dresses: Look for A-line dresses, feminine shoes, wear nice fitting underwear such as Wacoal, wear piece of jewelry such as necklaces, bracelets, pearl earrings, and etc.

14. Post pictures of you serving others or speak indirectly about you spending time serving others. Practice compassion often in your daily life. Don't brag about this, but however snippets of pictures that show your giving efforts are great.

15. Posting Guidelines:

a. Refrain from Content that is graphic, obscene, explicit, racial, aggressive, or disparaging in any form.

b. Refrain from Content that is abusive, hateful, inflammatory, or intended to defame any person(s)

c. Try to aim to be positive at all times. Refrain from publically complaining. A woman unable to be pleased stunts her own growth.

d. Control your mouth

e. No Bathroom Selfies, No Gym Selfies (most of the time these pics are just ew), No funeral pics of you crying.

f. Delete all non-magazine quality pictures

g. Let go of the need of letting people know how sad you always are.

16. Posing Instructions

a. Hair on the shoulders should be avoided at all costs. Either put it behind you, to the side, SOMETHING other than on your shoulders.

b. Pull the Chin (or Ears) Forward

c. Lift your arm slightly- When people stand naturally, another thing they do is stand with their arms flat at their sides. This causes several problems. First, it makes them look awkward and uncomfortable in the photo. Secondly, their arm presses against their torso. This squishes the arm out and makes it look larger than it actually is.

d. Don’t take Pics Head On If your subject stares at the camera head-on, they look bigger. Turn your shoulders so they are not head on. Just raising one shoulder higher than another will add dimension and strength to the image. Turn at a 45 degree angle to take a picture.

e. Don’t Show the Whites of Your Eyes- You want to see the iris, the colored part....NOT mostly white.

f. Open Your Mouth Slightly- With the mouth slightly open, the jawline is elongated and gives a subtle intimate invite to the viewer.

g. Have Ballet Hands- Under the chin, over the shoulder, to the side, under the ear or through the hair are some common positions for hands.

h. Position Yourself Girl- Old red carpet trick: Position your body 45 degrees and put the arm closest to the camera on your hip. Then plant one foot slightly in front of the other, point your toe to the camera and place your weight on your back leg.

i. Stand Up Straight- Standing up straight really does make a difference. Not only will it elongate you in photos, but it gives you an aura of strength and confidence, which is naturally alluring.

Power of Being Positive Notes
1. Focus on what you want not what you don't want. Example: Instead of saying ew I tired of this dumb car...say I think it's time for a brand new car!
2. Focus Your Time on things you are grateful for in life.
3. Say positive affirmations every day. Before bed, before you eat (remember we should take time to get prepared for bed and freshening up before dinner). Say things like I am beautiful. I am deserving of love. I am deserving of prosperity. Repeat these things each day.
4. Learn to feel, think and even act, as if you are already living the life you want.
5. Only stay mad for 5 minutes, after that focus your attention on the good.
6. Create a visual picture of what success looks for you. Revisit this image often.

As it Relates to Identifying Quality Men
@Zaynab touched on a lot of this.
1. Refrain from I forgot my wallet men
2. Look for men that have a car especially in areas that don't rely on public transportation
3. Ask where does he stay and with whom.

She personally plans on touching the following:
Profile evaluations
Posing instructions
Posting Guidelines
Compassion Training
Image Evaluations
The science of positivity
Identifying quality men

If you have anything else you would like to add concerning these topics, add away!
Ro is offering a class on Submission. What I notice is that most of the classes are really the same ole recycled information just organized for a new class. So this is not exactly from her but she already touched on what is masculine respect. Now she has added three levels to respect. It includes general respect, masculine respect, and then SUBMISSION. (Which is also the name of her new perfume). Please feel free to add insight to this so I can update

The Three Levels of Respect

General Respect
(This respect you show to everyone period.)
This involves being very compassionate towards others. Compassion is very much needed. It helps up become very conscious and meets our needs of having self-realization and authentic living. Tips to have compassion and show general respect include:


I know it sounds easy, but listening–truly listening–not responding but listening- can be one of the hardest skills to master. If you want a person to know you respect him or her, then tune into what that person is saying. Look them in the eye, put down your cell phone, and repeat what they have said to show that you are listening. IF THEY ASK FOR IT offer feedback but if not they just wanna vent. Everyone appreciates the person who willing listens to them and shows genuine interest in what they have to say.


If you’ve ever had a bad day, then you know the power a little encouragement can have. We’ve all had moments when we need someone to tell us, “don’t worry, things will work out.” It might not seem like much at the time, but that person will remember that you took the time and interest in their feelings and well-being. A smile and uplifting word can truly brighten someone’s day.


If someone does a great job, let them know about it. In fact, let everyone know about it. Openly congratulate someone for a job well done, especially if you’re a manager. Employees will work harder and happier knowing their manager has a mutual respect for them and is willing to express praise and gratitude when it’s deserved.

Be Helpful

If you find a friend or coworker in a jam, be willing to help them if at possible. Not to say you should take on half their project, but offering some advice or throwing in a bit of your time will mean a lot. If that friend or coworker has helped you in the past, then returning the favor will be a nice way to show both your respect and gratitude.

Say Thank You

I’m sure this one seems like common sense, but many people just forget to say thank you or at least forget how to say it with sincerity. A thank you can be as small as two words or as much as buying someone a gift; nevertheless, if the action is not done with 100% sincerity then it is wasted. Make sure people know you appreciate them and their actions. Simply saying it in front of someone else can make a big impact.

Masculine Respect

(This respect you show all males. This goes for male children as well. You have to start them off young through your interactions with him. Teach him how to expect masculine respect from all women.) There are 14 rules to live by.
1. Never belittle your man.
2. Never talk down to him.
3. Never ignore him.
4. Never let him feel replaceable.
5. Never play down your need for him.
6. Never cause him to feel embarrassed.
7. Never look away or text while he's talking.
8. Never manipulate him.
9. Never boss him.
10. Never laugh at his mistakes or faults.
11. Never put any person before him.
12. Never be too busy for him.
13. Never be inconsiderate of his feelings.
14. Never tell his business.


(This is the deep level of respect that is ONLY reserved for husbands and soon to be husbands (fiancé)

Some people stray away from submission because it reminds them of being a slave. Becomes of this before I get into submission let's talk about the misconceptions. What Submission is NOT:

  • Blind obedience to 100% of everything the husband demands
  • The loss of the wife’s own will
  • The right for the husband to demand submission
  • That the wife is less significant than her husband
  • That all decisions must be made by the husband
    • Some things are made in the feminine zone such as cleaning decisions, organization, how the children will dress and look, academic choices. Some choices the husband should trust his wife enough to do.
  • The husband is smarter, wiser or in some way superior
  • The wife must do things that violate her conscience if her husband requests it
Now as far as tidbits in showing your husband the utmost respect and love:

1. Pay respect in everything you do. This includes your appearance, voice, attitude, words, and nurturing skills. Look good. Talk in a sing-song voice. Use pleasant words and do not use profanity. Be a high level nurturer.

2. Men are very visual creatures. Have a plan to keep your weight in check. Create a weight range of 5 pounds and have a plan to not go over this. Run, walk, lift small weights, crunches, there are many FREE ways to lose weight. Don’t make excuses…. drop the extra weight and keep your weight in check.

3. Have sex with him often. Men NEED sex. Be fun, light, free, and into sex. Have sex with him every 1-2 days. This increases his testosterone.

4. Serve your date, fiancé, or husband at all times. Even at a restaurant. @Supervixen can you chime in on how to serve your husband at a restaurant. I don't feel comfortable on doing this. It sounds silly to me. So I'm assuming when the waiter comes out..(see in my head they remember who ordered what) You reach out when they have the husband's meals and take it from the waiter's hands. You then give your husband his plate. Use @Zaynab trick and put his napkin in his lap sexy, kiss him, and smile, and you place his silverware for him and smile again. Then you proceed to eat your food.

5. In public show public affection, a lot. Hug him. Stroke his back. Kiss him. Smile at your significant other. This in turn greatly increases or decreases the man’s level of respect from others.

6. Don’t require him to do feminine duties: cooking, cleaning, tending to children, time management, keeping the peace in the house, and etc. This is your job. This is why it is important you don’t work a typical full time job.

7. Telling your man where something is instead of just taking a moment to go and get it disrespects him. He deserves this honor. He pays all of the bills in the house, protects and provides for you, adores you with plenty of love and attention. He DESERVES your respect by you taking a few minutes out of your day to help him.

8. When he or any man walks into a room…do NOT ignore him. Stop whatever you are doing and ask a simple question: Is there anything I can get for you? Is there anything you need?

9. If your man ever makes a mistake, turn your head the other way. You didn’t see it. To laugh when he makes a mistake hurts him DEEPLY.

10. Your husband comes first. Talking/texting/playing on the phone/laptop when your husband is in bed with you or is in the room with you (ignoring him for extended amounts of time) hurts him deeply. I have it bad about this. I LOVE my phone and laptop more than life itself haha. Now I note about what time my husband comes home. As soon as he steps in the door I get off the phone, turn my laptop off, and spend all of my time with him. I get back online in our down time or when he is sleep, but when he is awake I spend all time with him.

11. Refer to your husband in endearing words like my husband, my honey bunches of oats, my love, and etc. Don’t be talking about HE MAKES ME SICK…(first of all if he does the public should not know this and if it is a trusted friend…use an endearing word to show your endearment and respect to him).

12. Go to your husband. Never holler his name. This is LAZINESS. Walk up to him if YOU need HIM. It may be inconvenient but you are a. yelling at him which is disrespectful b. reducing the amount of peace in the house by yelling. C. Being lazy. When I was a new wife I used to do this. Especially with the baby. I take baths with the baby, so often I would ask DH to come get DS. It would go like this *yell* DH! DH! DH! lol. I would always be met with dead silence. So instead, I would yell his name again. Afterwards I would say…did you hear me? He would say, Yeah I heard you. I would be like…. Well why didn’t you answer? He never would answer. I now know because he felt disrespected. HOWEVER, I still didn’t get it. I understand in times of DIRE EMERGENCY you may have to yell his name. But this will be so far and few in between and your voice will be different that he will definitely know that it’s something wrong. Don’t yell your husband’s name to come into the same room as you. Go to him.

13. Turning off a light he is using too is inconsiderate of his feelings. Ask instead. Honey, do you think it is better to turn off the light or keep it on?

14. Do not ever believe that your goals and your choices are superior to his. His goals come first. Do not undermine him or his leadership.

15. If he asks you not to go to the grocery store\ at night, I understand that you may think there is no harm in this, but he is trying to protect you. Let him be a man and do this. “My husband is always right” is a principle to keep in mind here.

16. Let’s say that you decided to buy a new Christmas tree and he says that you don’t truly NEED a Christmas tree at this time. Do not undermine his authority. Let it go. Is a Christmas tree really more important than your marriage? Respect him through showing financial respect and let it go.

17. Serve your husband all his meals and drinks. Meals are served with two hands on the plate. Drinks are served with a napkin and all of this is done happily.

18. Never TELL your husband what to do. Instead ask EVERYTHING and insert PLEASE

19. Ask for permission to do some things. Even if it is silly. Get him in the mode of thinking he is the sole leader even if he is not.

  • § Honey, do you think it is best that we close the door or keep it open?
  • § Honey, is it okay if I turn off the light, please?
  • § What time would you like to discuss DS’s behavior please?
  • § Baby can you please lower your voice when talking to me?

20. Be able to take heed to his instructions without saying WHY as to incite an argument. Examples: Let's say he asked you to close the window. Don't be so ready to say WHY. Just close the window. AFTERWARDS you may ask why in a sing-song voice if it is important. His answer should not lead to arguement.

21. Never put another man in front of him:

  • § This means putting religious views and religious men in front of him. Your pastor does not come before him.
  • § Showing higher respect on FB for other men than your husband. Your friends do not come before him.
  • § Thinking your boss’s word is more important than his. If you husband asks you to take of work or do something...his word is over your boss.
  • § Showing higher respect to other women. Your girlfriends words are not over your husband's wishes.
  • § Thinking that sex, children, and a sweet voice will keep a man.

22. Be graceful with your words! Don’t tell him what to do, instead inspire it.

23. Refrain from helping your man “come up”. Don't lend him money or pay for things. He will not adore this behavior. He will throw it in your face that you did not do enough when you do. Do NOT coddle a man. Love and respect him but don’t allow him to make you a man. Let him stay in this position. Remember men learn through struggle...not your babying.

24. Refrain from spitefulness

25. Don’t ever YELL period. Don’t YELL at your man, children, or anyone. This shows you are not in control of your emotions.

26. Cutting people off when they are speaking, interrupting others, asserting your opinion when no one asked you, selective listening, and off putting body language are all disrespectful

27. Disrespect is EMASCULATING and unknowingly these behaviors ruin his love for you as well as his self-esteem, happiness, and loyalty.

28. Keep in mind men deserve RESPECT not worshipping.

29. I understand that some of these things are just plain extra. However, it is a great difference “extra makes”. This difference is ESSENTIAL for generational greatness and legacy that you are striving to create for your children.
I don't know if I necessarily agree with #6. I'd hate to spend time getting to know a guy just for him to dip when he finds out I have kids. Better to weed him out from the beginning.
I understand this.

What I think she is saying is this. One kid or two kids...fine. But ALL THEM KIDS is overwhelming. Many men find this overwhelming and it runs them off. I know she also says when you talk to a man make sure your background is not chaotic. Don't look for a man to SAVE YOU so to speak.

Don't let him walk into warfare. You are his peace. So do what you have to do. Go talk on the phone in another area. Get the kids to be quiet in their room and play. Have a quiet hour. Do what you need to do to make it peaceful.

Not telling him directly how many kids you have (outside of two) is another way of doing this. I have a friend that has FOUR KIDS and she is my age (30). It is soooo hard to find someone because simply no one wants those problems! However, if they're already smitten over you....how could they resist?

Another point to bring into this is that you are dating 4-5 men at one time through circle dating. Because of this, it's no kind of way you would have wasted time. On to the next. Survival of the Fittest.
I understand this.

What I think she is saying is this. One kid or two kids...fine. But ALL THEM KIDS is overwhelming. Many men find this overwhelming and it runs them off. I know she also says when you talk to a man make sure your background is not chaotic. Don't look for a man to SAVE YOU so to speak.

Don't let him walk into warfare. You are his peace. So do what you have to do. Go talk on the phone in another area. Get the kids to be quiet in their room and play. Have a quiet hour. Do what you need to do to make it peaceful.

Not telling him directly how many kids you have (outside of two) is another way of doing this. I have a friend that has FOUR KIDS and she is my age (30). It is soooo hard to find someone because simply no one wants those problems! However, if they're already smitten over you....how could they resist?

Another point to bring into this is that you are dating 4-5 men at one time through circle dating. Because of this, it's no kind of way you would have wasted time. On to the next. Survival of the Fittest.
I totally get this.

When I was dating and meeting men, I never led with hey I'm a divorced/single mom of teens. That could sound negative or overwhelming to a man. I didn't overly talk about my children initially either. If a man is getting to know you and is truly interested in you, he'll find out how many children you have and all about the 50-11 things you do as a mom. I think women lead too much with I'm a mom and some men will shy away from that.
I understand this.

What I think she is saying is this. One kid or two kids...fine. But ALL THEM KIDS is overwhelming. Many men find this overwhelming and it runs them off. I know she also says when you talk to a man make sure your background is not chaotic. Don't look for a man to SAVE YOU so to speak.

Don't let him walk into warfare. You are his peace. So do what you have to do. Go talk on the phone in another area. Get the kids to be quiet in their room and play. Have a quiet hour. Do what you need to do to make it peaceful.

Not telling him directly how many kids you have (outside of two) is another way of doing this. I have a friend that has FOUR KIDS and she is my age (30). It is soooo hard to find someone because simply no one wants those problems! However, if they're already smitten over you....how could they resist?

Another point to bring into this is that you are dating 4-5 men at one time through circle dating. Because of this, it's no kind of way you would have wasted time. On to the next. Survival of the Fittest.

