Wife School - I Know Ya'll Saw This Yesterday...

I'm in limbo. I feel my sanity slipping at times lol being with them 24/7/365. But, I love that we can travel, field trip and do whatever we please with out the restrictions of school.

I also don't have the consistency to home school right now. I have a little less than a year to decide for the oldest.
lol I just feel I personally need a lot of growth to get to the point where I could homeschool. I still act like a kid myself. It'll be 2 days out of the week they would be free playing. Especially if they were little lol. I can't be trusted.
Y'all saw the dress challenge posted today? The dress she picked for people today were hideous. I would never wear those ugly dresses. See this is the advice I would pass on. I personally love the idea. I think she is getting at that people need good quality underwear such as wacoal. (I'm. It a teenager anymore. I did take her advice and bought a quality wacoal bra to see if I can tell a difference) and Women need a very structured A-line dress that is knee length to hide the bulges and help them look classy and well respected/admired.


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However I did take her suggestions in. I bought two new dresses for church/outings. Tell me how do you think these look. Be honest. Are they too "mature"?


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Y'all saw the dress challenge posted today? The dress she picked for people today were hideous. I would never wear those ugly dresses. See this is the advice I would pass on. I personally love the idea. I think she is getting at that people need good quality underwear such as wacoal. (I'm. It a teenager anymore. I did take her advice and bought a quality wacoal bra to see if I can tell a difference) and Women need a very structured A-line dress that is knee length to hide the bulges and help them look classy and well respected/admired.
I like the black dress.
I is. I wonder where it's from. Black and lacy has become my whole entire aesthetic lately. :lol:
I keep doing a reverse image search to find similar dresses. These are last season's dresses so the only link I found for them is on AliExpress. I bought that sexy black pencil dress on aliexpress for abojt $20. I know it's from China so I don't expect much lol but I'll keep y'all posted. However the black dress you like, I found the link on aliexpress as http://s.aliexpress.com/BNrmAJ3i
This is an old post from April 13th if you read between the lines and do the opposite of what she says in these numbers you have proper dining etiquette rules lol. I'll give the things I learned from this post below as well.

