Well-Known Member
I definitely want to get married . . . but only if it's to the right person (for me) . . . I used to believe in "soul mates" -- the idea that there was only ONE person on the planet that you were destined to be with . . . while it is a nice idea, I'm realizing that that same idea has also kept me single for a long time (waiting for my soul mate - who of course had the looks of Taye Diggs, the mind of Cornel West, the swagger of Denzel, and the faith of Martin Luther King Jr. - to walk up and sweep me off my feet). What I am realizing is that I need to be more open - because HE might not come in the packaging I expect. Also I have a lot of "personal development" that I need to do before I'm ready to settle down. Now, you ladies know all about my insecurities and issues so I won't rehash them here. But what I've really come to learn and accept is that right now I'm not ready/mature enough for the relationship I say I want . . . I don't remember who it was or what thread it was, but someone said that people need to ask themselves, "Would YOU want to date you?" and when I realized the answer for me was a "no," that really got me thinking.
Right now, I am still very "raw" or "green" if you will. There are a million things that I want to do that I don't feel I could do if I were tied down with a husband/family . . . travel, give my all/best to my career, become more financially responsible (i.e., pay off my debts!), continue to mature spiritually, etc. Now, before you accuse me of "working on myself" until Mr. Man comes along . . . I assure you that this isn't (just) for him . . . it's for me. Because when I make that commitment, I want it to be permanent and I don't want to have regrets about what I wish I had done when I was single. So for me, getting myself out of the "woe-is-me" state of mind and pushing myself to put myself first has been a tremendous step forward.
In all honesty, I think I will likely end up getting married in my mid- to late-30s . . . and by then I really think I will be ready for that phase. For now, I'm just a little girl who's struggling through the growing pains of learning to become a grown woman. I think that if I don't go through this phase, there's no way that I will get married (or end up in a good marriage) because I would have too many issues and too much baggage. (I see this in the horrible marriage of a good friend of mine who is so much like me it's scary. Dude completely takes advantage of her and she stays with him because she doesn't "want to be alone" )
Now, if I never get married, I have to admit that I would be disappointed. I grew up with married parents and always expected that I would get married and have a family. I'm not too interested in being a single parent (although I could/would do it if I felt that I wasn't going to get married). I would just like to have a companion/partner to journey through life with . . . . and I'm finally beginning to believe that that is NOT too much to ask
Firstly, thanks so much for being so open and honest. I truly believe that this "growing phase" that you are going through will help you first find happiness within yourself and you must be content alone before you can have a successful relationship.
Secondly, great hair growth!