Should She Sleep With This Married Man?

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Seriously, validation from YOU. Oh no thank you. YOU have nothing to offer.

I'm not the one out here getting a sense of satisfaction and 'sweet revenge' from a 10 minute ride in a cheating no-good married man's car. Your revenge was worth about all of $3 in gas money. I mean...

That he could get you/your friend thinking about f*cking him for a chance to get back at his wife (not him, when HE was the one who started this mess)...y'all are just sad and pathetic. Have mercy.

P.S. I at least hope it was a new luxury vehicle. Wouldn't want you getting excited about hyping on his wife while riding around in a cheap entry level sedan that is 10 years old.
And since it as been established that this man has no discretion at all. There is always the chance that when or if the friend has revenge sex with him, he will pull a Ray J and brag to his coworkers and confidantes that he hit that. Which would continue to damage her work environment.

I'm not the one out here getting a sense of satisfaction and 'sweet revenge' from a 10 minute ride in a cheating no-good married man's car. Your revenge was worth about all of $3 in gas money. I mean...

That he could get you/your friend thinking about f*cking him for a chance to get back at his wife (not him, when HE was the one who started this mess)...y'all are just sad and pathetic. Have mercy.

P.S. I at least hope it was a new luxury vehicle. Wouldn't want you getting excited about hyping on his wife while riding around in a cheap entry level sedan that is 10 years old.
She accomplished just what she set out to do. Spite the wife. Cheap entry level sedan... No hon... That's your caliber.
The friend is not innocent in this scenario for three reasons: (1) she continued to engage the man after learning that he was married; (2) she didn't approach the wife to settle matters after learning of the rumors; and (3) she went out on a date with a married man. Had she ignored his antics after learning that he was married, the onus would've remained on him. Just because someone calls your name, rings your doorbell, dials your phone number, etc., it doesn't mean that a response is required. Since she repeatedly engaged him whenever he sought her out, she has to share some of the fault. Additionally, once she got hint of the rumors, she should've maturely discussed the issue with the wife instead of haughtily dismissing her. Doing this would've also kept the onus of guilt on the husband; plus, it would've shed light on her side of the issue and most likely have resolved things in a satisfactory manner. Number three is self-explanatory. Unless an individual is a baseless ho, married men are always off the table. The end. However, if the friend continues act as a blame-less victim intent upon seeking revenge instead of humbly accepting her part in this fiasco and working towards a mature solution, she may very well find her self nursing a black eye and several contusions while on the unemployment line.
Number 3 is the only one you got correct.
So now *WE* are the birds? But y'all are the ones contemplating f*cking a married man?

Yep this is trolling to the nth degree, because grown women canNOT be THIS dumb. :lachen: Yea I'm done.
No... Your not done. Cause your silly behind will back to check what else is posted. Please 'Go get yo life' or borrow someone's.
Obviously wifey is the alpha female. You guys seriously think that trying to be petty will knock her crown off?

Your friend is pathetic and weak... everyone else knows that but her (and apparently you).
Boy!!! How perceptive you are. You can draw conclusions about people's personalities.. Without ever meeting, speaking, or even seeing them. WOW!!! %}€<%£~€<peep peep. I had that translated into bird language just for you. It means get the f**k outta here. Dumb bird!!
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No offense to be taken, I appreciate everyone's opinion. My friend is my friend because we share similar values as is probably the case with you all. So, some of the decisions she makes usually aligns with my thinking (not always). So I was in support of her going on the date with Wifey's husband (although she told me afterwards). She can absolutely 'hold her own' . He treated her with respect, she was wined and dined on Wifey's dime. Rode in her car. That is sweet revenge.

I will agree that giving up the cooch is giving away too much of herself. However, wifey was too weak to deal with husband. She was too weak to leave his behind for the trifling hoe he probably is....

Suggesting that my friend reads "I strongly advise you and your friend to read the book: "Why Men Don't Love Women Like You" , by G. Lambert." is quite unnecessary, in this situation. Because this is a one time event for her. This doesn't usually happen to her. The point of my post was to figure out how to exact revenge on the wife. Instead wifey needs to read that book... For clinging to a bum of a husband. And punishing innocent people because she is to weak to leave him.

I don't have time to read through the whole thread.

The idea to have sex with someone's (a COMPANY MANAGER'S ?!??) disrespectful, likely promiscuous husband in order to GET REVENGE on that someone is like . . .

Cutting off your own hand to get back at your employer so that he has to deal with an employee that only has one hand.

Degrading YOURSELF (and disrespecting the institution of marriage) because you're that REACTIVE (versus RESPONSIVE) and into revenge and hurting people like that . . . but saying how great a person you are and how you always do right and good by people and that's why you're tired of this . . .

You know what . . .

Short answer: You don't need revenge. You need resolution. That can be achieved by letting it go, moving on, changing jobs, moving departments, documenting and filing harassment charges, etc., etc.

Oh, my.
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Hell no, why would you screw the dude? Like he gets some for being an arse and being the catalyst for this foolishness? I would catch the wife by herself and have some choice words. If she persisted with acting the fool then I might pull some reindeer games, but never ever would I consider smashing ole boy.
Hell no, why would you screw the dude? Like he gets some for being an arse and being the catalyst for this foolishness? I would catch the wife by herself and have some choice words. If she persisted with acting the fool then I might pull some reindeer games, but never ever would I consider smashing ole boy.
One of the best responses... Yet. Thank you.
Sorry... Just got back from the gym. No, I am not 18. No need to do research. My age doesn't matter. It's easy for you all to judge a persons reaction to a situation from the outside.. Like... okay stay...calm don't react to swiftly... Miss me with that BS. You know damn well if it was your situation or a close friend/ family member.. You would be foaming at the mouth. Don't make me do my stalking/research on some of y'all.
We are going after the wife because she turned co-workers against my friend. She could have very easily had a sit down discussion with my friend. My friend is a very approachable person. There was no need to drag her name, when nothing was going on.

Soooo op whats up? because how in one post you say that going the mature approach in this situation is out of the question cause yall mad but you expected the wife to have gone the mature route in the beginning even though she was probably mad.
Boy!!! How perceptive you are. You can draw conclusions about people's personalities.. Without ever meeting, speaking, or even seeing them. WOW!!! %}€<%£~€<peep peep. I had that translated into bird language just for you. It means get the f**k outta hear. Dumb bird!!

Well based on your narrative that's what it seems like lol. At least "wifey" was smart enough to smear your rep without any solid proof being traced back to her. It wasn't right but her petty's a little smarter. Meanwhile you're in the drawing lab with some baby wipes and a to go plate that's been your brightest idea so far. Please stop trying to justify and do better, seriously

OP you started this thread wrong and I see you're intent on it ending that way.

You asked people how they would handle the situation and they answered - not one poster agrees with your suggested hood-tactics. Now, I can appreciate someone who goes against the grain but even after your explanations and clarifications the response has been a resounding "NO". It's safe to say that if you choose to chuck well-intended advice and still wish to lead your "friend" down the path of a foreseeable fail, no one here can stop you.

Please post a spinny so we know how the panties on the desk idea works out. TIA.
right like op if your friend does sleep with dude pleeeeeease tell her to throw his boxers on her desk. please do.

But Wait, op you said your friend doesnt even truly know who dudes wife is, so how she putting drawzzzz on people's desks?
Obviously wifey is the alpha female. You guys seriously think that trying to be petty will knock her crown off?

Your friend is pathetic and weak... everyone else knows that but her (and apparently you).
uh no wife is a weak bird as well. because an alpha female would have addressed her raggedy husband from jump. Low key, really high-key, an alpha female would never have married such trash.
From time stamp 0:36 to 1:00 Taye looks confused and then says some words.

It captures my EXACT reaction upon my initial read of the OP.

PLEASE IGNORE THE TITLE OF THE CLIP from Brown Sugar. Also, it is NOT a safe for work clip language-wise.

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right like op if your friend does sleep with dude pleeeeeease tell her to throw his boxers on her desk. please do.

But Wait, op you said your friend doesnt even truly know who dudes wife is, so how she putting drawzzzz on people's desks?
One particular woman was giving her cold stares, checking her out when she thought she wasn't looking... So she looked up his last name from his business card and and the co-workers name came up.
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