My sisters, you're causing much damage to our reputations at restaurants, why??? Most of us obviously like food a lot, soooo...
1. Why the mad/serious/frowning face, even while chewing? (Try to remain with a neutral/pleasant look while eating).
2. Why hold your head like you have a headache or are aggravated, while chewing? (Be mindful of how you look)
3. Why eat giant bites of food, if you're frowning like it's nasty? (Don't frown. You are not in a rush to eat. Take your time and cut a small bite of food to be placed in your mouth and eat it)
4. Why eat giant bites of food at all? (See above)
5. Why refuse to use a knife. (Always set a table with both a knife and fork and not just a fork)
6. Why aren't you resting your fork or spoon after each bite? (Again, class women do not rush. Take your time to converse and rest between bites?)
7. Why aren't you chewing enough? (Chew your food properly)
8. Why chew with your mouth open? (Be mindful to eat with your mouth closed so you won't smack and keep showing your food in your mouth to a minimum).
9. Why take a second bite of food, when you already have food in your mouth? (Take your time eating)
10. Why drink your sweet drink while your salty food is still un chewed in your mouth? (Swallow your good THEN take a sip).
11. Why keep the food at your mouth waiting to fit more in? (Take one bite, swallow, and repeat).
12. Why scrape the fork or spoon with your teeth? (Don't do this lol)
13. Why open your mouth wide to take a bite? (If you were taking small bites you wouldn't do this).
14. Why smack? (Close your mouth while talking)
15. Why pick at your food like you don't like it, though you'll probably eat it all? (Cut one bite chew and eat. Don't pick and play with food).
16. Why the bad posture or sitting too far back? (Looks ungraceful )
17. Why picking through food like an ungrateful child? (Don't pick at food)
18. Why so picky & demanding to the waiter? (Acting rude to waiters and waitresses is a good way to embarrass yourself and others at the table. While it's fine to ask questions about the menu, or point out if you receive the wrong dish, it's important to be polite to everyone around.)
19. Why sending stuff back? (I thought this was acceptable in small doses at restaurants Ro says it is not).
20. Why order expansive things on a date? (Have compassion for your waiter maybe?)
21. Why splitting the check EVER? (Man should pay for food or the host)
22. Why eating like it's the last day on earth? (Again, stop rushing life away. Sa our every bite)
23. Why forgetting that other people can see you? (Act like the Presidents wife haha. Act classy.)
24. Why push food in your mouth as you progressively chew? (Take your time)
25. Why use your napkin like a man? (Blog your mouth. Don't wipe)
26. Why enjoy treating the waiter like a slave? (Have compassion)
27. Why don't you say thank you EVERY time the waiter gives any service? (Have compassion and gratitude)
28. Why don't you look at the waiter when talking to him? (Treat your waiter with respect).
29. Why don't you thoroughly thank the person who paid? (Same thing for the person who paid)
30. Why don't you tip 20%, when you're in USA? (Tip well)
31. Why are you bossing everyone instead of gracefully asking for everything you'd like? (People are not your employees. lol treat them as such).
32. Why do you talk about yourself the whole time? ( I noticed I did this a lot as a teacher. I dominated the conversation by talking about myself and my classroom. Me me me. Someone told me if you remain quiet you can observe a lot about a person you need to know. They're right. I remain quiet now and add tidbits in the conversation. I don't try to dominate it. )
33. Why do you put your hand or arm over others' face or plate, to reach or pass something? (Don't do this. You will interrupt others conversation by interrupting eye contact. Wait til the convo is over and ask them to please pass whatever you need.)
34. Why do you think that anyone will enjoy being with you at a restaurant. A man won't tell you, but you're acting gross, depressing, manly, insensitive, selfish & BORING! (If you have bad manners you give others a bad experience)
35. Why don't you just mention what you do like or want and stay silent on the other things? (Stop telling people off and what u don't like. "Oh nawww I don't do pork they got me messed up. Oh naw I don't do carbs." Instead say what you do do or like and order it. )
36. Why do you start eating first? (Wait for host or everyone else to eat first)
37. Why don't you serve your date anyway you can, since he's paying? (I don't know how to do this. It feels/looks weird. Can someone expound?)
38. Why cover your mouth each time you chew? (If you chewed properly there is no need)
39. Why skip the vegetables for fries? (Fried foods offer very little nutritional value. Choose veggies)
40. Why use your fork to talk, like it's an extension of your hand, waving it in front of people's face? (Ghetto. It may seem pointless to put your knife and fork down when all you’re about to do is dive back in for another mouthful, but it’s impolite to keep hold of your silverware while you’re chewing and talking. Put the knife and Forman down on your plate to rest while you eat and chat, and please don’t point with them. Pointing your knife, and waving your fork around is rude, and you also run the risk of injuring someone)
41. Why ask for extra napkins unless there is a spill? Don't ever ask for paper napkins exclusively. (Use cloth napkins only. You are royalty.)
42. Why not go to the bathroom if u need to blow you're nose? (Ewwww)
43. Why ask for hot water to soak silverware? (Ghetto people tactics)
44. Why not greet the server (as they will certainly greet you) (Say hello! How are you today. Then wait fir an answer. )
45. Why order while being greeted? (People in a rush do this. Like first let me tell you we're in a rush so can we go ahead and order lol. This is rude. Let them say hello, you take your time and accept it, then you can order)
46. Why yell for the waiter, when you can just wait until they're near? (It's impolite to yell to your waiter, your man, your kids, or anyone. It is laziness on your part. Go to them or the room they are in and ask them what you need. Stop yelling at people. )
47. Why ask for something every single time a server comes to your table? They're human too. (They are not your employees. Stop bossing people around)
48. Why not ask questions about 1 or 2 things BEFORE you order? (Be deliberate when you order stop ordering stuff and then asking a million questions about said dish. Think before you talk and then order. )
49. Why not just quit asking for lemons all together! At this point, asking for lemons is ghetto.(lol lol)
50. Why order too much, then ask for to go boxes, when you're not paying & when it's highly unlikely that you'll eat those leftovers? (This reminded me of someone's post on here. They said you rarely eat those leftovers so why get them. I didn't get it st the time. Still don't. I eat my leftovers if they're not mushy lol)
51. Why are adult humans sniffing food, then frowning, before chewing? Why?! Why?! (respect the person who cooked the food. It's impolite to sniff food before you eat. Just eat)
51. How did you get like this?

Another tidbit I learned: stop cutting up the meat before you serve. It looks so cute when I serve a whole chicken breast and maybe cut it in three or four thin slices instead of cutting the meat in chunks and putting it in my Alfredo. It looks good when I put my pasta in the plate and twirl it with a carving knife then I put my meat sauce on top vs mixing it all together black people style lol.
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More tidbits I learned from her other posts that I read between the lines:

stop cutting up the meat before you serve. It looks so cute when I serve a whole chicken breast and maybe cut it in three or four thin slices instead of cutting the meat in chunks and putting it in my Alfredo. It looks good when I put my pasta in the plate and twirl it with a carving knife then I put my meat sauce on top vs mixing it all together black people style lol.

A portion of butter should be taken from the butter dish, using the butter knife, and placed onto your own bread plate. Break your dinner roll into small pieces and butter your bread a piece at a time, rather than buttering the whole piece at once.

Don't cut your whole piece of meat up (like
steak) like you are a baby. Cut two or three pieces and eat them then cut some more.

Even if the bread stale, vegetables not cooked how u like, meat is tough or not cooked all don't complain. They tried their best to host to you. Have compassion for them.
Y'all feel weird for using cloth napkins? I bought some cheap ones from evayvbut I feel a little too bougie using them. In fact I think I've lost them. I never used said napkins lol
Y'all feel weird for using cloth napkins? I bought some cheap ones from evayvbut I feel a little too bougie using them. In fact I think I've lost them. I never used said napkins lol

We have them and use them for holiday dinners, but I want to invest in some for everyday use. The kids have them for their lunches, but that's because up here the schools encourage litterless lunches and it saves a lot of money not using paper napkins.
This is an old post from April 13th if you read between the lines and do the opposite of what she says in these numbers you have proper dining etiquette rules lol. I'll give the things I learned from this post below as well.

