So when do YOU consider hair long?

I've seen full APL on everyday people and it looks long to me. But then I've seen layered BSL on a coworker and that didn't look so long. I don't think I will be satisfied with calling my hair long until MBL since I have such drastic layers.
Whenever I reach a goal I consider my hair long.... Then a couple weeks later I develop sporadic hairexia again...

Idk why. Sometimes I look at my hair & I'm like *flavor flav voice* "Waooow! Can't believe it's all mine. :infatuated:"

Other times I look at my hair & think "Meh... I've seen better *shrugs* :look:"


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I think I'm so self-centered because I seem to only care about my hair. My hair is long every time I look at it and find it longer than the last time I looked, so at any time, I consider my hair long coz I do remember a time when I thought 6 inches was the longest my hair could get.

I think when it comes to other people's hair, I am usually impressed if it looks healthy and then if it's longer than the hair of everyone around, then I'll notice the length. Otherwise, I seem to just admire healthy looking hair and beautiful styles. LHCF has spoiled me so that I'm rarely wowed by hair I used to consider long unless it's mine. :hide:
Whenever I reach a goal I consider my hair long.... Then a couple weeks later I develop sporadic hairexia again...

Idk why. Sometimes I look at my hair & I'm like *flavor flav voice* "Waooow! Can't believe it's all mine. :infatuated:"

Other times I look at my hair & think "Meh... I've seen better *shrugs* :look:"


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i am JUST like that! Super excited about the length. . . then 2 days later i'm like. . .eh.

I'm seeing the BSL-WL "blending in as one length" thing a lot in this thread. o_O
They're like. . . 5 inches apart for me. :look: They better not blend in! I wanna see a noticeable difference. When I'm excited about hitting waistlength and then everyone else is unimpressed :look:. . . "You hair was always long tho". I'd be heated :lol:

Random: Before you guys started your hair journey, do you ever remember looking back on someone who's hair you thought was soooo long. . . then going through a yearbook or seeing them again in person and their hair is slightly . . .less climatic than you remembered due to the vast information you've learned/ the gorgeous heads you've seen on LHCF? I coulda sworn this girls hair was at least MBL. . . looked through a yearbook and she was barely scraping APL. :sad:

It really made me sad, lol. Felt like I'd discovered Santa wasn't real.
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To me, Full APL will be long because my sides are close to the same length as the back. When I see various nationalities and someone has thick full APL or beyond I see their hair as long. When I see thin, scragly APL, just doesn't seem long to me. Full SL is medium to me.
I don't know. Right now it seems meh to me. I don't think it's long. It is LONGER then last year. I think I chopped it up so much in my life that it just really doesn't ever seem long.

MAYBe I am confusing my wig hair with my hair LOL
My hair will be long to me probably when I reach somewhere around BSB. That's when my hair will cover my boobies lol. On other people, ehh. BSL

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I've been thinking about this question a lot lately. I did a mid-quarter update Thanksgiving weekend (pic in my siggy). When I look at the picture, I think 'dang my hair seems long' but IRL, it doesn't seem so long or rather it seems it's always hung APL/BSL.

The image i have in my head is MBL curly. That aint gonna happen realistically speaking -- my hair shrinks too much and I'm not sure I can deal with classic or thigh length hair.

I think I need to change my perception of what's long hair on me.
Someone mentioned 'thickness' for hair. I have to agree, because w/ my hair bsl straight, it didn't look long imo.

But when I wet it and curled it, it was thick and at apl and I would have a) the double takes and stares or b) people trying to find reasons to put their hands in my hair 'your shoes are untied...can i touch your hair?' :lol: ..which would lead to VIOLENCE! :lachen: