Twist/Braid/Bun for Growth Challenge (10/1/2012 -12/31/2012)

K here's my first banana clip was kinda awkward pinning my hair down around it...I'm going to work with my method of stretching my hair some more. I thought I was cute after I found a headband that matched my scrubs :blush3:


Your coils are very nice. When I wore them, I received nothing but compliments. Your hair has grown back so fast. You'll be APL in no time.


Your hair looks really good. I"d like to do that to my hair one day. Also, Batman sure is cute.
@BraunSugar what method did you use to wash this time? What method did you use before? Your hair looks so springy n pretty

virtuenow Thank you! Before I just washed my twists loose which lead to some tangling, unraveling, and frizz for me. This time I put my twists in 8 large braids, washed, wrapped my hair in a microfiber turban, applied my leave-in, and let them air dry.
Today I'm gonna attempt to do strictly buns for the rest of the year. Here's my sad little no filler bun lol

2012-11-05 09.48.41-1.jpg

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It feels weird not having my sock bun in there. Looks anemic to me, but I'm not leaving the house today so who cares how little it is?:lol:
Alrighty ladies... So I'm finally taking down my cornrows...I think my hair finally grew about an inch a month...maybe...Lolzyz... Before/after...


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Your coils are very nice. When I wore them, I received nothing but compliments. Your hair has grown back so fast. You'll be APL in no time.


Your hair looks really good. I"d like to do that to my hair one day. Also, Batman sure is cute.

Thank You JazzyOleBabe. I sure hope I have some nice growth. Glad I have something easy to rock in the meantime though.

Today's my first workday without having to do my hair :woohoo:
That's actually a really nice bun to not have filler. By the end of the year it's going to be so much fuller.

Thanks faithVA. I sure hope so. I hope I can get even a third of the growth you've had since your BC. Your coils look great!

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[USER=252932 said:
NikkiQ[/USER];17200497]Thanks @faithVA. I sure hope so. I hope I can get even a third of the growth you've had since your BC. Your coils look great!

Sent from my Android...Boom.

Your hair is growing and retaining just fine. You are APL now on your way to BSL :yep: You will be swinging it by the summer time.

How do you keep your ends healthy since you don't braid to the ends? I never hear about you having to dust or trim that often.
Your hair is growing and retaining just fine. You are APL now on your way to BSL :yep: You will be swinging it by the summer time.

How do you keep your ends healthy since you don't braid to the ends? I never hear about you having to dust or trim that often.

I just did about a 1-2" trim last week. First one since Christmas of 2011. Whenever my hair is in braids, I either have them in pigtails,a high ponytail or in my satin bonnet. My hair never touches my shoulders.
bajandoc86 said:
gvin89 Look at that cheek :love: I just wanna pinch it! Beautiful style love love it. Might have to steal it for myself. :yep:

Thanks so much bajandoc86! I'm trying to step my game up. It's easy to do cute styles on her, but I cannot braid or flat twist my own hair for nothing.
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I just did about a 1-2" trim last week. First one since Christmas of 2011. Whenever my hair is in braids, I either have them in pigtails,a high ponytail or in my satin bonnet. My hair never touches my shoulders.

NikkiQ how do you trim your hair? Do you trim in twists?
I keep dd's hair in 2 strand twists that nonie taught me how to do, bless her heart:grin:and she had one of those 'long hair' moments...she was eating ice cream and a twist ended up in her mouth...:lachen: She (4 years old) found it very amusing and you could just see the pride she had over her 'long hair':grin: Stretched it's about apl.
I just did about a 1-2" trim last week. First one since Christmas of 2011. Whenever my hair is in braids, I either have them in pigtails,a high ponytail or in my satin bonnet. My hair never touches my shoulders.

I didn't think you trimmed often.

My hair never touches my shoulders either :look: :lol: but my ends are always raggedy. I think they just like being that way :ohwell: I think they are allergic to air.
^^^:lol: at allergic to air. I'm super heavy handed with products too. I'm a SM junkie so I apply it every other day pretty generously. My bottle of yucca and aloe thickening milk is almost gone so I'll have to see if I can find a site I can order some from that will deliver it here. If not, I'll add it to the list of stuff to buy when I go home to the states for Christmas.
This is how much hair I lost after taking out my Hurricane Puff (and I used almost a whole bottle of conditioner and oil to soften it first before I detangled):

I'm banding my hair now so I can re-bun and keep going. I tried the banana clip bun on freshly washed, shrunken, unbanded hair and I broke the clip. Good thing it came in a three pack!
i dusted my hair about 2 weeks ago and still my ends didn't feel right:ohwell:
today i decided it was time for a good trim, which I did! those split ends were just teasing me, rising up like a cobra reading to bite!
this time I had a great idea on how to trim, because of post partum shedding i have different length all over, and by clipping the ends i was not getting the shorter bits. So my new way of trimming comes in 3 steps ( a bit time consuming, but ...):

step one : grab a small section, clip the ends
step two: slide my thumb and index up the section to separate the shorter hair, and clip the ends of the shorter hair
step three: grab the section again, twist it as i wanted to do a bantu knot and dust all the spiky bit.

My hair feel so smooth and right!

Now i have to hide my sheers as they becoming my best buddy:blush:
ahhhh...i think im starting to get the itch to take these damn braids out. getting sick of them! they have been in for 8 days. (started them last saturday, finished them on sunday).

i think im going to take them out tonight instead of this coming weekend.

ive started to take them out. been sitting here, in the college library doing it (i know, i a mess and a fool for that, but i couldnt resist the urge/itch)

ive been taking 2 braids out and converting them to twists. dont want to wait until im all the way done undoing the braids. i shall start the new style right now!
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Thank You!

I've only used the Hair One Olive Oil once. But from that one experience I liked it better than the As I Am. I let the Hair One sit while I baggied and showered. I did not do that with the As I Am. This weekend I will let the As I Am sit and see if it works better. I also have the Hair One Argan Oil I want to try.

I like the As I Am. It left my hair feeling clean but not stripped. But the Hair One made my hair feel softer. My hair did not shrink. And I was able to detangle with it.

I don't think I will have build up with As I Am. I am not sure if the Hair One will leave me with build up or not.

Do you have the Hair One Olive Oil or a different one?

I have the Hair One Argan Oil. I only used it twice before totally going to As I Am. I am going to use up the As I am and then use the Hair one. I want to see the difference in the cleansing of my hair. I never use the cleanser to detangle my hair hmm. I just rinse it out then put TJ to detangle my hair. I might need to switch back to hair one for a while and see the difference. :spinning:
I have the Hair One Argan Oil. I only used it twice before totally going to As I Am. I am going to use up the As I am and then use the Hair one. I want to see the difference in the cleansing of my hair. I never use the cleanser to detangle my hair hmm. I just rinse it out then put TJ to detangle my hair. I might need to switch back to hair one for a while and see the difference. :spinning:

I can't wait to try the Argan Oil. I am hoping it is wonderful.

I only detangled with it because the instructions said to :look: I rarely read the directions but this time I did. I don't really think I could detangle with the As I Am but I will find out this weekend. But it was easy with the Hair One.

I won't be able to use up the As I Am before the end of the year. But if I love the Hair One Argan Oil, I may buy a bottle and alternate them until I use up the As I Am.
I love the buns you ladies are doing. I am so glad everyone is posting their buns, twists and braids. It makes the challenge much more exciting. :yep: