The Official Sexy and Single Thread

I was just reading that book . I had a guy dissappear on me this week and i am not happy about it. I am one of the ones who had never had a serious boyfriend. It just never seems to happen for me. I try and date never really seem to get any where. It is hard because i think i am a good catch, i am pretty smart good person, but i just never seem to get anywhere. I feel like a BIG LOSER. My longest relationship was 6 months.... It is very frustrating because i see my friends "knock it out of the park" with the first guy they meet and i seem to keep hitting foul balls:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:. I kinda feel like i am destined to be single and i am only 23....

Awww, I'm sorry mami!

You will not be single forever, I promise!
I'm a week away from 30 so I feel your pain.:lachen:


You know what, though? I'm actually having fun right now.

I thought I would take me years to get over my ex and it hasn't. It only took about 8 months. I'm iffy as far as wanting to be in a relationship again, but right now I'm cool with having a few people in my life that serve different purposes.

And when/if Mr. Right comes along, I'll have no problem leaving those folks alone cause I'm not emotionally attached to them.
I've decdied to spend less time with my SINGLE, bitter (yes I said and meant bitter) girlfriends!:yep:

A number of my freinds have basically given up on love, and I don't want that type of energy around me! Some I truly feel are "haters" when it comes to the men - that "if I'm miserable, I want you to be miserable too" type thing.

I'm tired of being invited to "girls" nights out or vacationing with girlfriends - can we get some men up in the mix?

I went to a cookout on Saturday and the "girls" were shocked :blush: that a newlywed bought her HUSBAND (The other married women left their men at home) to the event and the sad thing was the only man there!:nono:

I'm grown, sexy, single but enjoy the company and love of a MAN!:yep:
I've decdied to spend less time with my SINGLE, bitter (yes I said and meant bitter) girlfriends!:yep:

A number of my freinds have basically given up on love, and I don't want that type of energy around me! Some I truly feel are "haters" when it comes to the men - that "if I'm miserable, I want you to be miserable too" type thing.

I'm tired of being invited to "girls" nights out or vacationing with girlfriends - can we get some men up in the mix?

I went to a cookout on Saturday and the "girls" were shocked :blush: that a newlywed bought her HUSBAND (The other married women left their men at home) to the event and the sad thing was the only man there!:nono:

I'm grown, sexy, single but enjoy the company and love of a MAN!:yep:


I feel ya, girl!!!
I love being single but I hate it.

All the guys I date are starting to look the same.:look:

But dangitt, I sure as heck love the free meals. :lol:

At this point I'm either ready for a fully committed relationship or I'm ready for complete dating isolation.

I'm giving myself until my birthday (October) to go one way or the other.

Haha, the bolded above is too funny, I feel the same.
But right now I am at the point where I'll even pass on the dates because I don't feel like being bothered. I want to be in a relationship, but I'm not really feeling the guys I go out with. So, when I do go out it's just to have something to do- and that's not fair to them AND guys don't just see it as hanging out- if you go out they assume you have some feelings and that there's some potential there. Then they push for that and you pull away and it's just a bad situation. :nono: I don't want to hurt anybody's feelings, so what do you do?

I want to find Mr Right for Me and the guys I know are good guys, good relationship/marriage material, but if there's no chemistry.... :perplexed Do you all know what I mean- it's like I want to be excited about a guy again
Well I'm single and sexy. For awhile I was getting really depressed about my situation, but I've recently decided to just go out and have fun and take each day as it comes. I've been feeling a lot better since adopting this approach. I know the right person will come along eventually until then I will not be miserable until he does.
Haha, the bolded above is too funny, I feel the same.
But right now I am at the point where I'll even pass on the dates because I don't feel like being bothered. I want to be in a relationship, but I'm not really feeling the guys I go out with. So, when I do go out it's just to have something to do- and that's not fair to them AND guys don't just see it as hanging out- if you go out they assume you have some feelings and that there's some potential there. Then they push for that and you pull away and it's just a bad situation. :nono: I don't want to hurt anybody's feelings, so what do you do?

I want to find Mr Right for Me and the guys I know are good guys, good relationship/marriage material, but if there's no chemistry.... :perplexed Do you all know what I mean- it's like I want to be excited about a guy again

Wow. I could have written that post word for word. That is exactly how I feel about my situation.
there is an update. There is this guy that i like.. i think he may like me too... He and i have been facebookin each other and today he called me GORGEOUS.... Yay....
no, i met him at school. he is currently in italy for the semester. he and i used to have competitions to see who was the smartest b/c we had class together.. and he would always tease me like a fourth grade. he seemed to treat me better than everyone else. ppl would notice it idk.. i will keep u posted
no, i met him at school. he is currently in italy for the semester. he and i used to have competitions to see who was the smartest b/c we had class together.. and he would always tease me like a fourth grade. he seemed to treat me better than everyone else. ppl would notice it idk.. i will keep u posted

Aww, this is so sweet :yep:
I think it is too. I never seem to have relationships that seem to start out like this one.. I really would like to be with him and he has sooo many qualities that i like in a man. I think he likes me, why else would he call me gorgeous... I have always gotten that vibe from him but i dont know.. i jus dont want it to come into unrequitted love

I just came home from my first dinner date in a very long time. It was fun. The man that I met is not from here, he was just here on business, and that's cool. I just wanted to get my feet wet for future endeavors. Very much a gentleman, and nice. I am just excited that I actually went on a date ya'll.:yep:
I went on a date too this evening. All I am left saying is NEXT! I swear if someone would have told me a decade ago I would still be in the dating game I would have laughed at them. This game is getting very old quickly.

I just came home from my first dinner date in a very long time. It was fun. The man that I met is not from here, he was just here on business, and that's cool. I just wanted to get my feet wet for future endeavors. Very much a gentleman, and nice. I am just excited that I actually went on a date ya'll.:yep:

Sounds like you had a great time! What a nice way to get your feet wet again.
I went on a date too this evening. All I am left saying is NEXT! I swear if someone would have told me a decade ago I would still be in the dating game I would have laughed at them. This game is getting very old quickly.

I am feeling this way about the dating game myself. I am sick of dating already. Somedays I just want to delete all my online profiles and just join the convent.

I've been talking to a few guys that seem nice but I'm not really feeling any of them.

Then there's this one guy I really have a great time with, tall, good looking, but I just know in my heart of hearts he's a player so I am not allowing myself to catch feelings. I wouldn't trust this dude any farther than I can throw him. But he's a good time and I guess that's o.k. for right now until I find someone worth the time and effort.

Then there's this guy who is sweet, decent, intelligent, and I vibe with him pretty well, but physically, I am not very attracted to him at all. Maybe I'll fall in love with him anyway if I give it a chance.

I am just sick of meeting guys who are lacking in some way.
hey ladies... i am just having one of those days....... ones where men suck royally and i am really feeling being single.....

What happened?
You know i am just going through one of those days where i really really really want someone to tell my day to, like someone to help me get my son dressed and just have a man around. to not always go home to my parents only. just that kind of thing. I havent talked ot my friend in italy since last week, but i think i am being very unreasonable about how often i want him to email me.... he is in italy on a fantastic trip studying and learning the culture, but i am here and i am LONELY.........
So this weekend I went to Atlantic City to kick it with a big group of friends. One of my friends invited one of his friends, who turned out to be such a freaking cutie! Plus he's smart and funny.

And of course, he lives in Philly. :rolleyes: I have the WORST luck. I always meet guys that I'd like to date who live in other cities.
You know i am just going through one of those days where i really really really want someone to tell my day to, like someone to help me get my son dressed and just have a man around. to not always go home to my parents only. just that kind of thing. I havent talked ot my friend in italy since last week, but i think i am being very unreasonable about how often i want him to email me.... he is in italy on a fantastic trip studying and learning the culture, but i am here and i am LONELY.........

I hear you.

Some days are definitely better than others. I was REALLY feelin' it the last few days, then I spent some time with my friend last night. I know it's not gonna go anywhere, but damn it, I just needed to be held and shown some affection for a little while, you know?
So this weekend I went to Atlantic City to kick it with a big group of friends. One of my friends invited one of his friends, who turned out to be such a freaking cutie! Plus he's smart and funny.

And of course, he lives in Philly. :rolleyes: I have the WORST luck. I always meet guys that I'd like to date who live in other cities.

Awww, damn. That's the worst part about meeting dudes when you're out of town.
yeah that sucks meeting guys from out of town. I have a friend but things are really complicated when it comes to that situation so i dont wanna call him. os it is just me....
Boy do I ever have those "I hate being single days." Those days just seem to pop out of nowhere. That is the worst part about being single. But for me the mood seems to pass as quickly as it comes.

Now I'm in a situation where I have to have the "are we on the same page?" talk with one of the guys I am seeing. I have been seeing him about 2x a week for about a month now. I've always thought he was not really serious and was just a player or something. But the other day he said some things that make me wonder about what he is thinking. We were messing around and he said something like "I want to be the only one." I don't know if that's something he said in the heat of the moment or what. He's also in passing said stuff about spending a lot of time together, but I always thought that is what all players say to get into your panties. I'm also talking to a couple of other guys at the same time.

That "are we on the same page" talk is just so awkward for me. I don't even know how to bring it up. And even if I do manage to initiate the conversation, I don't even know what to say to him. I really have a good time with him and am very attracted to him, but I wonder if it is too soon to settle down with one person and I still wonder if he is someone who I can trust. I just got out of a very bad, off and on, 10 year relationship, so I don't know if I'm thinking clearly.

Also, I'm afraid that I may be reading too much into what he said, and I"ll ruin the whole vibe we have going. I'm happy just having fun with him for now. I am just pretty confused about what to do right now. :confused: