This Thread Is For the Healing Hearts....

Goodness, I am sitting here about to cry as i have read all of the posts, I am so glad i found this thread tonight, I too am going through heartbreak, right now its too hard to even sit here and type about it, i just wanted to thank MzTami for starting this thread and Divine Inspiration and LynnieB for all the tips.
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awwww........Precious honey I'm soooooo sorry you're going through it. Whenever you are able to talk or let it out we will be here to listen and lend a shoulder to lean on. Hugs and pm me if you just wanna talk.
Precious_1 said:
Goodness, I am sitting here about to cry as i have read all of the posts, I am so glad i found this thread tonight, I too am going through heartbreak, right now its too hard to even sit here and type about it, i just wanted to thank MzTami for starting this thread and Divine Inspiration and LynnieB for all the tips.

:kiss: You're welcome, lady. Feel free to PM or vent here if you need to. As you can see, the ladies in this thread have been encouraging and uplifting. Feel better. :)
Precious_1 said:
Goodness, I am sitting here about to cry as i have read all of the posts, I am so glad i found this thread tonight, I too am going through heartbreak, right now its too hard to even sit here and type about it, i just wanted to thank MzTami for starting this thread and Divine Inspiration and LynnieB for all the tips.

I'm sorry that you're in pain but I'm glad you found this thread. It really is help me and I hope you can find some comfort in it. And when you're ready to talk, we're all here for you!!:rosebud:
Not broken up.....yet but i sense it will happen very soon. Ill be back then. LOL

*hugs to everyone*

We have to stay strong and im begging you. Y'all need to stop all contact with your exes as soon as the break up happens and no telling them how you feel or asking them how they feel cos its non of their business. It will just make you more depressed and them, happier. The thing is men bounce back from break ups faster than we do.
I know I'm in trouble because I've been avoiding replying to this thread and just now it took me a long time to even get my fingers on the keyboard.

Some days I'm strong and other times I just feel like crap. Some days I feel beautiful and worthy and others I feel ugly, unwanted, etc. Ugghh! Dammit now I'm crying and I HATE IT! It's harder for me because this is the father of my child. I was with him for 10 years and finally released him from my life August 2005 and I'm still in pain. I don't want him back at all. I feel nothing for him, but I grieve for the time I lost because of him, the blinders that I had on for the majority of the relationship, the hurt he has caused my baby, , and the self doubt that he caused me to have. I wished I would have listened to my mom back then but I am thankful to God that I woke up before I married him. The man proposed to me in front of my whole family but when I found us an apartment all of a sudden he kept making excuses of why he couldn't move in yet. This had happened in the past among other big ass warning signs that this man is just emotionally unavailable. I really believe that he does not possess the skills to be a MAN. Because we are not together, he can't seem to be a father to our child. I haven't received any money from him since'05 and we haven't heard or seen him since last August. Actually last summer, he was trying to be a constant in her life, which I have always welcomed and encouraged. He would come over practically everyday, he painted my whole apartment, and wanted to work on the relationship. Thank God this was a year after our breakup and I had time to analyze our "relationship" because if he did this soon after the breakup he would probably be living up in here with me now. However, I saw him for what he was. I figured whatever he had going on went sour and now he wanted me, the financially stable one, to take him back and provide a roof over his head. Otherwise why would it take him almost a year to try to work things out with me?

He digusts me. Now when I look back, all of the signs were there. I feel so stupid. My daughter has moments when she'll just burst out crying because she misses daddy or we pass by someplace we've been to before, or she's wondering why daddy didn't even send her a card for Christmas?:ohwell: I hurt because I picked this man to be her dad and all he does is hurt her. I secretly wish he stays away. The inconsistency just hurts her more. I kinda cut off his parents. We were never close just a hi/bye type of thing. Very sweet and welcoming peple.They senta card and a check for Christmas with a message to please call. It took me a week to muster up the courage to call and even then only my daughter spoke. I have yet to call her back as she requested. I haven't even deposited the check.

