Twist/Braid/Bun for Growth Challenge (10/1/2012 -12/31/2012)

Count me in for 2013....I had a moment the other day and a dusting turned into a mini chop...luckily I can still get my hair in a bun though. I almost big chopped but came my senses.

Thanks for the well wishes during a difficult time. My husband and I are splitting up and this being the holidays sure doesnt make it any easier :( But I am strong and will be ok. Just trying to focus on holding it together for our son since he looks to me to feel secure.

Leslie_C -- hang in there sweetie, things will get better. Be strong for your son, but take care of yourself too -- make sure you lean on your support network...

Got a consult scheduled with a stylist. I hope to have my first set of twists in by the first week of January. I will just ask her to take my pics :look:. I also have some back up stylists in mind if this one doesn't work out.
Count me in for 2013....I had a moment the other day and a dusting turned into a mini chop...luckily I can still get my hair in a bun though. I almost big chopped but came my senses.

Thanks for the well wishes during a difficult time. My husband and I are splitting up and this being the holidays sure doesnt make it any easier :( But I am strong and will be ok. Just trying to focus on holding it together for our son since he looks to me to feel secure.

I don't kno how I missed this either.

:bighug: :bighug:
Count me in for 2013....I had a moment the other day and a dusting turned into a mini chop...luckily I can still get my hair in a bun though. I almost big chopped but came my senses.

Thanks for the well wishes during a difficult time. My husband and I are splitting up and this being the holidays sure doesnt make it any easier :( But I am strong and will be ok. Just trying to focus on holding it together for our son since he looks to me to feel secure.

Leslie_C I'm sorry you are going through a trying time right now. You definitely have the right attitude about it. As long as you are there, I know your son feels safe and secure.
Thanks so much you guys. Your kindness makes me want to cry... so sorry for dampening the mood in this thread and having a mini pity party! I know you guys are like um this is not the relationship forum lol but this thread and the transitioning thread are kind of my home around here ;) I know I will make it through this. Every time I go through some kind of crisis in life I tend to want to reinvent watch out bc in 2013 I'll be better than ever lol. I'm working on me - mind, body, and spirit. Im stubborn and determined by nature so when something tries to take me down I am bound and determined to get back up and come back stronger. Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers.
Hey guys. soIhad a little bit of of a bump in the road.. I spent all of last week with my hair out. I am almost definitely using my pass around Xmas so Imay fail the challenge..:(

I has done wonders for my hair though. Doing this as a lifestyle with occassional breaks seems like the way forward for me
Itgirl That is not a failure... this challenge is all about enjoying your hair in various styles while maintaining its health. I'm glad it has worked for you, because it sure has helped me. I am also doing this as a lifestyle as its convenient, stylish, and simple. :)
wash done, dc done, moisturizing done, baggy under hooded dryer to dry my twists a bit and will wrap & pin them to stretch next.

received my flexi8 pins...probably try one of em out for work on monday.
I two strand twisted my hair last night for about 2 hours. I put gray flexirods on the ends to give them some curl. It turned out alright. I plan on leaving these in for awhile. My twistouts stopped working for me over the last couple of days.

See attachments for a couple of pics...


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Just checking in.... It's the usual with me. Twists + headband + hairpins = hairstyle!



Leslie_C, I'm praying for you and your family. God allows things to happen for a reason and it is my prayer that He wraps His loving arms around y'all, especially your son during this time of transition.
I haven't posted on here in a couple of days...since I started spraying my moisturizer mix in my hair, it is SOOO soft...and my hair is waving up at the roots like it used to again. It is really great. My hair normally is super dry after a day with only my regular moisturizers, but with this I can go a few days without needing to re moisturize. I only use it now to comb through my hair, which still tangled retardedly..Lolzyz
I haven't posted on here in a couple of days...since I started spraying my moisturizer mix in my hair, it is SOOO soft...and my hair is waving up at the roots like it used to again. It is really great. My hair normally is super dry after a day with only my regular moisturizers, but with this I can go a few days without needing to re moisturize. I only use it now to comb through my hair, which still tangled retardedly..Lolzyz

What's in your spray? Kimeshajohnson
Do most twist or braid on blow dried or stretched hair? I ain't gonna lie. I'm scared of heat. Once I decided to go natural I haven't used heat. That's been 3.5 years counting my 1 year of transition. I sit under the hair dryer maybe once a month for a protein treatment otherwise I just use my steamer.
Hi ladies. I have a confession to make earlier last week, mon thru wed, I wore a wig for a couple days. Week was so hectic that hair was my last priority but I'm back on track. Just been rocking my French braid in the back with my bang area pinned up different ways.

I did my henna gloss last weekend. My hair feels awesome so I will be doing them at least once a month. I've finally got my moisturizing combo down so since my mini chop a couple week ago, we're Rollin n ready to retain, retain, RETAIN! :D
Do most twist or braid on blow dried or stretched hair? I ain't gonna lie. I'm scared of heat. Once I decided to go natural I haven't used heat. That's been 3.5 years counting my 1 year of transition. I sit under the hair dryer maybe once a month for a protein treatment otherwise I just use my steamer.

When I'm doing mini twists I def prefer to do them on blow dried hair. It shows more of my length and In the long run, when it comes to my hair, it results in little to no tangling when it's time to take them down. Less tangling means more length I continue to retain. Everybody's hair is diff though. I know some who prefer to twist on wet or damp hair.
When I'm doing mini twists I def prefer to do them on blow dried hair. It shows more of my length and In the long run, when it comes to my hair, it results in little to no tangling when it's time to take them down. Less tangling means more length I continue to retain. Everybody's hair is diff though. I know some who prefer to twist on wet or damp hair.

Good to know.I am going to a stylist so I do feel better about them possibly blowdrying my hair instead of me. I just don't want any heat damage. Length is what I want because I'm planning to do buns & up do's with my twists.