I disagree with this. I think it's dishonest. Now I understand not leading with the info (especially on a dating profile) but deliberating withholding is wrong. I know I ask men if they have kids and how many. If they lied or tried to hide it, I'd break up with them.
I disagree with this. I think it's dishonest. Now I understand not leading with the info (especially on a dating profile) but deliberating withholding is wrong. I know I ask men if they have kids and how many. If they lied or tried to hide it, I'd break up with them.
Oh she said don’t withhold it tell it but don’t just put it on your profile or Facebook. Usually men don’t ask u this until the 2nd date or so and that will give u time to weed through the rift raft.
Ro is offering a class on Submission. What I notice is that most of the classes are really the same ole recycled information just organized for a new class. So this is not exactly from her but she already touched on what is masculine respect. Now she has added three levels to respect. It includes general respect, masculine respect, and then SUBMISSION. (Which is also the name of her new perfume). Please feel free to add insight to this so I can update

The Three Levels of Respect

General Respect
(This respect you show to everyone period.)
This involves being very compassionate towards others. Compassion is very much needed. It helps up become very conscious and meets our needs of having self-realization and authentic living. Tips to have compassion and show general respect include:


I know it sounds easy, but listening–truly listening–not responding but listening- can be one of the hardest skills to master. If you want a person to know you respect him or her, then tune into what that person is saying. Look them in the eye, put down your cell phone, and repeat what they have said to show that you are listening. IF THEY ASK FOR IT offer feedback but if not they just wanna vent. Everyone appreciates the person who willing listens to them and shows genuine interest in what they have to say.


If you’ve ever had a bad day, then you know the power a little encouragement can have. We’ve all had moments when we need someone to tell us, “don’t worry, things will work out.” It might not seem like much at the time, but that person will remember that you took the time and interest in their feelings and well-being. A smile and uplifting word can truly brighten someone’s day.


If someone does a great job, let them know about it. In fact, let everyone know about it. Openly congratulate someone for a job well done, especially if you’re a manager. Employees will work harder and happier knowing their manager has a mutual respect for them and is willing to express praise and gratitude when it’s deserved.

Be Helpful

If you find a friend or coworker in a jam, be willing to help them if at possible. Not to say you should take on half their project, but offering some advice or throwing in a bit of your time will mean a lot. If that friend or coworker has helped you in the past, then returning the favor will be a nice way to show both your respect and gratitude.

Say Thank You

I’m sure this one seems like common sense, but many people just forget to say thank you or at least forget how to say it with sincerity. A thank you can be as small as two words or as much as buying someone a gift; nevertheless, if the action is not done with 100% sincerity then it is wasted. Make sure people know you appreciate them and their actions. Simply saying it in front of someone else can make a big impact.

Masculine Respect

(This respect you show all males. This goes for male children as well. You have to start them off young through your interactions with him. Teach him how to expect masculine respect from all women.) There are 14 rules to live by.
1. Never belittle your man.
2. Never talk down to him.
3. Never ignore him.
4. Never let him feel replaceable.
5. Never play down your need for him.
6. Never cause him to feel embarrassed.
7. Never look away or text while he's talking.
8. Never manipulate him.
9. Never boss him.
10. Never laugh at his mistakes or faults.
11. Never put any person before him.
12. Never be too busy for him.
13. Never be inconsiderate of his feelings.
14. Never tell his business.


(This is the deep level of respect that is ONLY reserved for husbands and soon to be husbands (fiancé)

Some people stray away from submission because it reminds them of being a slave. Becomes of this before I get into submission let's talk about the misconceptions. What Submission is NOT:

  • Blind obedience to 100% of everything the husband demands
  • The loss of the wife’s own will
  • The right for the husband to demand submission
  • That the wife is less significant than her husband
  • That all decisions must be made by the husband
    • Some things are made in the feminine zone such as cleaning decisions, organization, how the children will dress and look, academic choices. Some choices the husband should trust his wife enough to do.
  • The husband is smarter, wiser or in some way superior
  • The wife must do things that violate her conscience if her husband requests it
Now as far as tidbits in showing your husband the utmost respect and love:

1. Pay respect in everything you do. This includes your appearance, voice, attitude, words, and nurturing skills. Look good. Talk in a sing-song voice. Use pleasant words and do not use profanity. Be a high level nurturer.

2. Men are very visual creatures. Have a plan to keep your weight in check. Create a weight range of 5 pounds and have a plan to not go over this. Run, walk, lift small weights, crunches, there are many FREE ways to lose weight. Don’t make excuses…. drop the extra weight and keep your weight in check.

3. Have sex with him often. Men NEED sex. Be fun, light, free, and into sex. Have sex with him every 1-2 days. This increases his testosterone.

4. Serve your date, fiancé, or husband at all times. Even at a restaurant. @Supervixen can you chime in on how to serve your husband at a restaurant. I don't feel comfortable on doing this. It sounds silly to me. So I'm assuming when the waiter comes out..(see in my head they remember who ordered what) You reach out when they have the husband's meals and take it from the waiter's hands. You then give your husband his plate. Use @Zaynab trick and put his napkin in his lap sexy, kiss him, and smile, and you place his silverware for him and smile again. Then you proceed to eat your food.

5. In public show public affection, a lot. Hug him. Stroke his back. Kiss him. Smile at your significant other. This in turn greatly increases or decreases the man’s level of respect from others.

6. Don’t require him to do feminine duties: cooking, cleaning, tending to children, time management, keeping the peace in the house, and etc. This is your job. This is why it is important you don’t work a typical full time job.

7. Telling your man where something is instead of just taking a moment to go and get it disrespects him. He deserves this honor. He pays all of the bills in the house, protects and provides for you, adores you with plenty of love and attention. He DESERVES your respect by you taking a few minutes out of your day to help him.

8. When he or any man walks into a room…do NOT ignore him. Stop whatever you are doing and ask a simple question: Is there anything I can get for you? Is there anything you need?

9. If your man ever makes a mistake, turn your head the other way. You didn’t see it. To laugh when he makes a mistake hurts him DEEPLY.

10. Your husband comes first. Talking/texting/playing on the phone/laptop when your husband is in bed with you or is in the room with you (ignoring him for extended amounts of time) hurts him deeply. I have it bad about this. I LOVE my phone and laptop more than life itself haha. Now I note about what time my husband comes home. As soon as he steps in the door I get off the phone, turn my laptop off, and spend all of my time with him. I get back online in our down time or when he is sleep, but when he is awake I spend all time with him.

11. Refer to your husband in endearing words like my husband, my honey bunches of oats, my love, and etc. Don’t be talking about HE MAKES ME SICK…(first of all if he does the public should not know this and if it is a trusted friend…use an endearing word to show your endearment and respect to him).

12. Go to your husband. Never holler his name. This is LAZINESS. Walk up to him if YOU need HIM. It may be inconvenient but you are a. yelling at him which is disrespectful b. reducing the amount of peace in the house by yelling. C. Being lazy. When I was a new wife I used to do this. Especially with the baby. I take baths with the baby, so often I would ask DH to come get DS. It would go like this *yell* DH! DH! DH! lol. I would always be met with dead silence. So instead, I would yell his name again. Afterwards I would say…did you hear me? He would say, Yeah I heard you. I would be like…. Well why didn’t you answer? He never would answer. I now know because he felt disrespected. HOWEVER, I still didn’t get it. I understand in times of DIRE EMERGENCY you may have to yell his name. But this will be so far and few in between and your voice will be different that he will definitely know that it’s something wrong. Don’t yell your husband’s name to come into the same room as you. Go to him.

13. Turning off a light he is using too is inconsiderate of his feelings. Ask instead. Honey, do you think it is better to turn off the light or keep it on?

14. Do not ever believe that your goals and your choices are superior to his. His goals come first. Do not undermine him or his leadership.

15. If he asks you not to go to the grocery store\ at night, I understand that you may think there is no harm in this, but he is trying to protect you. Let him be a man and do this. “My husband is always right” is a principle to keep in mind here.

16. Let’s say that you decided to buy a new Christmas tree and he says that you don’t truly NEED a Christmas tree at this time. Do not undermine his authority. Let it go. Is a Christmas tree really more important than your marriage? Respect him through showing financial respect and let it go.

17. Serve your husband all his meals and drinks. Meals are served with two hands on the plate. Drinks are served with a napkin and all of this is done happily.

18. Never TELL your husband what to do. Instead ask EVERYTHING and insert PLEASE

19. Ask for permission to do some things. Even if it is silly. Get him in the mode of thinking he is the sole leader even if he is not.

  • § Honey, do you think it is best that we close the door or keep it open?
  • § Honey, is it okay if I turn off the light, please?
  • § What time would you like to discuss DS’s behavior please?
  • § Baby can you please lower your voice when talking to me?

20. Be able to take heed to his instructions without saying WHY as to incite an argument. Examples: Let's say he asked you to close the window. Don't be so ready to say WHY. Just close the window. AFTERWARDS you may ask why in a sing-song voice if it is important. His answer should not lead to arguement.

21. Never put another man in front of him:

  • § This means putting religious views and religious men in front of him. Your pastor does not come before him.
  • § Showing higher respect on FB for other men than your husband. Your friends do not come before him.
  • § Thinking your boss’s word is more important than his. If you husband asks you to take of work or do something...his word is over your boss.
  • § Showing higher respect to other women. Your girlfriends words are not over your husband's wishes.
  • § Thinking that sex, children, and a sweet voice will keep a man.

22. Be graceful with your words! Don’t tell him what to do, instead inspire it.

23. Refrain from helping your man “come up”. Don't lend him money or pay for things. He will not adore this behavior. He will throw it in your face that you did not do enough when you do. Do NOT coddle a man. Love and respect him but don’t allow him to make you a man. Let him stay in this position. Remember men learn through struggle...not your babying.

24. Refrain from spitefulness

25. Don’t ever YELL period. Don’t YELL at your man, children, or anyone. This shows you are not in control of your emotions.

26. Cutting people off when they are speaking, interrupting others, asserting your opinion when no one asked you, selective listening, and off putting body language are all disrespectful

27. Disrespect is EMASCULATING and unknowingly these behaviors ruin his love for you as well as his self-esteem, happiness, and loyalty.

28. Keep in mind men deserve RESPECT not worshipping.

29. I understand that some of these things are just plain extra. However, it is a great difference “extra makes”. This difference is ESSENTIAL for generational greatness and legacy that you are striving to create for your children.

I could've written #10 myself..lol I struggle with this!!
I could've written #10 myself..lol I struggle with this!!
EVERYTIME he walks in the room that I’m in or everytime he comes home from work I say hey baby is there anything I can do for you? I swear that simple gesture was a game changer. He acts so confused when I do that. He has started reciprocating and asking me the same thing. I know @PeaceLover told me this has also been the case with her daughter. Now her family asks hey do you need any help or do you need anything which has subsciously taught her family through modeling to have compassion for others.
I'm thinking of starting up a Wife School Challenge for 2018 just like 52 Mondays. I'm trying to think of things that you would have to buy or set aside to be active/good in the challenge. First of all who would be interested in this challenge? Additionally I know you would need a few things to get started that first week. Help me create a list of what you would need to be an oober feminine wife- Ro style. I know the list wouldn't be long but you would need:

A set of white plates
A set of flatware (spoon, knife, and fork- enough for everyone who lives in your house)
3 pairs of cute sleepwear
3 nice bras/panties
3 sexy feminine dresses
1 pearl set
1 pair of heels
Access to fresh flowers
Access to fresh food
$10 Cleaning Supplies Kit- broom, bucket, sponges, oven cleaner, window cleaner/vinegar, Mr Clean, Cleaning Rags, Furniture Polish, Stainless Steel Cleaner, Bleach (All of which can be purchased at dollar tree)

The weeks would look like this
Week 1. Cook unapologetically- It doesn't matter if you're a novice or a pro. Cook for your family from scratch and don't forget to plate it though! Then we would all post a picture of at least two meals we cooked that week for accountability
Week 2. Create a cleaning routine. Take 15 minutes each morning and each night to put things away every night. Use your cleaning supplies kit to do it right! Up close and personal with your house is the goal!
Week 3- Go on a date. Pick a day a set the mood. Be a sweet lovely wife and go out with your boo. Remember to wear your heels, wear a feminine dress, use nonsexual touch, give him compliments all night, smile, be nurturing, and phones off. Aim to keep this to a date night EVERY WEEK and keep us updated.
Week 4- Invest in a pair of pearls. If you can't rock it...fake it til you make it. Swing by the hair store and buy a cheap $1 pair until you can afford the real deal. Jewelry tells the public eye that you are cared for, adorned, and well pampered. Even if this is not true, act like it. Take time this week to wear jewelry each and every day even if it's a simple pearl set and a sparkly bracelet. In the words of Miguel, Baby let me adorn you. Post a picture of you in your jewelry 2-3 days.

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