My sisters, you're causing much damage to our reputations at restaurants, why??? Most of us obviously like food a lot, soooo...
1. Why the mad/serious/frowning face, even while chewing? (Try to remain with a neutral/pleasant look while eating).
2. Why hold your head like you have a headache or are aggravated, while chewing? (Be mindful of how you look)
3. Why eat giant bites of food, if you're frowning like it's nasty? (Don't frown. You are not in a rush to eat. Take your time and cut a small bite of food to be placed in your mouth and eat it)
4. Why eat giant bites of food at all? (See above)
5. Why refuse to use a knife. (Always set a table with both a knife and fork and not just a fork)
6. Why aren't you resting your fork or spoon after each bite? (Again, class women do not rush. Take your time to converse and rest between bites?)
7. Why aren't you chewing enough? (Chew your food properly)
8. Why chew with your mouth open? (Be mindful to eat with your mouth closed so you won't smack and keep showing your food in your mouth to a minimum).
9. Why take a second bite of food, when you already have food in your mouth? (Take your time eating)
10. Why drink your sweet drink while your salty food is still un chewed in your mouth? (Swallow your good THEN take a sip).
11. Why keep the food at your mouth waiting to fit more in? (Take one bite, swallow, and repeat).
12. Why scrape the fork or spoon with your teeth? (Don't do this lol)
13. Why open your mouth wide to take a bite? (If you were taking small bites you wouldn't do this).
14. Why smack? (Close your mouth while talking)
15. Why pick at your food like you don't like it, though you'll probably eat it all? (Cut one bite chew and eat. Don't pick and play with food).
16. Why the bad posture or sitting too far back? (Looks ungraceful )
17. Why picking through food like an ungrateful child? (Don't pick at food)
18. Why so picky & demanding to the waiter? (Acting rude to waiters and waitresses is a good way to embarrass yourself and others at the table. While it's fine to ask questions about the menu, or point out if you receive the wrong dish, it's important to be polite to everyone around.)
19. Why sending stuff back? (I thought this was acceptable in small doses at restaurants Ro says it is not).
20. Why order expansive things on a date? (Have compassion for your waiter maybe?)
21. Why splitting the check EVER? (Man should pay for food or the host)
22. Why eating like it's the last day on earth? (Again, stop rushing life away. Sa our every bite)
23. Why forgetting that other people can see you? (Act like the Presidents wife haha. Act classy.)
24. Why push food in your mouth as you progressively chew? (Take your time)
25. Why use your napkin like a man? (Blog your mouth. Don't wipe)
26. Why enjoy treating the waiter like a slave? (Have compassion)
27. Why don't you say thank you EVERY time the waiter gives any service? (Have compassion and gratitude)
28. Why don't you look at the waiter when talking to him? (Treat your waiter with respect).
29. Why don't you thoroughly thank the person who paid? (Same thing for the person who paid)
30. Why don't you tip 20%, when you're in USA? (Tip well)
31. Why are you bossing everyone instead of gracefully asking for everything you'd like? (People are not your employees. lol treat them as such).
32. Why do you talk about yourself the whole time? ( I noticed I did this a lot as a teacher. I dominated the conversation by talking about myself and my classroom. Me me me. Someone told me if you remain quiet you can observe a lot about a person you need to know. They're right. I remain quiet now and add tidbits in the conversation. I don't try to dominate it. )
33. Why do you put your hand or arm over others' face or plate, to reach or pass something? (Don't do this. You will interrupt others conversation by interrupting eye contact. Wait til the convo is over and ask them to please pass whatever you need.)
34. Why do you think that anyone will enjoy being with you at a restaurant. A man won't tell you, but you're acting gross, depressing, manly, insensitive, selfish & BORING! (If you have bad manners you give others a bad experience)
35. Why don't you just mention what you do like or want and stay silent on the other things? (Stop telling people off and what u don't like. "Oh nawww I don't do pork they got me messed up. Oh naw I don't do carbs." Instead say what you do do or like and order it. )
36. Why do you start eating first? (Wait for host or everyone else to eat first)
37. Why don't you serve your date anyway you can, since he's paying? (I don't know how to do this. It feels/looks weird. Can someone expound?)
38. Why cover your mouth each time you chew? (If you chewed properly there is no need)
39. Why skip the vegetables for fries? (Fried foods offer very little nutritional value. Choose veggies)
40. Why use your fork to talk, like it's an extension of your hand, waving it in front of people's face? (Ghetto. It may seem pointless to put your knife and fork down when all you’re about to do is dive back in for another mouthful, but it’s impolite to keep hold of your silverware while you’re chewing and talking. Put the knife and Forman down on your plate to rest while you eat and chat, and please don’t point with them. Pointing your knife, and waving your fork around is rude, and you also run the risk of injuring someone)
41. Why ask for extra napkins unless there is a spill? Don't ever ask for paper napkins exclusively. (Use cloth napkins only. You are royalty.)
42. Why not go to the bathroom if u need to blow you're nose? (Ewwww)
43. Why ask for hot water to soak silverware? (Ghetto people tactics)
44. Why not greet the server (as they will certainly greet you) (Say hello! How are you today. Then wait fir an answer. )
45. Why order while being greeted? (People in a rush do this. Like first let me tell you we're in a rush so can we go ahead and order lol. This is rude. Let them say hello, you take your time and accept it, then you can order)
46. Why yell for the waiter, when you can just wait until they're near? (It's impolite to yell to your waiter, your man, your kids, or anyone. It is laziness on your part. Go to them or the room they are in and ask them what you need. Stop yelling at people. )
47. Why ask for something every single time a server comes to your table? They're human too. (They are not your employees. Stop bossing people around)
48. Why not ask questions about 1 or 2 things BEFORE you order? (Be deliberate when you order stop ordering stuff and then asking a million questions about said dish. Think before you talk and then order. )
49. Why not just quit asking for lemons all together! At this point, asking for lemons is ghetto.(lol lol)
50. Why order too much, then ask for to go boxes, when you're not paying & when it's highly unlikely that you'll eat those leftovers? (This reminded me of someone's post on here. They said you rarely eat those leftovers so why get them. I didn't get it st the time. Still don't. I eat my leftovers if they're not mushy lol)
51. Why are adult humans sniffing food, then frowning, before chewing? Why?! Why?! (respect the person who cooked the food. It's impolite to sniff food before you eat. Just eat)
51. How did you get like this?

Another tidbit I learned: stop cutting up the meat before you serve. It looks so cute when I serve a whole chicken breast and maybe cut it in three or four thin slices instead of cutting the meat in chunks and putting it in my Alfredo. It looks good when I put my pasta in the plate and twirl it with a carving knife then I put my meat sauce on top vs mixing it all together black people style lol.
As a restaurant worker I want to give this post a hug, a round of applause, and buy it a drink, lol.
Heyyy! Came you pop back in and Chime in to some stuff that you are doing that really made a difference in your relationship? I'm seeking to learn but I am waiting to join the mentorship until I have gone further in the process. One thing I'm having a problem is is feminine mystique. I know instead of getting mad a wife should get sad. I feel so unloved because of how you did yada yada and cry about it if needed which indirectly pushes husband to change his behavior. Have you used this approach?

Hi! I'm sorry I've been busy lately.

So feminine mystic is pretty much doing your grooming when he's at work, not cursing or using foul language in front of him and never talking to him about your money. I do my own mani/pedi & hair. I keep a classically styled capsule wardrobe with simple jewelry choices.

My mad/sad routine is
1. Go to another space.
2. Figure out why I'm angry. Identify the emotion.
3. Decide of it's valid. Am I overreacting? Did I hear all the needed information?
4. If I determine I was right, focus on the feeling. That's the emotion I mention when talking to him again. If I'm wrong, make a point to apologize in private.

I don't cry unless it's genuine. I'm cool with managing my reaction but I'm not going to manipulate with tears. My aunt does that and I hate it.
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Sooooo, in the mentoring group, a topic that struck a chord with me was wives are not supposed to eat the same food they prepare for their husbands.

Does anyone else practice this? Please give me the logistics of how it works in your home.


I do this by fixing everyone's plate. My serving looks nothing like his. Since I'm vegan, every part of the meal is vegan except for his meat serving. For example, I love curries so I'll start a big vegan curry on the stove in the morning. Once the basics are done, I split the dish into two crockpots. One I add chickpeas to. The other chicken. They cook on low. When they are done, I make some rice and fix a salad. His plate is usually 1/2 meat and 1/2 salad. My plate is 3/4 salad and 1/4 cooked vegan. When I'm in weight loss mode, it's 100% salad for me. Our daughter is also 1/4 vegan and 3/4 salad. She's a healthy weight and active so she doesn't diet.

Keep in mind, I'm very short (4'11") so my servings are always smaller than my husband's. I ate like this before WS. The difference is fixing everyone's plate.
They are really against sending your child to public schools. However, I would never have the consistency, time, patience, or sanity to do this. This is what we send our kid to a good school for. *** that. I see the point (like with the latest news article with the black girl being on a leash in the classroom), but that's not for me lol. I would feel they would miss out on something. However, I do believe I'm going to pad their education a lot. Lots of field trips and self-discovery experiences.

The only thing they miss out on is poor socialization.

As a former high school teacher and homeschooling mom, I can say that Ro's position on homeschool is the only part that I'm in 10000% agreement about. If you can find the patience, please consider it.
So I just went and skimmed her Facebook page. She is crazy. She posted that there are not straight black men out there making more than 50k and those that tried are mostly in prison. o_O Yet she is advising women to be stay at home wives and mothers. Most of the men who have stay at home wives make at least 100k a year. 100k a year is also the median household income for families with children. She is pretty much telling you to sit around in poverty while somehow buying new dresses and preparing healthy meals. :lol: She is setting folks up for failure. Everyone needs a hustle but I wouldn't buy anything that she is selling. If she lives her own bad advice then she needs to sell you crap to make ends meet.
So I just went and skimmed her Facebook page. She is crazy. She posted that there are not straight black men out there making more than 50k and those that tried are mostly in prison. o_O Yet she is advising women to be stay at home wives and mothers. Most of the men who have stay at home wives make at least 100k a year. 100k a year is also the median household income for families with children. She is pretty much telling you to sit around in poverty while somehow buying new dresses and preparing healthy meals. :lol: She is setting folks up for failure. Everyone needs a hustle but I wouldn't buy anything that she is selling. If she lives her own bad advice then she needs to sell you crap to make ends meet.
I went to Facebook, entered her name and this came up (alongside other posts about how she's a scammer :lol: ) and quite a few people claiming that she's actually not married to the man she claims is her husband.

Other people said they were kicked out of wife school for asking too many questions. :lol:

Women Don't Need "Wife School": How These Scams Prey on Women's Insecurities

As a married woman, almost nothing makes my skin crawl like hearing someone speak on “how to be a wife.” Through the successes and failures of myself and others, I’ve learned that the best guide includes knowing who you are, finding a significant other that isn’t necessarily the same as you but is in sync with you, and treating your relationship as a living entity that ebbs, flows, and shifts energy throughout. These things are unique to each person and each relationship, so anyone pushing a cookie-cutter mold is fallacious, careless, and untrustworthy.

Institute of Feminine Grace, who is playing to the vulnerabilities of Black women by charging them $299 for her upcoming “Wife School” weekend in Orlando, Florida. Per IFG’s promotional flyer, the cost covers lessons in the art of seduction, feminine graces, etiquette, culinary arts, masculine and feminine communication, and how to date for marriage. Now, if any woman attends, enjoys the program, and marries a man that likes the kind of seduction, graces, etiquette, culinary skills, and communication that Cutno teaches, more power to her. However, I’ll bet my bottom dollar (or 299 of them) that the program fee isn’t worth the risk of its inevitable failure.

As I did some research for this piece, I Googled Cutno and ended up traveling down a hellish digital rabbit hole of YouTube videos like “American Woman’s Loss Of Femininity” and books like Man Leads…: Woman Follows, Everyone Wins.” These finds provided further context as to the kind of woman and organization who would rest full blame for perpetual singleness and unfulfilling relationships squarely on the shoulders of Black women, and it all became clear to me: IFG’s “Wife School” is nothing more than a weekend getaway aimed at churning out Black Stepford Wives and upholding misogyny.

Additionally, Cutno’s assumed position as Wife School’s leader is dubious. Her claims to fame are an apparently happy marriage of her own, and two years of research with “the best wives” in 16 countries. Can general nuggets of wisdom be shared to enlighten others on what works in other folks’ (hopefully happy) relationships? Sure. Can someone teach you how to become a “certified wife” (yes, per Cutno’s Facebook page, you’ll receive a certificate deeming you a certified spouse at completion of the program :lachen: – whether or not you have a significant other in the picture)? No – because no two wives, husbands, partners, or marriages are the same. Aside from that, Cutno has appointed herself as a curious governing body with this certification process, which has no validity in real life and relationships. Do successful pupils produce their Wife School certificates on dates, proving to their suitors they’d make excellent spouses? Is that covered in the Dating For Marriage curriculum?

Instead of encouraging you to find a partner who fits your values, personality, and lifestyle, Wife School seeks to teach you how to fit into a predetermined wife box – individuality be damned. With this thought, I’d wager a guess that IFG’s program will develop more unhappy marriages and women within them than the opposite.

Another rankling point of Wife School and Cutno’s teachings is that we have yet another enterprising soul who is making a name and living for themselves off the “fixing” of women while leaving men to just be men. These snake oil charmers claim to aid in women’s understanding of men, but instead they provide shoddy blueprints on how to bend, twist, and contort to meet men where they are, a place that fails to ever require any analysis or readjustment (Note: Cutno edited certain Facebook posts to add that IFG also teaches “Husband School,” but no details were available at this time).

The stench of personal salvation through marriage reeks throughout these kinds of programs. Getting hitched is a goal and dream of many, but it’s uncomfortable to witness how much self-worth is wrapped up in the institution. Cutno and those like her would have single women believe that they are lacking in life without a husband and would have wives in unfulfilling marriages believe that their problems are exclusively due to their own personal failures.

We continue to encounter these self-touted “relationship experts” who speak at Black women, blaming us for our shortcomings in love, attempting to convince us that feminism and independence are wholly equivalent to misandry, and proclaiming to show us the “right way” to be a lady, a wife, a person worthy of love and respect.
Ask yourself this: who determines what’s “right”?

Read more: http://www.forharriet.com/2015/10/the-shame-of-wife-school-class-is-in.html#ixzz4wl3uIE2v
Follow us: @ForHarriet on Twitter | forharriet on Facebook
Ro has her flaws. Some are blaring. She has turned many ladies off with her "teaching" style and can be a pill. I struggle to understand if her flaws are on full display as a byproduct of the hate she receives or it's just her. Either way, I agree with parts of the naysayers' posts, but Wife School has been invaluable for my family. Like anything, take what works and leave the rest.

