Why are you REALLY with your SO ?

Why are you with your SO

  • Love is the one and ONLY reason

    Votes: 260 52.4%
  • He is PAID!

    Votes: 21 4.2%
  • I was/am getting older and tired of being so picky

    Votes: 27 5.4%
  • The sex is good

    Votes: 18 3.6%
  • I wanted a visa/greencard

    Votes: 6 1.2%
  • My parents hooked us up/ it was an arranged marriage

    Votes: 2 0.4%
  • I honestly dont know why... I ask myself this everyday

    Votes: 83 16.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 79 15.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The REAL reason is:

1. He makes me laugh.
2. He has the best bear hugs.
3. He isn't afraid to be affectionate in public or even in front of his friends.
4. He's patient with me and understanding of my "issues".
5. He's got the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen.
6. He's intelligent and not a follower - but a leader and that's important as the head of a household.
7. He has a kind heart and would help a complete stranger even if it inconvenienced him personally.
8. He doesn't keep records of wrongs.
9. He involves me in all facets of his life and makes me feel like I am the most important thing to him (even if I might actually be 3rd on the list).
10. He isn't to proud to apologize if he makes a mistake.
11. He's always super eager to rub my feet, my neck, run me baths, cook for me (even though he cannot cook and I prefer to be in the kitchen).
12. He listens and I mean REALLY listens to me when I need to talk.
13. He holds me when I'm sleeping and rubs my hair and just stares at me in the morning (and I pretend I'm still asleep because it feels good).
14. We have everything in common. He can finish my sentences and we almost always want to do the same things.
15. I love him.
16. His body is hawt.

ETA: So many great things about this man so when people assume I'm with him for the reasons I sarcastically stated above or when they think I'm bragging because he's white - I just scoff and think to myself - if I had these qualities in any man - even a green man with fuschia polka dots, I'd take him and not look back.

Also, when I went to his house this past weekend, he had put a huge portrait of us over the fire place in addition to little pictures of us as a couple throughout his house. He said he was preparing for me to move in (after the wedding) and he wanted to make it "our" home. That made me feel super special and although I acted like - cool, thanks - I was really like awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!! :grin:

Aww.. That is just beautiful. That is what I am looking for too.
BTW - I voted as I am LOA the first statement into my life :D
He brings me sooooo much joy.

When we saw "Why did I get married" (one of our first dates) I was crying when Sheila was talking about the Sheriff because he brought her so much joy. I started boohooing. He was like, "what is wrong?" I was like "I know how she feels because that is what you do to me." Waaaaaaa!
I tell him its because he can cook his ass off.
There are many reasons other than that so I'll just leave it at love.
1. Because he is my best friend
2. Because he is goofy like me
3. Because he brings me balance (he is more passive and I am in your face)
4. Because of what Song of Solomon 2:16 says "I am my beloved and he is mine" (our verse for our wedding)
5. Because he tries
6. Because he can work my nerves like nobody's business but it all works out.
7. Because he has the kindest heart I have ever known
8. Because he lets me be me (and I know that can be hard some days)
9. Because he held me through all my surgeries for fibroids.
10. Because he thinks my doll from childhood is cute (she is cute!)
11. Because he is a nerd like me (all about Star Wars, The Matrix, LOTR etc).
12. Because he is my Sweetie
1. He's my absolute best friend and life partner, he understands me and knows me almost better than I know myself.
2. We complete each other; we can be across a room and think the same thing at the EXACT same moment, or know what the other one is thinking before they even say it.
3. He will come home from a hard day of work, while I'm sitting on the couch from a rough 3 hours at school (:lachen::lachen:) and rub my feet and back for me.
4. He's SO intelligent and not just intelligent but sagely. His advice is always so calming and yet rational.
5. He's funny, he cracks me up all the time and never says no when I ask him to imitate that character, "do that voice thing!!", or "do that dance I like so much!"
6. He's a GOOD COOK!! Homie can cook his lil' tail off, although he makes a mess in the process :lachen:. Straight up Ratatouille out this mug...:lachen::lachen::lachen:
7. He has the most beautiful green eyes I have ever seen in my life.
8. When we go to sleep, he will hold me just the way I like and wake me up with hugs and kisses.
9. He is such a generous, kind person. He would give the shirt off of his back if anyone asked for it and was in need.
10. He lets me win (sometimes) when we play our PS2.
11. I can act like the biggest fool in the world, and he tolerates it and plays along too!
12. Seeing me cry or upset truly hurts him and makes him feel bad.
13. He is more than willing and able to call me out when I'm acting like a baby or immature, and I respect that about him.

I could go on and on for days.
The REAL reason is:

1. He makes me laugh.
2. He has the best bear hugs.
3. He isn't afraid to be affectionate in public or even in front of his friends.
4. He's patient with me and understanding of my "issues".
5. He's got the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen.
6. He's intelligent and not a follower - but a leader and that's important as the head of a household.
7. He has a kind heart and would help a complete stranger even if it inconvenienced him personally.
8. He doesn't keep records of wrongs.
9. He involves me in all facets of his life and makes me feel like I am the most important thing to him (even if I might actually be 3rd on the list).
10. He isn't to proud to apologize if he makes a mistake.
11. He's always super eager to rub my feet, my neck, run me baths, cook for me (even though he cannot cook and I prefer to be in the kitchen).
12. He listens and I mean REALLY listens to me when I need to talk.
13. He holds me when I'm sleeping and rubs my hair and just stares at me in the morning (and I pretend I'm still asleep because it feels good).
14. We have everything in common. He can finish my sentences and we almost always want to do the same things.
15. I love him.
16. His body is hawt.

ETA: So many great things about this man so when people assume I'm with him for the reasons I sarcastically stated above or when they think I'm bragging because he's white - I just scoff and think to myself - if I had these qualities in any man - even a green man with fuschia polka dots, I'd take him and not look back.

Also, when I went to his house this past weekend, he had put a huge portrait of us over the fire place in addition to little pictures of us as a couple throughout his house. He said he was preparing for me to move in (after the wedding) and he wanted to make it "our" home. That made me feel super special and although I acted like - cool, thanks - I was really like awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!! :grin:

church!!!!!!!! :grin:
I love him so much. We have been through alot, I met him my freshman year of college and he was there for my graduation. He is a gentleman. He is very smart, I was impressed at how smart he was when I first met him. He can strike up a convo with anyone, we balance eachother out bc I am more quiret. He is just really nice and he does everything I want him to do...lol. He treats me like a queen but it was not always like that of course. Everything is not always roses in a relationship, there was time when things were rocky...but its back like it use to be. I miss him!!! He is out of state right now.
1. He's my absolute best friend and life partner, he understands me and knows me almost better than I know myself.
2. We complete each other; we can be across a room and think the same thing at the EXACT same moment, or know what the other one is thinking before they even say it.
3. He will come home from a hard day of work, while I'm sitting on the couch from a rough 3 hours at school (:lachen::lachen:) and rub my feet and back for me.
4. He's SO intelligent and not just intelligent but sagely. His advice is always so calming and yet rational.
5. He's funny, he cracks me up all the time and never says no when I ask him to imitate that character, "do that voice thing!!", or "do that dance I like so much!"
6. He's a GOOD COOK!! Homie can cook his lil' tail off, although he makes a mess in the process :lachen:. Straight up Ratatouille out this mug...:lachen::lachen::lachen:
7. He has the most beautiful green eyes I have ever seen in my life.
8. When we go to sleep, he will hold me just the way I like and wake me up with hugs and kisses.
9. He is such a generous, kind person. He would give the shirt off of his back if anyone asked for it and was in need.
10. He lets me win (sometimes) when we play our PS2.
11. I can act like the biggest fool in the world, and he tolerates it and plays along too!
12. Seeing me cry or upset truly hurts him and makes him feel bad.
13. He is more than willing and able to call me out when I'm acting like a baby or immature, and I respect that about him.

I could go on and on for days.

I forgot to add that too, can make something out of nothing in the kitchen.
These responses really do touch me. This is the type of feeling that I would like to experience with my SO. Unfortunately, after 2.5 years, I have none of these feelings and we're in splitsville.

I second that motion...:ohwell:
I've been with my boyfriend for just over 3 years now...
I did have feelings of that nature but I don't honestly believe they were ever fully returned so i've stopped trying because I notice he doesn't really....
and unfortunately he's NEVER been there for me like that....and i've tried to jump ship. Only the men I want are too old and I think are easily intimidated by a younger woman....sooooo I sit here and rot. :perplexed lol never really relied on him for much anyway.
Awww Meia, I'm sorry to hear that.
Keep your head up though and know that one day you will find someone that embodies all the qualities of your desire. At least, this is what i'm trying to do.
- He rocks my socks. :drunk:
- Loves me for who I am & understands me.
- Respects my family.
- Does sweet things when I least expect it.
- Believes in me & is always encouraging.
- He is so freakin' tall and I love it! 6'5" of sexiness.
- He's a soon-to-be college graduate! Go baby!
- He is my best friend & I can be totally honest with him.
- He's a sexy beast. Rawrrrr.
- I have someone to be a geek with. =]
Well right now because he and his family help me maintain my sanity. I am working, and two nights a week in grad school (almost completed:yep:) my schedule it tight with a three year old that I have to pick up from school, drop off in aftercare and rush to class, not to mention the nights and weekend where I need every available minute to work on a paper, he and his sisters are very helpful.
Yes I know he is suppose to do his fatherly duties, but when him and I have issues and "separate" he gives me a hard time with help for our daughter and he comes from one of those families where if him and I are beefing, everyone else hates me too. When that is the case he will only drop money off, sufficient amounts, but nothing else. And for me, right now..its more about actually being there to remove some household/parental duties off my shoulders. Not to mention when "my" funds are low, I can get money from him.

Don't start throwing rocks yet, I have know this man for going on 8 years, been in a relationship for almost 6 from the time I was a jr. in college. He clearly doesn't want to marry me, he has been stringing me along, so I decided I had to make this situation about me and mine. I thought I was a good GF, and did all the right things, but hey...it is... what it is!! I stopped crying about it, and feeling sorry for myself and flipped the situation to benefit me.

So yes I admit I am using him, and as much I want to tell him to kick rocks on graduation day, that time may come sooner, I can't deal with him anymore (thats another post), and at this point I am in the home stretch of my program anyway and I do have support from my parents and others so I rather do it on my own and what ever he contributes is additional.​
Because I love him for exactly who he is
Because he loves me for exactly who I am
Because we strive to bring out the best in each other, encourage each other to dream big, accept and understand each other when we make mistakes and are committed to our relationship, even when its hard:fart:
Awww Meia, I'm sorry to hear that.
Keep your head up though and know that one day you will find someone that embodies all the qualities of your desire. At least, this is what i'm trying to do.

Awww, Britt! Thank you for your kind words....
Well its been a long damn time coming and we have a lot of fun together generally but when it comes to "dealing" within the relationship the the fun times don't equate with how much I want to strangle him sometimes....:wallbash: lollll....

I hope and pray I do.....and that you do too!!! I try to be hopeful but I think he's my soulmate (yikes or at least i've been told this before by some crazy fortune tellers before- ETA: if he in fact is I may as well just pitch myself off of the sharpest, dustiest cliff to my death...:ohwell::lachen::look: lolll) I think I should probably be alone for a while anyway which is why i've been trying to break it off.

I've lost a lot of hope in "happy" unions seeing ones with marriages lasting years and years and years crumble before me because of rampant cheating and lies- the one thing I can trust, at least, is myself...lol :grin:
The main reason why I am with my SO is because I LOVE him with all my heart and I know he does too.

Not only that but
  1. He puts me before everything
  2. See us as one & plans his future around me
  3. Has sacrificed soooo much for me
  4. Lets me know he loves me everyday
  5. Has always been there for me when I have needed him the most - in the worst times of my life he has always been the person to bring me out of it and see me through
  6. We prayed together for God's blessing for us to be together forever; and so the devil and his works may not split our union
  7. He prayed with this Mother that we would be together forever
  8. I CAN NOT imagine my life without him
  9. He understands me more that anyone and I do him
  10. He loves me for who I REALLY am
  11. He has the utmost faith in my abilities and what I can achieve
  12. He finds me attractive even when I look beat down
  13. He is ambitious and has high aspirations
  14. He has showed me his heart and 'proved' his love for me MANY of times :yep:
  15. I didn't think it was possible to have so much love for a person I was not related to. No one will ever be able to love me the way he loves me, or make me feel the way he makes me feel :drunk:
  16. He sings my praises and 'brags' about me to all his friends, co-workers, families :look:
  17. He understand me... and my 'jokes'
  18. He puts up with my crAZyY-nesss :spinning: :spinning: (and I put with his:spinning: :spinning: :spinning:)
  19. He is stubborn just like me; but lets me get my own way
  20. He is HIGHLY successful and has accomplished so much... I am very proud of him :yep: :yep:
  21. He is strikingly hansome - 6'7, althetic built
  22. He is the utmost respect for women and hates to see them disrespected - the respect he has for his mother is beautiful
  23. He is intelligent and smart
  24. He works for a big financial group so he is professional and business minded but still keeps it real
  25. He has respect for me and also himself (which is important to me :yep:)
  26. Anything I ask for from him - I get :look:
  27. He spoils me rotten :grin:
  28. He embodies all and more than I want in a husbandve
  29. His family are great
  30. He is funny - well at least to me lol. We were in Audi and whilst we were waiting we were busing 'jokes' everyone was like :ohwell: at us; the sales man was like OKKKKK :rolleyes: I was cracking up like :lachen:b/c the joke was really funny :look:
  31. I can be completely myself with my SO :yep:
  32. Everyday with him his re-confirms the belief in my heart that he is the man God has put on his earth for me
I could go on forever lol :grin:

p.s. I'm sad atm because my baby has gone on a trip to San Franciso; I cried all the way from the airport whilst driving back - even though he's only going for a week :rolleyes:)
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1. He worships me and will do anything to keep me happy.
2. He's PAID
3. He's handsome
4. And I genuinely fell in love with him!
The main reason why I am with my SO is because I LOVE him with all my heart and I know he does too.

Not only that but
  1. He puts me before everything
  2. See us as one & plans his future around me
  3. Has sacrificed soooo much for me
  4. Lets me know he loves me everyday
  5. Has always been there for me when I have needed him the most - in the worst times of my life he has always been the person to bring me out of it and see me through
  6. We prayed together for God's blessing for us to be together forever; and so the devil and his works may not split our union
  7. He prayed with this Mother that we would be together forever
  8. I CAN NOT imagine my life without him
  9. He understands me more that anyone and I do him
  10. He loves me for who I REALLY am
  11. He has the utmost faith in my abilities and what I can achieve
  12. He finds me attractive even when I look beat down
  13. He is ambitious and has high aspirations
  14. He has showed me his heart and 'proved' his love for me MANY of times :yep:
  15. I didn't think it was possible to have so much love for a person I was not related to. No one will ever be able to love me the way he loves me, or make me feel the way he makes me feel :drunk:
  16. He sings my praises and 'brags' about me to all his friends, co-workers, families :look:
  17. He understand me... and my 'jokes'
  18. He puts up with my crAZyY-nesss :spinning: :spinning: (and I put with his:spinning: :spinning: :spinning:)
  19. He is stubborn just like me; but lets me get my own way
  20. He is HIGHLY successful and has accomplished so much... I am very proud of him :yep: :yep:
  21. He is strikingly hansome - 6'7, althetic built
  22. He is the utmost respect for women and hates to see them disrespected - the respect he has for his mother is beautiful
  23. He is intelligent and smart
  24. He works for a big financial group so he is professional and business minded but still keeps it real
  25. He has respect for me and also himself (which is important to me :yep:)
  26. Anything I ask for from him - I get :look:
  27. He spoils me rotten :grin:
  28. He embodies all and more than I want in a husbandve
  29. His family are great
  30. He is funny - well at least to me lol. We were in Audi and whilst we were waiting we were busing 'jokes' everyone was like :ohwell: at us; the sales man was like OKKKKK :rolleyes: I was cracking up like :lachen:b/c the joke was really funny :look:
  31. I can be completely myself with my SO :yep:
  32. Everyday with him his re-confirms the belief in my heart that he is the man God has put on his earth for me
I could go on forever lol :grin:

p.s. I'm sad atm because my baby has gone on a trip to San Franciso; I cried all the way from the airport whilst driving back - even though he's only going for a week :rolleyes:)

Beautiful! :cry2:
My fiance has been very supportive in all aspects. He is very giving and loving. We understand each other very well. We have a lot in common and we both have been through similar trials and errors in life. He is constantly pushing me to strive in life and he has my back when there are times that I am falling. He's been a big help to my family, especially snce my dad died a few years ago. We have our ups and downs, but we stick through them and learn things about each other along the way. He's been a blessing to me and my family.
These responses really do touch me. This is the type of feeling that I would like to experience with my SO. Unfortunately, after 2.5 years, I have none of these feelings and we're in splitsville.

I am so there w/you ((((HUGS))). I hope you find the right man for you and he is everything to you as the SO's of these beautiful ladies are to them.
He worships the ground I walk on

He has actually told his friends he couldn't hang out bc he was helping me with my hair. He scratches my dandruff if I ever have any and I don't even ask!!!!!

He begs to rub my feet even when I beg him not to cos' when I need a pedicure

He's more affectionate than I am- especially in public around our friends and family, etc.

He harolds his love for me even to his or my friends to the point of making everyone nauseous

He turns on the shower for me in the winter so I don't get cold and sleeps tightly wrapped around me most of the night wakes me up with hugs and kisses and stares at me when I pretend to sleep and he LOVES to cuddle/touch 24/7

He likes to cook for me 90% of the time and I don't even ask him to and he won't let me get up to help or anything

He respects my wishes to wait for sex and we've been together closing in on a year now.

He respects my music career because he has his own music career as well!
THAT IS CLUTCH!!!!! :grin:

He always sends me texts or calls in the several times a day just to say I love you

He reads more than I do!

He tells me the truth about EVERYTHING! Even if it hurts

He's super intelligent and since he's a science teacher we can watch anything from the Planet Earth series, to the Carl Sagan's Cosmos, talk politics, chemical reactions, or philosophy, read classic novels in bed and then turn around and watch the best TV show in the world-Cheaters

He insists on driving me to and from the airport when I go out of town

He's older and he's been through a lot of stuff in his life so he knows what he wants out of life and we're on the same page

He's a man's man and a total alpha male but he defers to me and completely melts even in front of others

I've never met another man who is more open and expressive with his emotions and what he's thinking

He can bench press me

He likes to pick me up and carry me around

He's 6'2"!!! Woohoo!!!! I'm 5'11"

Damn- when my mom finally meets him she's going to be jealous as hell! :look:
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My SO is truly the love of my life to put it simply. I think he is the only person in the world(besides myself) that understands me. We have the same goals and aspirations, and most of all he makes me happier more days than he makes me mad or sad. I have had my share of dumb a**es so it's nice to have someone that truly loves me and isn't afraid to show it. He always manages to find the beauty in me even when he's leaving for work and he wakes me up to kiss me goodbye and my hair is all wild, crust in my eyes, he still manages to tell me that I am beautiful and that he will always love me forever, and ever.:yep:

PREACH!! In fact I think you have to get involved with a few losers to appreciate a real men when he comes along. :yep: