Twist/Braid/Bun for Growth Challenge (10/1/2012 -12/31/2012)

the twist wrapping worked to stretch my hair. i think i'll keep it.

i do need some of those long pins, though, because i used like 800 small pins lol.

but i will be doing this. im hoping it works just as well on days i wash my twists, too.
My style for the week. I actually took the bun down today to moisturize and seal, then put it in large twists pinned up.


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the twist wrapping worked to stretch my hair. i think i'll keep it.

i do need some of those long pins, though, because i used like 800 small pins lol.

but i will be doing this. im hoping it works just as well on days i wash my twists, too.

youwillrise - If you can find them, get the curved pins. They secure better and just feel more comfy :yep:
youwillrise - If you can find them, get the curved pins. They secure better and just feel more comfy :yep:

i actually have some of the smaller curved pins and like those better than the regular ones. i also find that they dont rip my hair out as much as the regular pins do. they kind of slide out more easily without getting caught all the time.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday.

I am back in twist. They are big and sloppy so I just pinned the back up. I washed and conditioned and applied castor oil and Hawaiian Silky 14 in 1spray . I used a little of the olive oil gel to twirl the ends

Gonna braid up the hair this evening. I would leave them in the fat braids they're in, but these things are annoying to sleep with :nono:
Re-twisted my hair last night. Spritzed it with water, added some of my newly received Hairitage Hydrations pomades and butters then set the twists on cold wave rollers. Oh my gosh, the curls came out so tight!! I couldn't get them to loosen up AT ALL. I ended up putting on two headbands and clipping the back up in an ouchless hair clip. Here's the result - -

(at the end of the day the curls still have not loosened up any....)
Guess my curls are good to go for tomorrow.... :lachen:

Oh and pretend you don't see the gray hair, 'cause I'm still doing that.... :drunk:


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i might attempt to leave these twists in for at least 4 weeks. im not sure, but with how long they took me, im not even trying to even THINK about taking them out anytime soon. might have to kick my butt back into disciplined gear.

they look really good, though...i keep looking at them in the mirror. ;) i prefer the look of mini twists on me vs. any other size, they just take too long to put in/take out, so i dont do them that often.

i might cut my washes of them down to once a week if i want to keep them in longer, though...and start using my stocking cap again during washes.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday.

I am back in twist. They are big and sloppy so I just pinned the back up. I washed and conditioned and applied castor oil and Hawaiian Silky 14 in 1spray . I used a little of the olive oil gel to twirl the ends


rsmith, I'm feeling those. I like the curls.
rsmith ^^^ ITA :wow:

There is just so much pretty hair in this thread. You all keep me going. Thank you.

jesusislove1526. That's a cool Black Friday hairstyle. I'm liking the bun and twist combination.

Froreal3 You're giving us 'fierce' with your new avi. You're going to have to change what's under it. Your flat twist look GOOD.

Tibbar. You have a signature style. Believe me, if my hair were thicker, I'd copy it. BTW I play that game to :yep:
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I'm loving all of these pictures. I wish I could find my camera so I can contribute. :sad:

i actually have some of the smaller curved pins and like those better than the regular ones. i also find that they dont rip my hair out as much as the regular pins do. they kind of slide out more easily without getting caught all the time.

youwillrise Where did you find the curved pins? I don't think I've ever seen them.
I'm loving all of these pictures. I wish I could find my camera so I can contribute. :sad:

youwillrise Where did you find the curved pins? I don't think I've ever seen them.


i got them from walgreens. i actually got them on accident. i wasnt even looking for them, nor did i know they existed. was just pulling some bobby pins off the wall and when i got home, i realized they were different. i ended up getting 1 pack of regular and 2 of the curved ones without even knowing it. haha. i mean, theyre bobby pins...i didnt think to examine them or anything.
Froreal3[USER][/USER] Thank you so much for the compliment.
MeowMix[USER][/USER] Thank you. I am glad to be apart of this challenge were we can encourage and support one another.

Everyone be blessed.
MeowMix: Thanks so much for your kind words.

Here are pictures of my new set of braids. They will be in until around December 23rd.


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Hey ladies. I'm still on my two flat twists kick. Today I pinned the bangs into a pomp of sorta and flat twisted both sides. I really like this, I was feelin myself today. Lol!


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Okay ladies, I have gone back into mini twists (believe it or not). I washed my hair loosely-- which was a big mistake. I then did a three part stretching session. Over the course of 2days I stretched in bantu knots, then medium twits, then big twists. Each session left me with a very sore scalp, from detangling and pulling to get a good stretch. I hope and pray this isn't a major setback. Will my hair break off b/c I was too rough with it?? I decided it was not worth it and I am not ready to wear my hair-- so back into twists it went. I did learn that I will probably have to be a heat natural-- at least blowdryign once a week or every other week. All the manipulation just to get my 90% shrinkage hair into a bun will surely leave me bald :nono:. Any tips or suggestions would be great
virtuenow said:
Okay ladies, I have gone back into mini twists (believe it or not). I washed my hair loosely-- which was a big mistake. I then did a three part stretching session. Over the course of 2days I stretched in bantu knots, then medium twits, then big twists. Each session left me with a very sore scalp, from detangling and pulling to get a good stretch. I hope and pray this isn't a major setback. Will my hair break off b/c I was too rough with it?? I decided it was not worth it and I am not ready to wear my hair-- so back into twists it went. I did learn that I will probably have to be a heat natural-- at least blowdryign once a week or every other week. All the manipulation just to get my 90% shrinkage hair into a bun will surely leave me bald :nono:. Any tips or suggestions would be great

I think a big problem may have been washing loose first? If you detangle in the first step, and keep your hair in braids throughout the wash process then you shouldn't have to keep detangling more than on wash day.

Were the bantus, and twists tight? If not I think the main problem was detangling so often, that's a lot of stress on the strands and scalp. Also large twists make my hair tangled as well.

I don't wear buns often yet because I still feel its a lot of stress and manipulation on my strands to get them in a bun but I still think you have a shot at loose styling! Twists and Bantus leave my hair tangled on the take down but have you tried braiding your washed damp hair with leave-in/oil and rebraiding again with a tiny bit more product and oil once dry? Braids give more stretch, less tangles, and since doing this technique, along with castor oil rinses my hair comes out smooth and manageable for the first time in 3 yrs.
I am doing better with my coils this week. They aren't driving me crazy. They look crazy though because they start to stick straight up in the air after a few days. But I worked out this week and they are still hanging in there. So just two more days of work and I have made it :yay: It's alright if they look crazy on Saturday.

I will wear a scarf tonight to see if I can get them to lay down.
I think a big problem may have been washing loose first? If you detangle in the first step, and keep your hair in braids throughout the wash process then you shouldn't have to keep detangling more than on wash day.

Were the bantus, and twists tight? If not I think the main problem was detangling so often, that's a lot of stress on the strands and scalp. Also large twists make my hair tangled as well.

I don't wear buns often yet because I still feel its a lot of stress and manipulation on my strands to get them in a bun but I still think you have a shot at loose styling! Twists and Bantus leave my hair tangled on the take down but have you tried braiding your washed damp hair with leave-in/oil and rebraiding again with a tiny bit more product and oil once dry? Braids give more stretch, less tangles, and since doing this technique, along with castor oil rinses my hair comes out smooth and manageable for the first time in 3 yrs.

Thank you for this. I am taking notes and preparing for my next trial and error session. When you say detangle in the first step, do you mean before washing? Do you detangle on wet/cond soaked hair? Do you use fingers or a comb? Thanks again, this information is awesome.
virtuenow said:
Thank you for this. I am taking notes and preparing for my next trial and error session. When you say detangle in the first step, do you mean before washing? Do you detangle on wet/cond soaked hair? Do you use fingers or a comb? Thanks again, this information is awesome.

Yea, I put my dry unwashed hair in like 8- 10 twists, and take down each one, one at a time. I spray the section with water and soak in conditioner, then comb through (usually I split the section in half or thirds b/c it's too thick to get through gently). Once that section is detangled I braid it, with a little room at the top so I can shampoo my scalp. I use braids b/c twists unravel or get tangled because the hair moves around more in twists. But once the detangling process is done, every next step I do, I do it in those same braids, and it reduces the tangles and manipulation a lot. However, the last step, deep conditioning, I do it in twists b/c I unravel each one under the water for the final rinse, and braids would be tedious. After that I braid those same damp sections with my leave-in and oil. Once dry they are shrunken, so I split them and rebraid the next day so they're more stretched both b/c the braids are smaller and dry braids aren't going to shrink like wet ones. And you're welcome! You gave me the best advice ever to start doing castor oil rinses and weekly protein DCs, it's turned my hair around completely. I hope I can help you a bit as well :)
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Fhrizzball said:
I cross wrap mine since I can't do a regular wrap and it stretched them nicely for me.

youwillrise and Fhrizzball, can you go into greater detail on how you wrap your twists? My DD is in mini twists, but I generally plait them to keep them straight and stretched. I appreciate any pointers.....
youwillrise and Fhrizzball, can you go into greater detail on how you wrap your twists? My DD is in mini twists, but I generally plait them to keep them straight and stretched. I appreciate any pointers.....

what i did was, i wrapped my twists kinda like you do with relaxed hair, around my head and pinned where i needed to.

my hair was almost completely dry when i wrapped it.

ive only done it once so far. i will save the wrappimg for the night after i wash my hair (so, once a week). ive been keeping my hair up in the style i intend on wearing in the morning to bed at night. my hair's remained stretched since the first wrap.
@youwillrise and @Fhrizzball, can you go into greater detail on how you wrap your twists? My DD is in mini twists, but I generally plait them to keep them straight and stretched. I appreciate any pointers.....

I split mine down the middle or where I want my part and wrap in the opposite direction as if I was crosswrapping straight hair. I use the roller bobbypins as they're longer and I can use less. I tie it down with a scarf and I'm good to go in the morning.
So after about 3 weeks I took out my minitwists. I wanted them to last 4 but I watched too many youtube hair videos for that to be feasible :nono:

I'm really liking the twistout I get from it though as styling of it reminds me of locs in a way. I'll probably wear this for a week or two and go on from there. Anyways here are comparison pictures of the two. I swear my hair looks better in person! :blush:




Hi ladies....I have been cowashing & bunning(wearing a baggy tonight) for the past few days...loving it so far, I think buns work better for me on freshly relaxed/texlxed hair.

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I was trying to go water free when it came to my hair in between washes bc recently it was encouraging my hair to coil back up and tangle like a mug. I tell ya the longer your hair gets, it changes n does 180's on you! Things that worked before sometimes stop working or have to be tweaked all of the sudden so i thought focusing on keeping it oiled in between washes would alleviate this but that theory I had in my head didn't work. So now I LIGHTLY mist my hair with my hair mist mix and seal with a cream every other night and my hair is happy as a clam, super soft, pliable and smooth. I was just wetting my hair too much so water is my friend just have to use it sparingly in between washes. Back on track! Phew! Thought my hair was gonna tangle into a huge knot. Hahaha


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