What do you consider long hair?

What do you consider long hair?

  • Shoulder Length

    Votes: 82 5.1%
  • Armpit Length

    Votes: 488 30.5%
  • Bra Strap Length

    Votes: 655 41.0%
  • Mid-Back Length

    Votes: 314 19.6%
  • Tailbone Length

    Votes: 59 3.7%

  • Total voters
Honestly, I still think APL is long, especially based on what I see all around. Even white people think a Black woman with APL hair has long hair. I guess it's relative. However I now know that we can have not only long hair, but longer and longer hair!!
Anything BSL and beyond is long to me. My hair is just past APL, but I don't feel like it's long. It's medium length to me.
Stick around LHCF for a while and black women with BSL hair and longer won't seem like such a miraculous achievement. BSL hair and longer is simply the result of good hair care practices, not necessarily a gift of genetics. Remember our hair grows just like any other race of people, but the coiliness requires different care and many black women have horrible hair habits that prevent them from growing hair down their backs. It's not cause our hair CAN'T get that long without some Herculean effort, it's because our hair WON'T get that long with constant blowdrying, hot curling, perming every 4 weeks, gunking up the hair with gel, grease, etc.

I agree. I also have many friends and associates from many different races that include many different hair textures from '1a to 4z' and all that's in between, before and after those types....lol. Many women have the exact same problems growing their hair out. Don't assume that every woman of a different race that you see with shorter hair (shoulder length or above) is that way because they want to be:nono:. Many are that way because they really can not grow their hair out. They face the same challenges that we do. Some just grow slowly, others just have damaged hair due to coloring, heat styling, and other chemical processes that lead to breakage. Many European and other women can not grow their hair to waist length or even BSL actually. How many women do you REALLY see walking around with Waist length hair and beyond? Take notice of white women walking around..I mean REALLY take notice of them..ALL of them and not just the ones with longer hair and you will see that their hair comes in all lengths as well. Many fall somewhere between shoulder and BSL and many are shoulder length and above.

In fact the other day I was wearing a messy updo (nothing special..just twisted it up and put a nice clip on it to secure)and there was a white woman in line behind me at the store. She stated the my hair was so pretty and thick and that because it was such a hot day it was a great time to wear an updo. She said "I wish I had hair to put up..at least you do". Her hair was neck length and it was very thin and stringy looking..even though she had a nice style.
My idea of long hair always changes as my hair gets longer (go figure:rolleyes:)

But, I think hair looks longer when its thick, all one length from roots to tip, and even at the ends
Last year I said BSL...that's still true, but on other ppl :rolleyes:. For me, I think MBL hair will look long (I hope!)

I was trying to explain this yesterday to my mum. My hair doesn't look or feel long to me because I guess it's on me. I hardly see it much now anyway. People tell me I have "long" hair all the time. But if I saw a woman with BSL hair, it would look long to me because it's on somebody else. It's so weird.Don't know if I'm explaining it right. It's all a matter of perspective or as they say it's all relative.
My idea of long hair always changes as my hair gets longer (go figure:rolleyes:)

But, I think hair looks longer when its thick, all one length from roots to tip, and even at the ends

I agree. I voted BSL, but I know my hair won't look long at that point because it's so thin.
I was trying to explain this yesterday to my mum. My hair doesn't look or feel long to me because I guess it's on me. I hardly see it much now anyway. People tell me I have "long" hair all the time. But if I saw a woman with BSL hair, it would look long to me because it's on somebody else. It's so weird.Don't know if I'm explaining it right. It's all a matter of perspective or as they say it's all relative.

That's exactly how I feel. Plus, with my hair being fine and all, I feel like I have to wear it curly to make it look like I have a decent head of hair. It just seems to thin on me when it's straight and I guess I just prefer the curly styles now. So while I'm just about BSL, when I look at my hair it looks shoulder length. I'm hoping MBL curly will make it look longer :grin:.
Initially I voted BSL. But now that I'm at the length, it doesn't seem that long to me. I have seen APL on other people that seems longer than my BSL.:spinning:

