Twist/Braid/Bun for Growth Challenge (10/1/2012 -12/31/2012)

hey girls, I am back and i have been bunning all the time.
it was hard not to post, I have to admit that i have peeped few times.
Christmas came early for me I won a voucher of £250 ( just unde $400) worth of hair and beauty products from black and brown, they sell all naturals hair and skincare: original moxie, gleau oil, giovanni, mixed chic, Burt bees....
now i ned to catch up with the rest of the forum!
hey girls, I am back and i have been bunning all the time.
it was hard not to post, I have to admit that i have peeped few times.
Christmas came early for me I won a voucher of £250 ( just unde $400) worth of hair and beauty products from black and brown, they sell all naturals hair and skincare: original moxie, gleau oil, giovanni, mixed chic, Burt bees....
now i ned to catch up with the rest of the forum!

g.lo Congrats and welcome back! Would love to see your haul then.

So this weekend I detangled my minitwist twist out. Never again will I attempt a multiple day twist out from minitwists though. My scalp was a bit sore after. I did a chunky twistout and I have it in a banana clip high bun today. My hair wouldn't lie down and I didn't feel like gunking it up with gel so I opted for a scarf. My hair is getting a lot shinier lately and it feels longer too so this challenge is doing something though with twists I tend to do more low manipulation more than protective styles. I need a new banana clip though as this is a cheap one from the BSS that has fake gems that can snag. I tried Goody ones from Walmart but they wouldn't close on me even if I try to ponytail beforehand. Where is everyone getting their banana clips from?



Hey everyone.

I've been a little MIA. I'm just here enjoying the wonderful pictures and conversation. I'm still in those braids and through some mini braids in the back. It's a little scalpy but hey :wacky:

Ladies we are in our last month. Time flies :auto:
Having a bad hair day, ya'll :(. Actually I'm haviing a bad hair month. My hair doesn't even feel like hair (hard) and it looks stupid--- like spide webby. I did a protein (pure) treatment last night followed by moisture dc (AO Hsr). I guess I will be doing a moisture DC tonight and, once again ladies, taking my twists down in less than a week! I will then blowdry. Unavoidable. Unless you all have any tips? My sister thinks I have a protein overload-- but my hair loves protein, so I do it weekly. Any thoughts?
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when i take these twists out, my hair better be at least 3 inches longer.

hahaha. okay, that's not going to happen...but i can dream.
Having a bad hair day, ya'll :(. Actually I'm haviing a bad hair month. My hair doesn't even feel like hair (hard) and it looks stupid--- like spide webby. I did a protein (pure) treatment last night followed by moisture dc (AO Hsr). I guess I will be doing a moisture DC tonight and, once again ladies, taking my twists down in less than a week! I will then blowdry. Unavoidable. Unless you all have any tips? My sister thinks I have a protein overload-- but my hair loves protein, so I do it weekly. Any thoughts?

virtuenow Keep doing the moisture DCs and see how your hair feels after each one. If it starts getting back to normal, you probably do have protein overload.
I have my hair in the same big twists that I used to airdry my hair on Saturday. No pics because they don't look spectacular. The Bee Mine Luscious is holding the moisture in my hair very well.

Next week I will try the Darcy's stuff.
Having a bad hair day, ya'll :(. Actually I'm haviing a bad hair month. My hair doesn't even feel like hair (hard) and it looks stupid--- like spide webby. I did a protein (pure) treatment last night followed by moisture dc (AO Hsr). I guess I will be doing a moisture DC tonight and, once again ladies, taking my twists down in less than a week! I will then blowdry. Unavoidable. Unless you all have any tips? My sister thinks I have a protein overload-- but my hair loves protein, so I do it weekly. Any thoughts?

virtuenow Maybe a milder protein? You may be getting more protein than you think you are, so it could be an overload.

For stretching, does banding not work for your hair or do you just prefer to blowdry?
Are we doing this challenge in 2013 too?

I would be down for this challenge again in 2013. This will help me stay focused cause I have to check in on it.