Most times I feel that I am meant to be alone for the rest tof my life and have come to terms with it. Other times I do want a husband. My family have been encouraging me to go out because I don't. They are ecstatic that I'm going out 2 times this week!:lol: Thanks for letting me share. I'm not crying anymore. I hope I don't come back and delete this.:sekret:
I won't quote you in case you do decide to delete it...

But I will say how proud I am of you. It takes a big person to do what you did, endure what you did, and say what you've said.

I admire your strength and resolve, and I wish the best to you and your daughter. The two of you deserve better, and as you will it, it shall be.

If you need to vent more, do it!! That's the specific purpose of this thread. None of us are here to judge or throw stones; instead, we'd like to comfort you and welcome you with open arms...and remind you that every cloud of doubt has silver lining.

These things really do get better with time. 10 years? Girl as far as I'm concerned that breakup is still FRESH and you have every right to still cry, be frustrated, moody, angry, resentful, whatever. Take your time to do what you need to do. Years from now when you reflect on this, you'll see how strong you truly are, and you'll be proud of yourself.

Hang in there girl! :kiss:
I need this thread. I need to talk. Finally realized the truth on my birthday... will elaborate when I'm strong enough. Two damn dudes; two damn wastes of time. This is gonna be hard...
Thanks Divine! I avoided coming back to this thread last night after I wrote it so I wouldn't fel tempted to delete. It does feel good to vent though.

MsDee (((HUGS))) It took me time to actually post here too so I feel you on that one. I'm sorry the birthday celebration didn't turn out as you had wished.
s_terry said:
Well, although this wasn't a"together" relationship, I feel like a dang fool for falling for the man I built him up to be. Smart, funny, successful albeit a short MF!!! Ladies on this one I can really say that I played myself. After not dating at all for the last couple of years (no sex, no kissing basically very limited male contact) I got caught up. I defined who he was by his outward appearance and accomplishments without first also checking the character. He was alllll I wanted in a man-except for being short ass hell- Yeah right!!!Since it was long distance slept with him too soon. I am too old for this crap!!:mad: Yep, no sooner I slept with him he flipped the skript!:eek: :( We SEEMED to connect on many levels. Now that I look back on it, it seems like he distanced as soon as we hit my home state. The connection we had in other communications was something different entirely once we met face to face again. I can now see his distancing even then. Another emotionally unavailable man. Now this I do need to work on. I know he liked me. What is there not to like?:lol: As he put it after our decent time spent " I said I needed space". What he actually said was that I had "trust issue" and he wasn't willing to deal with that having dealt with that in the past. He insisted I needed some therapy. HAHA All cause I checked his ass for eye screwing a chick on the dance floor. Of course he denied it and said I was hallucinating. He made this big production of it as if I damn near stabbed his ass-once he got home of course!! lol I will not be dis-respected and I must admit my feelings where hurt cause I was feeling him and this was the first clue that he wasn't trying to go there with me. What's funny is damn near every other man in the club was up in my grill and he had to be somewhere else.Of course I respectful and ignored everything but him. You would have thought he wasn't use to anything female. In any event, he went home and then went off. I don't think it was my ego when I say there was something there if only for the strong reaction he had when talking to me later. I think I scared the bejessus out of dude. He just wasn't ready for this prime time. I said cool and left him alone. Then he started calling every month. I accepted the calls and the conversations where surface as all get out. No mention of how ugly he got and how much contempt he showed while speaking with me. I asked him after a couple of these calls what was up, and the only thing I got was "I'm not calling you that much"! He wanted to shut it down and so I gave him that and he still wasn't happy. I know his excuse was bullshat because if he thought I was that crazy then why the hell you calling? As he put it he wanted to make sure that my actions wasn't a "fluke". I thanked him for the opportunity to "redeem" myself and that he was obviously not the man I thought he was. I made it clear that I am no fall back chick and at this point he needs to get at the end of the line. He can pull that crap on a chick that don't have options! I gots options. I guess that last e-mail let him know I ain't one to be played with. No response the coward. Good Riddance!!!

:eek: he sounds like someone I know......where is he from? Lawd
Ya'll I am soooo sorry for the pain that everyone is going through. I am so sorry. Please stay strong. *hugs*
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before becasue I haven't read through the whole thread yet but...

Think of the man that you have broken up with. Is he REALLY the man that you have/had been praying that God to send you? Does he have all the qualities of a man u would not mind submitting to? If not, it should make it a lot easier for u to move on. I know it helped me. I had to constantly remind myself of that when I began to get sad about the man that broke my heart.

p31woman said:
Think of the man that you have broken up with. Is he REALLY the man that you have/had been praying that God to send you? Does he have all the qualities of a man u would not mind submitting to? If not, it should make it a lot easier for u to move on. I know it helped me. I had to constantly remind myself of that when I began to get sad about the man that broke my heart.


That makes it worse for me because he is.:cry2:
I really need this thread.
isioma85 said:

That makes it worse for me because he is.:cry2:
I really need this thread.

Really? In that case, maybe this man isn't the man God has for you. I highly doubt God would give u someone who would make u fel this way. I know in my case, he was that man in like 5 or 10 years but at that present time, no, he wasn't. One thing my male friends have shown me about love is this, it's not complicated. If a man wants u, he is coming for u and he doesn't care what he has to go through to get you. Men have no problem fining rides to the game or saving to buy tennis shoes or video games.

All you can do is thank God that He cleared the way for the man He really intends for your life to come along. And just good as the love you two shared was, it will be a billion times better and stronger when it's with the man God has meant for you.

The book below was a great help to me when I was going through. I would encourage everyone to read it.


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Very long..sorry....

My story is so ridiculous that I cannot believe it happened to me.

I married my first love in Oct 2004. We started dating when I was 26 (1997). I met him at a college type night club.I thought he was cute and had a really nice smile. He was on break from a christian college in north texas. He acted really nervous talking to me and I thought that was cute as well. He ended up being my first everything, first boyfriend, first love, etc.

Fast forward, we get engaged in Feb of 2004.For the duration of the time I knew him after he graduated college, he worked as a teacher and coach and really seemed to enjoy it. Well 4 months after we got engaged he said he wasn't going to renew his teaching contract and was going to try to start his own business. I had some concerns about how we were going to pay for things, but he said that he had it covered b/c he was expecting a $70k settlement from an accident he had the year before. When the settlement came in, it was around 6k. Mistake #1 - Proceeding with the marriage plans anyway.

Fast forward we get married, go on honeymoon and come home. After about 2 months, I start addressing the fact that bills are coming in. He keeps saying he is getting this and that contract with the local school district for his business (educational mentoring of at risk youth) and to calm down.

Things snowball, he is still not working 6 months later and we are feeling the strain. He gets a job..quits b/c it is "beneath him". I get mad, he yells. Bill collectors start calling. I get depressed, he gets angry at me for being depressed. Things escalate from yelling, to him punching the wall, breaking things, etc out of frustration. He gets depressed. He threatens suicide 4 times, with me pulling a gun out of his hands in the middle of the night three times.

I get him a job..he quits again. I get depressed...the cycle continues until he puts his hands on me for being sad. I was in shock. I knew this man for 6 years and he had never even yelled at me before..ever. I moved out twice and came back. mistake #2.

I get pregnant accidentally in June 2005 (on pill and charting ovulation). I get frantic b/c we have no money. We started pawning things to live (two college educated people, me with an MBA). I keep all this a secret from my family out of embarrasment and disbelief. The last straw was when he knocked me down to the ground while 7 months pregnant. I left for good December 2005.

During this time I am staying with family. He stayed in our apartment but had no job so by the end of the first month he moves out. Believe it or not, during this time we were trying to go to counseling. I still wanted my marriage to work. We had agreed that he would go to anger management and we would be seperated for a year while he did and then see what happens.

Turns out my husband had been using drugs and I didn't know it. I remember seeing evidence of weed laying around the house and I confronted him on it, but he never stopped and added more to it.

Well all this time, he still insisted that he was getting this big contract and it would happen in June. He was working on an event promoting area high school football players and got hooked up with a sports marketing firm to get the word out. When the date came, only 5 people had signed up and he was expecting more than 500.

He pretty much snapped from there and in a drugged out rage assaulted his business partners. He has been in jail since July 2006 and is facing 3-8 years for aggrevated assault with a deadly weapon.

He sends me all these remorseful letters saying how much he messed up and how sorry he is and that he wants a family for his little girl..and I actually believe him..but our marriage is over.

His mom told me he always had a 6 years I never saw it..ever. She also said she has wondered if he was bipolar. I never knew that either. If I had I would have never, ever married him.

I never wanted to be a single mother. I had a two parent household and wanted the same for my children, but I am doing fine. I just wanted so much more for my daughter.
MzLady78 said:
That's for sure! This one guy that send me a message used his driver's license picture in his profile. WTH???

this guy keeps emailing me he is 58 older than both of my parents grandpa we have nothing in common
kinchen said:
this guy keeps emailing me he is 58 older than both of my parents grandpa we have nothing in common

Yeah, I had a few of those myself. You can set your profile so that only a certain age group sees it. That got rid of the grandpa types for me.
@ Sunnydaze,

Wow, I'm sorry you had to go through all that drama. I can sympathize with a lot of your story. When I decided to move to AZ with my ex, he told me $6000 to work with in addition to the almost $10000 I had. We got out there and it turns out he had NOTHING!!! But I didn't know he didn't have any money, he was using my credit card that I added him to buy the things he/we needed.

Financial strain is a mutha. We got along great until we made that move and started stressing over money. We started fighting all the time, he would call me a stupid bytch during these fights. I would respond the way I'd response to someone on the street, I would physically go after him. He never hit me, he just restrained me but it was definitely uncharted territory for me. I'd never been called out my name like that by anybody and I'd never physically attacked anyone in my life. But I always chalked up to the stress, and that was my mistake. He clearly didn't respect me, something that I'm seeing more and more now that we're not together.

I'm glad that you're doing okay, though. Believe me, at this point you're better off being a single mother. Homebody had some issues that you and and your daughter don't need to be involved in.
buttaflye03 said:
I know I'm in trouble because I've been avoiding replying to this thread and just now it took me a long time to even get my fingers on the keyboard.

Some days I'm strong and other times I just feel like crap. Some days I feel beautiful and worthy and others I feel ugly, unwanted, etc. Ugghh! Dammit now I'm crying and I HATE IT! It's harder for me because this is the father of my child. I was with him for 10 years and finally released him from my life August 2005 and I'm still in pain. I don't want him back at all. I feel nothing for him, but I grieve for the time I lost because of him, the blinders that I had on for the majority of the relationship, the hurt he has caused my baby, , and the self doubt that he caused me to have. I wished I would have listened to my mom back then but I am thankful to God that I woke up before I married him. The man proposed to me in front of my whole family but when I found us an apartment all of a sudden he kept making excuses of why he couldn't move in yet. This had happened in the past among other big ass warning signs that this man is just emotionally unavailable. I really believe that he does not possess the skills to be a MAN. Because we are not together, he can't seem to be a father to our child. I haven't received any money from him since'05 and we haven't heard or seen him since last August. Actually last summer, he was trying to be a constant in her life, which I have always welcomed and encouraged. He would come over practically everyday, he painted my whole apartment, and wanted to work on the relationship. Thank God this was a year after our breakup and I had time to analyze our "relationship" because if he did this soon after the breakup he would probably be living up in here with me now. However, I saw him for what he was. I figured whatever he had going on went sour and now he wanted me, the financially stable one, to take him back and provide a roof over his head. Otherwise why would it take him almost a year to try to work things out with me?

He digusts me. Now when I look back, all of the signs were there. I feel so stupid. My daughter has moments when she'll just burst out crying because she misses daddy or we pass by someplace we've been to before, or she's wondering why daddy didn't even send her a card for Christmas?:ohwell: I hurt because I picked this man to be her dad and all he does is hurt her. I secretly wish he stays away. The inconsistency just hurts her more. I kinda cut off his parents. We were never close just a hi/bye type of thing. Very sweet and welcoming peple.They senta card and a check for Christmas with a message to please call. It took me a week to muster up the courage to call and even then only my daughter spoke. I have yet to call her back as she requested. I haven't even deposited the check.

Most times I feel that I am meant to be alone for the rest tof my life and have come to terms with it. Other times I do want a husband. My family have been encouraging me to go out because I don't. They are ecstatic that I'm going out 2 times this week!:lol: Thanks for letting me share. I'm not crying anymore. I hope I don't come back and delete this.:sekret:
Butterfly03 we are so >< on this! You are not alone. My mom told me that my daughters father was no good for me but I didn't listen. What really hurts is that she was right and I hate the day I argued with her about this fool. My mom passed in 2004, so you can imagine the tears I have cried over this. My daughter is 7 and her dad did not even call her for Christmas! If he and I aren't on good terms what does that have to do with her? I too was the one financially stable but I think he was jealous instead of being supportive. He always had a hard time keeping a job and all of his downfalls were because of others(in his mind). I grieve over the time lost, the pain that he took me thru and how stupid I was to ignore the signs but I can say that I have learned my lesson. Looking back on all that we went thru I don't even know what I truly saw in him???
But life goes on. I have a daughter that needs me and I thank God that I am financially secure to take care of us. It's his loss not mine. I have a precious gift that he helped to create and I simply adore my gift. I love her giggle and hugs! :) I don't want to be alone for the rest of my life and I truly believe that God moved my daughter's father out of the way so I can receive the man that I deserve.

Thanks Mz. Tami for this thread. I didn't know that I had these feelings all bottled up in me until I began to type. ;)
buttaflye03 said:
Thanks Divine! I avoided coming back to this thread last night after I wrote it so I wouldn't fel tempted to delete. It does feel good to vent though.

MsDee (((HUGS))) It took me time to actually post here too so I feel you on that one. I'm sorry the birthday celebration didn't turn out as you had wished.

Hey Butta, I'm glad you didn't delete your post, and I definitely understand why you were apprehensive about posting. But as Divine said, no one here to pass judgement. Everyone has been hurt at some point in their lives and made wrong choices. I think that this thread has been really helpful on so many levels. In talking about my situation, I'm seeing things that I think will help me move on sooner than I initially thought.
Sunnydaze, WOW!!! You are S-T-R-O-N-G!! :clap: I'm applauding you for leaving and being strong enough to move on...and for wanting more your daughter. You'd be surprised how many women stay with men they *know* are no good regardless of the effect it has on their children.

Thanks guys..

I am mad at myself for staying as long as I did..the first time should have been the last. I can remember being single and saying "the first time a man puts his hands on me I'm out".

I think I grieve for the marriage moreso than him. Its like he is dead to me even though he is alive. I grieve for the fact that we never had one leg to stand on in the was a disaster from month two.

Butta...our situations are not exactly the same, but I think I kinda know what you are going through so if you ever want to talk or me.
Natasha2005 said:
Butterfly03 we are so >< on this! You are not alone. My mom told me that my daughters father was no good for me but I didn't listen. What really hurts is that she was right and I hate the day I argued with her about this fool. My mom passed in 2004, so you can imagine the tears I have cried over this. My daughter is 7 and her dad did not even call her for Christmas! If he and I aren't on good terms what does that have to do with her? I too was the one financially stable but I think he was jealous instead of being supportive. He always had a hard time keeping a job and all of his downfalls were because of others(in his mind). I grieve over the time lost, the pain that he took me thru and how stupid I was to ignore the signs but I can say that I have learned my lesson. Looking back on all that we went thru I don't even know what I truly saw in him???
But life goes on. I have a daughter that needs me and I thank God that I am financially secure to take care of us. It's his loss not mine. I have a precious gift that he helped to create and I simply adore my gift. I love her giggle and hugs! :) I don't want to be alone for the rest of my life and I truly believe that God moved my daughter's father out of the way so I can receive the man that I deserve.

Thanks Mz. Tami for this thread. I didn't know that I had these feelings all bottled up in me until I began to type. ;)

Wow Natasha! I think we each wrote each other's story. If you lived up here I would have sworn it was the same man!:lol: Now I'm really happy that I responded and that you did too.:)

I know that once I finished school and started working as an RN, things really started going downhill. I know that's one of the main reasons he doesn't support her because he knows I make $$ and feels that "oh well, she got it", the ass. Yeah well, I'll see you in court because I don't care if it's $25 you will remember you have a child everytime you see your paycheck.

I'm sorry about your mom but I'm sure that her spirit is VERY happy that you have finally gotten rid of him. I don't know when you broke up with him but maybe your mom used some divine intervention to open your eyes.When you are feeling down and weak, talk to her to help see you through.

Please feel free to pm me if you need to talk. My daughter is 7 also.
p31woman said:
One thing my male friends have shown me about love is this, it's not complicated. If a man wants u, he is coming for u and he doesn't care what he has to go through to get you. Men have no problem fining rides to the game or saving to buy tennis shoes or video games.

All you can do is thank God that He cleared the way for the man He really intends for your life to come along. And just good as the love you two shared was, it will be a billion times better and stronger when it's with the man God has meant for you.

The book below was a great help to me when I was going through. I would encourage everyone to read it.

The bolded part is so true. Towards the end of the relationship I kept thinking this and even told him that if he loved me it shouldn't be this hard. I was so tired of fighting for a relationship that was dead so long ago. I realized that I was the only one who was unhappy, dissatisfied, and trying to make it work. Why? It should not be that hard. You love me, want to build a life with me? Okay, so just do it.

I'm definitely going to pick that book up. Thank you.
sunnydaze said:
He pretty much snapped from there and in a drugged out rage assaulted his business partners. He has been in jail since July 2006 and is facing 3-8 years for aggrevated assault with a deadly weapon.

He sends me all these remorseful letters saying how much he messed up and how sorry he is and that he wants a family for his little girl..and I actually believe him..but our marriage is over.

His mom told me he always had a 6 years I never saw it..ever. She also said she has wondered if he was bipolar. I never knew that either. If I had I would have never, ever married him.

I never wanted to be a single mother. I had a two parent household and wanted the same for my children, but I am doing fine. I just wanted so much more for my daughter.

yeah, my sentiments exactly *sigh*

Thank you for sharing yourstory. That is so scary. It could be any one of us. In 6 years you thought you knew this man and it turns out he is someone completely different. You definitely don't need that around your baby girl. (((HUGS)))
Natasha2005 said:
Butterfly03 we are so >< on this! You are not alone. My mom told me that my daughters father was no good for me but I didn't listen. What really hurts is that she was right and I hate the day I argued with her about this fool. My mom passed in 2004, so you can imagine the tears I have cried over this. My daughter is 7 and her dad did not even call her for Christmas! If he and I aren't on good terms what does that have to do with her? I too was the one financially stable but I think he was jealous instead of being supportive. He always had a hard time keeping a job and all of his downfalls were because of others(in his mind). I grieve over the time lost, the pain that he took me thru and how stupid I was to ignore the signs but I can say that I have learned my lesson. Looking back on all that we went thru I don't even know what I truly saw in him???
But life goes on. I have a daughter that needs me and I thank God that I am financially secure to take care of us. It's his loss not mine. I have a precious gift that he helped to create and I simply adore my gift. I love her giggle and hugs! :) I don't want to be alone for the rest of my life and I truly believe that God moved my daughter's father out of the way so I can receive the man that I deserve.

Thanks Mz. Tami for this thread. I didn't know that I had these feelings all bottled up in me until I began to type. ;)
You are welcome. Thank you for sharing your story. (((HUGS)))

buttaflye03..Thank you for sharing and giving support. I'm glad that you posted. You just don't know how many women you have touched.((HUGS))

sunnydaze...Your story sounds exactly like my first marriage. Like you said, the failed marriage hurt more. I had already detached myself emotionally.
Good Luck to you. ((HUGS)))

SimpleDiva..Thank you for sharing and giving your wonderful support.(((HUGS)))

Isioma85... I know it hurts but give it time, you'll be fine. Keep your head up. (((HUGS)))

Thanks to Divine, MzLady78, Bunny77, Mizani Mrs, S_terry, Kinchen, Simple Diva, LynnieB, and all the other ladies for sharing and giving support.(((HUGS))

mysweet...I will update foki @ my one year BC.