There is a Husband Summit and it is loaded and purchasable on her Roots of Royals website. Institute of Feminine Grace is defunct (another story that adds to people giving her high marks of dislikability.)
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Another article:


As a black woman, I have a deep-seated anger for people who attempt to emphasize the qualities that all black women should have to be more desirable on social circles. Those who criticize their poise, their grace, their idea of elegance use blatant misogynoirto disprove the humanity of black women. This dissatisfaction of black women comes from many people, including black men and black women.

One black woman who is gaining momentum for her views on black women, equality and sexual and reproductive freedom: Ro Elori Cutno. Ro Elori Cutno is the author of Man Leads, Woman Follows, Everyone Wins that claims to be a manifesto for black woman to keep a man. While Cutno claims to be an expert and professional consultant of culture and language, her rhetoric invokes the sense that she doesn’t know what she is talking about. She uses stereotypes to make women feel insecure about their own identities and berate black women who seek out opportunities outside of the home.

Across many posts on Cutno’s social media sites, she offers advice and wife school. Wife school is set up to prey on black women and critique their idea of femininity. This idea of femininity was created to alienate black women from white women during captivity. Cutno reinforces negative stereotypes to make black women, specifically, change their behavior to attract a suitor.

Her rhetoric blames black women for the failure of the black family and the faults of black men.
On many of her posts, she quotes lines from her book that focuses on an appreciation of traditional marriage, which isn’t a bad thing. However, going so far as to say that women should mop the floor on their hands and knees is should be the standard of black femininity. She also critiques masculinity. As Cutno states on her website Roots of Royals, masculinity should be protected and that women shouldn’t bring men who have lost their masculinity, since the husband’s masculinity should be safeguarded. On the same note, she constantly calls black women manly and berates black feminists who believe that women shouldn’t be obligated to only household duties. Black feminists also criticize the idea where some people will post selfies and Cutno criticizes their image. This type of rhetoric damages the idea of black womanhood and preys on their insecurities and/or vulnerabilities.

In addition, Cutno has unbelievable, probably borderline dangerous, ideas on how a woman can avoid rape.

"Even if a man is a potential rapist & killer, following you in a stairwell, respecting him, while looking him straight in the eye, will most likely keep you alive, than disrespect. Believe me." o_O

Basically, she is saying that in order to avoid rape, you should give the potential rapist respect.
However, we have seen how this has happened in the past. Sometimes, when men see that a woman is being respectful and showing them attention, they make you feel a sense of obligation to them. However, turning down their advances can get you killed since this type of domestic violence is rooted in misogynoir and fragile masculinity. This horrible sexual violence prevention technique reinforces the idea of victim blaming and that the victim is responsible for the acts of the perpetrator. The rationality that femininity protects women from unhealthy men will never prevent rape or murder.

Another idea that Cutno advocates for is that a woman should always be in the company of a man because men lead and women follow. As stated earlier, the idea of traditional values aren’t necessarily wrong, but it is the way Cutno uses these conservative standards to contribute to the oppression of black women. One of the most awful things she has stated is her opinion on Sandra Bland’s murder.


Similar to all leaders, I am more disappointed in the followers of this doctrine. Cutno’s insistence that violence is a direct reflection of black women and their problems is one of the factors that preys on black women’s insecurities. Her reinforcement of negative stereotypes about black women contribute to the daily oppressions that black women face.

Cutno’s critiques of black women’s grace, elegance, and femininity as it relates to their effect on the black community contributes to the oppression of black women. Having a protector doesn’t stop sexual violence nor does it stop police brutality against black women. Even though Cutno’s horrendous logic has no value, it is a symbol that many misogynist black men and black women still blame black women for the problems of black men, the community and society.


Ro has her flaws. Some are blaring. She has turned many ladies off with her "teaching" style and can be a pill. I struggle to understand if her flaws are on full display as a byproduct of the hate she receives or it's just her. Either way, I agree with parts of the naysayers' posts, but Wife School has been invaluable for my family. Like anything, take what works and leave the rest.

There is a Husband Summit and it is loaded and purchasable on her Roots of Royals website. Institute of Feminine Grace is defunct (another story that adds to people giving her high marks of dislikability.)
Are you Ro? :lol: Seriously, can you describe what has been life changing about this?
Are you Ro? :lol: Seriously, can you describe what has been life changing about this?

Hear ye, hear ye!!! I am NOT Ro.

If you read through a couple pages towards the end of this thread, I vent about Ro's personality and I also talk about how her Wife School has been invaluable to my family.

I also say that Ro has lifted "Fascinating Womanhood" and marketed it to Black Women.
Are you Ro? :lol: Seriously, can you describe what has been life changing about this?
You didn't aim this towards me but I can say as for me it is life changing.

Aight I will personally say that I think Ro's tactics work BEST with beta males such as my husband. I have a friend that also does Ro's methods with me and they DO work but for very masculine men I have to have an art to stepping up and setting boundaries but staying feminine.

Ways it has changed

1. I quit my job. I realize now the fuss I was making about cleaning and cooking was this. Both of us were working. He works this bull crap easy carefree job that pays him really really well. I worked a on my feet all day teaching job that was very stressful. I felt it was very unfair that my husband is naturally a slob (he had a SAHM as well that did not teach him to be tidy). So it felt like I was overworked. I had to go to work, cook, clean, sex, and nurture you. I was exhausted.
2. I feel I'm living my best life now. I put myself first. I take a naps a lot. I didn't follow Ro to the tee. My child still goes to daycare. 8 hours a day I can REST, clean, cook (I limit it to abojt 2 hours a day) and work on my passive income.
3. I do not rush anymore. I use to rush to go to the grocery store after work so I could cook when I got home. No longer my problem. I grocery shop in the middle of the day when everyone else is at work. It's a different caliber of people out during these times too. They are more relaxed. There are more food sales.
4. I eat healthier. I posted a picture of some food on here some years ago and asked why did my coworkers think I couldn't cook. Well it was because everything was from the box. Jiffy. Pre-breaded chicken tenders, some vegetable that I cooked fresh but boiled the heck out of it. I don't do that anymore. I ONLY cook fresh veggies. If I am lazy, I cook frozen vegetables but I steam them. I know what goes into our food. I pack my husbands lunch because I have time to cook 4 times a week because I am not tired.
5. I am more feminine. I gave up pants. I very rarely wear pants and if I do I pair is with a girly blouse and lots of jewelry. With a dress on, no one asks u to man up. You might break a nail or get dirty. Even when I go to these rental houses I have a dress on. No one expects me to do dirty work because I am a girly girl and they respect that. I get a lot more attention from men.
6. My husband has more respect. They asked him today what is going on. Does your wife like to try out a new country everyday? One day it's Mexican and the next it is Chinese and it all looks restaurant quality. I pack him snacks, drinks, and food with his money lol and the office has noticed. I care for him so they care for him too. They let him off early cuz they know Friday is Family day for us.
7. Protect the peace. I learned how to cut off a lot of people to protect the peace of my nuclear family. I have cut off the gay dude that kicked at my garage, my sister in law, and even my daddy. All of them don't bring me peace. I was holding on talking about that's just them or doing things I don't want to do for them. No more. Ro taught me YOUR family comes first. It's not my fault my SIL doesn't have a real hands on husband and I do. Bruh not my monkey not my circus. I can't keep your kid and u never keep mine just because u need a break. Call a babysitter. I can't do things for my dad just because he doesn't have a real wife. THEN you talk to me crazy? Naw son. I feel like if I can cut him off, anyone can get it. Block History Month all 2017.
8. I stopped making excuses for no side hustle. I'm on the verge of making about 2k just from passive income. I just started this process in May.
9. My food and my kid look good and in turn it changed the perception of me. Sorry not sorry. They think I'm mom of the year at daycare. I bring snacks for every holiday and he has holiday outfits a costume for Halloween I go the nines. I just have a lot of time to make sure my kid looks graceful and my food looks like it's been cooked with love. I mean who has time to cook an apple pie from SCRATCH with the lattice weaving to match? This girl that's who. Lol.


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Ro brags about every certified wife should be able to bake a pie from scratch with the lattice top to match. But then she said don't use measurements. A woman should be able to use her feminine instinct to cook. Girl bye. I'll be done burned this whole house down. And I dunno how skrong that house insurance policy is. Baby I'll just measure. But for my first pie ever, I did good. If y'all wanna know the recipe is used and see more pics check out https://kashmereandpearls.blogspot.com/2017/10/this-apple-pie-is-unbeweaveable.html?m=1

I must say it did make me feel accomolished. DH was pretty surprised too. I don't think he has seen a pie other than for thanksgiving and Christmas lol. Somebody really just gave me some apples so this was perfect for trying this recipe out.