Why are you REALLY with your SO ?

Why are you with your SO

  • Love is the one and ONLY reason

    Votes: 260 52.4%
  • He is PAID!

    Votes: 21 4.2%
  • I was/am getting older and tired of being so picky

    Votes: 27 5.4%
  • The sex is good

    Votes: 18 3.6%
  • I wanted a visa/greencard

    Votes: 6 1.2%
  • My parents hooked us up/ it was an arranged marriage

    Votes: 2 0.4%
  • I honestly dont know why... I ask myself this everyday

    Votes: 83 16.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 79 15.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
because of all his sweet assets.


i have never met anyone like him. hes sexy, caring, loving, passionate, determined to make a difference.
He takes such good care of me, he's flexible and easy to please, he's committed, very loving and attentive, not cheap, adores me, loves God, super fun. I also like the person he is and not because he's my SO but because he's just an awesome guy.
He has a good heart.

It helps that we also share the same core value and belief system, morals and were brought up in similar environments. We like family values.

The hard part is his finances. It's the only thing I'm not sold on and it's a big one :(
We have a lot in common, similar interests and thought processes. We have great conversation. We have fun together. He's tall, dark, bowlegged and packin:blush:. We were best friends for years before ever dating. He lets me have my way and lets me be my moody grouchy self:look: He's intelligent, educated, and has a solid career. He's caring, honest, and trustworthy. We care about each other. I love him.
I love him most of all
He is my bestfriend
He is super fine
I was always drawn to him
He is supportive
He is a great dad
He feels I am beautiful not matter what (I have been in situations where I was looking crazy because he said I looked good)
Before I got married it was easier to answer this question. Now after 4 years, I don't have the slightest. I don't know what happened, but I'm sooooooo happy for you ladies that found true love. Hold on to it, fight for it, and never let it go.

Ok to update you all some. I married him because he's a sweety, attractive, established/stable, ambitious, the sex is great, and he's great with money, proven provider, patient, mild mannered and funny. Please ignore the above, that was during a rough patch. :)
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I am with my so because he is loving, a good provider, a caring father. We enjoy most of the same things. He thinks he is funny which I find funny. He is sweet and very attentive. So I deciede to keep him.
Interesting thread. Some of the responses sound straight out of a fairy tale..or a mills and boon romance novel.
He's tall dark and handsome, cooks, is paid, gives great back rubs, faithful, listens emotively, is a tiger in the sack, etc etc. The perfect man.
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Wow, so many reason to try to list.

I have dated some POS men in my lifetime and out of all of them, when DH asked me to marry him I said YES immediately.

Quite simply, I adore him.
He is the most loving, honest, kind hearted, hard-working man that I have ever met. He understands that marriage is work and his views on marriage being a forever commitment are in line with mine.

Although people outside of the family find him intimidating (because of his build), he is such a sweetheart, not the crying type but definitely in touch with his feelings. He wanted to be involved with every step of our wedding (I wanted to elope) and he cared about all of the details that everyone says a man won't care about.

He takes the time to understand anything that I'm doing, including haircare. He would never admit it to his friends but he is really into hair now and helps me oil my hair & do my Keratin treatments.

He will try anything that I ask with no argument (i.e., travel, wig/weave shopping, different foods).

He cleans (laundry, floors, dishes) and he can cook a bit too. His collards are way better than mine.

He can fix anything (cars & household items).

He is a great father, despite the circumstances with the ex trying to make it difficult.

And most important, I love that he adores me and that it's clear to anyone who meets him (he is always talking about me) or to anyone that see us together.
^^^ I had to make sure that I didn't write this myself.

ITA with EVERY word (except cooking as DH does ALL of the cooking and he has no other children but ours)
I love him/ He loves me
Because he belives in me
Because he is proud of me (he was there for my swearing in for the Bar - never seen a man so proud)
Because me makes me want to be a better person
Because I found someone who gets me and thinks I am fabulous and he reminds me of this when I have my confidence crisis every now and then
Because he tells me how beautiful I am everyday
Because he tells me how much he loves me everyday
Because we share the same goals and values in life (although not the same politics)
Because he takes care of me (I got made redudndant at the beginning of this year and he pays all the bills - it hasn't even been an issue.
Because he trusted me with his Visa even before we were married ( I barely use it tho to my freinds shock and dismay)
Because he makes me breakfast every weekend
Because he is loving and kind and wears his heart on his sleeve
Because he was always nice to his Mum
Because he is ambitious and harworking
Because he doesn't complain about his 1 shelf in the bathroom, the everchanging moods and hairstyles, he gives amazing foot massages etc etc

okay I could go on but you get the gist right....???
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I love him most of all
He is my bestfriend
He is super fine
I was always drawn to him
He is supportive
He is a great dad
He feels I am beautiful not matter what (I have been in situations where I was looking crazy because he said I looked good)

This is sooooooo my husband. They really have NO CLUE. I learned recently after our first year of marriage to take his fashion advice with a pinch of salt. I think when you get married this is one of the things you learn. Don;t listen to them on things like this they are ususally clueless.
This is sooooooo my husband. They really have NO CLUE. I learned recently after our first year of marriage to take his fashion advice with a pinch of salt. I think when you get married this is one of the things you learn. Don;t listen to them on things like this they are ususally clueless.

LOL too true....learned this after a few jacked up rollersets that left me in tears and DH was like "there's nothing wrong with it". Sure, not if I wanted to look like an electrocuted rooster:nono:
cause he got section 8 and the rent is $86 on a 4bdrm/2 bath house
and he got foodstamps....
cause he bought me a bucket and a new air freshener
cause he babysits my kids
cause he does what I tell him
and the sex is the bomb!


I guess I love him... *wink* he aiight.

Because he begged me to marry him and just wouldn't go away.. been knowin him all my life!
I got knocked up so I married him, but I wish that I would've taken my baby and ran. I love dh (sometimes )but since I've been married my quality of life has substantially plummeted,probably because I left my job to care for the baby and we live with his family. He doesn't beat me or anything but after we married I found out that he's still a teenager and he was just pretending to be a responsible adult while we were dating. Now we just had another baby! Our sex life is not great at all anymore,it only takes once to get pregnant.

I'm trying to have a better attitude but all this lovey-dovey stuff here is just pissing me off and it's kind of discouraging too.
I liked being single, not to sleep around but because I like being free to plan my life as I see fit and move to another town or just do what I want. As I single person I set goals and I achieved them, now it feels almost impossible to even set a goal as a married couple,let alone achieve it.
Because we love each other, love is just half the battle we have grown together. I have learned so much from being with him and its always a something new. Plus I love him so much!! Been together 6 yrs, married for 2 yrs.
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I am marrying my fh because I love him. However love is NOT enough. He also has the necessary requirements that I will not marry without:
Because we are compatible
Because we have the same mindset on important issues (raising children/work/ethics,etc)
Because he is supportive
Because he is loving
Because he is funny and considerate
Because he is intelligent
Because I can see us STAYING married
Because he adds to my life (and I hope I add to his as he says)my life is better W/ him
Because there is no other place I'd rather be than with him
Because he gives unconditional love
Because he has his ish together (work related/financially/ emotionally/ etc)
Because we work as a team
Because he does not stifle me
Because he inspires and encourages me to be my best self (by letting me be me and supporting my aspirations just as I do for him)

and an added plus that isn't a requirement but is just a nice bonus:
He is truly my best friend
money is a plus too...but I guess that also goes under having his ish together lol! (I will add that I would never marry just for money as having ish together is a minor requirement without other things such as ethics, a good heart, funny, compatible, etc)
I'm with him *at the moment* lol for the first reason he's with me for the third and a little bit of the second REGARDLESS of what he tells you and me LOOOOOOOOOOL ROFLMAO but no seriously :(
Wow, so many reason to try to list.

I have dated some POS men in my lifetime and out of all of them, when DH asked me to marry him I said YES immediately.

Quite simply, I adore him.
He is the most loving, honest, kind hearted, hard-working man that I have ever met. He understands that marriage is work and his views on marriage being a forever commitment are in line with mine.

Although people outside of the family find him intimidating (because of his build), he is such a sweetheart, not the crying type but definitely in touch with his feelings. He wanted to be involved with every step of our wedding (I wanted to elope) and he cared about all of the details that everyone says a man won't care about.

He takes the time to understand anything that I'm doing, including haircare. He would never admit it to his friends but he is really into hair now and helps me oil my hair & do my Keratin treatments.

He will try anything that I ask with no argument (i.e., travel, wig/weave shopping, different foods).

He cleans (laundry, floors, dishes) and he can cook a bit too. His collards are way better than mine.

He can fix anything (cars & household items).

He is a great father, despite the circumstances with the ex trying to make it difficult.

And most important, I love that he adores me and that it's clear to anyone who meets him (he is always talking about me) or to anyone that see us together.

Dang!!! And I thought I had a good one! :lachen:
To answer the question, I've never had anyone work so hard to try and make me happy. I mean this brother puts in serious work. When I ask him why he's stressing himself to do something or jamming up his schedule to take on the lion's share of the kid duties his response is always the same "I want you to be happy." I remember thinking while we were dating "I'd be crazy NOT to marry this man." We just vibe on a level that is effortless.

Yes, he drives me nuts a thousand ways and vice versa, but it's never about anything deal-breaking. We've had rocky times and definitely times when I'm like "uhm...I don't know about this," but we work through them and the rest of the time is smooth sailing. Have we had to check one another a time or two? Definitely. I have a strong personality, and he has a strong silent personality. Every now and then it's like fire (me, I'm an aries) and oxygen (him, he's a Gemini). But, similar to the combustion caused by those two things, it blows up quickly and dissipates even faster. We have a good thing going, so that's why we're together.