The Official Sexy and Single Thread

Sunshine I totally understand girl. ((Hug)) glad you didn't do anything crazy.

well on my situation I think I've found myself a decent guy to just chill with. I've known him for going on 4 yrs he knows me in an out and at my worst lol. We aren't really looking for a relationship with each other but we sure can provide the "relationship" like qualities :lachen:

we go out, talk, and "exercise" together, etc. the exercise didn't start till recently and I didn't give it much thought, but in my down time he gives me what I'm looking for.

To many that might be wrong but whatever, it's an understanding between us too. It's not a Fb situation since we go out and hang out like couples just something else that's missing to make it into such. Maybe one day we will have that something between us two, maybe not.
i know how you feel. i feel the same way.. i am 23 no real relationship ever.. a few things in sights but not really anything to hoop and holler over....
My roommate and I went to Target on Saturday, and a gentleman stopped and talked to us (mainly me) in the parking lot. We exchanged numbers and have conversed through texting and phone convos.......

We'll see where this leads......
OK. I'm back with my story. I'm single and I need support, lol. My birthday is creeping up and I'm inching deeper and deeper into my late 20s with no man in sight. I might be happy being single if I were dating, but I live in the middle of nowhere land (for grad school) and I don't even remember the last time a man has even looked at me with some interest. Well, I'm lying. It was about 6 months ago and dude was let go because he was in an "open relationship." I guess I was supposed to be the piece on the side. :ohwell:

I haven't met anyone I've been interested in dating for, oh, about 5 years now. That is, if you don't count my ex, who is as unsettled and untogether as the day is long. I love him to death, love spending time with him, talk to him frequently, and love going out for long drives:look:, but we just aren't on the same page. :ohwell: He used to be the "maintenance man," auditioning for an upgrade to permanent chaffeur. He would get me through those long months (and he was a long distance maintenance man at that!), but it's been 1-1/2 years since we've gone on a drive, and I'm getting restless.

Tonight's a bad night for me. I'm feeling extra undesirable and unloved. *sigh* I'm about to go hitchhiking in a minute, but ya'll ain't hear that from me. I know I shouldn't which is why I've held out for so long, but my patience is wearing thin. I just wish I had someone here to hold me and love me. I'm sorry, this is the white zinfandel talking. It will be better in the morning. Although I still think I'm past due for a tuneup. I'm telling too much of my business so I'm going to stop now.

Giiiirllll, I can so relate, especially to the bolded right now.


This dude asked me today if I was single and I said no.

I have no idea why I said that. I barely even looked at the dude. :wallbash:
Okay soooo, I took a year off from school and during that year I was semi lonely, but happy because I got great work experience and this year I transferred to a school that I absolutely love. During that summer I met a few people that I

However the problem remains, I have yet to meet a man. I know ocllege campuses are a great place because the entire population is in the same age category, similar life style etc but you know what, it just hasn't happened yet and I'm not quite sure why. Granted it's only been two three weeks since I've been here but nonetheless it just hasn't happened.

It's made me pretty irritable. The one guy who might have been interested in me got turned off I'm sure because I'm generally perky but I've been a little fazzled lately because of my situation.

Howver I know in the end this will be a testament of faith and I will be fine, so yeah. =)Just praying for patience =)
i had a date.... it went well....... the guy really likes me.. i just dont know if i like him as much as he likes me. i think he is cute, but there are some cultural issues on his end. he is muslim and i am not, and i am not sure how well it will go over that i am not palestinian. but it was a nice date.. not fiddy cent " you aint gotta take your panties off just move em to the side" style that dating has become...
I met a guy last week. Cute as can be, smart, funny, all of that. We had an all night conversation, and he kisses SOOOOOOO good...

The pessimist in me said he wasn't gonna call, so imagine my surprise when he did! :grin:
The guy I met @ Target is on that dumb stuff. :nono:

I went to a baseball game with the guy I met @ Wal-mart. He smelled soooo good...:lick:. The conversation was interesting. I'm going out with him again this weekend.....:D
I ran into a old college friend today I had a MAJOR crush on. I mean, I had it bad for this dude, but was never in the position to do anything about it, even though we did mess around one day.

I couldn't talk to him long because he was off to a meeting and so was I, but I did get his number.

I had heard he was in a serious relationship. I'm kind of hoping that's not the case.
Today is a bad day. :sad:

I saw some pics of my ex's wedding on Facebook. We dated once, he did my dirty, then begged for another chance for a year. I gave it to him, and then after a few months he broke up with me, he claimed because of our religious differences, even though he knew we didn't share the same faith the first time we dated. Then he's engaged to her 3 months after we break up. :ohwell:

I know I shouldn't be bothered, but I am....It just seems like it'll never happen for me. :sad:
Today is a bad day. :sad:

I saw some pics of my ex's wedding on Facebook. We dated once, he did my dirty, then begged for another chance for a year. I gave it to him, and then after a few months he broke up with me, he claimed because of our religious differences, even though he knew we didn't share the same faith the first time we dated. Then he's engaged to her 3 months after we break up. :ohwell:

I know I shouldn't be bothered, but I am....It just seems like it'll never happen for me. :sad:

Wow I am sorry. This is the exact reason why I keep myself off of myspace and facebook. It can conjure up too many negative things that you may not be ready to face head on when dealing with folks you know.
So ladies,

Any updates? Anything interesting happen since you last wrote.

Not much going on here. Going on with that guy again Friday. I'll be sure to pick the restaurant this time, LOL.
I never saw this thread MzLady!!!!

I like it!! Yes, let's EMBRACE the single world!

Well anywho
As you already know I NEED to stay single
And I am

And I like it actually
I want to do travel nursing, I think that will help me get to know ME

How did your date go? Wait, did you even go yet?

Edited because I just read you said FRIDAY is your date
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I never saw this thread MzLady!!!!

I like it!! Yes, let's EMBRACE the single world!

Well anywho
As you already know I NEED to stay single
And I am

And I like it actually
I want to do travel nursing, I think that will help me get to know ME

How did your date go? Wait, did you even go yet?

Edited because I just read you said FRIDAY is your date

Hey Ebony!

Yeah, sometimes you just gotta totally focus on youself for awhile.

It's easy to let someone come into the picture and throw you off track.

And yeah, my date is Friday but we had our very first date about 2 weeks ago.

Went very well, there's a post about it in this forum somewhere.

ETA: It was so nice to meet you, girl! You are too cute. You gonna have to hang out longer next time, but I know you were sick so I'll give you a pass.

(even though I was too and I still managed to suck it up) :look::lachen:
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Let me tell you!!!!
I had a 102 fever after that
And my throat was closing up!!!!
But I worked out and it went away!
I wish I knew that from the beginning.

But yes we have to hang out longer, I need some of that wisdom. Hope your date goes well :)

Hey Ebony!

Yeah, sometimes you just gotta totally focus on youself for awhile.

It's easy to let someone come into the picture and throw you off track.

And yeah, my date is Friday but we had our very first date about 2 weeks ago.

Went very well, there's a post about it in this forum somewhere.

ETA: It was so nice to meet you, girl! You are too cute. You gonna have to hang out longer next time, but I know you were sick so I'll give you a pass.

(even though I was too and I still managed to suck it up) :look::lachen:
Let me tell you!!!!
I had a 102 fever after that
And my throat was closing up!!!!
But I worked out and it went away!
I wish I knew that from the beginning.

But yes we have to hang out longer, I need some of that wisdom. Hope your date goes well :)

Awww, man. You were sick for real! Are you feeling better?

Well I'm glad you stopped by!:yep:
Well, I'm definitely still single. To get my sexy on, I've decided to travel with some friends to ATL for the Spelman-Morehouse homecoming. Now I have a new extracurricular project... Getting my grown and sexy outfit collection together for the weekend. :grin:
Ladies don't you think we should have a thread to match up our single male friends with the single ladies here. I have single male FRIENDS nothing more than that so basically they are off limits for me.. but I'm sure another lady will like to jump on that... I dont know its just an idea...
Ladies don't you think we should have a thread to match up our single male friends with the single ladies here. I have single male FRIENDS nothing more than that so basically they are off limits for me.. but I'm sure another lady will like to jump on that... I dont know its just an idea...

That's actually not a bad idea!
How the hell you gonna say nothing really go on here and then say but I'm not single anymore??

Girl you better get back in here and elaborate!!
Well it is with mr man.. the palestinian guy that i met at school.. he is reallllyyyyy great...... We are exclusively dating( which wasnt hard since neither one of us had any prospects anyways...) he is super sweet and nice and funny and caring and all that good stuff, although he is quite silly..... But it is great
Well it is with mr man.. the palestinian guy that i met at school.. he is reallllyyyyy great...... We are exclusively dating( which wasnt hard since neither one of us had any prospects anyways...) he is super sweet and nice and funny and caring and all that good stuff, although he is quite silly..... But it is great

Well, congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you.

(as I slip out and revisit that drinking the haterade thread)


Naw, for real- that's great. Tell him he better act right cause if not, he's gonna have a bunch of cousins on his ***!!!!
I swore I loved being single at one point. So much so that I can't even get a date now. I mean dang...can I get a "how u doin?" a look? SOMETHING dag!
Well, congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you.

(as I slip out and revisit that drinking the haterade thread)


Naw, for real- that's great. Tell him he better act right cause if not, he's gonna have a bunch of cousins on his ***!!!!

Lol dont hate on me cuz you KNOW WHERE I WAS lol. How did your dates go?
Lol dont hate on me cuz you KNOW WHERE I WAS lol. How did your dates go?

LOL. We'll you've come a long way, baby!!!! :lachen:

I have my 2nd date tonight.

The first date went very well so I'm looking forward to seeing him again. :yep:

He's been doing a great job of keeping me occupied via instant messenger at work this week, LOL.
Well it is with mr man.. the palestinian guy that i met at school.. he is reallllyyyyy great...... We are exclusively dating( which wasnt hard since neither one of us had any prospects anyways...) he is super sweet and nice and funny and caring and all that good stuff, although he is quite silly..... But it is great

Girl, I had an americanized Palestinian for 4 years. He was okay until they sent him to Afghanistan (infantry) and after that he came back CRAZY!!!!!:nono: Wow, so many good memories!!!!:love: Mine was all of the above and then some!!!
Girl, I had an americanized Palestinian for 4 years. He was okay until they sent him to Afghanistan (infantry) and after that he came back CRAZY!!!!!:nono: Wow, so many good memories!!!!:love: Mine was all of the above and then some!!!

I think I'm beginning to notice a trend here. My man is a total sweetheart.