Twist/Braid/Bun for Growth Challenge (10/1/2012 -12/31/2012)

MeowMix that is too cute. When my hair let longer consider it stolen :reddancer:

I did an updo with half twist half bantu, and the bantu side had more moisture. So I bantu knotted this set of twist, it made a great set of curled twist but the man in my life has the pictures. My hair is in a mask right now.

Going to see if bantu knots can redu SSk?
Hi everybody,

I got inspired by the parting video. After a while I was like 'Meow, just :stop:'. I plan to keep this in for 1 1/2 weeks. I'm starting to wonder if I'm jacking up my ends by styling so often.

I hope we are moisturizing, the weather is getting :cold:



Your parts look good! I don't detect any organicism. :lol:
I'm going to be re-twisting soon. Hopefully I'll have time this weekend. I really need to get back on the wagon. I did see some progress with the last challenge.
MeowMix I see you over there getting fancy! Looks really good and your hair looks baby soft! Now somebody define organic in the context of parting straight or crooked for me lol.

Ok heres a couple of "snaps" as MeowMix calls them of my do for the next week or two.:grin: I have this sick temptation to cut my twists all the way around my head off where the natural hair meets the relaxed ends lol...

The angel on my shoulder says "she aint ready"...the devil on the other shoulder says "do it...DOITDOITDOIT..." LOL. Thank goodness Ive misplaced my hair scissors bc that thought has being going through my head since my wash day a couple of days ago. I have to at least make it to the 1 year mark which will be February 5!


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@MeowMix I see you over there getting fancy! Looks really good and your hair looks baby soft! Now somebody define organic in the context of parting straight or crooked for me lol.

Ok heres a couple of "snaps" as @MeowMix calls them of my do for the next week or two.:grin: I have this sick temptation to cut my twists all the way around my head off where the natural hair meets the relaxed ends lol...

The angel on my shoulder says "she aint ready"...the devil on the other shoulder says "do it...DOITDOITDOIT..." LOL. Thank goodness Ive misplaced my hair scissors bc that thought has being going through my head since my wash day a couple of days ago. I have to at least make it to the 1 year mark which will be February 5!

Leslie_C The voice only gets louder. :look:
MeowMix I see you over there getting fancy! Looks really good and your hair looks baby soft! Now somebody define organic in the context of parting straight or crooked for me lol.

Ok heres a couple of "snaps" as MeowMix calls them of my do for the next week or two.:grin: I have this sick temptation to cut my twists all the way around my head off where the natural hair meets the relaxed ends lol...

The angel on my shoulder says "she aint ready"...the devil on the other shoulder says "do it...DOITDOITDOIT..." LOL. Thank goodness Ive misplaced my hair scissors bc that thought has being going through my head since my wash day a couple of days ago. I have to at least make it to the 1 year mark which will be February 5!

Leslie_C tonight that angel moved those scissors. :yep: Whatever time you decide to do it will be the right time.
Awww MeowMix and Leslie_C You too look great! No organical parts :lol:

I have not been pampering my hair like I thought I was... this change of weather came too quickly and I didn't up my moisturizing and sealing adequately for loose hair styling. I used QB AOHC on spritzed hair and hopefully my hair will feel back to buttery soft for tomorrow. Let's see if I can do a cute high bun tomorrow and Saturday, then do my full routine and twist.

Actually, I wore an ugly banana clip bun to yoga tonight and my hair looked 'big' for the first time. :grin: My poor ends though; they needed some lubrication badly.
Mini braids were out yesterday, cowashed and LOC'd today, and mini braids will go back in on Sunday. I'm currently stretching in chunky rope twists.
i'll probs put some twists in my hair and wear those for a week (or "the work week")

i took my braids out last night and did a condition wash.

gonna use my shea moisture purification masque this weekend and then some quick twists that i'll probably pin up in some way.
Ugh my scalp is already feeling dirty. Stupid exercise! I'm gonna try just spraying my scalp with acv and rinsing.
Washed my braids last night w/black soap rinse. I have at least another week in them before I take them down. The roots are getting loose and puffy. Wondering if I should do twists a couple weeks then mini braids again, or just put in another set of mini braids after I remove these.
@NikkiQ. I don't see any frizz. Is your hair loose? You rebrading?

You don't see how frizzy everything is?? Hmm maybe you can't tell in pictures but I look like I got in a fight with static electricity. I plan on washing this weekend and redoing them, but smaller.
Well, I washed out my flat iron and I am back to bunning. I DC'd and cowashed today and plaited my hair. I will take it down to bun tomorrow.
This is completely off topic but... NikkiQ Everytime I am on this forum I fly through these posts and threads so fast! But your siggie always slows me down. I take a 2nd look, every single time! :lol: I hope you don't change your signature for a while. :grin:
So, i filled a spray bottle with two tbsp of acv and some warm water and sprayed it on my scalp. Rubbed my scalp to loosen any dirt and rinsed and co washed real quick with some tresemme naturals. Patted on some olive oil and my twists are feeling fine :) what are your weekend plans, ladies? Hair or anything else!
This is completely off topic but... NikkiQ Everytime I am on this forum I fly through these posts and threads so fast! But your siggie always slows me down. I take a 2nd look, every single time! :lol: I hope you don't change your signature for a while. :grin:

:lachen: it's not going anywhere for a long time!

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So, i filled a spray bottle with two tbsp of acv and some warm water and sprayed it on my scalp. Rubbed my scalp to loosen any dirt and rinsed and co washed real quick with some tresemme naturals. Patted on some olive oil and my twists are feeling fine :) what are your weekend plans, ladies? Hair or anything else!

Redoing the braids after a good shampoo and long DC and then helping a friend make decorations for our Zombie Prom we're having next weekend :giggle:

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-PYT My scalp loves acv spritzing! :yep:
For me this weekend is partially school work, yoga, finishing a dress, making kimchi and maybe I'll make some more almond butter! :grin: I'm a sucker for it. Took care of wash and DC,etc today. I'm thinking after the mini braids I may just do simple styles that last a week at a time.

What about yourself, any plans?

NikkiQ Zombie prom sounds so awesome!!
I took down a section of hair in the back and rebraided. In the morning I will take dow another section in back and rebraid it too. My roots were very loose and needed to be touched up if I am going to go another 2 weeks. I will check other areas to see how they are doing.