What length do you consider long?

MeWantLongHair said:
I think shoulder length is long!!! But for myself chin length is long because I have never had it :(

Oh you are so cute! I hope you get your wish and reach chin length soon.:)
Awww JadedFairy that baby is too cute, and she has my first name!

Oh, and I consider bsl and longer long hair.
Lucia said:
What length is long to you?
Is it shoulder, BSL, WSL, TLBN, Classic and beyond.
@ Shoulder=medium
SHLDR-BSL = med long
WSL = very long
TLBN, HPBN, Classic+ =super long
That pretty much sums it up for me.
Well... Black people usually consider shoulder length long but that really isn't that long. I think APL or longer is long.
Shoulder length = short-med, shoulder to apl = med, apl to bsl=med-long, bsl to wst length = long, below wst length is INSANE!:eek:
Shoulder to APL is medium, so long is APL. But, BSL and beyond is what I will consider long on me! I'm not stopping at APL!