Twist/Braid/Bun for Growth Challenge (10/1/2012 -12/31/2012)

LOL MeowMix, that GIF made me burst out laughing! I felt like doing a lil praise stomp! How are you managing to retain in braids? I think my hair hates being in braids unless they're with added hair; I can never keep my hair sealed!

Thank you NappyNelle and everyone else for the support! :) When I started the last Twist/Braid/Bun for Growth Challenge, I was neck-length, so to end up being collar-bone length THIS time around is exciting for me! It means that even though I fiddle with my hair on occasion, and wear my twists down, I'm retaining more or less everything that springs from my scalp!

When I retwisted on Thursday, I used Lilly of the Valley Aloe Vera Gel and Naturalista Cosmetics Juicy Leave-In *that's it*. My twists are bouncy and shiny and know the kind that you just KNOW will give you an amazing twist-out?! I'm resisting the urge to undo them though - wearing twists has become kind of fun lol.

I'm only using AVG and castor oil on my scalp. The AVG is refrigerated and whenever I have the itchies, I apply some - sooooo...goood :drool: I think between the AVG and the castor oil, the humectants are doing their job of attracting moisture to my hair. I'm not taking any hair pics until the end of this month - lest I get too complacent with my progress and stop doing what I'm doing.

bajandoc86 your hair looks fabulous as always. I swear, if you're on the road in Kingston and see another twisted sister drooling at it, it's probably me!

SimJam, I saw the starting pic you posted - your hair is SO THICK. You and NappyNelle have some positively delicious hair...

jprayze your bun looks cute! I used to do that when I was relaxed - make sure your ends are pinned down securely or else your bun may come un-done.

What is HighAspirations talm'bout ugly pics?! Girl - your hair looks nice and THICK! I likey.

g.lo one option for keeping your scalp clean could be using witch hazel and cotton swabs - yet another worth peeking at is using a dry shampoo like the purple one from ORS. I've used it in the past - keeps my scalp clean and smelling fresh!
Wore my two big cornrows the whole week. :) easy.

Next week I'm on a training course off island and I'm tempted to wear a fro..but I think I'll keep the cornrows. I dont want to use my pass too early in the game.

I took them down this morning to put in my shampoo braids. Just shampooed and dced now air drying before I add my leave ins :)

I have a small about of ssks at the front ofmyhead. but I think those were there before I started doingmy routine. I'm not going to bother to cut them just yet.
Anybody taking vitamins? I really need to start taking them not just for hair but overall health as a women? Do you believe the vitamins will help with hair growth.
bajandoc86 seriously, you got some skilz ... pweeze can we get a shot of the back and maybe a tutorial ***makes doe eyes***

nickmack Im about to leave to have Tashmarie do this style for me.
I know u went to her some time ago, did u like her services?


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Anybody taking vitamins? I really need to start taking them not just for hair but overall health as a women? Do you believe the vitamins will help with hair growth.

rsmith I do!! (I take a lot of things though, because I'm chronically ill. :ohwell:) My multivitamin is Futurebiotics: Hair Skin & Nails Formula, a Vitamin D supplement (any that is 5000iu), and usually, I dissolve powdered or crystallized MSM into a gallon water jug and drink it throughout the day.

There are many vitamins and minerals on the market, but the hair specific ones usually contain the spectrum of B vitamins and extra dosages of B12, biotin, and silica.

LaFemmeNaturelle I usually wear half of my twists down in the back. I coat my ends frequently and curl them with bantu knots to make me feel better about having the ends exposed. :drunk:
rsmith I do!! (I take a lot of things though, because I'm chronically ill. :ohwell:) My multivitamin is Futurebiotics: Hair Skin & Nails Formula, a Vitamin D supplement (any that is 5000iu), and usually, I dissolve powdered or crystallized MSM into a gallon water jug and drink it throughout the day.

There are many vitamins and minerals on the market, but the hair specific ones usually contain the spectrum of B vitamins and extra dosages of B12, biotin, and silica.

Wow It seems like you are really taking charge of your health. I am definitely going to have to invest in some vitamins. My energy level is low. My 21 month of daughter takes all of my energy.
rsmith I do!! (I take a lot of things though, because I'm chronically ill. :ohwell:) My multivitamin is Futurebiotics: Hair Skin & Nails Formula, a Vitamin D supplement (any that is 5000iu), and usually, I dissolve powdered or crystallized MSM into a gallon water jug and drink it throughout the day.

There are many vitamins and minerals on the market, but the hair specific ones usually contain the spectrum of B vitamins and extra dosages of B12, biotin, and silica.

LaFemmeNaturelle I usually wear half of my twists down in the back. I coat my ends frequently and curl them with bantu knots to make me feel better about having the ends exposed. :drunk:

@ NappyNelle: You dont look ill. You are a very pretty. I pray that you continue to progress and much success.
rsmith Thank you for the well wishes. I try hard to stay positive and not let the bodily changes affect me as much as they used to. Even when I had a very brief cancer scare, the new doctors didn't believe that I was the patient! Prayer + Staying Proactive have really helped. Oh, and I'm pretty sure the medications and vitamins are helping too. :grin:
Good morning everybody (west coast time).

Prettycoach :love3: what you said about acceptance. I feel the same way.[

:yep: Yeah i realized that if I want my hair to grow I need to appreciate it at the length it is now. Its something to get used to when my hair used to be longer and flat ironed all the time but it wouldn't be a journey if you dont go through some uncomfortable times. Then you can appreciate it more when its longer lol:grin:
rsmith Right now I'm taking iron and biotin 10,000 mcg. I'm anemic so I need to take my iron on a regular basis. I'm going to get a daily multivitamin too and I'll be great. Biotin has always helped my nails and my hair gets a boost too. I was on a vitamin regimen yrs ago and slacked off. I am going to get back on it because I feel better when I do.
Tibbar. Hi, I’m just co-signing with NappyNelle. I likey :up:. NN thanks for the post and the reminder about scalp massaging. Desperately need one.

isawstars…doing it with the school :bookworm:. You know you are always welcome.

jprayze. Yes, ‘the illusion of fuller hair’. I’m all about that. ‘Hi my name is Meow and I have fine hair’;)

bajandoc86 just co-signing with SimJam. 5 minutes?...WOW.

nickmack. LOL. It's a milestone of course we'll celebrate:yep:. I actually think I play with my hair less with these cornrows. It’s away from my face so my hands don’t go wandering. I pretty much braid, spray and seal. I also tuck them under for added protection.

rsmith – another NappyNelle & BraunSugar co-sign. I take vitamins but have a thyroid condition, so I don’t know if it’s helping with growth or not. One thing about this journey, your hair kind of tells your body to get right to see results. Vitamin B will definitely help with energy.

Hey everybody, I just looked at the calendar y'all. Week one is almost done.:timer:
:clapping: Today I celebrate the fact that my twist hit my ear. It was a total shock. I was just turning my head as usual, and something tapped my ear. Of course I thought I was being bite by a mosquito or something, so I slapped it and was happily surprised to find it was my hair, lol.
Update- last Sunday I did a hot all treatment and rinsed with a vo5 conditioner. For the entire week I had my hair in a low bun, I on;y took it out to go to bed and I didn't comb through my hair.

Yesterday, I finally (finally) bought a deep conditioner. (usually i just mix any conditioner with oil/honey and leave it in my hair for awhile) So i rinsed my hair with CON conditioning shampoo because I did add some product in my hair for the last week. Then I separated my hair in 4 and added Elasta QP to each section and combed it out. I then put 2 plastic bags, a shower cap and a satin scarf and left it over night.

