Single Christian Women's Support Thread

This is off topic, but I want to ask all you Single Christians to pray for me and my son. We are facing a difficult situation and we need the touch of God.

Thanks and stay blessed!
This is off topic, but I want to ask all you Single Christians to pray for me and my son. We are facing a difficult situation and we need the touch of God.

Thanks and stay blessed!

Will definitely keep you two in my prayers.

P.S. How's your mom doing with the surgery and all?
Will definitely keep you two in my prayers.

P.S. How's your mom doing with the surgery and all?

Thanks, Loolah!

My mother is doing very well.

She went in for an infection and was put on IV antibiotics. The doctor said that if the infection could not be cleared up then she would lose the leg. I asked all of you to pray and other christians in my circle. We all stood in agreement of prayer that God would heal my mother.

Well, the doctor sent the specimen to 4 different labs and they all came back free of infection. The doctor stated that he had never seen anything like that before. I told my mother to tell him that that's the power of prayer.

Thanks for asking.
Thanks, Loolah!

My mother is doing very well.

She went in for an infection and was put on IV antibiotics. The doctor said that if the infection could not be cleared up then she would lose the leg. I asked all of you to pray and other christians in my circle. We all stood in agreement of prayer that God would heal my mother.

Well, the doctor sent the specimen to 4 different labs and they all came back free of infection. The doctor stated that he had never seen anything like that before. I told my mother to tell him that that's the power of prayer.

Thanks for asking.

Amen!! That certainly is the power of prayer. God is good.
This is off topic, but I want to ask all you Single Christians to pray for me and my son. We are facing a difficult situation and we need the touch of God.

Thanks and stay blessed!

You and your son are in my prayers! God is in control :yep:!!
As much as I love Jesus and God. I always question whether I will ever get married or even be in love. I know I am young, but to be single for this long while everyone seems to experience romantic love and I always question whether I will ever have that in my life. I know I can be timid, but I am a kindhearted person and love in that sense seems to be so distant for me!

Let me encourage you with my friends testimony. She had her first boyfriend/hubby when she was 27. I am talking about never been kissed type of girl. There was nothing wrong with her (physically or mentally), she just did not feel led to date random men just for the sake of it. We used to make fun of her and call her 'virgin mary'

She met her hubby at a wedding and he was soo taken by her, he did not want to be bothered with any other woman there (his sister had invited him so as to introduce him to another girl).
He proposed in 5 months and a year and a day to them meeting, they got married.

So take heart, you are not missing out on much... well actually you are. You are missing out on getting entangled with the wrong men, headaches, being cheated and lied on, std's, unplanned pregnancies, heartache... the list is endless!

Trust me, knowing what i know now about sexual soul-ties and how they hold one back, i would not have bothered with any of those ex-boyfriends.
Just letting you ladies know (especially Natural Love) that you and your families were/are on my heart today. I'm praying strength in your walks; edifying associations; deliverance in the face of temptation; and God's protection against all danger, seen and unseen, in Jesus' name! :yep::hug3:
Ladies pray for me. I've been single for 3 years - no prospects anywhere in sight. And today is awful - my friend who I matched up with my other friend are now engaged after only 1 year of being together! I love them both, and I wish them the best. But I question God about me? I've been hoping and praying and it feels like He's not listening! Maybe i'm being melodramatic, but why is it so easy for some and so difficult for others?

The loneliness is driving me insane.
^^ Mimi, you have to stay strong in God, and I'm not saying this flippantly (Ephesians 6:10). I know what you are going through, and a lot of ladies are going through the same as you are. Please don't lose hope!! You are in my prayers!!
Just letting you ladies know (especially Natural Love) that you and your families were/are on my heart today. I'm praying strength in your walks; edifying associations; deliverance in the face of temptation; and God's protection against all danger, seen and unseen, in Jesus' name! :yep::hug3:

Thank you so much for your prayes. God knows I appreciate it!!!
Ladies pray for me. I've been single for 3 years - no prospects anywhere in sight. And today is awful - my friend who I matched up with my other friend are now engaged after only 1 year of being together! I love them both, and I wish them the best. But I question God about me? I've been hoping and praying and it feels like He's not listening! Maybe i'm being melodramatic, but why is it so easy for some and so difficult for others?

The loneliness is driving me insane.

I can understand how you feel, but I also know that 1) God does not bless all his children the same way and 2) we have to love Him first and 3) it'll happen in His time.

We have all rushed and "helped" God find us a mate and ended up in worse shape than we where before.

Keep your faith, keep praising Him and stay strong and I will pray to ease you loneliness...and pray for God to help you also...
Ladies pray for me. I've been single for 3 years - no prospects anywhere in sight. And today is awful - my friend who I matched up with my other friend are now engaged after only 1 year of being together! I love them both, and I wish them the best. But I question God about me? I've been hoping and praying and it feels like He's not listening! Maybe i'm being melodramatic, but why is it so easy for some and so difficult for others?

The loneliness is driving me insane.

Be encouraged because I have found with God that even when it looks like nothing is happening, He is at work in your life, and inching you closer towards your good desires. Sometimes He gives you glimpses of of the work He's up to, sometimes you don't see it until later or even after the fact, but you've got to believe by faith that this is true. He longs to be gracious to you (Isaiah 30:18) and He doesn't waste anyone's time. Anything He is doing in your life is for you to experience how much He loves you more and more. So tell yourself everyday "God I trust you, I trust your ways and I trust your methods". I pray He gives you peace about this. Believe me girl, we've all been there and back. My cousin just got engaged and couple months ago she wasn't even dating! Shock was not even the word lol. But I've come too far to believe that God's abandoned me, cuz its obvious that He hasn't. So I'm over the shock now and back to putting my heart in His loving hands. Hope that helps!
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Be encouraged because I have found with God that even when it looks like nothing is happening, He is at work in your life, and inching you closer towards your good desires. Sometimes He gives you glimpses of of the work He's up to, sometimes you don't see it until later or even after the fact, but you've got to believe by faith that this is true. He longs to be gracious to you (Isaiah 30:18) and He doesn't waste anyone's time. Anything He is doing in your life is for you to experience how much He loves you more and more. So tell yourself everyday "God I trust you, I trust your ways and I trust your methods". I pray He gives you peace about this. Believe me girl, we've all been there and back. My cousin just got engaged and couple months ago she wasn't even dating! Shock was not even the word lol. But I've come too far to believe that God's abandoned me, cuz its obvious that He hasn't. So I'm over the shock now and back to putting my heart in His loving hands. Hope that helps!

Thanks wasn't enough. This really encouraged me!!

So I was in church today where God placed it in my path to meet a woman of God to touch my heart. Maybe this testimony will touch others too. If only you could meet her and get the true essence of it. I'll do my best to share it ...

At age 22, there was no husband in sight. At age 26, there was no husband in sight. At age 32, there was no husband in sight. At age 35, there was no husband in sight. Her doctor then pressured her to start thinking about having children now or never. She knew in her heart that it was not God's plan for her to be a single mother nor without a child. With that she continued to wait on her future husband. At age 38, still no husband. At age 40 she got married and now, at 42, is having her first child. God kept His promise! She got married in His time.

During the time of waiting, she continued to have trust in God. She knew that the desire in her heart to get married wouldn't be there if it was not God's plan to bless her with a husband someday. She also knew that this was a time of preparation. This was a time for her to fulfill the things God wanted her to fulfill in her singlehood ... before presenting her with her husband. This was a time to grow, mature, develop ... especially spiritually.

Her testimony immediately cast away my wavering faith in meeting my future husband. I can't let that faith waver just because he hasn't arrived in my time; as stated earlier and again in this woman's testimony, he will arrive in God's time; God's time is best. Preparation - I must prepare by continuing to absorb and know the Word; she also mentioned that the husband is not going to knock on my apartment door ... that I should be out and about doing things that I enjoy (She was in the church choir when her husband came 'knocking'); preparation does not mean idle waiting.

Anyway, I'm just so ecstatic that our paths crossed today. God has been telling me that I am not ready for my husband yet ... that it's going to be a while. I've been upset and impatient and wondering why ... just give him to me now. This woman's story brought me back to a sense of peace and patience. She made me question ... do I really want to rush God? I mean, do I really want to meet my husband now? in the state that I am spiritually? Her testimony also confirmed to me that I need to fulfill some things God wants me to fulfill before meeting my husband.
I appreciate all of the encouragement that has been given by all. Some days it just gets so rough. The mods should really make this one a sticky.

So I was in church today where God placed it in my path to meet a woman of God to touch my heart. Maybe this testimony will touch others too. If only you could meet her and get the true essence of it. I'll do my best to share it ...

At age 22, there was no husband in sight. At age 26, there was no husband in sight. At age 32, there was no husband in sight. At age 35, there was no husband in sight. Her doctor then pressured her to start thinking about having children now or never. She knew in her heart that it was not God's plan for her to be a single mother nor without a child. With that she continued to wait on her future husband. At age 38, still no husband. At age 40 she got married and now, at 42, is having her first child. God kept His promise! She got married in His time.

During the time of waiting, she continued to have trust in God. She knew that the desire in her heart to get married wouldn't be there if it was not God's plan to bless her with a husband someday. She also knew that this was a time of preparation. This was a time for her to fulfill the things God wanted her to fulfill in her singlehood ... before presenting her with her husband. This was a time to grow, mature, develop ... especially spiritually.

Her testimony immediately cast away my wavering faith in meeting my future husband. I can't let that faith waver just because he hasn't arrived in my time; as stated earlier and again in this woman's testimony, he will arrive in God's time; God's time is best. Preparation - I must prepare by continuing to absorb and know the Word; she also mentioned that the husband is not going to knock on my apartment door ... that I should be out and about doing things that I enjoy (She was in the church choir when her husband came 'knocking'); preparation does not mean idle waiting.

Anyway, I'm just so ecstatic that our paths crossed today. God has been telling me that I am not ready for my husband yet ... that it's going to be a while. I've been upset and impatient and wondering why ... just give him to me now. This woman's story brought me back to a sense of peace and patience. She made me question ... do I really want to rush God? I mean, do I really want to meet my husband now? in the state that I am spiritually? Her testimony also confirmed to me that I need to fulfill some things God wants me to fulfill before meeting my husband.

Just what I needed to hear. Sometimes I do wonder myself. Thanks for taking the time to post.

God bless!
My friend just started a group on Facebook called "Ladies in Waiting". The group is designed for single ladies desiring marriage who are preparing for marriage by faith through books, faith building assignments and telephone fellowship.

Our first faith building assignment is to begin to write about our future husband, the kind of characteristics we want him to have, the kind of marriage we want, the kind of relationship we want with our inlaws and the kind of lifestyle we want to live with our future husband. We are to ask God to help help us and align our desires with His. Then we are to tuck it away in a secret place that we can go back from time to time to read our vision.

We will read "Lady in Waiting" in March and have telephone conference discussions about this book in April.

Right now the group is private because it is for women who are serious about believing God for their husbands. If you would like to join, please PM me your facebook info so I can send you an invitation. Thanks

****Just looked at my username and thought.....this needs to be changed. Sent a request to chg it, even though I am not married any longer, I am believing God for a
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My friend just started a group on Facebook called "Ladies in Waiting". The group is designed for single ladies desiring marriage who are preparing for marriage by faith through books, faith building assignments and telephone fellowship.

Our first faith building assignment is to begin to write about our future husband, the kind of characteristics we want him to have, the kind of marriage we want, the kind of relationship we want with our inlaws and the kind of lifestyle we want to live with our future husband. We are to ask God to help help us and align our desires with His. Then we are to tuck it away in a secret place that we can go back from time to time to read our vision.

We will read "Lady in Waiting" in March and have telephone conference discussions about this book in April.

Right now the group is private because it is for women who are serious about believing God for their husbands. If you would like to join, please PM me your facebook info so I can send you an invitation. Thanks

****Just looked at my username and thought.....this needs to be changed. Sent a request to chg it, even though I am not married any longer, I am believing God for a

I always wondered, is it OK to make a list about the qualities we want in our future husbands? I always hear conflicting messages...
I used to have a list (not a shallow one), but just the qualities I desire in him, but I stopped doing it because there were so many messages against it. What do you ladies think?
I always wondered, is it OK to make a list about the qualities we want in our future husbands? I always hear conflicting messages...
I used to have a list (not a shallow one), but just the qualities I desire in him, but I stopped doing it because there were so many messages against it. What do you ladies think?

Good question. I would like to know also.
^ I'm conflicted on this as well. A Pastor that I know of stated that we need to specifically ask God what we want in a mate (Godfearing, financially stable, attractive (yes, he said this). However, I feel like you aren't truly putting it in God's hands (surrendering YOUR desires so that HIS Will will be done). God knows what we need. Do we not trust God to pick the "perfect" mate for us?
^ I'm conflicted on this as well. A Pastor that I know of stated that we need to specifically ask God what we want in a mate (Godfearing, financially stable, attractive (yes, he said this). However, I feel like you aren't truly putting it in God's hands (surrendering YOUR desires so that HIS Will will be done). God knows what we need. Do we not trust God to pick the "perfect" mate for us?

I believe that we are to ask God to make our desires what He desires for us. When we pray we ask God for whatever we need, GOd knows what we need, but we still have to pray and believe to receive it. I put on paper the characteristics that I want in a mate and pray for my future mate based on the desires that God has given me. Not only do I do this for a mate, but also for other things that I am believing and trusting God for.
I believe that we are to ask God to make our desires what He desires for us. When we pray we ask God for whatever we need, GOd knows what we need, but we still have to pray and believe to receive it. I put on paper the characteristics that I want in a mate and pray for my future mate based on the desires that God has given me. Not only do I do this for a mate, but also for other things that I am believing and trusting God for.

That makes sense!
^^^ Hm, see this is the thing...I am quite verbal and specific about other things I believe God for. It doesn't mean that I am not submitting to His will, because ultimately that's what counts, but I still tell Him what I want. I think I will start my list again. The principles remain the same, right? If we can be specific to God about most areas of our lives, surely we can be specific about our partners. Anyone agree with me here? Or can someone offer a different perspective?
^^^ Hm, see this is the thing...I am quite verbal and specific about other things I believe God for. It doesn't mean that I am not submitting to His will, because ultimately that's what counts, but I still tell Him what I want. I think I will start my list again. The principles remain the same, right? If we can be specific to God about most areas of our lives, surely we can be specific about our partners. Anyone agree with me here? Or can someone offer a different perspective?

I totally agree. If what we are asking is out of His will, He will show us and guide us in a different direction.
My friend just started a group on Facebook called "Ladies in Waiting". The group is designed for single ladies desiring marriage who are preparing for marriage by faith through books, faith building assignments and telephone fellowship.

These are good things but I believe that it's also important to learn about the God given differences (emotional, sexual, communicative, etc) between men and women. Sometimes we need to hear from men and interact with men in order to learn more about them. It's easy as a Christian woman to end up in a female bubble - for example most of our marriage talk is mainly focused on the spiritual and emotional, while men don't usually think of marriage or marriage preparation in the same way.

I work in a harsh, male dominated environment and I'm actually thankful for it in the sense that I've had to learn better ways to communicate with co-workers and superiors to express my opinions and needs and also satisfy what they need from me. I know that part of major struggle in relationships are communication barriers. I also attend a church where men and women speak frankly about marriage and the male/female dynamic.

I understand that we sometimes need seasons where we distance ourselves from men, but at some point we can't prepare ourselves effectively for marriage without male input IMO, whether from role models, fathers, uncles, etc.
These are good things but I believe that it's also important to learn about the God given differences (emotional, sexual, communicative, etc) between men and women. Sometimes we need to hear from men and interact with men in order to learn more about them. It's easy as a Christian woman to end up in a female bubble - for example most of our marriage talk is mainly focused on the spiritual and emotional, while men don't usually think of marriage or marriage preparation in the same way.

I work in a harsh, male dominated environment and I'm actually thankful for it in the sense that I've had to learn better ways to communicate with co-workers and superiors to express my opinions and needs and also satisfy what they need from me. I know that part of major struggle in relationships are communication barriers. I also attend a church where men and women speak frankly about marriage and the male/female dynamic.

I understand that we sometimes need seasons where we distance ourselves from men, but at some point we can't prepare ourselves effectively for marriage without male input IMO, whether from role models, fathers, uncles, etc.

I agree. And this is just one vehicle (online). I am involved with several groups in which single men and women interact and discuss living Godly lives as singles. I guess I posted this because I thought there might be someone here who needed some encouragement in their season of singleness. I know I have had so many struggles in my walk and I have finally reached a place of contentment. I used to feel lonely all the time and I was afraid to date because I thought I would have sex with the first person who came alone. Now, I dont constantly think about being married, but my thoughts are "God, what do You need me to do to fulfill your purpose and Your work in the earth." Now I dont have to operate in fear. I know what I am looking for in a mate and if I meet someone who is not that, I know that they can be nothing more than a friend. I have met some great saved single guys who I go out to dinner or lunch with, but they were not for me and I am ok with that.
OT - Hey ladies, I have a book suggestion for all of us! I have it but, I haven't finished reading it yet.

Single, Married, Separated, and Life After Divorce
Myles Munroe

I view being single as a time to work on one's self so that you can be ready for marriage. Another really good book to read is Power of a Praying Woman by Stormie Omartian! It not really geared towards being single, but nonetheless it's a really good read. It helps you reflect and it also directs you to pray on things you may have never thought about.