Single Christian Women's Support Thread

I am a married woman, but would like to share my thoughts.

Then the LORD answered me and said: ”Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry. ” Behold the proud, His soul is not upright in him; But the just shall live by his faith. Habakkuk 2:2-4

Believing God for a mate is a good thing. Writing down what you desire in a mate is biblical.:yep:

Once you do that God will bring you to him..the man that you are suppose to be with.

Praying for all of you ladies!
I am a married woman, but would like to share my thoughts.

Then the LORD answered me and said: ”Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry. ” Behold the proud, His soul is not upright in him; But the just shall live by his faith. Habakkuk 2:2-4

Believing God for a mate is a good thing. Writing down what you desire in a mate is biblical.:yep:

Once you do that God will bring you to him..the man that you are suppose to be with.

Praying for all of you ladies!

Thank you for this!
I am a married woman, but would like to share my thoughts.

Then the LORD answered me and said: ”Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry. ” Behold the proud, His soul is not upright in him; But the just shall live by his faith. Habakkuk 2:2-4

Believing God for a mate is a good thing. Writing down what you desire in a mate is biblical.:yep:

Once you do that God will bring you to him..the man that you are suppose to be with.

Praying for all of you ladies!

Thank you for this! I completely forgot about this scripture! :)
I'd like to join you ladies. I have been single for a long time and could use some support right now.
Hey Girls. Just checking in. I am feeling a little twinge in my heart today. But I know that God is able. This is the first time I have felt this way. I know it's only temporary and that God will take up residence in this empty space that I am feeling. I shall continue to rejoice in His presence and stay in prayer and be grateful for ALL of His wonderful blessings.
I checked out Stormy Omartian's The Power of a Praying Woman from the library. I feel a spiritual pull in my life and God is telling me about this for a while. If I truly desire a man of God, I will need to work even harder at being a Godly, spiritual woman.
Hi ladies. I'm just checking in I know I have been MIA for a couple of weeks, but I have been so busy and tired that I really haven't had time to be on the boards much.

I am still pressing on, growing and learning in my walk. God has blessed me so much in the past month I can't even begin to tell you. I am learning how to pray, I have gotten connected in the church. I amgoing to my classes at church and trying to read the Bible in a year( this is so tough, but is rewarding and eye opening). My theme song this week has been He Wants It All- Forever Jones.... It goes hard, to say the least.

My ex is saying that he now is wanting to get on board and has gone to his church these past couple of Sundays. When we talk sometimes we talk about God, faith, trials, and blessings. Even if we don't end up together I am glad that he is trying to get closer to God.

I am thinking about you ladies and hope you have a blessed productive day.
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Hello. Thank you for this thread.

I've been single since Aug 2009, which is a big step for me (because I "STAY havin' a man"). But God has been seriously working on that spirit of loneliness. I don't feel lonely as much. I've been serving Him now, more than ever. My heart is so full of the desire to serve God rather than serve man. I can't really put it into words but since God told me to be single until further notice, friendships/relationships with family and friends have been healed, I'm receiving financial blessings, and my worship in song has been so much better.
I checked out Stormy Omartian's The Power of a Praying Woman from the library. I feel a spiritual pull in my life and God is telling me about this for a while. If I truly desire a man of God, I will need to work even harder at being a Godly, spiritual woman.

I agree. I feel convicted after reading your post.

Btw, I have the Power of Praying Woman Bible by Stormie and it is a great bible.
This is such an amazing thread. I spent yesterday evening reading all of it. I know God lead me to this thread. I went to bed with a sense of peace I haven't had in a while, after reading your posts, scriptures and prayers.

I have been in two long term relationships over the last 7 years that left me exhausted, depressed, and insecure. Had I known then, what I know now I would have saved myself from heartache and many nights of crying myself to sleep. God has never left my side, it was during these dark times that I committed my life to Him and accepted Him as my Saviour, it was in these dark times that God revealed his unconditional love for me. He lovingly took me into His arms and lead me to the TRUTH. I cannot imagine choosing my own husband....history has taught me that I am not good at picking a man-:nono:. There is no-one I trust more to make this decision for me than my Father who created me, who knows me inside out, and whose plans for me are always for my good.:yep:

The enemy will do whatever he can to destroy a God fearing couple who put God first and make God the foundation of their home. And this is definitely made easier if he can get the sons and daughters of God to join their lives with the wrong person. Thank you for this support thread, it is so nice to know that I am not on this journey alone, that my sisters are out there walking it with me and many have stayed on course and are reaping a bountiful harvest due to the good seeds they sowed.

I am on my way to buy the Beth Moore book recommended in this thread. I wish I could leave work right now I am so excited for it :spinning:, but I have so much work to do. I have found myself battling with this for a while now, and quite frankly am tired of it and I know it is not of God.

So stay strong ladies, continue to keep us updated and know that your Father loves and cares for you dearly :yep:
Just checking in :)!! I have been having an *awesome* time with God. Things become so much easier to bear when God is the focus in your live. Well, just wanted to say hi :)!
This is such an amazing thread. I spent yesterday evening reading all of it. I know God lead me to this thread. I went to bed with a sense of peace I haven't had in a while, after reading your posts, scriptures and prayers.

I have been in two long term relationships over the last 7 years that left me exhausted, depressed, and insecure. Had I known then, what I know now I would have saved myself from heartache and many nights of crying myself to sleep. God has never left my side, it was during these dark times that I committed my life to Him and accepted Him as my Saviour, it was in these dark times that God revealed his unconditional love for me. He lovingly took me into His arms and lead me to the TRUTH. I cannot imagine choosing my own husband....history has taught me that I am not good at picking a man-:nono:. There is no-one I trust more to make this decision for me than my Father who created me, who knows me inside out, and whose plans for me are always for my good.:yep:

The enemy will do whatever he can to destroy a God fearing couple who put God first and make God the foundation of their home. And this is definitely made easier if he can get the sons and daughters of God to join their lives with the wrong person. Thank you for this support thread, it is so nice to know that I am not on this journey alone, that my sisters are out there walking it with me and many have stayed on course and are reaping a bountiful harvest due to the good seeds they sowed.

I am on my way to buy the Beth Moore book recommended in this thread. I wish I could leave work right now I am so excited for it :spinning:, but I have so much work to do. I have found myself battling with this for a while now, and quite frankly am tired of it and I know it is not of God.

So stay strong ladies, continue to keep us updated and know that your Father loves and cares for you dearly :yep:

This is my testimony!!!!!!

This has blessed me just by reading it.

Welcome to our thread!!!!!
Just checking in :)!! I have been having an *awesome* time with God. Things become so much easier to bear when God is the focus in your live. Well, just wanted to say hi :)!

Me too! I am trying to get more involved in church and I am seriously considering joining the 'singles ministry' that just started in my church.

How's everyone else doing?
Hi ladies, single christian woman wanting to join. I have enjoyed reading the testiomonals one in particular about choosing the wrong mate hit right home for me so much so now I have told God I have done it my way long enough now it's your turn, God bless ladies...
I am currently reading Lady in Waiting. So far it is an excellent read. I am trying to pace myself and only read one chapter a day so that I can focus on each chapter individually and have something to meditate on during the day. I am actually feeling more content with my single state the last few days than I have in a while. God Bless.
Hi Ladies-just checking in. I worked from home today, wasnt feeling well. Spent some time listening to sermons on line by Charles Stanley and reading the bible. I really want to move states soon-but of course want to make sure I am walking on God's path. I am ready for the change :)
Hi ladies, single christian woman wanting to join. I have enjoyed reading the testiomonals one in particular about choosing the wrong mate hit right home for me so much so now I have told God I have done it my way long enough now it's your turn, God bless ladies...

