Twist/Braid/Bun for Growth Challenge (10/1/2012 -12/31/2012)

So I've been in the same mohawk style for a week now. I'm thinking of stretching it for another week as it still looks good. I undid the buns and just have the ends in twists at the moment. I never expected it to last this long yet at the same time I kinda wanna go back to regular bun styles. Also thanks to Ecostyler Crystal, my front actually lays down and stays that way with waves to boot. I swore off Ecostyler as the Argan and Olive versions didn't agree with my hair. I'm glad this one works out though I'm still too afraid to try a wash and go with it.
My hair for the last week:

Two flat twists (rolls) into a bun




Basic Bun


I'm probably going to wash my hair this weekend.
Where are you ladies getting your banana clips? I didn't think natural hair could fit in them except I keep seeing lhcfers show pics wearing them. I bought a few Scuncci brand and just as I suspected, it snapped before I even came close to clasping it. I don't get it!

I use the Scunci brand. Are you using the long one or the medium length one? The medium length one broke on me. I find that they work fine when I have my twists in & I use it for low ponys or low buns. It's hard for me to really do anything else with them.
I am taking down my flat twists. I'm kinda liking how my hair is all curly. I'd keep it this way, but my hair needs to be cleaned!
Bunned all last wk and this wk until today. I think this was my longest stretch. Today is my reward day I guess. I did bun the top :-)

i should go back to twists & braids permanently

...just because when i have them in, i use SO much LESS conditioner...not that i condition or dc less frequently...i do it the same amount pretty much

it's just that i use less product during each session.


Trying out a new bun style I saw someone else in this challenge do. Although, I still need to perfect it I still think it came out better than yesterday. Tension free as well. I am going to wash and deep condition tomorrow and wear my hair down for one day on Sunday ( the first time since I started this challenge) Then back in a bun for the rest of the week. So loving this challenge.



Even though it has not been that long since the challenge began I feel guilty the one day u decide to wear my hair out. I feel like I am cheating or something lol.
I wore a bun all week and then today during work, I wore a braidout. How come I couldn't wait to get my hair back into a bun? So after work, I put my hair into a banana clip bun which I plan on wearing til I wash my hair either on Sunday or Monday. This is the biggest my bun has ever looked without using a ponytail holder or donut bun. I'm going to have to use this banana clip more often now that I've figured out how to use it without causing tension on my hair strands.

*click pics to enlarge*



I'm also realizing that I prefer high buns more than regular/low buns.

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I wore a bun all week and then today during work, I wore a braidout. How come I couldn't wait to get my hair back into a bun? So after work, I put my hair into a banana clip bun which I plan on wearing til I wash my hair either on Sunday or Monday. This is the biggest my bun has ever looked without using a ponytail holder or donut bun. I'm going to have to use this banana clip more often now that I've figured out how to use it without causing tension on my hair strands.

*click pics to enlarge*

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I'm also realizing that I prefer high buns more than regular/low buns.

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pretty! what steps did you take to get your hair into that bun? I need to try variations of high buns for when these twists come out.
pretty! what steps did you take to get your hair into that bun? I need to try variations of high buns for when these twists come out.

First I gathered all my hair at the top of my head and put it into a ponytail. I couldn't just hold my hair in one hand and put in the clip in like I saw some ladies do in YouTube videos. My hair would come out poofy or the clip would be crooked. Anyway, after I put my hair in a ponytail, I took one side of the banana clip and stuck the teeth into the front horizontally underneath the ponytail holder. I make sure the teeth are close to the ponytail so it won't cause tension when I close the clip. Then I brought the other side of the banana clip around the back of the ponytail and closed the clip together. Then I took the ponytail holder off, spread out my hair in the banana clip, and folded my hair over, and used a Goody hair days pin to tuck my ends underneath the banana clip in the back.

Hope that makes sense. :grin:.

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Poohbear That bun looks great. Your hair is long. Do you think that style is possible with shoulder length hair? My hair always breaks banana clips. Lol
Poohbear, what kind of banana clip did you use what brand/where from? Thanks.
virtuenow - the brand I use is made by scunci. I got mine from either Walgreens, Walmart, or Kroger. It comes in a three pack with black, brown, and clear.

Poohbear That bun looks great. Your hair is long. Do you think that style is possible with shoulder length hair? My hair always breaks banana clips. Lol
Thanks Froreal3. I'm sure it can be done with shoulder length hair if stretched out pretty well. My hair is APL/BSB length when stretched.

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So my braid out was weak sauce. Next time I'll do my braids bigger. Meanwhile, I pinned the fail up in a makeshift updo and tell me why every person I worked with last night complimented my hair?! Natural hair for the win!!!! I'll try to get a pic
Hey ladies, quick check in. I'm over here in Staten Island, Sandy hit us pretty hard. :sad:

We were fortunate in that we still have our home, and sustained minimal property damage. We lost power for several days - learning to live without the most basic things sucked but once we got power, phones and internet back (yesterday) and learned how hard the Island was hit I felt small for complaining about ME. Without a way to communicate, I felt so cut off from the world. My first day back at work was yesterday and I learned some friends lost EVERYTHING ... humbling...

Oh and my hair is in a sorry state right now.... we did not get hot water until yesterday so - well, fill in the blanks you know I'm looking ratchet right now... :nono:

(sorry to admit that I care about that at a time like this but I'm shallow.... don't judge me please :ohwell:)
Attempted to do a bun on my stretched hair with a banana clip that I have...and I broke it. No bueno. I think my hair is anti banana clip :nono:
Just checking in. I live in New Jersey and Hurricane Sandy hit us pretty hard too. We had no power or heat for four days. My husband needed my bobby pins to rig up some makeshift latern (don't ask) so I ended up with a puff instead of a bun. Then I didn't touch my hair for four days so my hair is a hot matted mess! I just tried to take the hair tie out and ripped a chunk of my hair. I think this is going to be a bit of setback for me. Damn that Sandy!!!!
I'm glad you guys are okay! Tibbar Perfexion I love how hair is still a major factor for you's an important facet of our lives darn it!

So with all of this banana clip talk, I purchased some from Walgreens, the scunci brand Poohbear was talking about. Baby, when I tell you that this bun is painless I mean it! I really just might give bunning a try now. NikkiQ My hair is still pretty contained from those little celies I did for this braidout so the banana clip closed around pretty securely. What kind of clip you got?
It sure wasn't a Scunci one that's for sure. It was one that I got from a BSS back home. It looked pretty thick and sturdy. Guess I'll have to get a couple Scuncis soon.
Still in the same twists I did 2 weeks ago. I will be keeping these in for 1 more week. Not looking forward to spending 4 hours re-twisting, but now that I know I can keep them in for 3's worth it.

The attached pic is how I wore it yesterday. Just twisted the twists then curled them with satin rollers.


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Think I'm gonna buy some curlformers I can stretch my hair with those instead of blowdrying. I HATE how blowdrying makes my hair feel.

Yesterday- Took out the braids and beads. detangled. DC (on dry hair), add coconut oil on top of it and twisted it in 4 sections. Put 2 plastic bags and satin on and left it on over night and plus some

Today- Still in 4 sections, washed out the DC, Shampooed, washed out, added Herbal Essences HH conditioner (concentrated on the end), left it in while shower, rinsed out and let it air dry for a little.
For each section of hair I:
~Added a little bit of conditioner and heat protectant
~Combed and then brushed through with a type of paddle brush
~Took it in smaller sections and blow dried (high heat-low power).
~Add a good amount of Shea butter (raw) and EVOO on the length of the hair. Then I put a little more EVOO on the ends.

Then I braided my hair in 2, added a little EVOO on the ends and then pinned it up in the back. And then put my scarf on.

Tomorrow I am planning on braiding it again with beads. This time less shells and no foil.
Forgot I was in this challenge. I have been in twists for a month. I washed and dc'd in them last time nth is time I'm gonna take the twists out and wash my hair loose. And try bunning for a week.

Sent From The Microwave Where I Warm Up Honeybuns With Cheese :)


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