Twist/Braid/Bun for Growth Challenge (10/1/2012 -12/31/2012)

So I put in some medium twists thinking I would wear those for this week but I didn't care for how they turned out so after they dried I took them down and bunned the twistout. I think I will just being doing twistout styles for this challenge. That or small/mini twists.

Also the weather seemed to have gotten so much more colder overnight. I was thinking of getting some Marley hair to make a faux bun out of that but I know if I did that my buns will always seem puny to me. I may just try to incoroporate HOT in my routine and oiling my hair more.

Has anyone done HoT with Canola oil?
Any ladies in this challenge use Wen or 316? I am thinking about biting the bullet. My hair needs a positive change in its moisture levels...

On another note... I am going out tonight to celebrate my colleague's birthday so I am taking out my twists. I don't know what I am going to do with it. Preferably a braid out but putting it a puff is my back up plan!
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Update- Last Sat. after my wash routine I ended up adding conditioner in my hair, braiding it, and letting it air-dry.

Tuesday took the braids out added more conditioner and oil and re-braided it.

Today- Wet hair, shampoo in 4 sections, rinse, add DC (de-tangle) and on top of that coconut oil, sit under dryer, rinse (comb out underwater), made 8 cornrows (with conditioner) and added rollers at the end, now under hair dryer (low heat [minimum is a hour])
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decided i didnt want to twist haha.

so what i did was, i just put 3 twisted ponytails on both sides of my head (6 total) and then connected/twisted them together. ends up and out of the way. hair doesnt look completely weird...i can dig it. probs leave this in until monday or tuesday night, whenever i decide my next condition wash is...mostly likely put it back in the same style, just for ease/quickness.

this shea moisture purification masque has my hair dancing...see NappyNelle, i now have a reason to go back to dc'ing my hair. hahaha. : P
I was supposed to really pamper my hair this weekend, but I made a new friend and decided to hang out with her instead. Now I'm too tired to do the routine I planned on. I guess this will be another week of bunning, and I'll do my full hair and twist routine next weekend. I really hope I'm not putting too much stress on my edges in the meantime. :ohwell:

Also the weather seemed to have gotten so much more colder overnight. I was thinking of getting some Marley hair to make a faux bun out of that but I know if I did that my buns will always seem puny to me. I may just try to incoroporate HOT in my routine and oiling my hair more.

Has anyone done HoT with Canola oil?

Fhrizzball This is exactly my experience!! Indian Summer / Early Fall didn't even come; it just went straight to Winter. :giggle: I've had to be more conscious of my oil usage and be more liberal in my application; especially for my ends. Sorry, I haven't done a HOT with Canola oil, but here is a thread that BraunSugar started a year ago! (She probably doesn't even remember this. :lol:): Canola Oil

Any ladies in this challenge use Wen or 316? I am thinking about biting the bullet. My hair needs a positive change in its moisture levels...

On another note... I am going out tonight to celebrate my colleague's birthday so I am taking out my twists. I don't know what I am going to do with it. Preferably a braid out but putting it a puff is my back up plan!

isawstars I haven't tried Wen, but the only negative comment I have heard about the line is the price. It seems like everyone loves it for their hair! I hope you had a good time at the party.:yep:


Are we going to get to see some photos from Zombie Prom and Baby boy Batman? I would really like if I could get a tiny peak pretty please.....


I really wish I could get my bun to look like hers:


It's so big and round! I guess I have to keep playing with my hair and try another method.

Oh, and my little darling Amandla Stenberg took this photo and I thought she looked sooooooo cute and sweet! Her bun looks really nice, too.


Sorry, I'm rambling now. I must be more tired than I thought. :spinning:
NappyNelle is that Rue?? Love her hair! My hair will only do that if I flat iron lol. So me, yesterday I went out with a friend to a bar and had a blast. Saw a cutie and danced some salsa (used my Zumba moves NikkiQ) lol I'm sure I looked awkward. But the rest of the wknd up til wednesday will consist of work. Where I am now. :drunk: Someone's gotta make the money right?
-PYT Yesssss it's my Rue boo! I love her. I just want my bun to look chic, but not too tight! Finding that balance is hard for me.
So I took out my twists last night and put my hair in a puff... I used miss Jessie's baby butter cream and I cannot believe how soft it made my hair! I got free samples from her website. I am gonna use my sample of curly pudding when I put in twists tomorrow. I don't like the ingredients but it is more moisturizing than the cremes I purchased from Darcy's botanicals.

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isawstars That's great! I've always wanted to try Miss Jessie's stuff, but I'm afraid I will get hooked on a cream that costs $50!

PYT I went grocery/hair stuff shopping with my daughter yesterday. I also brought her to a fall festival. Today I just focused on my hair. :grin: Sounds like you had a good time...I definitely need to get out more!

NappyNelle I can only dream of a bun that big. :ohwell:

As for my hair, I used Aphogee 2 minute today for the first time. It didn't seem to make my hair dry/stringy like the Creme of Nature, so I think I will incorporate it every couple weeks. I needed a protein boost because my hair seemed like it was breaking although it was moist enough imo. I tested a shed hair and it did stretch quite a bit. None of my products contain protein, so I figured I'd give it a try. I also got ORS Replenishing Pak, but I will try that one out in a couple weeks. I also dusted my ends.

I'm probably just going to twist my hair and pin it up in and updo of some sort again. I may keep this set in for two weeks because I don't really feel like messing with my hair this week. I will still moisturize and seal throughout. We'll see.
Ok ladies. I got my hair rebraided today. Finally! Lolzyz... Just straight back cornrows as I usually do.


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Kimeshajohnson. Very pretty. Just curious, how long are you keeping them in?

Hey Froreal3. You and I are hitting APL this year huh? Sounds like you're having a fun weekend. I'm probably going to do a protein treatment next week. My hair is porous and that is the one treatment that has made a difference in the journey.

Thanks for the dream bun snaps NappyNelle. Rue broke my heart in Hunger Games.

isawstars has got me putting the SM purification masque on my 'wishlist'

Fhrizzball did you do the HOT? Hey it just occured to me, this word is a true acronym. :yep:

Leslie_C. This is late but...LOL. You caught me being brand new with the 'snaps'. I'm over here acting like I'm from England. I hope Froreal3 agrees 'organical' parts are definitely crooked.

Side note: I'm a little under the weather :sick2:. My ear is so sore. I hope everyone is doing ok.
I rebraided braids in the back of my head and started moving up the sides. I had to stop myself because I would have messed around and rebraided my whole head :lol:. I am going to just take them down this coming weekend. I'm going to do another set with smaller braids. Before I do that, I'll do a DC & a PT then give my hair a few days to rest.
isawstars That's great! I've always wanted to try Miss Jessie's stuff, but I'm afraid I will get hooked on a cream that costs $50!

Froreal3 Yeah, that's why I've been putting it off for so long. Since she has samples with free shipping I figured I'd try it just to find out it's awful.... unfortunately my hair likes it! haha. I am going to wait til there is a halloween or black friday sale... then I will purchase.
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So I just ordered a couple of Bandibands and I do quite love them. They even sent me two coupons along with so I'm roped with them for the long haul. This week I'm starting the Couch to 5k thing so I hope I last. I always start but also always end up stopping for one thing or another so I bought a couple workout pants and the Bondibands to keep me a bit more motivated. I fluffed out my twistout today but it didn't look decent enough to wear down so I bunned it today even though I didn't go anywhere.

I will but be wearing it in various buns for the week. I just hope my hair won't get too stank as the week goes on.

It's been a hot minute since I've been a gym bunny.


Lol yea that's true. I'm probably not going to do that until next wash which may be either Friday/Saturday. You'll be the first to know the outcome of that though!
Are there any PS practices that you want to improve? Something you know you should be doing but you keep putting it off?

For me it's moisturizing/oiling my ends. I don't know why but I am always lazy when it comes to that and after reading an article about the importance of it... I am going to try harder to make it a habit. it's just with 20+ twists... it seems to be a pain. It seems like a lot of you have made that habit... I need to stop slacking!
Are there any PS practices that you want to improve? Something you know you should be doing but you keep putting it off?

For me it's moisturizing/oiling my ends. I don't know why but I am always lazy when it comes to that and after reading an article about the importance of it... I am going to try harder to make it a habit. it's just with 20+ twists... it seems to be a pain. It seems like a lot of you have made that habit... I need to stop slacking!

isawstars I started doing it the lazy way; I'd spritz my twists and add an oil or butter to the ends in about six sections, and it seems to work well for me! I wouldn't even try undoing, moisturizing, then sealing twenty individual twists. "Ain't nobody got time for alla dat!" :lol:

I want to deep condition more often. I wish I could wash and condition my hair while its mini twisted, but it's just not good for the long term. This is one thing I like about wearing loose hair buns; I can co-wash or DC if I want to!
I know I am 14 days late into this challenge but I would love to join. This will be my first challenge since my APL challenge doesn't start until Dec 31st.

1. What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning)? I will be wearing buns
2. What is your style maintenance regimen? Moisturize and seal nightly. I will be taking my bun down and then moisturizing, sealing, and braiding it up at night. I think I will also alternate with wearing my hair in a high bun and put vasaline on my ends for a week as well.
3. Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning? Relaxed
4. What do you hope to achieve from the challenge? Length and stronger ends. I hopefully will be able to deminish the amount of split ends I get by not letting my hair hang and ends exposed as much.
5. After wearing your hair out will you restyle after [Pick One] 2 days or 3 days? I will restyle in two days I plan on wearing my hair up in a bun Monday thru Friday and out on the weekends.
6. Include Starting Pic. My pic will be in a separate post with my cell phone. It's me wearing a braidout at work.
Hello ladies... I know i've been MIA.....

Tagging some buddies @NappyNelle @faithVA @Nonie @Mische @againstallodds

You ladies know, I am quite pregnant... 30 weeks.... Moved, started a PhD program... life has been moving so fast.. sorry ive not reached out, but Ive been lurking :) Pregnancy has been okay so far... first trimester was rough, extreme constipation.. and we had a scare last week when I started to bleed... spent the night @ the hospital... Thankfully, the baby (boy) is doing great, and still inside my body... please pray for me to keep him (and do well in school) till the end of the semester.

About my hair... bad news... last stylist who relaxed me over processed me... How??

So during my virgin relaxer - Ended up with textured hair + bone straight ends.
2nd relaxer = (she only touched new growth) bone straight roots + textured middle + bone straight ends...

3rd and worst relaxer experience (new stylist) = in addition to handling hair very roughly, decided to fix some of the textured part of my hair... and pulled the relaxer over my previously bone straight roots to the middle..... Well, she straightened some of the textured parts, but the previously bone straight roots are overprocessed and really breaking off...

My hair doesnt look bad at all... not too obvious to the outside eye, but the breakage is really happening especially @ the back... not sure what to do.... I may be able to keep it in check with low mani, and moisture.... but it may eventually cut it off (still staying relaxed though - enjoying the ease of styling)... One inch from BSL now.. if the breakage remains like this, I'll cut it down to APL.. and remain at APL until I trim it all away...

Im going to start self-relaxing.. stylists are just not for me...

@againstallodds I need some motivation to self relax... may have to do the half/half... but still unsure of how to keep the other half dry while rinsing/neutralizing the first half.... How do you do it?

@faithVA how is your hair doing? I know you BC'd a while ago... loving it?

@NappyNelle how is your hair and health?

@Mische the new job?

@Nonie How you holding up?

mwedzi How was the wedding??? Congrats!!!

In the meantime, Im keeping it low maintenance with cornrows, washing and DC'ing weekly etc.... Products are still the same ...

Y'all feel fee to PM me .. I'd really like to know how you are doing etc

To the rest of the ladies in here... helloo.... im still in this... just in lurk mode... heheh
Alright, this is my last post for the night. Since this is my first challenge I hope I did everything the way I am supposed to. I have a pic on top that I took at work last Thursday of my hair when I wear a braid out. I will post a pic tomorrow of my bun that I decide to wear for the first week of the challenge. Please let me know if I am missing anything. I am so excited to start this challenge I am very anxious to see what my ends will look like at the end of the challenge. I wonder if I will get less split ends than I do just wearing daily braid outs. Alright so tonight my hair is in four big braids and have been since yesterday. I will let them loose tomorrow and throw it up into a cute bun. I am about to put some oil on them though before I go to sleep. Alright, GN ladies
Week 2 of my mini twists. Moisturized/sealed with Oyin Whipped Pudding and made 2 flat twists. They're holding up well!
judy4all, wow, you've been busy and sensibly so! Glad you're doing well w/r/t prepping for motherhood. :)

How am I holding up? Girl, Nonie's been in meh mode for over 5 months now. Haven't felt like doing ish with my hair. Still on a no-product regimen but not even baggying, except for when someone mentions me in a hair discussion and then I feel guilty for being such a loser and then I might baggy. I am still in twists but I keep 'em hidden under headwraps coz I don't feel like doing ish to my hair. The only thing I've stayed on top of is dusting every 8 weeks because my phone reminds me. And no, I'm not busier than normal and I'm not depressed and I've not been ill. Just have not felt like being bothered. Laziness just comes naturally to me. :ohwell:
Hey ladies :)

I redid my twists today after two weeks...wish I could go longer but I think 2 is my max.



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Hi Growingmyhairlong. Thanks for joining us. You’re in. :welcome2:

isawstars. What a great question. I’m going to say ends. You and NappyNelle had a nice discussion on moisturizing. Thanks for the reminder. This can’t be said enough.

judy4all. Glad to meet you.:hiya2: It’s good to hear that you and the baby are doing well. Baby move and school...those are some big changes.

IMFOCSD. I saw your snaps and I'm like this....:drool:.

Nonie, Yoinks, I've pulled you into a couple of discussions. You KNOW you're not a a loose to me.
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MeowMix said:
Hi Growingmyhairlong. Thanks for joining us. You’re in. :welcome2:

isawstars. What a great question. I’m going to say ends. You and NappyNelle had a nice discussion on moisturizing. Thanks for the reminder. This can’t be said enough.

judy4all. Glad to meet you.:hiya2: It’s good to hear that you and the baby are doing well. Baby move and school...those are some big changes.

IMFOCSD. I saw your snaps and I'm like this....:drool:.

Nonie, Yoinks, I've pulled you into a couple of discussions. You KNOW you're not a a loose to me.

Thank you! :) MeowMix

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