Peace huh? The irony.
There goes the enlightening and mature dialogue we were engaging in until the thread got into the 20+ pages
This is precisely why I said the main reason for the debate is NOT the $$$ status-
it's the hurtful insinuations from both sides implying that "my idea of motherhood is superior to yours" for whatEVER reason. Forget about the actual fingerpointing that's now occurring where ppl are actually saying which mother "loves" her children more and which mother is more willing to "sacrifice" for her children? Are you even really serious?
I don't even have words for it. It's unfortunate that an intellectual discussion was turned into this shallow ignorant straight up BS. I guess we should consider ourselves lucky that we were even able to get as far as we did before this turned south. In either case it's immature to make some of the ugly accusations about motherhood superiority
, sacrifice, and even
molestation y'all- for real? Are you so bullheaded that you feel that your way is the best and you can't even fathom why other situations work just as well? That speaks to the limits of your own intellect.
Grow your brain. Read a book.
And though I quoted the extreme examples-
I'm not just talking about these two posters either. Others have made sideways comments as well, which even further proves/validates my point. SMH.