The Official Sexy and Single Thread

LOL. We'll you've come a long way, baby!!!! :lachen:

I have my 2nd date tonight.

The first date went very well so I'm looking forward to seeing him again. :yep:

He's been doing a great job of keeping me occupied via instant messenger at work this week, LOL.

Well I am glad you seem to have found some worthy of spending your time with. I hope it works out well because you are a sweet person.
Well I am glad you seem to have found some worthy of spending your time with. I hope it works out well because you are a sweet person.

I was just bumping this thread to see how everyone is doing and I'm like "oh no, I totally missed this post"

Thanks, girl!

We actually had dinner last Wednesday, which was nice. We've been talking on the phone alot more lately and we definitely have as good a vibe as we do on IM and in person.

I'm finding that I like him more than I was expecting. wWe bug out with each other like we've been friends for years. I stay laughing all the time with him. But now I'm like, okay- I think it has the potential to be more and it's caught me off guard. I'm kind of scared to be honest.
Well I am back with my ex. I don't know but things seem very different in a good way with us this time. We are actually listening to each other now and trying to make us work. The other night he brought up the subject briefly about marriage. I am so not ready to discuss that yet. I was like let's just see where our relationship is next year this time:perplexed I have to give him some credit- I have been making him wait for a looooooooooong time and he's still willing to hang in there with me.
Well I am back with my ex. I don't know but things seem very different in a good way with us this time. We are actually listening to each other now and trying to make us work. The other night he brought up the subject briefly about marriage. I am so not ready to discuss that yet. I was like let's just see where our relationship is next year this time:perplexed I have to give him some credit- I have been making him wait for a looooooooooong time and he's still willing to hang in there with me.

Oh wow- congrats.

Hop everything works out this time.
I was just bumping this thread to see how everyone is doing and I'm like "oh no, I totally missed this post"

Thanks, girl!

We actually had dinner last Wednesday, which was nice. We've been talking on the phone alot more lately and we definitely have as good a vibe as we do on IM and in person.

I'm finding that I like him more than I was expecting. wWe bug out with each other like we've been friends for years. I stay laughing all the time with him. But now I'm like, okay- I think it has the potential to be more and it's caught me off guard. I'm kind of scared to be honest.

This sounds very exciting and promising..I'm rooting for ya!ll :)
Well damn!

That was quick! What happened?

Do I need to call my people?

Man he called me a liar because i wouldnt let him listen to my voicemail.... he also got mad when a wrong number called my phone and he thought i knew the number and really deleted it........
Man he called me a liar because i wouldnt let him listen to my voicemail.... he also got mad when a wrong number called my phone and he thought i knew the number and really deleted it........


So he was a bit of a psycho. I see.

I'm sorry, sweetie. But at least you didnt waste too much time on his crazy ***.
yeah i am glad that i did get rid of him.... so many character flaws came out... or well i started to notice them

Well, you did the right thing.

You didn't stick around waiting to see if things would get better or if you could "change"him or any of the other things we tend to do.

I'm really proud of you! (I mean that in the least condescending way possible), LOL.
Yeah i think a lot of us think that we need to change him, but i think there is someone out there for me who doesnt need any changing and fixing....
Well, me and ole boy are having dinner tonight. I'm really excited and I made sure I look extra cute today.:gorgeous:

We've talked about the things I had issues with and they've improved.

But we'll see.
I havent been in here in a while, so here's my update:

*sent a guy that I was really digging to the Island of Lost Men. He's busy with school and interviews and whatnot, and I knew I was gonna set myself up for heartache if I continued to pine for him. Maybe when he's less busy we can spent time together.

*This past weekend, I went to dinner, the martini bar, and the movies with the same guy. And he came over for dinner on Sunday. But I don't know if those were dates or just hanging out. We also work on the same site but in totally different areas, so we never see each other at work, only outside of work.

*A guy that I used to like back in college hit me up on FB and he still looks great! I must have thought him up, cause I had been thinking about him recently. I really really really liked him and we spent a ton of time together, but we never dated cause he was in a LDR.
Well, me and ole boy are having dinner tonight. I'm really excited and I made sure I look extra cute today.:gorgeous:

We've talked about the things I had issues with and they've improved.

But we'll see.

Go 'head mzlady! Hope everything goes welll!

I haven't updated in awhile. I've been seeing a new guy for about three weeks. He's cool, nice, great chemistry, interesting,has a great body, and seems to adore me. We've had about 5 dates one of which was an all day saturday date; that ended up being way more fun then I thought it would be. We did some light shopping, went to the pier, had ice cream, and sat looking at the water and just talked. I'm trying to take it slow, but it's difficult, and he's into me, and making his feelings known, even the prospect of taking me off the market whenever I'm ready.:look: I'm still seeing other ppl in the meantime. I have alunch date on weds that I'm really curious about.

Another cool guy that I've only met once, and have been talking to for about four weeks. we'll see though ....:rolleyes: That's about it.
I havent been in here in a while, so here's my update:

*sent a guy that I was really digging to the Island of Lost Men. He's busy with school and interviews and whatnot, and I knew I was gonna set myself up for heartache if I continued to pine for him. Maybe when he's less busy we can spent time together.

*This past weekend, I went to dinner, the martini bar, and the movies with the same guy. And he came over for dinner on Sunday. But I don't know if those were dates or just hanging out. We also work on the same site but in totally different areas, so we never see each other at work, only outside of work.

*A guy that I used to like back in college hit me up on FB and he still looks great! I must have thought him up, cause I had been thinking about him recently. I really really really liked him and we spent a ton of time together, but we never dated cause he was in a LDR.

LMAO @ island of lost men. I thought I was gonna have ship ole boy over there as well. :rolleyes:

Good luck with the college dude. As always, I have my people on standby in case don't act right. Gotta look out for my LHCF sistas!!! :grin:

A guy that was hopelessly in love with me in high school found me on myspace. He was never really my type romantically but he was a great friend. We're gonna hook up cause we havent' seen each other in like 10 years!
Go 'head mzlady! Hope everything goes welll!

I haven't updated in awhile. I've been seeing a new guy for about three weeks. He's cool, nice, great chemistry, interesting,has a great body, and seems to adore me. We've had about 5 dates one of which was an all day saturday date; that ended up being way more fun then I thought it would be. We did some light shopping, went to the pier, had ice cream, and sat looking at the water and just talked. I'm trying to take it slow, but it's difficult, and he's into me, and making his feelings known, even the prospect of taking me off the market whenever I'm ready.:look: I'm still seeing other ppl in the meantime. I have alunch date on weds that I'm really curious about.

Another cool guy that I've only met once, and have been talking to for about four weeks. we'll see though ....:rolleyes: That's about it.

Thanks girl! I'll give ya'll the 411 tomorrow.

Well that sounds promising!!!! But it's good your keeping your options open. Wish I could do the same but they aint exactly bangin down my door if you know what i mean (well at least not the decent ones).

Makes sure you let us know how the lunch date goes!
I've haven't been on the boards in the minute. But I must say I've been bad...very, very, very bad. :nono: I've been keeping company with this guy I would never ever in a million years get into a serious relationship with, but he's suuuuuch a good kisser, among, ahem, other things. :drunk: He's also a lot of fun when we hang out. So I guess I'm letting him hang on until something worthwhile comes along.
Checking in!

I just came back from speed dating. I wasn't really feeling the idea at first, but my friend wanted to go and I went along in support (it isn't often that she actually wants to get up and go out somewhere).

I'm really glad I went. :yep: I haven't been on a date in... oh... about 6 months or something like that :ohwell: but I felt hella comfortable yakking it up at speed dating. One guy even said to me that I seemed very confident and comfortable, like I had done this before. I told him I was just a people-person and liked meeting new people. This is a huge feat for me because I'm usually Nervous Nellie.

I really think it did me some good to get out of the house and mixing and mingling. I marked down "yes" to any guy who didn't seem like insanity on wheels. We'll see if there were any mutual matches soon. If so, I'll get their contact info.

There was one real cutie in the house. We had an amazing conversation in those 3 minutes.... :laugh: .... in Espanol. It started off really silly. I said aloud that he was numero cinco as he walked up and we just kept talking to each other in Spanish. Surprisingly, we were was able to carry off almost an entire convo. It was cool. He really intrigued me. :yep: I hope he marked "yes" too.

Even if he didn't mark "yes," it still leaves me with some hope that there may actually be interesting, dateable men in the area. It's been quite awhile since I've met anyone to be interested... much less, intrigued. :eek:
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The guy I met @ Target is on that dumb stuff. :nono:

I went to a baseball game with the guy I met @ Wal-mart. He smelled soooo good...:lick:. The conversation was interesting. I'm going out with him again this weekend.....:D

So far, so good with Mr. Wal-Mart. We're conversing and seeing each other on a regular basis. I'm missing him because he's out of town for the week. :sniff:
Congrats my partner in crime SB:grin:

Ok I know I will be judged by this but please listen.....


You guys know I'm in GA this week...... Well I finally met up with my ex after 5yrs:blush: Well it was great. Can you believe that? We were both nervous(cause we told each other via email before meeting) and kind of scared. But things went well. At times it was as if we were never apart. For a second I thought about the fact that if things had worked out we would be looking at a good chance of seeing 10yr+ anniversary one day. Emotions and feeling are still there. He made me a CD that I'm listening to right now, and I love it. Right now I'm thinking too much of him. Future past, current and Future. Why do i see myself having something with him?

Why do I feel that if things should or would work out that we would have a great life together. What the hell was that bad interruption for? What did I need to learn? or was it that he needed to learn something? I'm really trying to figure out why things worked out the way it did in the past, what was the benefit of it? Is it meant to be for us? I'm so sure that he could be the one, but i don't want to play myself.

I'm just speaking out loud. A girl is hella confused, and apparently can't deny the fact that I'm still in love with him. :sad::sad::sad:
Litttle vent real quick, why am i single and been in an argument with dude not even my boyfriend all day!:wallbash:
Got turned down to chill with another "friend" :nono:
Don't wanna chill with my ex too scared to get feelings agian.
Whats the use of having three and its basically all bullsh!!!!
Congrats my partner in crime SB:grin:

Ok I know I will be judged by this but please listen.....


You guys know I'm in GA this week...... Well I finally met up with my ex after 5yrs:blush: Well it was great. Can you believe that? We were both nervous(cause we told each other via email before meeting) and kind of scared. But things went well. At times it was as if we were never apart. For a second I thought about the fact that if things had worked out we would be looking at a good chance of seeing 10yr+ anniversary one day. Emotions and feeling are still there. He made me a CD that I'm listening to right now, and I love it. Right now I'm thinking too much of him. Future past, current and Future. Why do i see myself having something with him?

Why do I feel that if things should or would work out that we would have a great life together. What the hell was that bad interruption for? What did I need to learn? or was it that he needed to learn something? I'm really trying to figure out why things worked out the way it did in the past, what was the benefit of it? Is it meant to be for us? I'm so sure that he could be the one, but i don't want to play myself.

I'm just speaking out loud. A girl is hella confused, and apparently can't deny the fact that I'm still in love with him. :sad::sad::sad:

No judgement here.

I understand the concept behind the whole "an ex is an ex for a reason" but I also think sometimes things don't work out, not because you shouldn't be together, but because there are things you need to accomplish individually first. Or because you have some growing up to do. Or like you said, there were things you needed to learn. It's not always cut and dry like folks make it seem sometimes.

My girl stayed in touch with one of her exes over the years. Last year, he moved to CT from MD to be with her and they're talking about getting married.

So it can work out. :yep:

Good luck to you!
Thanks girl! I'll give ya'll the 411 tomorrow.

Well that sounds promising!!!! But it's good your keeping your options open. Wish I could do the same but they aint exactly bangin down my door if you know what i mean (well at least not the decent ones).

Makes sure you let us know how the lunch date goes!

I don't know why they aren't. Men are crazy!:spinning:

So the lunch date, in the words of Lauren Conrad from the Hills was "a great date, but no chemistry". Seriously he was a touch on the short side, cute to decent in the face, and an interesting guy, but there was nothing there. I mean I like him as a friend, but it was just dead and dry. He seemed pretty interested in me, adn told me I was pretty, but I just didn't get that feeling, like that I could talk to him forever, or we have so much in common, or even am I staring b/c he's really cute feeling. I would go out with him again, but only if he asked, and if he didn't it'd be no sweat off my back.

Things with new guy are going good, almost too good. It's like he never messes up, and he's just such a cool person. We just sit on the phone laughing, which is really nice after the days I've been having. I'm continually impressed with him. We're hanging out tonight and this weekend so hopefully things continue in the upward pattern. *crossing fingers*:rolleyes:
I don't know why they aren't. Men are crazy!:spinning:

So the lunch date, in the words of Lauren Conrad from the Hills was "a great date, but no chemistry". Seriously he was a touch on the short side, cute to decent in the face, and an interesting guy, but there was nothing there. I mean I like him as a friend, but it was just dead and dry. He seemed pretty interested in me, adn told me I was pretty, but I just didn't get that feeling, like that I could talk to him forever, or we have so much in common, or even am I staring b/c he's really cute feeling. I would go out with him again, but only if he asked, and if he didn't it'd be no sweat off my back.

Things with new guy are going good, almost too good. It's like he never messes up, and he's just such a cool person. We just sit on the phone laughing, which is really nice after the days I've been having. I'm continually impressed with him. We're hanging out tonight and this weekend so hopefully things continue in the upward pattern. *crossing fingers*:rolleyes:


Yeah, I know what you mean- I've dealt with some "dry" dudes in my life, lol.

But this other dude sounds promising so that's good! :yep: