Twist/Braid/Bun for Growth Challenge (10/1/2012 -12/31/2012)

@MeowMix, then I should be thanking you coz you're probably why my hair is still on my head. Your summons have made me straighten up and act right, albeit only briefly. So thank you!
Are there any PS practices that you want to improve? Something you know you should be doing but you keep putting it off?

For me it's moisturizing/oiling my ends. I don't know why but I am always lazy when it comes to that and after reading an article about the importance of it... I am going to try harder to make it a habit. it's just with 20+ twists... it seems to be a pain. It seems like a lot of you have made that habit... I need to stop slacking!

For me would be making sure my ends are fully protected. Even when I bun sometimes not all the ends are tucked in and while it gives the bun more character, it kinda defeats the purpose.

Also I rush through detangling but that's hair care practice in general.
Hello to my sisters in protective styling lol...been MIA for a couple days or so...nothing special was done this weekend to my hair other than M&Sing...went out of town to hang with some close fam and took my little man to Boo at the Zoo and we had a lot of fun :)

@MeowMix you werent lying when you said an angel moved those scissors! The itch to chop is gone....for now lol. I love the twists I put in this time and Ive gotten a lot of compliments. I felt kinda boss like bc nobody believed I did them myself (I told you guys Im style handicapped lol).:lol:

@tapioca_pudding what style did you end up doing and how did it turn out? A picture would be even better hint hint lol.:grin:

@jesusislove1526 did you put those mini-twists in today? Would love to see a pic of the finished product!

@PYT does the diluted acv on the scalp help with itching and flaking? If so I really need to try it bc for some reason I get flakes and itching when I put twists in...I guess bc the scalp is exposed. Not sure if oiling it will help? I dont usually oil my scalp but I will if it will help to stop the itching and to prevent flakes so my twists will look fresh longer.

@Fhrizzball you are right, the weather turned cool suddenly...I wasnt prepared at all! Gonna have to really stay on top of my moisture game was hard enough to fight dryness in the summer, I can only imagine this winter!

@NappyNelle thanks for the pics of those beautiful buns! Yours is definitely drool worthy too though! For real!:yep:

@youwillrise Do you have a pic of the style you mentioned with 3 twisted ponytails on each side going back? I cant picture it,but it sounds simple and Im all about simple! If it will give me another style to add to my very small bag of styles I can do, Im all for it lol. BTW I love everything Ive tried by shea moisture, so I guess Ill try the purification mask next time a sale comes around.
@Kimeshajohnson those cornrows look really nice!

bajandoc86 Im sure it is hard to figure out what style to do since you have so many in your bag of styles...Im sorry I have no sympathy for you right now lol. We all know you will come back with something absolutely fabulous regardless! :) What did you end up deciding on?

@isawstars as far as something I want to improve on or wasnt doing--when I bun, I was sleeping in it and after reading what other people were doing Im starting to thnk I should take it down at night and at least braid in 4 sections. I think it minimizes tangles and keeps the hair stretched.

@Growingmyhairlong Welcome!

@IMFOCSD beautiful twists as always! How long have you been natural btw?
judy4all OMG I'm so happy you're doing better! I was worried when reading that update post. I'm praying for you, baby and DH; you have so much on your plate! I'm so excited for you!

My hair is doing fine and I think I've made MBL. I'm not officially checking until the end of the year or so because flat ironing is too much work... and I always end up putting some type of curl or flip to my hair for the volume.

Health wise I've been well too. Last week I started training for my new job, went to a yoga class with a friend, and met a coworker that also uses a cane. I'm looking forward to my job (part time) and not getting too stressed out. It seems like I have more support this time around than I did last year.

Have you tried a hard protein treatment? Aphogee 2 Step is a pain to apply, but it may be perfect in this situation to stop the breakage. I'm not sure if you can rinse all of the product out if you're wearing cornrows though...
I have a couple of questions since there are so many naturals in this thread...

How long have you guys been natural and did you transition or BC? If you transitioned, how long did you transition?

and also: What are some tricks of the trade for keeping hair moisturized and retaining length in the cooler months (besides protective styling of course, which we are already doing lol)?

ok one more....When baggying, do I M&S and then baggy? Spritz with water and then baggy? or what? Baggying virgin in the HIZOUSE! ;0)
Hello to my sisters in protective styling lol...been MIA for a couple days or so...nothing special was done this weekend to my hair other than M&Sing...went out of town to hang with some close fam and took my little man to Boo at the Zoo and we had a lot of fun :)

@MeowMix you werent lying when you said an angel moved those scissors! The itch to chop is gone....for now lol. I love the twists I put in this time and Ive gotten a lot of compliments. I felt kinda boss like bc nobody believed I did them myself (I told you guys Im style handicapped lol).:lol:

@tapioca_pudding what style did you end up doing and how did it turn out? A picture would be even better hint hint lol.:grin:

@jesusislove1526 did you put those mini-twists in today? Would love to see a pic of the finished product!

@PYT does the diluted acv on the scalp help with itching and flaking? If so I really need to try it bc for some reason I get flakes and itching when I put twists in...I guess bc the scalp is exposed. Not sure if oiling it will help? I dont usually oil my scalp but I will if it will help to stop the itching and to prevent flakes so my twists will look fresh longer.

@Fhrizzball you are right, the weather turned cool suddenly...I wasnt prepared at all! Gonna have to really stay on top of my moisture game was hard enough to fight dryness in the summer, I can only imagine this winter!

@NappyNelle thanks for the pics of those beautiful buns! Yours is definitely drool worthy too though! For real!:yep:

@youwillrise Do you have a pic of the style you mentioned with 3 twisted ponytails on each side going back? I cant picture it,but it sounds simple and Im all about simple! If it will give me another style to add to my very small bag of styles I can do, Im all for it lol. BTW I love everything Ive tried by shea moisture, so I guess Ill try the purification mask next time a sale comes around.
@Kimeshajohnson those cornrows look really nice!

@bajandoc86 Im sure it is hard to figure out what style to do since you have so many in your bag of styles...Im sorry I have no sympathy for you right now lol. We all know you will come back with something absolutely fabulous regardless! :) What did you end up deciding on?

@isawstars as far as something I want to improve on or wasnt doing--when I bun, I was sleeping in it and after reading what other people were doing Im starting to thnk I should take it down at night and at least braid in 4 sections. I think it minimizes tangles and keeps the hair stretched.

@Growingmyhairlong Welcome!

@IMFOCSD beautiful twists as always! How long have you been natural btw?

Hi Leslie_C Thank u & I am actually texlaxed and the last 2-3 inches are bone straight which i so dont like lol. I will be trimming for a while which means i will be apl for a while :look:
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Growingmyhairlong WELCOME!!!!! You are not too late to join and your photos are very cute. I'm sure your ends will make a turn around; mine sure did and they were in baaaad shape when I started.

IMFOCSD Two weeks is good for one style. Your hair always looks great to me.

judy4all I volunteer to babysit so you and DH can have a night off.

Leslie_C Ahhhhhhhhhh what a cutie!!!!!!!!!! I want to pinch his widdle cheeks and make kissy sounds.
I have a couple of questions since there are so many naturals in this thread...

How long have you guys been natural and did you transition or BC? If you transitioned, how long did you transition?

and also: What are some tricks of the trade for keeping hair moisturized and retaining length in the cooler months (besides protective styling of course, which we are already doing lol)?

ok one more....When baggying, do I M&S and then baggy? Spritz with water and then baggy? or what? Baggying virgin in the HIZOUSE! ;0)

Leslie_C I've been natural since Thanksgiving 2006. I transitioned for 15 months.

My only moisturizing trick is already popular among us; deeeeeeep conditioning and sealing with something heavier. Some days (maybe weeks :lol:) during undergrad, I would just wear a hat over my scarf and showercap / baggy. It would get so cold, blustery, snowpac-alypsey on campus (-17 anyone?) that I didn't bother with my hair or it would have frozen and fell off.

I like to baggy after spritzing and oiling... I'm not a big fan of having really damp, mushy hair unless I'm conditioning.
@judy4all OMG I'm so happy you're doing better! I was worried when reading that update post. I'm praying for you, baby and DH; you have so much on your plate! I'm so excited for you!

My hair is doing fine and I think I've made MBL. I'm not officially checking until the end of the year or so because flat ironing is too much work... and I always end up putting some type of curl or flip to my hair for the volume.

Health wise I've been well too. Last week I started training for my new job, went to a yoga class with a friend, and met a coworker that also uses a cane. I'm looking forward to my job (part time) and not getting too stressed out. It seems like I have more support this time around than I did last year.

Have you tried a hard protein treatment? Aphogee 2 Step is a pain to apply, but it may be perfect in this situation to stop the breakage. I'm not sure if you can rinse all of the product out if you're wearing cornrows though...

NappyNelle So glad you are doing good.... you n your hair are looking pretty as ever :) You totally made MBL... I can tell without even looking... lol.... I'm taking you up on that baby sitting offer... I WILL REMIND YOU in due time.... lol...

I'm not too stressed out about my hair really.... i detached myself emotionally after i relaxed... If I care for it, it will grow ( i once I can figure how to self-relax n trim... I'll be golden.... Im really scared of a hard protein... lol... I'll try aphogee 2 minute, If no progress, I'll do the 2 step one.... Will keep you posted.


Love this style. Learned how to make a braidout bun on YouTube. Gotta love youtube. So tonight I will take it down moisturize,seal, and put in four braids for the night and repeat the process again tomorrow.
Growingmyhairlong said:
Love this style. Learned how to make a braidout bun on YouTube. Gotta love youtube. So tonight I will take it down moisturize,seal, and put in four braids for the night and repeat the process again tomorrow.

That's so pretty!
I got my hair flat ironed on Friday and been swanging my hair ever since. I will be back in buns tomorrow...I promise...ok I hope
Thanks everyone for the kindest welcomes ; ) I have a question. How often is everyone who are wearing their buns taking it down? I am taking my bun down daily but I make sure in the morning I put it right up into a bun. I hope that's okay for the challenge. At night it goes into braids. Let me know so I can twick if neccessary.
NappyNelle - I tried a twist n curl but the ends didn't dry over night so it turned into a puff/bun the next day :-/ I'll try again this weekend!! I had my boyfriend hide my flat irons so I'm not temped to rollerset lol.. he can't be swayed. :lol:
Currently working on my Etsy store and still DCing my braids from last night. I'm actually looking forward to rebraiding my hair. Weird huh?
Thanks everyone for the kindest welcomes ; ) I have a question. How often is everyone who are wearing their buns taking it down? I am taking my bun down daily but I make sure in the morning I put it right up into a bun. I hope that's okay for the challenge. At night it goes into braids. Let me know so I can twick if neccessary.

Growingmyhairlong. That is really nice style. You've got me putting on my judges robes:lol:. What you're doing with your hair sounds cool to me. I'm just going to call NappyNelle and faithVA because I didn't make the rules to the challenge.

Leslie_C. Little man is too CUTE. I just love his expression. He's got one of those thinking smiles. Oh I bet you have fun with him. How old is he?

Great question, here is my :twocents:. I've been natural waaay to long for the length of my hair. :blush: I'm the poster child for what happens when you don't care for your hair. It's been over 10 years. If only I had a regimen and protected it ...sigh....I'd be sitting on it now. I got a really bad perm years ago (burned scalp, scarring, trip to Dr.) and I said 'that's enough of that'. Baggying will definitely help in these cooler months. I do the M&S spritz combo. Naptural85 baggied under hats on her way to work during the winter months.

oh and here's a transitioning video

BTW, you and your little bag are cracking me up. Only because my small too:)

Nonie. I saw your post and hollered. I'm laughing now. Some of us have just been picking your brain. Thank you, you are too generous.

NikkiQ. I do the same thing:) That's 'me time'.
Ok, I have a question.. I've just had a bandu knot out and without combing the fallen curls how do you go from a braid out, twist out, Bknot out, to co-washing without combing first to prevent tangles when the water hits your hair?

Because I'm not sure how to do this it reduced the frequency that I wash (twice weekly) because I don't want to comb my hair more often than that. And would actually prefer not to comb if possible.

i dont have a picture (no current access to camera)...but what i did was i made 3 ponytails on each side of my head 1 in front, 1 in middle and 1 in back...then i twisted them and then kind of twisted them together and pinned the. i pulled the ends of the back ponytail through the loops of the middle and first and pinned it. i re-did it, but it doesnt look as good as the first time i did it...boooo
Tonight I'm going to start taking down these braids. I made it 2.5 weeks. Go me! :lol: Because I have a lot of new growth in the crown along with some pretty loose braids, I think it is time to remove them. Next time I am going to do them smaller like I said before.

**Random** Last night the top of my stove caught fire while I was trying to cook dinner. I freaked out, but got it together long enough to put it out with flour. I have just managed to calm myself down completely. Apparently there was some spilled grease on the range that I didn't see and it went up when I walked over to the sink. The entire downstairs was smokey and my son was playing in the living room. :ohwell: Thank God it wasn't worse. From now on I will be checking the stove thoroughly.
Hello to my sisters in protective styling lol...been MIA for a couple days or so...nothing special was done this weekend to my hair other than M&Sing...went out of town to hang with some close fam and took my little man to Boo at the Zoo and we had a lot of fun :)

@MeowMix you werent lying when you said an angel moved those scissors! The itch to chop is gone....for now lol. I love the twists I put in this time and Ive gotten a lot of compliments. I felt kinda boss like bc nobody believed I did them myself (I told you guys Im style handicapped lol).:lol:

@tapioca_pudding what style did you end up doing and how did it turn out? A picture would be even better hint hint lol.:grin:

@jesusislove1526 did you put those mini-twists in today? Would love to see a pic of the finished product!

@PYT does the diluted acv on the scalp help with itching and flaking? If so I really need to try it bc for some reason I get flakes and itching when I put twists in...I guess bc the scalp is exposed. Not sure if oiling it will help? I dont usually oil my scalp but I will if it will help to stop the itching and to prevent flakes so my twists will look fresh longer.

@Fhrizzball you are right, the weather turned cool suddenly...I wasnt prepared at all! Gonna have to really stay on top of my moisture game was hard enough to fight dryness in the summer, I can only imagine this winter!

@NappyNelle thanks for the pics of those beautiful buns! Yours is definitely drool worthy too though! For real!:yep:

@youwillrise Do you have a pic of the style you mentioned with 3 twisted ponytails on each side going back? I cant picture it,but it sounds simple and Im all about simple! If it will give me another style to add to my very small bag of styles I can do, Im all for it lol. BTW I love everything Ive tried by shea moisture, so I guess Ill try the purification mask next time a sale comes around.
@Kimeshajohnson those cornrows look really nice!

bajandoc86 Im sure it is hard to figure out what style to do since you have so many in your bag of styles...Im sorry I have no sympathy for you right now lol. We all know you will come back with something absolutely fabulous regardless! :) What did you end up deciding on?

@isawstars as far as something I want to improve on or wasnt doing--when I bun, I was sleeping in it and after reading what other people were doing Im starting to thnk I should take it down at night and at least braid in 4 sections. I think it minimizes tangles and keeps the hair stretched.

@Growingmyhairlong Welcome!

@IMFOCSD beautiful twists as always! How long have you been natural btw?

I'm working on the mini braids now...will post pics when I'm done, but it may not be until tomorrow:yep:
Tonight I'm going to start taking down these braids. I made it 2.5 weeks. Go me! :lol: Because I have a lot of new growth in the crown along with some pretty loose braids, I think it is time to remove them. Next time I am going to do them smaller like I said before.

**Random** Last night the top of my stove caught fire while I was trying to cook dinner. I freaked out, but got it together long enough to put it out with flour. I have just managed to calm myself down completely. Apparently there was some spilled grease on the range that I didn't see and it went up when I walked over to the sink. The entire downstairs was smokey and my son was playing in the living room. :ohwell: Thank God it wasn't worse. From now on I will be checking the stove thoroughly.

BraunSugar. I'm glad you were able to put it out. That just sounds scary. Glad you and little man are safe.
@BraunSugar. I'm glad you were able to put it out. That just sounds scary. Glad you and little man are safe.

Thank you. I was a wreck all night and I didn't sleep well at all. The house still smells a little bit like smoke, but we are doing fine and the stove still works. I cleaned the crap out of it though to make sure no more random fires happen. :yep:
Thank you. I was a wreck all night and I didn't sleep well at all. The house still smells a little bit like smoke, but we are doing fine and the stove still works. I cleaned the crap out of it though to make sure no more random fires happen. :yep:

Oh wow... I am glad you are okay. That's scary stuff.
Leslie_C said:
I have a couple of questions since there are so many naturals in this thread...

How long have you guys been natural and did you transition or BC? If you transitioned, how long did you transition?

and also: What are some tricks of the trade for keeping hair moisturized and retaining length in the cooler months (besides protective styling of course, which we are already doing lol)?

ok one more....When baggying, do I M&S and then baggy? Spritz with water and then baggy? or what? Baggying virgin in the HIZOUSE! ;0)

While I have BC'd 2 times (which I absolutely loved), this last time I transitioned for 2.5 yrs! I was natural from 2002 to 2008. I relaxed for 1 yr and transitioned. The 6 yrs that I was natural was the worst. I didn't know how to care of my hair properly, it never grew past a certain point, I had a shorter different texture section in the middle of head that was hard to deal with (it disappeared now lol) and my natural hair always ended up looking like a Jheri curl. My straightened natural hair reverted all the time and was always getting puffy and big. So I relaxed our of pure frustration. The last yr of my transition was with LHCF and things have sooo much better. And now natural again, my hair is healthy and I know how to do something with it!
Hey @[URL="" said:
Froreal3 You and I are hitting APL this year huh? Sounds like you're having a fun weekend. I'm probably going to do a protein treatment next week. My hair is porous and that is the one treatment that has made a difference in the journey.

Girl, I hope to hit APL by summer 2013. I've never had hair past my shoulders, so it would be nice to see. I will probably get extension twists or braids in after this challenge is over because I will be working out a lot and I don't want to mess with my hair.
Are there any PS practices that you want to improve? Something you know you should be doing but you keep putting it off?

For me it's moisturizing/oiling my ends. I don't know why but I am always lazy when it comes to that and after reading an article about the importance of it... I am going to try harder to make it a habit. it's just with 20+ twists... it seems to be a pain. It seems like a lot of you have made that habit... I need to stop slacking!

I section my twists off in about for sections and spray em with my water/conditioner/oil spritz. Then I seal the ends w/castor oil. Takes about 3 minutes.
IMFOCSD Your hair looks great!
judy4all Sending well wishes your way for a healthy rest of your pregnancy and baby boy! And yes, I think you should chill on stylists for now.

Nonie does your hair feel dryer when you use no products?
My primary style is burning, I have a mesh donut from Sally's I wear and another hair toy


I take down the bun at night m&s and pin or plait it til the morning. I use NTM leave in, organix coconut moisturizer and oil, argan oil, and Shea butter moisturizer

My hair is relaxed
I hope to maintain thickness, and hopefully be able to have a thick even hemline.
I plan to wear my hair out this weekend for my college homecoming, but I'm pretty sure ill get lazy-if I wear it out ill roll it on green rollers, and have it out like a loose spiral set
Here is my starting pic, not the best because I just took out my donut

found a better pic

Sept pic

Ladies, how do those of you who use a foundation for your bun keep it up multiple days?


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