Twist/Braid/Bun for Growth Challenge (10/1/2012 -12/31/2012)

MeowMix said:
Froreal3 Messy is the 'besty'. Looking good lady:)

OMG I remember AGrlCanMac. Your mom is an artist? WOW. Good luck on her show. Loving the 'roar' snap

Thank you and yes, I was AGrlCanMac. :D aw some of you remember me. My mother is a phenomenal fiber artist and had her very first solo exhibit last Sunday. It was success! So proud of her. She made that mask in the picture and I was bein my usual goofy self n my sister snapped a pic. Fun times lol
Creatividual Please send our congratulations to your mom!! Is the exhibit still up? I'd love to visit if I can.

MeowMix You have such pretty, baby soft hair. You don't look anything like a plucked bird.

I can't find my camera and I want to take photos of my coworker's hair; she wears a huuuuuge curly bun everyday and you ladies would love it. :sad: I really hope I can find it so I can share with you.

Thanksgiving should be my last day in these twists, and I think I kept them looking presentable for a pretty long time. I can't wait to shampoo, deep condition, hot oil treatment... THE WORKS on my strands. They deserve it.
NappyNelle said:
Creatividual Please send our congratulations to your mom!! Is the exhibit still up? I'd love to visit if I can.

Thank you and I will. :) Her exhibit will be up until the end of January. If any of you live in the Cincinnati area, you can see it at the Miami (of Ohio) University Voice of America Learning Center
Thank you and I will. :) Her exhibit will be up until the end of January. If any of you live in the Cincinnati area, you can see it at the Miami (of Ohio) University Voice of America Learning Center

Darn... that's much further away than I hoped! I assumed you and mom were in NYC because your location. :lol:

BraunSugar Wow... I have no words... :whyme: How do you keep your hair perfect all the time?
Darn... that's much further away than I hoped! I assumed you and mom were in NYC because your location. :lol:

@BraunSugar Wow... I have no words... :whyme: How do you keep your hair perfect all the time?

LOL, I think it is because I sleep like a corpse. You know how most people roll around to some degree? The way I fall asleep is the way I wake up. I look casket sharp in bed. :lol:

I took me most of my hair journey as a natural for my hair to look remotely decent though.
NappyNelle yea she lives in the mid west but may times her work makes it in NYC exhibits. Since this was her solo exhibit it was out there. I attached pics of the program and appreciate your support! I think if you could teleport yourself there, you'd go. ;) lol one of her pieces is actually a permanent fixture at the American Folk Art Museum here in NYC if you were interested in checking it out. Ok, enough gushing abt my mom. :D Back to hair!

So I set my hair in large two strand twists last night with Darcy's Botanicals Avocado & Wild Plum Twisting Cream and then rolled them up on flexi rods. I will take it down later today and post pics. Happy Turkey Day ladies!


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My chunky twistout for Thanksgiving. Today I'm officially 18 months natural/almost 33 months post relaxer.


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Took a lil Thanksgiving break and flatironed my hair...will back back to either a bun or twists tomorrow. :)

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today is day 11 with these twists. this is the longest ive been able to go in a LONG time with wearing a protective. years ago, i wore them for 4 weeks at a time, but lately, i can hardly keep them in for 3 days without itching to get rid of im proud of myself. of course, the 4 week ones were torture on takedown we wont be going that long anymore.

these will be coming out reaaaal soon. probably gonna start the process tomorrow...maybe tonight even
I don't know what to do with my hair for the next week...hmmm. I miss my real hair tho already. 3-4 more weeks to go.