Around 2 today I washed my hair with the olive oil shampoo in section and then put olive oil on my scalp and coconut oil on the lenth. I placed a shower cap, plasic bag and a s scarf on my hair and sat under a dryer for an hour, but the oil has been in my hair for longer than that.

After I finish writing this I plan on rinsing my hair with conditioner, braid it and let it dry. Most likely under the dryer for a little...on low heat.

That's all for now
Seamonster - LOL!!!! I remember when that happened to me I think two months ago. I also slapped myself and then realised - hey, it's my HAIR!!!!

SimJam, I didn't make it to her you know!! STILL on my must-do list. Work and life restrict my movement way more than I'd like right now. When you go PLEASE take pics of the completed hairstyle! It looks beautiful!!
Thinking about taking my braids down one at a time and splitting them in 2. Not sure though. I'll see how lazy I am next weekend :lol:

Sent from my Android...Boom.
Anybody taking vitamins? I really need to start taking them not just for hair but overall health as a women? Do you believe the vitamins will help with hair growth.
I take MSM - I have joint problems and sometimes end up barely able to walk/shuffle when I get out of bed in the a.m. Taking MSM daily has started to help with that. I also take HSN vitamins - but not consistently...

I think that if you're not getting enough nutrients from your food intake, then yes - vitamins can help with hair growth by simply providing your follicles with the nutrients needed to facilitate growth. However, if you're eating a balanced diet and getting all the vitamins/minerals your body needs, then taking vitamins won't really make a difference.

I started adding green juice to my daily food intake - and it's definitely made a difference in my hair and skin! HTH!
my style for the next week or so.
Of course Tash pretty much replicated what I showed her :) for $800 (US $10) :yay:

Hi ladies. Washed and Dced last night/over night and put in a new set of big twists. I felt lazy and didn't want to do small ones this time. I just threw em into a quick updo because they look weird down (fine hair scalpy look). The parting in the back is weird/organic, but I don't care thought since I don't have anywhere special to go except work. :boredwrk: #boringlife

I would post pics but this new photobucket is not resizing the photos small enough.


Edit: The best I could do. sorry kind of large
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SimJam At first I thought you reposted the picture! She did an excellent job and that is an amazing price.

ETA: Froreal3 Has 'skillz' too! Very cute flat twists.
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Thanks NappyNelle I've been doing my own hair (extensions, twists, errthang except my own cornrows) since I was about 12...just never knew how to really keep it healthy until fairly recently (even then I've been super lazy). Now I'm stepping my game up.

Side note: It seems that when I'm broke, my hair flourishes since I have to handle it myself...when I pay a stylist to do it, it suffers. I guess being broke has a silver lining? :look:
Washed & DC'd my twists with the plan of just refreshing what needed refreshing. How bout alladem! Started at 3ish, and just finished so about 8 hrs. I did them smaller than last time which took 4hrs. Hope this set lasts 4 weeks.
@SimJam At first I thought you reposted the picture! She did an excellent job and that is an amazing price.

ETA: @Froreal3 Has 'skillz' too! Very cute flat twists.

yep shes really good, she used to work at my regular salon but left to start up her own place. Her priceses are half what they charge (her place is smaller and she has less overheads - just herself and her sister)

I make sure to support her and send ppl her way because she's a really determined lady:yep:
Ladies I'm not sure if I'm going to keep the twists in as planned lol I know it's only been a week but my hair is SO FRIZZY! I'm re-doing them right now but I'm not going to want to redo them every week. I'll still go the 3 weeks but don't know if I'll reinstall after that. We shall see. If not, I'll just bun the rest of the year.

I'm also style challenged and am better off dressing up a bun lol I went to an event Friday night and attempted to do an updo. It was all wrong so I ended up just pulling it back. I've attached pics of that too.

ETA: Ok I have no idea why my pics keep coming up as sideways lol Even when I rotate them before uploading, they are still sideways smh Guess I'll go back to using fotki urls.


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