Twist/Braid/Bun for Growth Challenge (10/1/2012 -12/31/2012)

Tibbar - I usually twists on dry hair, and did them once on damp, closer to dry. I try to do them when my hair is stretched. I tried last night on dry hair. I may try again since I have a long weekend coming :yay:.
This is the beginning of Week 5 with my twists in. I'm proud that they have stayed this neat with very little build up. I really want to take them out in order to shampoo and deeeeep condition, but I have to wait until after Thanksgiving when I'll have the time to devote to my hair. Everyone else seems to be doing very well. :wink:
Dcing now. Will put in my coils later tonight. My WNG yesterday came out pretty well. Can't wait to try it when my hair is longer.
faithVA said:
Dcing now. Will put in my coils later tonight. My WNG yesterday came out pretty well. Can't wait to try it when my hair is longer.

I can't wait to try a whole lotta stuff when my hair is longer :grin:
Wore my hair in a braid out for the last two days, now i'll be in chunky braids under a beret til thanksgiving. Here's a few pictures from tonight, just 10-12 braids undone and fluffed.




Absolutely gorgeous!
Today was wash day for me. Decided to shampoo, protein treat,DC,detangle and air dry in braids today. Going to ATTEMPT to blow my hair out tomorrow and do a twist out on straighter hair. I see an epic failure in my future, but we'll see. If it comes out a hot mess, thank God for buns :lol:
Finished my coils. Putting them in is killer. But I will be thanking myself every morning when I can just get dressed and go. And every evening when I can just put on my bonnet and get in the bed. That makes it all worth it. :yep:
Still braiding. Idk if I'll even be done by tonight. o_0 :look: These braids are small and tight. I bet I could leave them in til the end of this challenge.
I've always wanted to join this challenge, :blush:hope I can still...
I'll be getting my hair braided up in one of these styles below on Saturday:




I'll probably maintain it until the end of the year.
I've always wanted to join this challenge, :blush:hope I can still...
I'll be getting my hair braided up in one of these styles below on Saturday:

I'll probably maintain it until the end of the year.

I really like the second one.

I wish I could keep my hair that long. But it would be fuzzy within 2 weeks.
Do you bun? What is your routine? And natural bunners I would like to hear advice!

depends on the bun.

if its a messy bun that leaves any of my ends out, I M&S every night (which defeats the purpose of a PS for me I have ends issues)

when I do my bun like the pic I posted (by rolling and tucking ends under) I will keep in for 2 - 3 days. I usually Moisturize the heck out of my ends before I roll into the bun.

At nights I release whatever I used to secure the bun, M&S my edges, put a stocking foot over the bun (to keep down the frizzies), then my satin cap over everything.

in the morning I brush in my edges and secure the bun with whatever Im using (usually a nylon shoe lace lol its the best). I may fix the bun by smoothing any sections that may have gotten messy
I washed my hair yesterday and airdried in flat twists and decided to wear a twistout which didn't turn out quite like the way I wanted... I tried to put my hair in a bun this weekend before washing my hair, and the bun style just wasn't working for me. :ohwell:
depends on the bun.

if its a messy bun that leaves any of my ends out, I M&S every night (which defeats the purpose of a PS for me I have ends issues)

when I do my bun like the pic I posted (by rolling and tucking ends under) I will keep in for 2 - 3 days. I usually Moisturize the heck out of my ends before I roll into the bun.

At nights I release whatever I used to secure the bun, M&S my edges, put a stocking foot over the bun (to keep down the frizzies), then my satin cap over everything.

in the morning I brush in my edges and secure the bun with whatever Im using (usually a nylon shoe lace lol its the best). I may fix the bun by smoothing any sections that may have gotten messy

SLiMJam. I think I have ends issues too. I was going to try taking the bun down every night and putting it into four big braids, but I think that may be a lot of manipulation for me. I think maybe I can go for a middle ground and take the elastic off each night, but keeping the bun itself in tact. Are your strands fine?
Poohbear seems like one of "them days!"

Froreal3 - yes, it's one of them days for sure...

On Saturday, I tried doing a twistout and I had to comb it out into a big afro because the ends looked all scraggly. I tried putting my afro into a bun and it was a no go! I even slept with my hair out that night and woke up to a bigger mess. So on Sunday, I washed it and flat twisted it, and this morning, I unraveled my twists, and there are some areas that are curled up more than others and some areas more stretched out. And my hair doesn't feel as soft as it usually does. I'm thinking it's this Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie that's not working for me anymore in the colder months. I just bought some Cantu Shea Butter Cream and hope this will work for my hair.
twists have been in for...8 days now. ends have been pretty well hidden for most of those days. 3 day work week! woohoo. i'll keep these twists in until the end of this weekend, then i'll take them out and prep for a thorough wash/dc...and retwist on sunday night.
Color is done and chunky twists are in until Thursday when I will do a twistout. On Thursday I will be 18 months natural! Mini braids will go back in on Friday or Saturday. Pics to come soon...
Soo...I haven't been on here in updates...

I washed my hair...used my mega tek as a protein deep hair was definitely strong as heck...should've seen me trying to comb out the naps...Lolzyz...

I officially have decided, my hair needs the blow dryer...I tried the air dry thing, went horribly wrong! Horribly horribly wrong!! Lmao...I've combed it through every other day, and it still managed to curl around and matte up...never ever again!

My hair is braided back up...finally...and my mom commented on how healthy my scalp looked, even though its not greased yet... Lolzyz...

In January I plan on weaving my hair up for I wanna get as much growth between now n then as possible...
Finished my coils. Putting them in is killer. But I will be thanking myself every morning when I can just get dressed and go. And every evening when I can just put on my bonnet and get in the bed. That makes it all worth it. :yep:

How'd they come out? Are you happy with them? Can you get more than a week out of them or do you have to re-do every week? Any new pics? (Boy I'm full of questions today... :spinning: )
How'd they come out? Are you happy with them? Can you get more than a week out of them or do you have to re-do every week? Any new pics? (Boy I'm full of questions today... :spinning: )

I'm glad you said something to me. I thought I was keeping up with this thread. Got here and was like dang, when did all of these post come through :lol:

The coils look good. A little better than the first time I did them. I am happy with them. I think this is my 3rd week. Everyone is used to looking at me with these in now. So this will be my go to style for quite some time.

Maaaaybe I could get two weeks out of them. They start looking worn around day 4. My hair unravels from the roots in all styles. So by week 2, it probably will look more like a fro. But I also have scalp issues so I try to make sure I wash my hair every week.

No new pics because they look Exactly like they did 3 weeks ago :lol: I don't think my hair will look any different until the end of January or February. I have mad shrinkage.

I would love, love, love to be able to wash my hair in twists like other ladies. I would be in heaven. But my hair just says NO :lol:
@Froreal3 - yes, it's one of them days for sure...

On Saturday, I tried doing a twistout and I had to comb it out into a big afro because the ends looked all scraggly. I tried putting my afro into a bun and it was a no go! I even slept with my hair out that night and woke up to a bigger mess. So on Sunday, I washed it and flat twisted it, and this morning, I unraveled my twists, and there are some areas that are curled up more than others and some areas more stretched out. And my hair doesn't feel as soft as it usually does. I'm thinking it's this Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie that's not working for me anymore in the colder months. I just bought some Cantu Shea Butter Cream and hope this will work for my hair.

I hate when my hair just won't behave! I like the Cantu. I'm more addicted to the scent than anything though. Right now I'm using Elasta Mango Butter Moisturizer and it keeps the beast tamed for at least 3 days.
Blew the hair out. Whew! I took my time doing it and I'm actually surprised that it came out pretty decent. After I blew out each section, I twisted it and clamped it in a pony. When I was done and took it all down, it was big,wavy and fluffy. And you know what I did right? Yup...took pics and then put it in a ponytail :lachen: I'm hair lazy. I don't feel like twisting it up tonight so I'm gonna rock a bun to sleep and do them tomorrow.


Today was wash day for me. Decided to shampoo, protein treat,DC,detangle and air dry in braids today. Going to ATTEMPT to blow my hair out tomorrow and do a twist out on straighter hair. I see an epic failure in my future, but we'll see. If it comes out a hot mess, thank God for buns :lol:

C'mon now NikkiQ. I see 'swang' for you.:yep:

UPDATE....Hey it did :thumbsup:

BrookeLynn. Just :gorgeous:

Finished my coils. Putting them in is killer. But I will be thanking myself every morning when I can just get dressed and go. And every evening when I can just put on my bonnet and get in the bed. That makes it all worth it. :yep:

Still braiding. Idk if I'll even be done by tonight. o_0 :look: These braids are small and tight. I bet I could leave them in til the end of this challenge.

faithVA &BraunSugar. These hairstyles must be getting you toned:lol: BraunSugar. I see the 'caped crusader' has gone civilian:)

Color is done and chunky twists are in until Thursday when I will do a twistout. On Thursday I will be 18 months natural! Mini braids will go back in on Friday or Saturday. Pics to come soon...

jesusislove1526. What color? You've only been natural 18 months? Goodness.

cries in jealous
((snatches, runs away)) MUAHAHAHAHA you'll NEVER catch me!

youwillrise:lachen::lachen: Girl, you're a mess. I mean that in the best way possible.
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