This Thread Is For the Healing Hearts....

I am really trying to heal my heart but now he will not stop calling me :wallbash:. When I wanted him to call he wouldn't. I am just ready to heal already and stop this mess. It is too late for us. He does this everytime I leave him and then we are right back together but not this time. He is going to have to accept the fact it is over. Venting is making me feel a lot better.
I know some things that can be done such as get rid of anything that you have that outwardly reminds you of him.

Don't try but DO keep yourself as busy as possible every second of the day.
Don't listen to any love songs.
Let time do it's thing.:blush:
I am really trying to heal my heart but now he will not stop calling me :wallbash:. When I wanted him to call he wouldn't. I am just ready to heal already and stop this mess. It is too late for us. He does this everytime I leave him and then we are right back together but not this time. He is going to have to accept the fact it is over. Venting is making me feel a lot better.

Change your phone number. I told one friend to do this and she did and it worked for her.
Daily I would come into this thread and read the post by Divine Inspiration. Yesterday, I had an awakening moment. I work 14 hour days and barely have the energy to do much else. I am so tired of trying to make my relationship work. I cried all the way home. Once I got into my garage, I turned the car off and just sat there and cried until I fell asleep. I feel so disconnected. I am doubting myself as a women. My SO keeps telling me that things will get better but his actions are not showing me that as truth. He has a lot on his plate and travels weekly with his company. His 16 y/o child just had surgery and he feels as if his time off from work should be with his child. I can respect that. I just feel in my gut that his ex wife is trying to win him back ( they have been divorced for over 10 years). She cheated on him that's why he left her. She has fallen on hard times and he is constantly helping her out. We got into a huge argument over him bending over backwards for her. He keeps telling me that it is for his child. He always say if the ex wife struggles, his child struggles and he don't want his child to go without. Am I being selfish?

I have a child also from a previous relationship and b/c of the stress that I am having with my SO, I have become easily angered, irritated, out right mean and emotionally unsupportive to my child. I feel so guilty about that. I am so stressed out that I am losing my focus at work and at home. I think I should end things with my SO, but I am struggling with the idea of starting over with a new man. I think I need some time alone to rebuild my relationship with my child and myself.

I believe this was the post I was referring to...
After all he put u through good riddens!
Where was this thread 2 years ago? I wish I had known it existed when I was going through my divorce. I never shared this with the forum but the day my ex made it clear he wanted a divorce was AFTER I came home from just having a miscarriage. He even suggested that he did not know how I got pregnant as he had not ejaculated inside of me for the last 4 months we were intimate. I was so broken from him leaving, I never got a chance to mourn over our lost child.

2 years later, I am stronger, healthier and happier. I will never stop loving him, as I see it sort of impossible to unlove but I am forever grateful he left. It made me ashamed. Like whose husband leaves? Usually it's the other way around. But I realized he always saw me as tarnished and he basically pretended to forgive me just to have the last laugh. Joke's on him. He got off the winner's train.

I saw him a month or so ago. I thought he was alone and like a fool, I honked at him to say hello. He dodged me. I didn't realize his girlfriend was in the car. I realized then and there, he will forever be immature, no matter what he tells himself and others. I am currently with an amazing man (I am learning his Taurus ways, LOL) and to those of you that are in dealing with heartbreak now, it DOES and WILL get better. Don't run from the pain/emotions. But do RUN as fast as you can from those giving you a timeline on how to feel and those that want to give you updates on your ex. Do what it takes for YOU to feel better.

Life is beautiful because you are in it. Your worth is not determined by a man that tossed a beautiful, black diamond for a janky rock/stone. And sometimes even if the breakup was mutual or of your choice, one monkey don't stop the show.
