Why are you REALLY with your SO ?

Why are you with your SO

  • Love is the one and ONLY reason

    Votes: 260 52.4%
  • He is PAID!

    Votes: 21 4.2%
  • I was/am getting older and tired of being so picky

    Votes: 27 5.4%
  • The sex is good

    Votes: 18 3.6%
  • I wanted a visa/greencard

    Votes: 6 1.2%
  • My parents hooked us up/ it was an arranged marriage

    Votes: 2 0.4%
  • I honestly dont know why... I ask myself this everyday

    Votes: 83 16.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 79 15.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
We're middle school sweethearts and we complete each other. We're not perfect but we compliment each other in a healthy way. Love him lots! Prefer to be nowhere else.
:shocked: I'd like to find one of these! He sounds perfect (lol) Gotta twin?

he's unlike the other men I dated

He will try and take an interest in whatever I am interested in .... even if its this hair forum

He can cook pretty well.

He cleans very well.

He is a nerd just like me.

He's extremely affectionate.

He's a kid at heart just like me

He makes me laugh

He try to listen and understand me .... even if he gets confused

When we have issues ... he will sit and talk it out until he feels its resolved

He always wants to know how i'm doing ... and asks how my day went
Such a nice thread..I read all 7 pages..gives me hope..If u asked me 5 months ago why I was with my (now ex) S/O..I'd say he was good with my kids, love and I was tired of being picky...Now I've been single for a few months and other than lonliness..I'm happier without him..I still hope to find my future DH..for now..I luv sum ME!!!!
Cause I can have fun without doing anything, being with him is enough.

He inspires me to be better. A better woman, a better girlfriend, a better person.

Whenever I need him, he is always there for me. A couple of weeks ago my car broke down and he was right there, fixed my car and everything.

He makes me feel BEAUTIFUL, SEXY, and GORGEOUS despite of my flaws.

He is genuinely concerned about me and my well being.

He loves me and shows his love for me no matter who is around.

He lets me be me. He accepts me as a person.
I worte a lot of stuff on my reasons but my summary is: most of all, if I had 1 wish I would want this for every human being on Earth (cheesy but I often think this)
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I worte a lot of stuff on my reasons but my summary is: most of all, if I had 1 wish I would want this for every human being on Earth (cheesy but I often think this)

This! I was telling my friend the other night that sometimes I lay in bed and I cry, cause of the love that I share with my SO. The way he treats, our connection, and everything he does for me. I'm so lucky!
I worte a lot of stuff on my reasons but my summary is: most of all, if I had 1 wish I would want this for every human being on Earth (cheesy but I often think this)

ITA. When DH and I got together, I said to myself, this is what every woman deserves.

Interesting thread. Some of the responses sound straight out of a fairy tale..or a mills and boon romance novel.
He's tall dark and handsome, cooks, is paid, gives great back rubs, faithful, listens emotively, is a tiger in the sack, etc etc. The perfect man.

Oh...you wantsome realness??? LOL. His massages last about 30 seconds. He works in nonprofit (need I say more)? He listens very nonemotively, and I often have to insist that he repeat back what I just said because he appears not to be paying attention (and he gets it right every time, unless he has fallen asleep :lachen:) When he doesn't shave, I can't kiss him--it literally scratches my face! Ouch! However...he's still my boo. It's so fly being married to him. :lol:

Love by such a longshot?

:scratchch Color me skeptical.... :lol:

mischka - Who was this for? Me? (It was under my post--wasn't sure if this referred to our astrological compatibility :lol:)
I chose number one-but there are so many reasons behind my love for him. Sure, the facts that: he's Italian (I unknowingly have a thing for them for some reason), cooks oh-so-well, likes the same music that I do, and that he pleases me sexually are great and appreciated. However, it's his personality that triggered my attraction to him and that I fell for first off. :)
He is my Best Friend
He makes me laugh
The sex is amazing
He always finds new ways of making me smile
We make a great team
We have similar interest
He loves my daughter as if she was his
We have the same goals
He keeps the mystery without being sneaky
He lets me be me
He supports me
He loves to cuddle as much as I do
I can see myself being with him 50 years from now still with a smile on my face
He gets my jokes
He is smart but not in an egotistical way
He is super cute
He is down for whatever as long as we're together
He makes me happy
He compliments me
He cooks for me
He always says "us" and "we"
He is drama free
He is genuinely a good guy
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Love is my reason, but its not so simple, I have several reasons.
He is considerate of me, kind and will do anything for me...he loves me more than I love him, we both know it and it doesn't matter....its been 6yrs married 8yrs together.
I wish there was more money, I really didn't care about money when we married [before I had children, a parent with chronic medical illness and appreciate money has its uses]
I still wouldn't change anything, my ex-BF were terrible for me, one, when I met this man I knew I shouldn't let him go.
The loving is good too
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  • We have very similar goals and future outlook. We both want to continue to save and buy a house, have a family, get married.
  • Very similar morals as well. He has a conscience.
  • Very comforting towards me, helps me to realize things about myself and family as well.
  • Supportive over all.
  • Just a good guy through and through. Especially with his daughter. I think he'll make a great father to the child we'll have.
  • Adores me :grin: ... except when I get on his nerves
  • Very protective of me
  • I really enjoy his company... great sense of humor
  • Very helpful, will help me to cook and clean. Pick up dry cleaning, little things like that.
  • I love his assertiveness. He speaks his mind and says how's he feeling and will not take shyt from anyone.. yet, is not a bully or tries to put on a tough guy act.
  • Would probably do anything for me if he had to.
  • He has character.... something a lot of people seem to lack nowadays.
  • Simply put - I see him as my best friend and partner. We are a great team together.
It's funny, I've come across two of my old journals and I saw where I wrote my list of qualities that I want in my future SO.. and I can honestly say my SO has all of the starred qualities that I listed off or all of the most important ones. It's almost uncanny. He didn't come in the superficial package that I'm typically attracted to, but he's close enough. There are certain things I'll have to accept that can't be changed and there are other areas that will just need work.
$$$$ :look:
Before all the BS:
very caring
good with kids
Now, its simply because of the $$$.
He is the only person who can put up with me J/K (sort of). That and I cant imagine me without him. He gives my life balance.
Well right now because he and his family help me maintain my sanity. I am working, and two nights a week in grad school (almost completed:yep:) my schedule it tight with a three year old that I have to pick up from school, drop off in aftercare and rush to class, not to mention the nights and weekend where I need every available minute to work on a paper, he and his sisters are very helpful.
Yes I know he is suppose to do his fatherly duties, but when him and I have issues and "separate" he gives me a hard time with help for our daughter and he comes from one of those families where if him and I are beefing, everyone else hates me too. When that is the case he will only drop money off, sufficient amounts, but nothing else. And for me, right now..its more about actually being there to remove some household/parental duties off my shoulders. Not to mention when "my" funds are low, I can get money from him.

Don't start throwing rocks yet, I have know this man for going on 8 years, been in a relationship for almost 6 from the time I was a jr. in college. He clearly doesn't want to marry me, he has been stringing me along, so I decided I had to make this situation about me and mine. I thought I was a good GF, and did all the right things, but hey...it is... what it is!! I stopped crying about it, and feeling sorry for myself and flipped the situation to benefit me.

So yes I admit I am using him, and as much I want to tell him to kick rocks on graduation day, that time may come sooner, I can't deal with him anymore (thats another post), and at this point I am in the home stretch of my program anyway and I do have support from my parents and others so I rather do it on my own and what ever he contributes is additional.​

I'm sorry lady. I hope it all works out.
I could list a lot of things, but the most important to me is that he allows me to be me. Most men I've been with have tried to change me into what they thought I ought to be or what they expected a BW to be. With all my quirkiness, impatience, impulsiveness and other qualities that would normally drive a sane person to the brink, he loves me for it regardless and actually embraces it all. I couldn't ask for a better man.
I like him because.....

Same cultural background (a first for me)
He's handsome and sexy
We laugh a lot= enjoy being around eachother
Same twisted sense of humor
Similar values on various things
I like that we're on our way to being great friends!
When he looks at me, I feel like he def. digs me.
He respects my intellect (seeks my advice and input) whereas in my previous relationship, I felt like I was always being preached to.
He's thoughtul/giving
I like that he has SOME assets :yep:
He's established yet wants more for his life
I'm not going to lie, I think it's sexy as heck how he comes out his pocket quickly for me. I never had that, I'm used to paying my own way for everything. Total turn on for me! Like "baby, you wanna buy my paaaaaads" In my Ertha Kit sexy voice :lachen:
He is my bestfriend
He lets me be a girl (lets me whine, cry, be mushy, need affection, and watch chick flicks)
All of my goals in life are now "our" goals and vice versa (Like having a house, getting a PhD, saving more money)
He makes me laugh AND laughs at my corny jokes
He is great with kids
When I am upset...he is upset. He is very empathetic to my needs
He gives me my space...he isn't under me all the time
He does sweet things for me (Washes my car, replace stuff around the house, fixes stuff, gets my hair/nails done)
He pays attention to the small stuff (Like the fact that I love flowers...sunflowers)
He will cuddle me all night...no strings attached
He lets me do sweet stuff for him
He involves me in his personal life
I agree with the other posters...he is truly my best friend and my heart! Not to mention my partner in crime too :drunk:
...because I had a long, wonderful talk with God and told Him I wanted to stop misusing His children, and then He dropped this guy into my frame of vision, when I was good and ready and able to handle myself. Even after we started "dating", I talked to him and God alot, and didn't want to commit to him before consulting the Lord and letting Him make the choice for me.

I'm happy we both had the same idea. <3

Plus, he's kinda cute. kinda. sometimes.
He WAS amazingly perfect ...the first year and a half ,now he s still above avarage but not as affectionate and attentive ,still love him loads.