Am I wrong for being a little mad/jealous

Long story short: I broke up with him :crying3:
Pretty much everything y'all have said is what has been in my head for the past few months - I already knew I was not being treated like I deserved.

He had the nerve to be shocked.

Gonna cry and go to sleep now

Cry a little and get it out of your system. I can't tell you how much time I wasted sulking after a failed relationship. On to the next!

And the next doesn't have to be a man. It can be anything that makes you happy and elevates you into a stronger, balanced, smarter, healthier woman.

((Hugs)), my dear. You can and will do better.
Cry a little and get it out of your system. I can't tell you how much time I wasted sulking after a failed relationship. On to the next!

And the next doesn't have to be a man. It can be anything that makes you happy and elevates you into a stronger, balanced, smarter, healthier woman.

((Hugs)), my dear. You can and will do better.

LOL, no thanks! That mad me laugh a little. I like cucumbers, not tacos :yep:
I really liked his cucumber. I'll miss it :cry:
Long story short: I broke up with him :crying3:
Pretty much everything y'all have said is what has been in my head for the past few months - I already knew I was not being treated like I deserved.

He had the nerve to be shocked.

Gonna cry and go to sleep now

BRAVO!!! You are a very strong woman because many women never get the strength to leave a bad situation like this.

(((HUGS)))) for now because I know it hurts even when it wasn't right. But I know soon a good man will come into your life and you will laugh over all of this.
LOL, no thanks! That mad me laugh a little. I like cucumbers, not tacos :yep:
I really liked his cucumber. I'll miss it :cry:

I don't think she meant that :lol: I think she was saying that it doesn't have to be a human being. It could be an activity a hobby that enriches you and makes better. Everything doesn't have to be about a relationship.
I don't think she meant that :lol: I think she was saying that it doesn't have to be a human being. It could be an activity a hobby that enriches you and makes better. Everything doesn't have to be about a relationship.

Apparently, I'm not reading correctly with puffy eyes. Now I have a headache :sad:
Good for you Op! Watch him come up with a zillion date ideas in the next couple of weeks.

There's only one reason a man is 'afraid' to tell his child's mother he has a new girlfriend. You were right to move on. He can watch you blossom from afar.
Apparently, I'm not reading correctly with puffy eyes. Now I have a headache :sad:

Your next could be a new business, going back to school, learning to sew, spending more time with family and friends, and/or a new man. I'm proud of you. Pretty sure you won't regret dropping him. Be prepared for when he comes back offering everything you ever wanted because that is likely what he will do. But just keep reminding yourself that this man already has two OOW kids with two different women and there will always be drama with him.
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I assume he way gay when I read this. Maybe it was because he called her out on the pimple.

No, he's not gay. He has 2 children but is divorced. One child is not his, but he is raising the other as his own because his father is not in his life. He's a really great guy, but we've been friends for only 2 years. He has no interest in me and I have none in him. English is his second language, so when he says things they tend to come out very blunt and matter-of-fact if he has a hard time trying to translate it in his head.

I texted him and told him what went down and he asked me, "Do you love yourself?"

Me: Yes. I'm trying to at least
Him (in Spanglish): You as a woman should not be trying to get his attention. He is the one asking you not you asking him.

He left it at that. Truth hurts. He was the first to know about our relationship and tries not to take sides. When we revert to our high school selves, he throws his hands up in the air and walks away, saying "I'm not in it! Work it out. Be adults!"
Good for you Op! Watch him come up with a zillion date ideas in the next couple of weeks.

There's only one reason a man is 'afraid' to tell his child's mother he has a new girlfriend. You were right to move on. He can watch you blossom from afar.

He's already blowing up my phone with text messages and voicemails. :nono:
Good for you OP! You have been planning things for yourself anyway since he wasn't stepping up to the plate. Continue to do so and just enjoy yourself. If you see him at work, smile and keep it moving.
You are amaaaaaazing keep loving yourself!!!
Guuuurl give me a little bit of you, no tacos lol
Please stay strong OP and ignore the messages etc You'll feel better in time x

You'll feel silly if you go back and you'll set a precedent for the future where he won't take you seriously.

He has enough woman problems he needs to resolve, let him get on with it alone.
You know... Not to hijack this thread, I'm grateful for the open dialog we have here. It forces us to see things and people for what they really are, and encourages you to do better :yep: it's good to get guidance here, bc I'm seeing a lot of ppl IRL would happily let you drown. I'm glad you posted this OP, it's a lesson for us all about settling/deserving better.
You did the right thing. I know it hurts right now but that will pass. The ex is a never married mother of 6 with multiple fathers. Sorry if this is offensive but men aren't beating down her door for a date. She is sleeping with your ex. That's why he was so sensitive about you meeting the little one. The baby will tell mommy about the other woman. Even if there was no ex and no babies, he doesn't treat you well. He apparently didn't treat the EX well either - that's why SHE gave him the boot. Too many bright, glaring red flags with this cat. You can do better. Don't sweat the cucumber. Look around you, God made a LOT of those things. You'll find another one attached to someone who treats you like a Princess and he'll probably be richer, finer and his cucumber with be even bigger with a little extra crunch. No more tears. You'll be fine. I promise!
Long story short: I broke up with him :crying3: Pretty much everything y'all have said is what has been in my head for the past few months - I already knew I was not being treated like I deserved. He had the nerve to be shocked. Gonna cry and go to sleep now

Good for you OP. When I responded I had not even seen all the other stuff about his guy. Be strong and wait for the next one. Sometimes when our hearts are involved we try so hard to make a relationship work. We almost feel like this is it! There are so many fish in the sea. Marriage is hard and the more crap you add to it the worse it is. People make blended families work all the time but it takes special people and special kids. Not this mess here. On the other hand there are so many unhappy folks in blended families. Google, check relationship advice sites, talk to pastors and will see how much drama people in those set ups tend to have to deal with. IMO it's not something a worth dealing with. If it is already work when you are dating, it will be much worse in marriage.

Use this as a lesson for what to expect off of your next man. You must be his priority, he must be honest, no baby momma drama and poor judgment on his part...accept nothing less.
I'm glad you dumped him. Early in this thread you seemed to be making an awful lot of excuses for this guy. I'm glad you recognized it before you became baby momma number 3.
I'm confused as to his line of thinking when he got a woman who already had 5 kids pregnant. like really...

From a male perspective, I'd guess a woman with 5 kids does not have a 90 day rule and would be more likely to be intimate quickly. I doubt he was thinking about making a family with her in the beginning. Then again, he has another child (older?) and he should realize condoms are cheaper.

I'm confused as to his line of thinking when he got a woman who already had 5 kids pregnant. like really...
You did the right thing. I know it hurts right now but that will pass. The ex is a never married mother of 6 with multiple fathers. Sorry if this is offensive but men aren't beating down her door for a date. She is sleeping with your ex. That's why he was so sensitive about you meeting the little one. The baby will tell mommy about the other woman. Even if there was no ex and no babies, he doesn't treat you well. He apparently didn't treat the EX well either - that's why SHE gave him the boot. Too many bright, glaring red flags with this cat. You can do better. Don't sweat the cucumber. Look around you, God made a LOT of those things. You'll find another one attached to someone who treats you like a Princess and he'll probably be richer, finer and his cucumber with be even bigger with a little extra crunch. No more tears. You'll be fine. I promise!

:lachen: @ the bigger cucumber with extra crunch!
Good for you Op! Watch him come up with a zillion date ideas in the next couple of weeks. There's only one reason a man is 'afraid' to tell his child's mother he has a new girlfriend. You were right to move on. He can watch you blossom from afar.


I picked my screen name for a reason. I'll keep on changing and blooming :)