When did you consider your OWN hair long?

I'm a hair anorexia victim so for me my hair still really isn't all that long. I think it's average...now I will consider it long when it gets to waistlength because like Sistaslick said there's no denying that's long across all races. And honestly waistlength hair is still kind of rare in general. So waistlength=long length for me but who knows, my next goal might be taillbone length :eek:!
For me, it was feeling my hair on my back, even before it ever reached APL. That's when it felt long to me. Looking down at my hair was startling when I first realized what I was doing. Noticing my hair covering my breasts one day was a revelation too.

To answer the second question, my hair goals were never for length, but for healthy hair so I've been very satisfied and content for quite a while now.:)
Divine Inspiration said:
I considered my hair long when I got past bra strap. I've been APL and beyond many times over the years so that wasn't long for ME. Other people were always wowed by my length, but it was never really a big deal to me because I effortlessly grew to BSL, and I can't remember being less than APL in my life.

probably trim it to 2 or 3 inches below bra strap and keep it there since I consider this a manageable length.

that sums it up for me to. I got to BSL and was like woah! lol. funny thing is, i'd been there before, but didn't really notice and the hair wasn't as healthy. I've been from an inch or two past shoulder to bsl, back and forth, LITERALLY... all these "trims"... anyway. I consider my hair long now, but my goal is 3 inches below brastrap. I'm 4 inches away.
I believe that I will consider my hair long when it is elbow length -- I remember being at that length when I was a child and that my hair was long. I feel that I am finally starting to get past medium length hair and my hair is at armpit length now. I think it will take 1.5 to 2 years to get to elbow length.
Well, before I came to this board, my hair was brushing my shoulder, and I was rocking it like wasit length hair :lachen:

Now, however, when I get to BSL, I'll probably consider it a very nice length.
I knew that I would never be pleased with APL hair because I had been super close to APL before. I want something new and challenging! I think APL hair is average because I see girls with SL and APL all the time. I want BSL (as you can tell from my screenname)!!!
Even though my goal is bsl, I know that when I get there I will secretly be wishing for more, so I probably won't think my hair is long until it's waistlength.
I will probably consider it long if I can get to waist length. Since I am all natural now it seems like this will take quite some time because of the shrinkage. :ohwell:. I do like the "short" look that the shrinkage provides though, it looks kind of chic and I get alot of complements on it. I actually try to pat it down to make it look shorter as it continues to grow. This sounds kind of crazy because this is the long hair care forum! :lol:
I was at mid-back stretched a few years ago so when I get back there, I'll consider it long. I consider full APL long on most other people but I know what my hair can do.
Around mid-back...that's when some people started to refer to me as "the girl with the long dark hair". :D
I feel that my hair is long, but shrinkage and also wearing the hair up most of the time makes me forget how long it really is.
For me, mid back is what I would consider long is mid back length. Though, when I'm in really good moods...I'll look at my hair and think "boy, it sure is getting long." I'm almost brastrap...almost.
I consider anything past brastrap long.

but i dont consider my hair really long and i am about waistlength now.
i need to be a full tailbone length and no thin ends to really feel like i have achieved long hair. :eek:
I'm nearing bsl but I don't think I'll consider it long until my hair is a few inches past that and my problem areas have resolved themselves.:(
Right now I just want BSL, but I'll really consider it long when I can but really big loose curls in it and it still feels long to me and when my ponytail makes some heads turn.
Trudy said:
For me I will consider my hair long when i get to BraStrap for sure if it never grows past there I would not care at all. I would be forever happy with it. Now that my hair is almost full shoulder length, I can really believe that I am going to actually make it to brastrap one day. I was told for years that I did not have growing hair and now I know for sure that that is a complete bald face lie.

same here

I'll consider my hair long when I reach BSL, I would be very happy with my hair
ohsosuzy said:
Right now I just want BSL, but I'll really consider it long when I can but really big loose curls in it and it still feels long to me and when my ponytail makes some heads turn.

OK! That's me to a T! Since I started wearing my hair curly, I feel like my hair will be long when I can rock big loose curls and it's still down my back :lol: . See...the goals keep getting longer and longer. Oh well, all in fun :grin: .
I'm surprised that so many of us don't consider our hair long. I was looking at someone's avatar that had a picture of Aliya, and her hair (Aliya's hair) looked to be a little past APL. I use to think she had long hair but it didn't it looked long in that picture. And my hair's longer than that.


this is the photo
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Sistaslick said:
Waist. Because at that point it is long in EVERYBODY'S book. At BSL, you step into other communities and its average . . . or just leaving the short category.:ohwell:
But it doesn't matter if you're black, white, asian, or indigenous Australian--- no one can deny waistlength :lol: I'm so done when I get there, though.:lol:

Oh, and my ends have to be on point too. None of that whispy, see through last 3-4 inches. :nono: Its not long to me if you're holding on to unsightly inches that need to go. :look:

Exactly. But my ultimate goal is classic length. Hopefully I'll be there by '10.
I will consider my hair long when I'm past BSL. I'm approaching APL slowly but surely, but my hair is a LONG way from being long!

I want to also clarify that I'll consider it long when ALL of my hair is past BSL. I mean in an even BSL or longer all around.
I think its "kinda long" now....but it won't really be LONNNNNG until I'm at least BSL. I think it would seem longer to me if the sides were as full and long as the back....but genetically I don't see that happening. :le sigh:
I will consider my hair long at BSL because it's taking so dang long to get there... Mostly my fault, I'm so ON again OFF again with my hair. Trying to get past BSL in 2007.
dlewis said:
I'm surprised that so many of us don't consider our hair long. I was looking at someone's avatar that had a picture of Aliya, and her hair (Aliya's hair) looked to be a little past APL. I use to think she had long hair but it didn't it looked long in that picture. And my hair's longer than that.


this is the photo

Aaliyah's hair looked gorgeous in that pic:) Back when my hair was barely neck length, I was so devastated and jealous because I thought of it as a "there are 2 kinds of people in the world: the 'haves' and 'have nots' " type of deal, and wondered what I did wrong to not be allowed to grow hair. Her hair literally was "One in A Million" as far as I was concerned. But looking back, I'd say it's about two inches past APL, which according to most people here with hair longer than that, they don't even consider their own stuff long. Hair anorexia is a B****!!!:lol:
I will consider my hair long when I reach APL and beyond!! right now my hair is at shoulder length..so I am aiming at APL!
I'll consider my hair long when it gets to waist length. I'm just now getting to the point where I don't consider it short anymore and I am just past bsl when stretched, I think.