I'm here cooking some coconut curry chicken....its late tho, I shouldn't be eating at this hr. It'll go straight to my gut. :(
still wearing 2 strand twists from last week. yester I wore a bun with a side bang pinned to the side. Im soooo bored with my hair these days so I'm just opting for the twists until I get out of this 'mode'
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Hope you all had a great Turkey Day and ate well and laughed a lot. I wore my hair out in the twist-n-curl and it came out nice. Trying to decide what to do to my hair next. Tempted to do mini twists or mini braids


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I'm trying to finish taking my twists down now so I can do an overnight pre-poo with Vatika oil. This Thanksgiving makes six years completely natural! :woot:

Creatividual Gush about your mom! She is very talented. I'd love to see the textural art up close. I'm kind of a mixed media art junkie. I haven't been to the Folk Art museum in a long time, and I planned to go in about two weeks. I'll have to check out your mom's piece, especially since it's permanent! I also love the program from the exhibit. I'm going to look for the publications as well; I sense an upcoming project for my students...
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I hope everyone enjoyed their thanksgiving! I wore my hair down for all of 30 minutes and then wrapped it in a low sloppy bun b/c it was snagging on my shirt. I don't have a picture of the bun unfortunately. I did a horrible job flat ironing lol. It took me 7 hours and it just didn't want to work with me, but I like the volume, better for my bunning. I was really able to get a good look at the damage i got back in march from this braiding shop i went to, and took off 1.5 in all around.

Pray for me. I am now wearing my loose, non heat styled hair for the first time since going natural in '05. I will be bunning (top knots-ish) for the next 6 months (plan). I took my last set of twists down after wearing for one week. My hair just couldn't retain moisture in twists in the cold weather. I am looking forward to learning how to do my loose hair w/o using heat. Definitely a new experience. I've ordered new products and so far, so good at learning how to moisturize and seal.
So after experimenting for a week with taking my bun down every night, I haven't seen any adverse effects. I've been spritzing with AO HSR, water, and EVOO. Then I've been putting a little silicone serum on the ends. My hair is uber moisturized. I'm still a little antsy about touching my hair every day *gasp* But so far so good.

Today I will DC with AO GPB and shampoo. I will then flat twist the front and put it back in a bun.
Hey ladies. Here's a twistout I rocked for a few days up to Thanksgiving.

Retwisted that night. Nothing to write home about. May do a pin up and take pics.
Yesterday I braided five separate plaits to let my hair air dry after co-washing and deep conditioning. After my workout, my stylist did my 1/2 trim/dust and then I let it hang until I did a high bun this morning. I was just too pooped for words after Black Friday shopping and a good cardio workout. Today? Game face and protective braiding or bunning! LOL Gotta get 2013 grow ready!!!
Victoria44 said:
I hope everyone enjoyed their thanksgiving! I wore my hair down for all of 30 minutes and then wrapped it in a low sloppy bun b/c it was snagging on my shirt. I don't have a picture of the bun unfortunately. I did a horrible job flat ironing lol. It took me 7 hours and it just didn't want to work with me, but I like the volume, better for my bunning. I was really able to get a good look at the damage i got back in march from this braiding shop i went to, and took off 1.5 in all around.

How bad was your damage? I ended up with a bald spot (which I still cry about) but its grown about 3/4 inches since April/may
After 4 days with the coils I am ready to wash them out but I held out until today. So cowashed today and have my hair in like 11 little pom poms :look:. If I don't go anywhere today, I will leave them in so they are ready for wash day tomorrow.

I am tired of the coils already but my hair isn't long enough to look good in twists yet. Maybe I will try to style them differently tomorrow.
I am on a road trip..... Getting towards the end. Ive been cowashing with wen. I've been twisting my hair smaller and get so many compliments.

Do any of you have people calling your twists dreads?

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I've been wearing my mini braids in buns & ponytails. Just keeping it very simple. During this challenge I've had time to try out different things with my hair. I've decided that mini braids and bunning are the way for me to go. I love twists and I think they are very cute, but I am more prone to tangling and losing more hair with them, especially when I keep them in for extended periods of time. I would like to ideally keep a protective style in for 3-5 weeks. I can't do that with twists. My buns will be the transitional style between sets of mini braids.
My hair has been in a pineapple since Wednesday night. I did braids for a braidout on Tuesday night. Wednesday I put my hair in a bun. That night i pineappled. Then everyday redo the bun. Just spritz with a little water. Super easy.

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Put in twists today. They are medium size & took less than 2 hrs to do. Not doing the rope method cut down on my time. I won't be mad if they only last a week since I got them in so quickly, but hoping for 2.