I guess I won't think mine own hair is long until I reach tailbone length.:rolleyes:
IHow many women do you REALLY see walking around with Waist length hair and beyond? Take notice of white women walking around..I mean REALLY take notice of them..ALL of them and not just the ones with longer hair and you will see that their hair comes in all lengths as well. Many fall somewhere between shoulder and BSL and many are shoulder length and above.
Ever since I joined LHCF, I've been noticing and most women of other races do not have nice hair, the only exception being Indian women.
Voted BSL, I use to think APL was long until I reach it, I now see that APL is not really that long but it is a nice and comfortable length to be at..
Although BSL varies from person to person, I still consider it to be quite long........ Can't wait til I'm there :grin:
I would say apl is long hair. Alot of women have shoulder length hair and I believe the first step of long hair is apl and then of course bsl and wlh is super long :drunk:
I would say apl is long hair. Alot of women have shoulder length hair and I believe the first step of long hair is apl and then of course bsl and wlh is super long :drunk:

I guess being on here makes me a little spoiled :yep:;before LHCF I thought shoulder was long; but now that I've seen other things: BSL is long to me; WL iand tailbone is super long
Although I am about 2 inches away from APL.
I don't consider my hair long. People in the real world do. Well let me say that (men) in the real world...
Anyhoo, I voted for midback. Especially on a tall person. Forgive my preference, since I am 5 feet 9.
I just think that long hair on a shorter woman is cool, but when I see midback hair on a tall woman, it really looks appealing and extra long to me. It stands out.
So for me to consider hair to be long, I factor in height which equals an increased struggle to grow to midback.
I'm not sure if I responded to this yet, but the longer my hair gets, the longer it needs to be in order for me to consider it long. As I'm reaching my natural waist (stretched), the more I think Hip/Tail bone length is long hair. I think I have hair anorexia.:spinning: Nothing shorter than BSL is long at all. IMO.
I believe I responded to this last year and said midback was long but now that I am natural and my hair is way thicker now I think that APL (but thick, not thin like my hair was b4) is long.
I voted APL. I've never seen my hair any longer or healthier than it is now...it's damaged btw...and I'd be amazed if I could get my hair to a healthy state like you ladies let alone grow it APL.:sad:
I think full APL length can constitute as long, but I guess long hair really stands out to me when its BSL and longer
Hmmmm...for me, I think it depends on three things:

1. The height of a person
2. The length of the torso
3. The density of the hair

My ex-roomate is a white woman with hair that is a little longer than APL. And yet it looks even longer because she's over 6 feet tall!

I have a long torso. I realized this the other day while doing my hair. So although my hair is getting longer, by normal standards it is long but not long to me. It's going to take me a long time to see BSL because of my long torso. I'm not even tall. I'm average height (5'5"), but I realize that due to this fact about my body, and as I get leaner, it's going to take longer than expected to reach length. :wallbash:

I also think that thinner/finer APL looks shorter than thicker/denser APL. I've seen women with long hair but the hair is so fine that it looks nearly transluscent. And I've seen women who could be classified as having APL but their hair so dense and so thick (I'm jealous) that they actually look like they are BSL.:yawn:
I know this topic has been done before in the past, but I did a search and could NOT find the thread anywhere! So i figured it was time for an updated poll!

When you see hair on this forum, and when you see ladies in the street, at what length do you officially say "That woman has long hair"?

I would have to say that I "officially" consider hair long when it is Mid-Back length. However, I have some exceptions: I think it depends on hair texture. For ladies who have thicker/fuller heads of hair, BSL looks very long. But for those who are fine-haired (like myself) BSL doesnt look as long.... and i see it as long once its Mid-Back.

Also, the amount of hair touching this point makes a difference. If your hair grows in a V-shape and only the tip of the V is touching the top of your bra, I dont consider that BSL, and thus I dont consider it "long."

What about you....? And why?

**EDIT** That last poll choice should be Waist Length. I totally forgot about that one and skipped straight to Tailbone. If your answer is WL then please vote Tailbone Length instead.

I think my perception of long hair on the forum is different from what it is in RL.

LHCF long hair is BSL
RL long hair is APL
Ever since I joined LHCF, I've been noticing and most women of other races do not have nice hair, the only exception being Indian women.

ITA. A few years ago a white woman told me that I had good hair, normally that may have given me pause. But upon looking at her hair that was short, thin and fly-away I realized that my hair is of good quality no matter what race you choose.