The reason why some of us do this is because since we were little, someone told us "One day, when you get married..." So we believed it would happen, that some guy was born just for us to marry. And then we hit 25, 30 or even older with no husband and the family asks, "How come you ain't got no man?" Then you start asking yourself, is it my fault alone?
Well if we're going the biblical route, it is in a woman's nature to long for a husband - note this part of the curse after the fall of man:
16 To the woman he said,
"I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing;
with pain you will give birth to children.
Your desire will be for your husband,
and he will rule over you."
50s ideals are just a reflection of this...
I don't believe that any woman should hold out on certain experiences because she is single. You were made whole at birth. And noone can make you happy but yourself, so please don't stress about getting a man to add to your madness.
First fall madly in love with God, then fall in love crazily with yourself, and be open to falling in love with others.
While this is true, you must admit that there are some things a woman will never experience if she never marries. A Christian woman who never marries ideally would never have sex in her entire life or bear children, both of which are strong biological urges in most. We can't gloss over these things like it's no big deal. In order for most women who have these desires to have peace with not fulfilling them takes a constant renewing of the mind. It's not always an easy road by any means.