What did you consider ''long hair'' before you joined LHCF?

I thought it would be interesting to see what length everyone thought was long, pre LHCF.

If someone had even, thick SL length hair, I would have considered that long. If I saw a chick who was APL or slightly above it, I would be like :shocked: That was the ULTIMATE length for me. What I wished and dreamed of having :lol: Then I came here, and saw all of the BSL and beyond hair, and my jaw hit the floor. Now APL seems like it's nothing (even though I'm APL, I feel like it's not long enough)

What about you? What did you consider long, before you came to LHCF?

Yep, this was my mindset as well. :perplexed I longed for full shoulder length in school. Anyone with APL was automatically wearin a weave (hatin')! :lachen:

Since LHCF, all that has changed! :grin: APL in 08! Who'da thunk??
My best friend growing up has Full APL hair. She was one of the only black girls I knew with hair that I considered long. It is also very beautiful. I always dreamed of my hair being like hers. Now I realize what lengths we can grow our hair and I'm going for the ultimate, Waist length :weird:
Depending on the health and thickness of the hair APL. Now I'm starting to feel like APL is long but not impressive. BSL is long to me especially very thick hair. Really to me thick hair is the key. Whenever is see really thin hair I feel bad for the person no matter how long. A few inches past SL but thick, healthy hair is impressive to me too. Anything past BSL and I start thinking about it getting tangled in bushes and caught in trees. Like what if you had to run away from some attacker? He's going to grab you by the head as you try to flee.
Before LHCF, anything that was SL and beyond, was long to me. My hair as a child has always been long, somewhere between APL and BSL, until I got into junior high on into high school. Then all us teens were like sporting the latest styles, mainly where the hair in the back was longer than the front. We'd have the crown cut in layers, or wearing the "mushroom style" (picture MC Lyte back in the day) LOL if your hair hung on your shoulders you were considered long, even if you had the top, crown, or sides layered or cut short. With all the hair cutting going on, none of us in my school had hair past APL at all, unless they were wearing individual braids w/weave. My hair was only 3-4 inches past SL when I did my BC 2 mos ago, so I'm aiming to have that length again eventually one day and then we'll see where I go from there.
Anything past shoulder length was long to me. APL? Woah! haha.

I'm almost APL and my hair feels so, SO short. :nono: People asked if it's "all mine" when I last wore it down (I'm hiding my hair and the last time I wore it down, it was just at SL) and I said l"This isn't long at all. I wish!"

They thought I was fishing for "YES, girl, it IS long" kinda compliments! haha. I have to remember that a lot of people outside of the boards have the same perception a lot of us USED to have...before we knew better.:yep: Now I consider APL long...bra strap and beyond is my new length of "wow, long!!!" that I used to have.
Before LHCF I thought anything past SL was long. Now, BSL or longer on other people. Since my hair is natural, I think I have to get to almost waistlength for my hair to look long (but I have learned to love the shrinkage). :yep:
LOL...I used to think I had long hair. It was just below shoulder length, but dry, raggedy ends and thin thin thin :nono:. Now anyone with thick BSL or longer is long to me.
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I've always had a little past should length hair...which grew easily even when I was abusing it. (I back at that length now and I'm starting to get scared but well see...hopefully, it wil keep on growin') So I've always considered APL hair or longer long.

After visitin LHCF I now think that APL is a good length hair but that BSL is long. HOWEVER, someone with really thick looking APL hair looks longer to me than a really think BSL. My goal is BSL so...when I get there I will think my hair is long.
B4 lhcf I thought bsl or longer, apl if it's very thick. I still do, but on myself I think I'll feel a part of the long hair club when my hair is mbl.
I thought a little bit past shoulder lenght was long....now Midback. The area i live in most of the women i see have shoulder lenght or longer.
I thought it would be interesting to see what length everyone thought was long, pre LHCF.

If someone had even, thick SL length hair, I would have considered that long. If I saw a chick who was APL or slightly above it, I would be like :shocked: That was the ULTIMATE length for me. What I wished and dreamed of having :lol: Then I came here, and saw all of the BSL and beyond hair, and my jaw hit the floor. Now APL seems like it's nothing (even though I'm APL, I feel like it's not long enough)

What about you? What did you consider long, before you came to LHCF?

Im with you on this one. I thought SL was long untill I came here too. My jaw still hits the floor!!
Before LHCF, I considered armpit length to be the minimum length for long hair... but I still consider armpit length as long hair.
I thought that my hair was long :lachen:@ myself. It always alittle past SL- I thought that was long for a Black Woman... boy do I stand corrected! :grin:
I use to think SL was long,Im APL now so my bar has risen...now i think BSL is considerably long,can't wait to get there:yep: