Twist/Braid/Bun for Growth Challenge (10/1/2012 -12/31/2012)

yeah i usually rinse mine several times. i tried to do the whole "no washing/rinsing" them thing...i just cant. dont have it in me. lol
[USER=25612]MeowMix[/USER] said:
Stay safe jprayze. Thank you for everything you are doing in this challenge.

No thank you! I love this challenge; it holds me accountable and helps me retain as much as possible.
Hey everyone :)

Washed and DC'd followed by a super simple flat twist style...I need some more creative styles but this will do for now.


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Back to my tried and true...

Hey everyone :)

Washed and DC'd followed by a super simple flat twist style...I need some more creative styles but this will do for now.

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IMFOCSD That's a classic.

Back to my tried and true...


bajandoc86. Good to see you back. Was the storm bad?

Please share best tutorials for flat twisting/cornrowing your own hair
gvin89. You may find some stuff in these links. :arrowdown:

MeowMix You certainly are doing a fabulous job! My life has been overcome with work and sleep but I have three days off this week and these twists will be coming out! I'm tired of my scalp not feeling clean so I plan to do a thorough wash, all day DC and more than likely this flat twist style that I loved....or something else idk

youwillrise said:
yeah, im off tomorrow, well as tuesday (as of now). the college canceled classes for both monday & tuesday which means im off from both school & work (my job is on campus). i dunno if they'll change anything. it's very rare for this school to announce a closing this early...let alone 2 days in a row...that's like WHOA...WHAAA???? haha. never happens.

So I called to see if my job closed for Tuesday yet...not yet
My bun Saturday night was really cute. No great pictures though. If I do post the one picture I took y'all can't make fun of my soror. :lol: She dressed up for Halloween. :look:

The hair bow was a disaster. I could DO it, but I had too many little hairs sticking out for it to look neat. So I just pulled my hair into a high pony, took small sections and rolled the ends, pinned them, and fanned it out to make a large round bun.

Since I started co-washing with the protein conditioner and bunning, my hair has been looking a bit thicker and feeling more lush.


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^^very nice BGT. I'm always impressed with the size of people's buns in this thread.

MeowMix You certainly are doing a fabulous job! My life has been overcome with work and sleep but I have three days off this week and these twists will be coming out! I'm tired of my scalp not feeling clean so I plan to do a thorough wash, all day DC and more than likely this flat twist style that I loved....or something else idk

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Hey-PYT. Good to see you. You've got me :blush: :dork:. Glad to hear you getting some R&R. btw..imma copy your style:grin:

Shampooed my hair yesterday and still DCing right now. Will probably rinse out in a bit, detangle and rebraid my hair up. I kinda miss the Celies :lol:
Hey everyone :)

Washed and DC'd followed by a super simple flat twist style...I need some more creative styles but this will do for now.

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Wow! I love this! It makes me want to practice flat twisting some more.
i'm bunning today. nothing special. i daydream about trying new, creative bun styles, but i need more length, so i won't have to manipulate my hair much.
Here are my twists in their complete shrunken glory! I am moisturizing them on a daily basis.



I'm not wearing these down anymore for a while since they brush against my shoulders in the back. I'm going to wear ponytails, buns, and some other updos. I really love these twists a lot. Once I wash them, I will determine how long I can possibly keep them in.
Last Thursday, I did take down that style and just been wearing my hair in a high bun for the past 3 days, didn't take it down or anything. I plan on washing my hair after work today.
Here are my twists in their complete shrunken glory! I am moisturizing them on a daily basis.

wn anymore for a while since they brush against my shoulders in the back. I'm going to wear ponytails, buns, and some other updos. I really love these twists a lot. Once I wash them, I will determine how long I can possibly keep them in.

Wow, your 'shrunk' is my stretch.:grin:

Hey guys I washed and conditioned hair on yesterday. I retwisted my hair on yesterday. Big twist put in a ponytail. One day I will try to do some styles but my time is so limited. I am enjoying seeing everybody styles and efforts. HAVE A GREAT DAY.
FINALLLYYYYYY back in my twists! I washed my scalp w/castile soap... used my water bottle mix.. sealed w/avocado butter and did 2 strand twists..... ALL is RIGHT with the world HUMMMMMMMMMMMM............................. :look:

Your on the list PeculiarDaye. Have fun:bouncy:

Hello and welcome to the challenge Perfexion and PeculiarDaye! :wave:

Thank you Ladies, g.lo MeowMix NappyNelle I am glad to be apart of the challenge...

I just re-parted braided my hair last night and I measured it, but since it was the front and not the back I don't know if it counts but it is 19 inches. I will do my BEST to take a picture today i'm at work right now trying to convince myself to stay up and get ready for my LONG... Drive home...

Happy Hair Growing! (:
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just wanted to share my 10yr old hair. I believe the simple reggie and double strand twist helped to reach WL. I wash DC and double strand twist her hair every 2 weeks.


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I bought some VO5 Strawberry and Cream and co-washed with it. It smells so good! Then used my regular mix of 14 in 1, serum and olive oil mix. Airdrying a bit, then gonna scarf it and go to bed. I don't like wet bunning because after it dries, my hair is all crinkly but this way, my hair dries straight and makes for neater, smoother buns and styles.
Back to my tried and true...


bajandoc86 I love this style and think its super classy! Do all the twists on the othe side hang down to the side or are those bangs? Would love to see this from all angles so when I grow up I can try to duplicate it lol

@MeowMix You certainly are doing a fabulous job! My life has been overcome with work and sleep but I have three days off this week and these twists will be coming out! I'm tired of my scalp not feeling clean so I plan to do a thorough wash, all day DC and more than likely this flat twist style that I loved....or something else idk

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PYT I hear ya! Ive been going nonstop for over a week and Im worn out. Finally off for a few days with no plans and will be in chill mode for sure! ITA MeowMix you are doing an awesome job with the challenge! Im lovin it ;)

Here are my twists in their complete shrunken glory! I am moisturizing them on a daily basis.



I'm not wearing these down anymore for a while since they brush against my shoulders in the back. I'm going to wear ponytails, buns, and some other updos. I really love these twists a lot. Once I wash them, I will determine how long I can possibly keep them in.

BraunSugar your twists are simply beautiful...I love how you can barely even tell its twists...looks like tiny spirals or something...would love it if you did a tutorial on how you twist bc there has to be a technique to such gorgeous twists! Plus I also love how shiny your hair is...whats your secret???


Hey guys I washed and conditioned hair on yesterday. I retwisted my hair on yesterday. Big twist put in a ponytail. One day I will try to do some styles but my time is so limited. I am enjoying seeing everybody styles and efforts. HAVE A GREAT DAY.

rsmith your hair reminds me of mine...we might be hair twins? Whats your hair type and how long have you been natural? Im so tempted to chop at 1 year post in february but may hold out to my Birthday Cinco De Mayo and maybe even longer depending on how I feel as each potential BC date approaches lol. I dont think Id go past 18 months...which would be next August and I really doubt Ill make it that long lol...I already have the urge to chop now...but we will see!

just wanted to share my 10yr old hair. I believe the simple reggie and double strand twist helped to reach WL. I wash DC and double strand twist her hair every 2 weeks.

g.lo wow that is so inspirational! Thanks for sharing!
Leslie_C Thank you! I twist my hair pretty tightly without allowing any slack on them. I'm not worried about tension because they aren't like braids and they loosen up within an hour. I don't pull hard from the roots, I just make sure the twist itself is tight. I think I will do a video tut on my method because it is easier for you to see it than it is for me to explain LoL.

For the shine, I use my "Curling Cream". I can use it to style my hair or just as a leave-in. The recipe is:

3/4 cup aloe vera gel
1/4 cup crisco
2 tbsps grapeseed oil
1 tbsp castor oil

After I wash & condition, I apply it to my damp hair. It always leaves me with shiny, moisturized hair and it isn't greasy. It does such a good job that I only need to use it once or twice a week.
Hi ladies.

I've been lurking on this thread. I've been taking down my twists since I will be TC-ing for the rest of the week due to Hurricane Sandy. I plan to do my first set of mini twists. I'm scared though. I wanted to do mini braids. But my head looks scalpy and I'm afraid to do it small.
Also I noticed some videos some ladies don't use a comb to part. *nervous* Wouldn't it still look a bit off?
I've been going on youtube viewing videos. any tips you have would be greatly appreciated.
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MeowMix....the hurricane didn't do me too bad. I left work an hour before it really hit, but it was already dumping rain and the wind was nuts. Was without utilities for a while. But frankly I can't complain. God is Good.

Leslie_C it's actually a side swept bang...I will try to upload a pic this evening to show you the right side.
@Leslie_C Thank you! I twist my hair pretty tightly without allowing any slack on them. I'm not worried about tension because they aren't like braids and they loosen up within an hour. I don't pull hard from the roots, I just make sure the twist itself is tight. I think I will do a video tut on my method because it is easier for you to see it than it is for me to explain LoL.

For the shine, I use my "Curling Cream". I can use it to style my hair or just as a leave-in. The recipe is:

3/4 cup aloe vera gel
1/4 cup crisco
2 tbsps grapeseed oil
1 tbsp castor oil

After I wash & condition, I apply it to my damp hair. It always leaves me with shiny, moisturized hair and it isn't greasy. It does such a good job that I only need to use it once or twice a week.

BraunSugar how does the hair feel w/the curlcream (bouncy/stiff/weight)? How much do you use? Do you slather a glob of it on or just a small amount. Do you refrigerate the mix. Do you put your eco gel on top/or other gel? Thanks for sharing!
@BraunSugar how does the hair feel w/the curlcream (bouncy/stiff/weight)? How much do you use? Do you slather a glob of it on or just a small amount. Do you refrigerate the mix. Do you put your eco gel on top/or other gel? Thanks for sharing!

virtuenow My hair a slight bounce to it. Just enough to have a bit of movement. The cream is medium weight. It is lighter than a butter but heavier than a lotion. I apply it in sections. I normally have 8 sections and I put a quarter sized amount on each. The mix doesn't need to be refrigerated because I don't use food grade aloe vera gel in it. I prefer Fruit Of The Earth that I get from Walmart. I do use it underneath gel if I am doing a wash & go. If I'm doing a braidout, I use it alone. Using it under gel keeps my hair from being crunchy.