Twist/Braid/Bun for Growth Challenge (10/1/2012 -12/31/2012)

NappyNelle, yes do seal my ends, i use the hair bling from Moxie. I think i need a trim! Also NappyNelle, do you mind giving tutorial for your buns? they are just to die for!:lick:
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Okay so this weekend I continued to wear my bun. I shampooed my hair last night and now I have it in three big braids. I will be placing it back in a bun when it's time to go outside tomorrow. Will post a pick of which bun I chose for the day tomorrow.
I pulled my hair into a ponytail at the top of my head with a Goody elastic (the kind with rubber grips), then I wrapped a scrunchie (dipped in grape seed oil) around twice so that the fabric is still full ( if that makes sense), then I fanned my hair around it and pinned it with hair pins. Added a Goody flower clip (bought at Target)

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:welcome4: quirkydimples. Thank you for sharing your snaps and bunning tips.:)
*anxiously awaits ZOMBIE PROM pitchas*

:lol: Okay here's a few. I just took pics with my phone since the flash on my camera was just too much. I was half Day of the Dead and half "normal" face. Everyone loved it!


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For the past week, I have been going back and forth with how often I should wash my hair now. I've always been an advocate of infrequent washing (every 3-4 weeks) because of my shrinky tightly coiled hair texture and because I hated dealing with my hair while wet. However, a week ago before washing my hair, I experienced the most dirtiest scalp ever out of all times of infrequent washing. It started to make me wonder if this was the reason why my hair wasn't growing or retaining as much length as I desired. I wonder if the dirty scalp was stunting my hair growth and retention. I say retention too because it seemed like my hair would shed more when my scalp was dirty, and would probably break more from lack of moisture.

So now, I've decided to try washing my hair once a week. I just washed my hair this morning after the last time of washing being Monday. I'm going to try to make it a routine to wash my hair every Sunday or Monday depending on what I'm doing or how I feel.

I'm also going to try going back to keeping my hair in a bun. It seems easier and quicker than styling my hair in a bunch of twists each time after washing. Plus, I didn't like the shrinkage and frizziness that came with leaving my hair in two strand twists, which is why I have ventured away from the style.

So on wash day once a week, I plan on washing and conditioning my hair in two sections. After I do that, I will towel dry with my microfiber towel to soak up excess water, apply product (Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie and seal with Castor Oil), and airdry in 6 plaits or flat twists. In the morning, I will unravel the plaits or twists and style my hair into a bun. I will leave my hair in this bun for the whole week until my next wash. I hope this routine will help me retain length. I want to have waist length hair by the end of next year!!!
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NappyNelle, yes do seal my ends, i use the hair bling from Moxie. I think i need a trim! Also NappyNelle, do you mind giving tutorial for your buns? they are just to die for!:lick:

g.lo Hm... I wonder where those knots are coming from, but a trim would be helpful. I did a pic heavy post about a week ago on my buns: I hope it helps you some. I choose my bun type depending on how my hair looks that day. :spinning:

NikkiQ Thanks for sharing the pictures. ZP looked like fun!
Here's a cute style that can be done on NL+ hair.


I've seen so many nice variations of this and still haven't tried it. :look:

Will you be sleeping in your buns or will you be taking it down at night? I think I'm following about the same routine as well but just airdrying it in a few more plaits. I tried more frequent cowashing but finger detangling wet so often isn't working out for me. Infrequent washes just made my hair tangly and dry so I think once a week will be a good medium for me.

Will you be sleeping in your buns or will you be taking it down at night? I think I'm following about the same routine as well but just airdrying it in a few more plaits. I tried more frequent cowashing but finger detangling wet so often isn't working out for me. Infrequent washes just made my hair tangly and dry so I think once a week will be a good medium for me.

Fhrizzball - this is something I've still been contemplating as well. I've been thinking about just sleeping with my hair still in the bun so that I don't have to fool with my hair every night and every morning. I'm really trying to avoid having to retwist or rebraid my hair every night. I'm going to make sure my buns aren't tight so that the ponytail holder doesn't break off the sides of my hair from the tension. If my bun gets messed up from sleeping, I'll just have to redo it which I don't think will be too much of a hassle. Frequent cowashing (as in daily or every other day) doesn't work for me either, so I figured washing and conditioning once a week may be my limit.
My wen package arrived yesterday! It came with Cleanser conditioner, intensive hair treatment, styling gel, moisturizing mist, and texture balm (I think it's called). = $34


I need to clarify my hair but I still tried a few of the products last night. I took my twists out and wore a twist out to a party. The gel is moisturizing but I don't think it provides much hold... or maybe my week's worth of product build up has effected that? I really like using the replenishing mist and texture balm on my edges.

I really hope this helps with the dryness I've been experiencing. I've been using the same products for a year now. Even with clarifying regularly, the products now seem just "so-so."
I'm going to convert my WnG into a french roll tomorrow. After I wear it a few days I'll wash and prep for microtwists. That's the plan for now anyway :)
So I took the braids out while watching the game and recovering from last night. Digging how it looks loose,but gonna braid it back up soon.

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I love your hair color @NikkiQ what did you use to color? Or did you see a professional?

Thanks! I dyed it myself using Garnier Nutrisse creme color in Intense Light Auburn. My hair had already been lightened from a previous color so my ends were like a caramel color.
Update- I kept my hair in the 8 cornrows all week. When I went out I put a hat on my head.

Yesterday- DC (on dry hair), detangle, add coconut oil on top of it and twisted it in 4 sections. But a plastic cap on and left it on over night and plus some

Today- Still in 4 sections, Shampoo (diluted it with water) with the DC/oil still in my hair, washed out, added olive oil conditioner and con argon oil conditioner (concentrated on the end), left it in while shower, rinsed out.
For each section of hair I:
~Patted it dry
~Added a little bit of conditioner and heat protectant
~Brushed through with a type of paddle brush
~Took it in smaller sections and blow dried (high heat-low power). ~Trimmed.(while blow drying)
~Cool shot
~Add a little Shea butter and olive oil

Then I braided my hair in 2, added a little olive oil on the ends and then pinned it up in the back. And then put my scarf on.

:grin: I love to add that my ends felt moisturized before I trimmed.:grin:
Hello ladies :)

So my hair is looking a mess lol...



I think a made it to 2 weeks again..I am about to wash, DC and retwisit 1230 am O_o its only been a week and a couple days...seemed like forever lol

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I'm trying out a new style for me a side braid)....I'm liking that I'm able to do it...I'm style challenged....let's see of this attachment works.


Not sure why it's on the side....
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I'm trying out a new style for me a side braid)....I'm liking that I'm able to do it...I'm style challenged....let's see of this attachment works.

View attachment 173459

Not sure why it's on the side....

LOL I am style challenged as well. I can have an idea in my head and I will be in front of the mirror for at least 20 minutes before I realize I need to do my simple go to style because this other style is just not going to work out. lol It came out nice though.
Hair is all bunned up after a rollerset this weekend. I blew my roots out and wrapped over nite. It didn't fall as sleek as if I had flat ironed it but it got the job done.

I want to do a braid out this weekend. I know it's Monday :lol: but I get so excited thinking about what "out" styles I can't wait to wear..

I also need to clarify my hair soon.
I took out the truly atrocious 3 strand twists that I did last week. It was midterms, so I didnnt have time to do minibraids like I hoped, so I'm back in my signature 2 french braids.

Maybe this weekend I'll get to do some proper 3 strand twists
All twisted up. I also trimmed my ends because they were looking scraggly and thin.
Took me 4 hours to do these and I plan on keeping them in for 3 weeks. That winter laziness is creeping on me early!


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was supposed to retwist over the weekend... got lazy then had to do dd2's braids for the week.. Ive had this same low bun in and I may not take it down today either :look: nah nah. I need to moisturize (although it still feels moist in the bun) I may moisturize/rebun sigh
I co-washed last night with wen and ORS replenishing conditioner. I've never washed the day after a relaxer. Feels so odd. :lol: I decided I'll be cowashing every 3 days, so my next wash is Wednesday. After towel-drying, I put in some Hawaiian Silky 14 in 1, ORS Olive Oil Serum and Cream of Nature leave in conditioner. I was going to go to whole foods and buy some coconut and castor oil but I found this olive oil blend that had castor oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil...etc. So I'll be using that.

I also found some bun styles on Pinterest I want to try.




I tried this one this morning with little success. I'll try again.

Sooo....I MADE A BUN!!!!!!!!!!! I cheated a bit with a sock donut bun thingie,but still! I'm over here Dougie-ing like a fool right now! I'm so super stupid tickled I can't stop smiling!!

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