Welcome :drunk:
Hi Ladies-just checking in. I worked from home today, wasnt feeling well. Spent some time listening to sermons on line by Charles Stanley and reading the bible. I really want to move states soon-but of course want to make sure I am walking on God's path. I am ready for the change :)

Welcome :grin:!!
Hi ladies, single christian woman wanting to join. I have enjoyed reading the testiomonals one in particular about choosing the wrong mate hit right home for me so much so now I have told God I have done it my way long enough now it's your turn, God bless ladies...

Welcome to you, too :grin:!!
Hi everyone. Just wanted to join in the discussion.

Season of Singleness
Creflo A. Dollar

If you are not content in your singleness, you won't be content in your marriage.

If you desire marriage, I encourage you to seek God first. Develop a strong, personal relationship with Him. He must be first before you can enjoy a relationship with anyone else. Fellowship with Him in the secret place. There, He will show you intimacy that no human being could ever show you. Once you have reached that place in Him, you will be content, fulfilled, and truly ready for the mate you desire.
I love these excerpts from Rev. Dollar's article.

I went through a period where I was in love with a certain man and I was convinced that we were supposed to be married. I was convinced that I had received confirmation from God on the matter as well. Then things went haywire. I went through a terrible period of hurt and depression.

But then I emerged from that painful period and started doing exactly what Rev. Dollar said: I began enjoying my singleness, appreciating it, and growing closer to Him. Now to be honest, I couldn't care less if I get married. I am enjoying my walk with God, enjoying taking the time to know and love myself, and enjoying this opportunity to build MY career and do the things I want. I love being able to go out on the spur of the moment and do things that give me pleasure without having to check with someone else. I love being able to come home after a long day and not have to cook if I don't feel up to it.

Life is goooood.

I wanted to share my quest to find a good church here in the DMV. Although I am not a member of this denomination, I visited a black catholic church and I really enjoyed the service. It was a little different from what I'm used to and I look forward to returning.

I could be wrong, but I think God is opening up the possibility of finding that right person for me. Over a year ago, I was distraught about a relationship that had gone sour and about an ex. I don't think about them much anymore and am just at complete peace in that part of my life. God has been healing my heart and getting me focused on His work and I must say that I am in a good place in my life. One of my friend's made a comment about it b/c she's noticed as well. I just refuse to allow riff-raff in my life now, not in the form of a boyfriend or a friend. I'm still sweet, helpful and Godly, but I think I'm learning how to be "gentle as a dove but wise as serpents."
I don't know how I missed this thread, but I'm subscribing.

Reading all the different testimonies has been uplifting. I know that they all mimic some part of my old life. I praise God for saving me and calling me his own. He has kept me from some devastating decision with men and in life in general. I know that this part of my life is to prepare me for the marriage he has for me especially as a new woman in Christ. I know this is my time to draw near to him and learn to follow and submit my entire life to Christ completely (Lord do I struggle with this:wallbash:).

I was content in my singleness until a few nights ago. As I near the dreaded age of 30 I am reminded that I am getting older. Many of the women that are in my Sistah Circle are under 25yrs so it pained me to hear that they were finding men in the church that they would like to court but here I am with no prospects. I cried as I prayed that night and I even shed a tear now for not trusting the Lord to be faithful. It also didn't help that family members and friends are putting that bug in my ear about marriage and children. I am trusting in the Lord for his will to be done but right now my ship is way off course and I am having trouble verbalizing what is in my heart. I know the Lord's timing in awesomely perfect and that I should be waiting with a glad heart but I guess I'm growing weary of always being the late bloomer.

I am glad to have found this thread and look forward to the support of a good Christian community online as another outlet. I am attending a panel discussion on Questions on Singlehood & Relationships by some of the older women in the church this weekend and really looking forward to it. I hope it will realign my contentment in my life and with Jesus and not be caught up on what the World thinks I should be doing.