I hope so :look: that's why I've been lurking. Shopping for a stylist now bc I ain't got the patience or skills to twist my own hair. I want to go on a twist regimen for 2013. I need my hair to grow so I can bun :spinning:. Let me say that a different way. My hair has grown tremendously. I just need it long enough to bun where I'm not pulling my edges out :giggle:. The only stretched style I like are twistous so this challenge is perfect for me.
I'll participate in a 2013 challenge. I love the ease of this challenge, and I'm finally retaining again after my hair hiatus in 2008. I'm gunning for WHIP, so you ladies keep me accountable.

Having a bad hair day, ya'll :(. Actually I'm haviing a bad hair month. My hair doesn't even feel like hair (hard) and it looks stupid--- like spide webby. I did a protein (pure) treatment last night followed by moisture dc (AO Hsr). I guess I will be doing a moisture DC tonight and, once again ladies, taking my twists down in less than a week! I will then blowdry. Unavoidable. Unless you all have any tips? My sister thinks I have a protein overload-- but my hair loves protein, so I do it weekly. Any thoughts?

:bighug: Hm... when was the last time you clarified?
Washing out this straight hair tonight, and I'll probably wear a beret all week. I hope i see no straight pieces.

I wore a sock bun or fan bun for the last 2 weeks
The bigger coils took less time to do but I don't like the way they look. The smaller ones take 3 hours :nono: but they look better. I think I will just have to force myself to do the 3 hrs so I can enjoy my hair all week.
I'll participate in a 2013 challenge. I love the ease of this challenge, and I'm finally retaining again after my hair hiatus in 2008. I'm gunning for WHIP, so you ladies keep me accountable.

:bighug: Hm... when was the last time you clarified?

About three weeks ago when I experienced the same problem and you guys recommended clarifying poo. Thanks for hug of support :grin:
Yesterday was a much needed wash day. After wearing braids and buns for 3 weeks, I felt like my scalp was just UGH! Back in a fresh set of Celies for the next few weeks. Will take them down and do a REALLY good protein treatment and DC before heading back to the states for the holidays. Might get a Dominican blow out while I'm there so I wanna be prepared. Scared out of my mind about it.
So I finally pulled my braids out....I swear my shrinkage is retarded! shrinks the most in the back..


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yes, let have 2013 challengw! i am doing a personal one year bunning challenge and this thread helps a lot!!!
[USER=252932]NikkiQ[/USER] said:
Yesterday was a much needed wash day. After wearing braids and buns for 3 weeks, I felt like my scalp was just UGH! Back in a fresh set of Celies for the next few weeks. Will take them down and do a REALLY good protein treatment and DC before heading back to the states for the holidays. Might get a Dominican blow out while I'm there so I wanna be prepared. Scared out of my mind about it.

I would love to see your Dominican blowout!
I would be down for this challenge again in 2013. This will help me stay focused cause I have to check in on it.

I hope so :look: that's why I've been lurking. Shopping for a stylist now bc I ain't got the patience or skills to twist my own hair. I want to go on a twist regimen for 2013. I need my hair to grow so I can bun :spinning:. Let me say that a different way. My hair has grown tremendously. I just need it long enough to bun where I'm not pulling my edges out :giggle:. The only stretched style I like are twistous so this challenge is perfect for me.

I'll participate in a 2013 challenge. I love the ease of this challenge, and I'm finally retaining again after my hair hiatus in 2008. I'm gunning for WHIP, so you ladies keep me accountable.

:bighug: Hm... when was the last time you clarified?

yes, let have 2013 challengw! i am doing a personal one year bunning challenge and this thread helps a lot!!!

Hi Everyone. It looks like a lot of people are excited about the 5th Twist/Braid/Bun Challenge. :yahoo:.

If anyone would be interested in a host role, please let me know. Also, be on the lookout for an announcement real soon.
Hey ladies...just checkin in. Hair bunned with scurl (love this stuff!)



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This is a picture of one of my buns with the current braids in. So far so good...


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Here are a few shots of different buns I wore the last two weeks. I wish I had another angle of the sock bun, but i deleted it by accident


