Was I in the Wrong?


I missed this part. Oh hell no!! If you want to talk about tests, this is mine.

DH still opens all doors and helps me with my coat. I know the doorman (or woman as the case may be) at our apartment complex must think it's funny but if DH is with me I NEVER touch doors (2 doors at our entrance). He opens the car door too although we do have the key fobs where you can just unlock the doors. If I am touching a door it will be because DH is carrying heavy something and I'm holding the door so he won't drop/break/spill it.

He may be a decent guy but he is not for you. He still needs some home training.

One more tidbit-he also complained to our mutual friend that I waited for him to open the door to the restaurant before we walked in. Strange huh.
Men who are hypersensitive to a woman's level of princess-ness tend to have problems with and deep rooted hatred towards women in general.

Women who think being "spoilt" is a form of entitlement tend to take anything they get from men, regardless of how mediocre, and mostly live by the "a piece of a man is better then no man" type of mentality.


It's mind boggling that in 2013 men are balking at paying for dates. Is this a common trend??!
serendipity Was this Nandos? Girl no you were not wrong! He's too grown for that kinda date. I have my loyalty card but that's a place where u and your man go to grab a bite. Not dating. And knowing he could afford better, I'd leave it.
As I have stated before, I don't do the fake grab for the wallet or any other indicators that I am going to pay for a single thing on a date. Heck Nah. Now, once we are in a relationship, I love to shower my man with gifts, trinkets, some tail and so forth, but so far as dates, he will ALWAYS pay, unless it is his birthday.

Heck, the man I was engaged too in 2011, didn't even want me to pay for dinner on HIS BIRTHDAY. He let me pay, but I found money in the side slot of my purse the next day. I did not see him put in in there.

Since Valentine's day, the man who has been courting me daily has spent plenty o money on me and insisted on purchasing a whole bottle of wine at dinner last night even though I only wanted a glass. He told me that I never know. Well he was correct because I nearly drank the whole dang bottle.

I love how you slid that in there! :lachen:
Naw, second date, and he didn't even really take u anywhere but to some taco joint and a movie...naw.....
I usually offer somewhere around the 4th date...but ain't no way I'm chipping in on the first or second date...dang.

It's mind boggling that in 2013 men are balking at paying for dates. Is this a common trend??!


IHATECHU I love this gif:lachen::lachen:

I had to do it!:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
But yes! Dudes be tripping about paying for dates. I had this one dude that was sweating me HARD...I gotta see you we gotta go out.....this negro wanted me to meet him in a MALL PARKING LOT! WTF!
I'm not getting up out of my warm house to go chill in a parking lot....then this fool says, well I will just contact you when I get my money together.....Uh, how about NOT!!!!!!!.....
I blocked his *** with a quickness.......
I had to do it!:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
But yes! Dudes be tripping about paying for dates. I had this one dude that was sweating me HARD...I gotta see you we gotta go out.....this negro wanted me to meet him in a MALL PARKING LOT! WTF!
I'm not getting up out of my warm house to go chill in a parking lot....then this fool says, well I will just contact you when I get my money together.....Uh, how about NOT!!!!!!!.....
I blocked his *** with a quickness.......

OMG what? That's like high school:lol:
serendipity Was this Nandos? Girl no you were not wrong! He's too grown for that kinda date. I have my loyalty card but that's a place where u and your man go to grab a bite. Not dating. And knowing he could afford better, I'd leave it.

londontresses.Yep-Nandos it was lol. I was peeved that he even suggested there in the first instance and then to expect me to pay :nono:
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This actually is a trend on male internet forums. I stumbled upon a thread where they were discussing how they felt women were "spoiled princesses", and they advocated not paying for dates, not acting like a gentleman, not waiting for sex, etc. - all in an attempt to avoid being a "simp".

You were right not to fall for that ish, but you kinda need to be smacked for going to a fast food place with that idiot. You deserve better.
Another thought-As silly as it may sound, do you think race could be a factor here? This guy is white which I didn't think was relevant at all but my bff suggested that if I want to be 'treated', I should stick to black men as white men are less chivalrous and tend to believe in 'equality' more. I refuted this because I've dated generous white men and less than generous black men before. I believe this behaviour is based on the individual rather than race/ethnicity.
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Another thought-As silly as it may sound, do you think race could be a factor here? This guy is white which I didn't think was relevant at all but my bff suggested that if I want to be 'treated', I should stick to black men as white men are less chivalrous and tend to believe in 'equality' more. I refuted this because I've dated generous white men and less than generous black men before. I believe this behaviour is based on the individual rather than race/ethnicity.

Lies and fallacies....
I agree that it's based on individual behavior. Chivalrous men come in all colors as do jerks. I think some women (all races) being so desperate acting and man-chasing has encouraged some men to be lazy, and now some men act like they want to be courted and woo'd. I find men like that to be very unattractive. Just stick to your expectations, they are not unreasonable. A man who asks you out should pay for the dates, he should open your door, etc., to me that's just very basic gentleman-like behavior.
I agree that it's based on individual behavior. Chivalrous men come in all colors as do jerks. I think some women (all races) being so desperate acting and man-chasing has encouraged some men to be lazy, and now some men act like they want to be courted and woo'd. I find men like that to be very unattractive. Just stick to your expectations, they are not unreasonable. A man who asks you out should pay for the dates, he should open your door, etc., to me that's just very basic gentleman-like behavior.

Exactly. It's crazy to me that people still don't get this.

OP, I'm seriously side-eying your friends right now. :look::lol: