Single Christian Women's Support Thread

Satan has been kicking my butt too. I fell so hard that I almost forgot my name. I'm praying though, praising through, and remembering that God has got my back...
As I sit nestled at the computer table at the car dealer waiting for my car to get fixed, this is one of the times where my singleness looms like a dark cloud. I know, at my age I am asking for a miracle. A man who is open to not having sex before marriage, no children, a job...that is pretty much it. I have to remember that GOD is able and is faithful. :yep:
As I sit nestled at the computer table at the car dealer waiting for my car to get fixed, this is one of the times where my singleness looms like a dark cloud. I know, at my age I am asking for a miracle. A man who is open to not having sex before marriage, no children, a job...that is pretty much it. I have to remember that GOD is able and is faithful. :yep:

God has been known to perform miracles.....Nothing is too much to ask of Him.
I would like to help however I may be way to far out in my thoughts for most ladies..most of you will get married at some point and go off in to the sunset..but for those who arent going to be wed then there needs to be some thoughts on that as well
Focusing my mind on other things. For V-day I'm going to send my best girl friend and my sisters homemade care packages. One is married, one is in a relationship, and one is single ... but I just feel the desire to do so. Going shopping tomorrow for the goodies.

Also, yesterday and today I seem to be at peace with the "loneliness". I've been praying for God to draw close to me and comfort me. I will pray the same for all the ladies in this thread. There will be easy days and there will be hard days. But God is with us regardless.
Hey ToyToy. Stay encouraged. Many of us can relate to how you feel. I know it's difficult, but remember that good things come in God's time. It will be well worth the wait.

:) Thank you!! I had a chat with God this morning (I always have chats with Him, anyway). I felt so much better afterwards. I believe in God's goodness, and that He listens. I know that He listens because He has tended to my needs always. I have had so many small miracles in the last few months that disallow me to think anything contrary to the fact that God hears. But as humans are, we get frustrated and discouraged. I'm very grateful for this particular part of the forum (I like LHCF in general anyway), even though I don't post here very often. I want to change that, though.
Focusing my mind on other things. For V-day I'm going to send my best girl friend and my sisters homemade care packages. One is married, one is in a relationship, and one is single ... but I just feel the desire to do so. Going shopping tomorrow for the goodies.

Also, yesterday and today I seem to be at peace with the "loneliness". I've been praying for God to draw close to me and comfort me. I will pray the same for all the ladies in this thread. There will be easy days and there will be hard days. But God is with us regardless.

That's such a nice and sweet thing to do!!! :yep:
Hey All4Tris:

Satan is QUITE busy but we must put on our suit of armor and like you said stay in prayer and KNOW that the victory is ours.

I will difinitely pray for you, but also him. He may need a touch from the Lord as well.

Thanks for your prayers Natural! I'm staying very prayerful in this situation! I KNOW he needs a touch for the Lord and I'm confident that he will create peace in the situation.
:) Thank you!! I had a chat with God this morning (I always have chats with Him, anyway). I felt so much better afterwards. I believe in God's goodness, and that He listens. I know that He listens because He has tended to my needs always. I have had so many small miracles in the last few months that disallow me to think anything contrary to the fact that God hears. But as humans are, we get frustrated and discouraged. I'm very grateful for this particular part of the forum (I like LHCF in general anyway), even though I don't post here very often. I want to change that, though.

Chats with God are alwyas good. Helps keep us connected and reminds of our many blessings and his promises. I am so glad that you are feeling better.
As I sit nestled at the computer table at the car dealer waiting for my car to get fixed, this is one of the times where my singleness looms like a dark cloud. I know, at my age I am asking for a miracle. A man who is open to not having sex before marriage, no children, a job...that is pretty much it. I have to remember that GOD is able and is faithful. :yep:

But just remember God is in the business of miracles..

Your salvation is a miracle, the continual renewing of the mind is a miracle, his Spirit alive in you is a miracle. All answered prayers are miracles, a word spoken in season to touch your heart is a miracle.. You are His workmanship that he detailed and purposed before the world began - and He loves you more than enough to bless you with and determine the desires of your heart. His will and timing are perfect, of that we can be sure.

Don't make me shout in here.. :drunk:
Well I'm 18 and I've never had a boyfriend, but it doesn't bother me. To me it just means that i am meant to be with only one person in this world, but as a Christian and a person growing in Christ. I know that I will meet that person when God believes I am ready! But I'm still young let me work on me I've been single this long whats a little bit more lol
Better than usual, I have to say...on Sunday I completed a 5-day raw fast which really reminded me that I already have the ultimate Love in my life--the One who's loved me in spite of everything I've done, everything I am, and everything I'm not. I feel more content than I've felt in quite some time, despite what the enemy would have me believe.

Love you ladies, and, more importantly, Jesus loves you. :love3::love2:

Happy Valentine's everyone... :giveheart:

Hi Ladies....How is everyone doing?
Hi Ladies,

I'm reading an excellent book and wanted to pass the title along: "So Long, Insecurity: You've Been a Bad Friend to Us" by Beth Moore.

From Publishers Weekly
Prolific Bible teacher and women's ministry leader Moore (Get Out of That Pit) moves away from her characteristic dead-on expositions of scriptural principles in her newest; the topic is insecurity, and the content, she admits, is close to an autobiography. Moore, always transparent with her own personal struggles, is refreshingly so throughout this text. Readers will be chortling in laughter one moment and sucking air the next as Moore exposes the many faces of female insecurity. The author names and claims each one, then defuses every bit of power these nonsensical inner voices possess by countering their lies with God's truth. Women, no matter what their age, battle against advertising's siren call for unattainable physical perfection; the habit of making a man's love the ultimate validation; and the worldly definition of success as money, power, and status. Moore uses personal essays, women's true confessions, expressive prayers, and lots of commonsense suggestions to jar women out of their insecure rut. Readers will delve into this work and find themselves comfortably uncomfortable, and this is a very good thing. (Feb.)
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Hi Ladies,

I'm reading an excellent book and wanted to pass the title along: "So Long, Insecurity: You've Been a Bad Friend to Us" by Beth Moore.

From Publishers Weekly
Prolific Bible teacher and women's ministry leader Moore (Get Out of That Pit) moves away from her characteristic dead-on expositions of scriptural principles in her newest; the topic is insecurity, and the content, she admits, is close to an autobiography. Moore, always transparent with her own personal struggles, is refreshingly so throughout this text. Readers will be chortling in laughter one moment and sucking air the next as Moore exposes the many faces of female insecurity. The author names and claims each one, then defuses every bit of power these nonsensical inner voices possess by countering their lies with God's truth. Women, no matter what their age, battle against advertising's siren call for unattainable physical perfection; the habit of making a man's love the ultimate validation; and the worldly definition of success as money, power, and status. Moore uses personal essays, women's true confessions, expressive prayers, and lots of commonsense suggestions to jar women out of their insecure rut. Readers will delve into this work and find themselves comfortably uncomfortable, and this is a very good thing. (Feb.)
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

I like Beth Moore, went to a simulcast of hers last fall. That book looks really good, I"m gonna check it out :yep:
Hi Ladies....How is everyone doing?

Hanging in there. You know, I actually thank God that V-day is on a Sunday because that way I'm sure to be surrounded by a spirit-filled Christian community (i.e., church) and be filled with an enlightening sermon.
Better than usual, I have to say...on Sunday I completed a 5-day raw fast which really reminded me that I already have the ultimate Love in my life--the One who's loved me in spite of everything I've done, everything I am, and everything I'm not. I feel more content than I've felt in quite some time, despite what the enemy would have me believe.

Love you ladies, and, more importantly, Jesus loves you. :love3::love2:

Happy Valentine's everyone... :giveheart:

I have been feeling this way lately also. It doesn't matter who walks with us, wants to be our friend or who leaves us. God is still here regardless of our shortcomings and faults. He loves us unconditionally and has supplied our EVERY need. Thank you for this, I really needed it this morning.

Hanging in there. You know, I actually thank God that V-day is on a Sunday because that way I'm sure to be surrounded by a spirit-filled Christian community (i.e., church) and be filled with an enlightening sermon.

Amen to that. I can't wait to get into God's house on Sunday.

Praise the Lord!!!
He's more than enough. I'm just grateful He granted me the opportunity to know Him. (And to think, once upon a time I didn't even want Him...what a love... :love3:)

I have been feeling this way lately also. It doesn't matter who walks with us, wants to be our friend or who leaves us. God is still here regardless of our shortcomings and faults. He loves us unconditionally and has supplied our EVERY need. Thank you for this, I really needed it this morning.


I was thinking the same thing!! I'm kind of excited about it actually... :woot:

Hanging in there. You know, I actually thank God that V-day is on a Sunday because that way I'm sure to be surrounded by a spirit-filled Christian community (i.e., church) and be filled with an enlightening sermon.
Happy Valentines Ladies :rosebud: Make sure you do something nice for 'you' on this upcoming love holiday. Count it all joy. Appreciate ALL the love you have in your life....especially Jesus' love.
Hi Ladies:

What a wonderful service at church today. Just checking in on you all and please know that we may be single but we are not alone we are covered under the mighty love of our TRUE man, Jesus Christ!

Stay blessed!
Service was *awesome* today, as anticipated...timely and truly inspiring message about waiting in faith for a mate (and for the Lord in general, for that matter) this morning and high praise and worship this evening...couldn't have asked for a better Valentine's Day. The Holy Spirit truly came in, confirmed the revelation I'd previously received, and brought the anointing (and frankly I forgot that I was "supposed" to feel sad today :giggle:). Sisters, with all the madness going around right now (especially that surrounding the institution of marriage), we're blessed that the Lord thinks enough of us to spare us the riff raff, lol...despite even our own mistakes and lapses in judgment. Personally I'm elated at the prospect that 1) He's taking His time molding me into what He would have me to be and that, little by little, I can see my own progress; and 2) He's taking His time making my husband--not just a Mr. He'll-Do. I'm more than willing to wait on the Lord in faith, as He makes no mistakes (and I know for a fact that I do). I'd love for Him to get the glory out of me/my testimony, for the opportunity to stay hidden and remain faithful and for the one who's meant for me to find me against all odds, in a way that demonstrates that no one but God could be responsible. I could go on and on, but I'll spare y' I'm just hype right now. Praise Him, and thank God for you lovely ladies! :giveheart:
As much as I love Jesus and God. I always question whether I will ever get married or even be in love. I know I am young, but to be single for this long while everyone seems to experience romantic love and I always question whether I will ever have that in my life. I know I can be timid, but I am a kindhearted person and love in that sense seems to be so distant for me!
As much as I love Jesus and God. I always question whether I will ever get married or even be in love. I know I am young, but to be single for this long while everyone seems to experience romantic love and I always question whether I will ever have that in my life. I know I can be timid, but I am a kindhearted person and love in that sense seems to be so distant for me!

Please read this. I hope it helps. I will pray for you...


Everyone longs to give himself or herself completely to someone—to have a deep soul relationship with another, to be loved thoroughly and exclusively. But God, to a Christian says, “No, not until you are satisfied and fulfilled and content with living with Me alone. I love you, my child, and until you discover that only in Me is your satisfaction to be found, you will not be capable of the perfect human relationship that I have planned for you.

You will never be united with another until you are united with Me—exclusive of anyone or anything else, exclusive of any other desires and longings. I want you to stop planning, stop wishing and allow Me to bring it to you—just keep watching Me, expecting the greatest things. Keep experiencing the satisfaction of knowing that I AM. Keep learning and listening to the things I tell you…you must wait.

Don’t be anxious. Don’t worry. Don’t look around at the things others have gotten or that I have given them. Don’t look at the things you want. You just keep looking off and away up to Me, or you will miss what I have to show you.
And then, when you are ready, I’ll surprise you with a love far more wonderful than you would ever dream. You see, until you are ready, and until the one I have for you is ready (I am working even this very moment to have both of you ready at the same time), until you are both satisfied exclusively with Me and the life I have prepared for you, you won’t be able to experience the love that exemplifies your relationship with Me…and this is a perfect love.

And, dear one, I want you to have this most wonderful love. I want you to see in the flesh a picture of your relationship and Me, and to enjoy materially and concretely the everlasting union of beauty and perfection and love that I offer you with Myself. Know that I love you utterly. I am God Almighty. Believe and be satisfied.”

As much as I love Jesus and God. I always question whether I will ever get married or even be in love. I know I am young, but to be single for this long while everyone seems to experience romantic love and I always question whether I will ever have that in my life. I know I can be timid, but I am a kindhearted person and love in that sense seems to be so distant for me!

Girl, you're 18, right? If it's any consolation, I was 19 when I met my first boyfriend. I felt the same way as you .. had friends who had their first loves at age 16, 17, and even younger. The result? I was ecstatic when a guy took notice of me at age 19 ... so much so that I didn't realize he was "gift" from the devil. Let's just say that set me on a whirlwind of falling off my spiritual walk.

No need to worry, girl. You have PLENTY of time for God to present you with the right one. If you become impatient and follow the footsteps of "everyone" else, then you'll set yourself up for failure. I'm almost 28 right now and despite having that first bf at 19 and a couple after that, I am still single and unmarried. What's more? I'm sure my impatience has delayed my blessing of husband; now I'm taking the time to "catch up" on my relationship with God and preparation for my future husband.

Please stay strong, girl. I know it's difficult ... but it's better to be single and meet the husband that God has for you at a later age than to waste time with guys are not the one just to experience that worldy version of "love". Take this time to prepare and make room for His blessing. Take the prayer above to heart.
Service was *awesome* today, as anticipated...timely and truly inspiring message about waiting in faith for a mate (and for the Lord in general, for that matter) this morning and high praise and worship this evening...couldn't have asked for a better Valentine's Day. The Holy Spirit truly came in, confirmed the revelation I'd previously received, and brought the anointing (and frankly I forgot that I was "supposed" to feel sad today :giggle:). Sisters, with all the madness going around right now (especially that surrounding the institution of marriage), we're blessed that the Lord thinks enough of us to spare us the riff raff, lol...despite even our own mistakes and lapses in judgment. Personally I'm elated at the prospect that 1) He's taking His time molding me into what He would have me to be and that, little by little, I can see my own progress; and 2) He's taking His time making my husband--not just a Mr. He'll-Do. I'm more than willing to wait on the Lord in faith, as He makes no mistakes (and I know for a fact that I do). I'd love for Him to get the glory out of me/my testimony, for the opportunity to stay hidden and remain faithful and for the one who's meant for me to find me against all odds, in a way that demonstrates that no one but God could be responsible. I could go on and on, but I'll spare y' I'm just hype right now. Praise Him, and thank God for you lovely ladies! :giveheart:

Amen! That message touched me from the computer screen.

Sunday's sermon was about God's love, how deep it is, how long suffering it is despite our sins, our mess ups, our disobedience. There is nothing like God's love ... though I hope for my future husband to have a love close enough. :yep:
I'm glad! :grin:

Amen! That message touched me from the computer screen.

Love this thread and all the anointed ministry it's inspired...NL and loola brought forth a very real word. I only wish I'd committed all my ways to Christ at 18/19; maybe then I wouldn't have missed/delayed a lot of blessings He wanted to bestow onto me between then and now. Trust, Julie, He has everything you need; He just wants you to trust Him to give it to you. :yep: I believe that the love He has for you in His time will be beyond even your own expectations. Be encouraged in faith! :hug3: